The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 62: The 62nd day is sweet


Chi Chenyan thought of the word "dribbling" and closed his eyes, forcing himself to calm down first.

After he came back from a business trip, he did not stay in s city for a second, and directly flew to Hong Kong city.


Hong Kong City, Sanatorium and Hospital.

This is the most famous and most expensive private hospital in Hong Kong. The price is prohibitively high, and countless celebrities are the first choice for medical treatment.

In the private ward, Lu Li is sitting at the table, and the accompanying dishes on the table are comparable to those in a five-star hotel.

When she faced a pot of Cordyceps chicken soup in front of her, she didn't know why, but she felt a bit fishy.

But Lu Li still drank the soup with the smell.

Xu Huixian came out of the ward and sat in front of her daughter. The facial features of the beauty that was amazing on the screen at the time were still the same, but after careful maintenance, the corners of her eyes were still showing signs of time.

"You go home and rest after eating, it's all right."

Three days ago, Lu Hengrong suddenly fainted. After being sent to the hospital, he had an urgent radiography, and then he received a coronary stent.

During the operation, his wife and three children were all present, and the youngest daughter stayed with her mother to accompany him all the way.

Lu Li looked up when she heard it: "I won't go back, I'll accompany my father tonight."

She was almost scared to death when she knew on the phone that her father had suddenly fainted. She flew back to Hong Kong City. When she rushed to the hospital, the radiography results just came out, saying that the coronary artery was blocked and she needed a stent.

I was living in ICU before and one day after the operation, and I just moved to the general ward today.

In the past three days, she was busy, worrying about her father’s surgery, and also beware of the pervasive paparazzi.

Huixian Xu sighed at her daughter: "Your father asked you to go home and rest."

Lu Li put down the bowl: "No, I'll go in and tell him, I want to accompany him."

Xu Prixian stopped her daughter: "Just fall asleep, you are not allowed to go in and disturb your father, let you go home and rest and then go home and rest, and come back tomorrow." She said these words with an indisputable tone.

Lu Li was used to this kind of training since she was a child, and she only lowered her head: "Oh."

Huixian Xu seems to feel that her daughter shouldn't be so disciplined if she is married, so she slowed down her tone: "After eating, go back, there is me here."

Lu Li nodded.

When she was out of the ward after eating, she just ran into her second brother Lu Qian, who rushed over after work.

Lu Li remembered the photo his brother had posted on the ins with the text "Thelittleprincessofmyfamily", and suddenly felt uncomfortable, and then began to say hello stiffly, not knowing what to say, the words came out of her mouth: " Second brother, my father woke up in the afternoon, and the doctor said it was all right, and my mother asked me to go home to rest at night."

When Lu Qian heard this, he simply nodded to her with an "um", then walked around her and walked directly into the ward.

Lu Li suddenly felt that his online brother and her in reality were not alone.

People on the Internet call her the little princess, but in reality she is her little air.

Those fans who called a little princess crazy and yelled at sister-in-law because they accompanied her to a graduation ceremony certainly didn't know that sister-in-law is so ruthless in reality.

Lu Li pouted and returned to Repulse Bay.

She looked at her mobile phone in the car and found that since she went back to the city in the afternoon and found that she was not at home and asked her where she had gone, she said that after she returned to Hong Kong City, she never called or sent any messages.

Is this dog man confident enough to deliver the divorce agreement to her

In his eyes, shouldn't it be that his wife was so angry that she returned to her natal house, so when his wife returned to her natal house, let her return

Lu Li suddenly burst into anger, thinking that she couldn't get through this day, and she regretted not signing the agreement. The agreement was signed when she returned to the city of s, without delay for a second.

Repulse Bay is the most famous and most beautiful harbor in Hong Kong City, and it is also the top high-end residential area. Like other luxury houses in Hong Kong City, the main residence of the road family is also located here.

Lu Li put down her phone, copied her hands angrily, and drove back to the door of her house.

The car did not immediately drove into the park because there was a car parked in front, and the man in the co-driver got off and was negotiating with the security guard at the door.

Lu Li saw that the license plate number of the previous car did not belong to her.

She didn't say hello to anyone who came to her house as a guest.

The driver honked his horn.

The person in front of the car also found the car behind.

Lu Li saw that the door of the back seat of the car in front opened, and a long leg stepped down first.

Some man she was still scolding just got out of the car.

He walked to her car and knocked on the window.

Lu Li saw Chi Chenyan's handsome face near the car window.

It turned out that it was not his wife who returned to her natal house, but directly chased her to her natal house.

The window slowly lowered, Lu Li cleaned up her expression, don't let herself look too happy because of his arrival, and straighten her face.

Sure enough, Lu Li was sitting in the car, and Chi Chenyan finally saw someone and called her: "Li Li."

Lu Li cleared her throat: "Thank you to move your car away, I want to get in."

Chi Chenyan knew that the main point was explanation, especially the little ancestor might not even know that she was two people now. Just this posture in the car and I stood outside the car and explained in a humble manner: "Secretary Zhou took the wrong documents, I What I was going to give you was a supplementary agreement on post-marital property."

"Sorry, I always think that Secretary Zhou is cautious and didn't tell you again. I only found out that I had taken it wrong when I came back and saw it at home."

Lu Li took a look at Chi Chenyan after listening to the explanation.

Well, it was similar to what she had imagined before, but it was a mistake.

However, the divorce agreement was real. Although I didn't want to give it to her, it was definitely kept with him.

Lu Li lifted her chin: "What about the divorce agreement? You can't make Secretary Zhou make a divorce agreement for me just to get it wrong."

Chi Chenyan continued to explain: "That was before, before you got confused."

"Keep it there, forget to throw it away."

Lu Li hummed after hearing it.

Although she had really wanted to divorce Chi Chenyan before, she just thought about it in her heart. She didn't expect that Chi Chenyan had already prepared the divorce agreement.


Chi Chenyan reached into the car window to pull Luli: "Lili."

After listening to Lu Li's explanation, although her expression was reluctant, she was not a foolish person, so she still said, "Get in the car."

Chi Chenyan rode in Lu Li's car. When the guard saw this, he also put the car in which the man had been stopped.

Lu Li glanced at Chi Chenyan beside her when she entered the gate: "Did they stop you just now?"

Chi Chenyan didn't reply, turned his head and saw the forbearing smile on Lu Li's face.

Lu Li got the answer from the man's expression.

This is cool.

She leaned back on the back of the car seat, lazily: "Oh, I think my family has a good sense of security. People who don't know are not allowed to enter the car."

"It's no use calling yourself a grandfather."

Chi Chen had only visited her house twice before the banquet, once before getting married, and once the year before. Before getting married, he just sat and left. The year before last, he only stayed for one night. Even if the defender felt like it, he didn’t notify him in advance. Dare to put it in hastily.

Chi Chenyan focused on Lu Li's belly.

The two got out of the car and walked in.

Lu Li found that Chi Chenyan had flown from S City and even had time to bring gifts to her parents, but the thought of her father who was still hospitalized inevitably fainted.

"They are not here."

"You think I ran back to my parents' house because I saw the unclear divorce agreement. I didn't let you go so easily. I was going to settle accounts with you, but my father got sick, so I came back. ."

After hearing this, Chi Chenyan frowned, with a worried expression: "What's the matter?"

Lu Li: "The heart has built a stent."

"These two days have been busy, so I didn't pay much attention to you."

Chi Chenyan: "Why didn't you tell me earlier."

Lu Li shrugged her nose: "It's useless to tell you that you're not here. Besides, there is a divorce agreement."

Chi Chenyan thought of the divorce agreement, and wondered how Secretary Zhou was reflecting on it now.

Chi Chenyan: "Which hospital, I'll go over to see it tonight."

Lu Li: "I was just rushed back from the hospital by my mother. It's okay. I've been transferred to the general ward."

"Don't go over tonight, disturb them to rest, and see again tomorrow."

Chi Chenyan also didn't force it: "Okay."

Finally entering the room, he looked at Lu Li, walked over, and gently brought the person into his arms, feeling at last settled in his heart.

"I miss you."

Lu Li's face was buried in Chi Chenyan's chest, and he punched his back on the back with her hand, and then groaned, "Don't act as much as you like me. Don't you still want to divorce me before? The agreement is finished, huh."

"But don't be proud, I wanted to divorce you before."

Chi Chenyan frowned when she mentioned the word "divorce" and said, "No, you will tear up the divorce agreement when you return."

Lu Li: "Don't tear it."

She tapped Chi Chenyan's chest with her finger: "I'm going back to frame the divorce agreement and hang it around my neck. If you provoke me someday, I'll sign it all at once."

Chi Chenyan silently imagined Lu Li hanging the divorce agreement around her neck and dangling in front of him every day.

"...… …"

Must be torn, must be torn.

Don't wait to go home, call later and ask the maid at home to take it and tear it off.

Lu Li asked him again: "Did you have dinner?"

After she asked, she looked away, the dog man sent the divorce agreement to her, and she was still concerned about whether he had a meal.

Chi Chenyan was very satisfied with Lu Likou's concern about integrity, and immediately said, "No."

Lu Li: "I just ask you a question, I don't mean to invite you to dinner."

Chi Chenyan smiled and went to kiss her.

Lu Li hiding: "Who allowed you to kiss me!"

The last two people still sat at the dining table.

Lu Li deliberately asked the chef to make some small refreshments with Hong Kong City characteristics, one of which was an egg tart.

Lu Li used to like the egg tarts made by the chef at home, but today I don't know why she lost her appetite. After just two glances, she pushed her share of egg tarts to Chichen Yan.

"This is for you too, eat it and don't waste it."

Seeing Lu Li's lack of interest in egg tarts, Chi Chenyan couldn't help but get excited again when he thought of what the medical examination center said on the phone.

"Do you have no appetite?" he asked tentatively.

The doctor said that the hcg value in Lu Li's blood was higher than the normal value, which was the value in the first trimester, so the two of them were asked to have another check-up.

He also remembered Lu Li's menstrual period. If it followed a normal pattern, it should have come the first two days.

Lu Li shook her head: "Maybe it's too busy and tired these days."

She said to herself: "I feel my dad is a lot older. My mother used to call me to go home more, but I verbally agreed, but waited until my dad was sick."

"So I want to stay at home for a few more days this time."

"Good?" She raised her head and asked Chi Chenyan.

Chi Chenyan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

He could feel Lu Li's current feelings of guilt, knowing that it would be inappropriate for him to ask her anything else at this time.

Chi Chenyan held it back until the next day, and went to the hospital with Lu Li.

They can be discharged from the hospital within one week after coronary artery surgery. Lu Hengrong is much better today. When they went there, they were sitting on the bed and watching the news with reading glasses.

Her father's physical condition improved, and Lu Li was obviously in a good mood.

When the two came out of the ward, Chi Chenyan felt Lu Li's good mood, and then said to her: "It just happens to be in the hospital. How about I go with you for an examination now?"

Lu Li was ignorant and understood: "What inspection? Should I do?"

Chi Chenyan nodded, hugged Lu Li's waist, facing her small face, and said clearly: "Pregnancy check."

Lu Li looked shocked after hearing this.

Chi Chenyan gave her a positive look.

Lu Li finally reacted, from the soles of her feet to the skull, and suddenly remembered her inexplicable reaction to the chicken soup and egg tarts over the past two days.

It seems that her period has not come these days.

Lu Li lowered her head, glanced at her lower abdomen in a daze, and then raised her head to meet Chi Chenyan's gentle, contented face with a smile.

She had to accept this reality, stupidly, until at the end a sudden excitement came to mind.

She was extremely annoyed and asked, "Oh, I didn't even look at it carefully. Did your agreement clearly state who the divorced child belongs to?"

After all, I have to frame it and hang it around my neck when I go back.