The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 63: The sixty-third day is sweet


Lu Li asked quite seriously.

Chi Chenyan could only hear her blood pressure rise.

He grinds his molars: "It's mine!"

Then, one second before Lu Li's protest, he added: "You belong to me, too."

"Don't talk about divorce anymore! I had the auntie tore off the agreement last night, don't even think about it." He was firm.

Lu Li immediately quit: "Why, it's good now, but who can guarantee that in the future, if we have a rift in our relationship in the future, if we lose passion in the future, by the way, in case you follow Other women ran away and abandoned us orphans and widows. I will not be wronged like others do. I will take my child to abandon you, and then remarry a man who is richer and handsomer than you and let your child call something else. Man father, I still want..."

Chi Chenyan had to stop Lu Liba's non-stop mouth.

Lu Li whimpered and waved her arms restlessly.

So Chi Chenyan encircled Lu Li's waist with his arms.

It's safe now.

The two of them stuck together against the wall for a while, and suddenly heard a door opening behind them.

Chi Chenyan finally let go of Lu Li.

"Huh." Lu Li blushed like an apple, breathing air.

She saw her own mother, Xu Huixian, the big beauty coming out of it, standing at the door.

Chi Chenyan turned her head and glanced at Xu Huixian: "Mom."

Xu Huixian looked at Chi Chenyan first, then moved her gaze to Lu Li, who was behind Chi Chenyan, her face flushed and her lips flushed.

Lu Li immediately hid behind Chi Chenyan, grabbed his sleeve, stuck out her head, and called, "Mom."

I don't know why, she now has a feeling of being caught by her parents in her early love.

Xu Huixian nodded to her daughter and son-in-law, and closed the door as if she could see through everything.

Lu Li rubbed her cheek on Chi Chenyan's arm.

Chi Chenyan took her hand.

The two of them were checked at the Sanatorium and Hospital, and they were exactly what they expected. The doctor smiled cordially and congratulated the young couple. They were pregnant, five weeks + four days of pregnancy.

The two of them listened to the precautions for early pregnancy for nearly an hour. When they came out of the clinic, Lu Li held the pregnancy test. Although she had been mentally prepared after Chi Chenyan’s reminder, her whole body was floating. Unreality.

She turned her head and looked at Chi Chenyan again, and found that he was happily looking forward to him when he thought he might be pregnant, but now, when the speculation is thoroughly confirmed, he seems to have the same reaction as her.

After waking up, Chi Chenyan calmed himself down first, took Lu Li's hand, and said calmly: "Okay, let's get the medicine."

The doctor prescribed folic acid and other vitamins to be supplemented during early pregnancy.

Lu Li nodded and followed Chi Chenyan.

After walking two steps, he couldn't help but pull his sleeve: "Uh, you seem to be going in the opposite direction."

The man looked up and saw the opposite direction arrow.

The calmness of the strong support crackled to pieces.

So as soon as he entered the elevator, he couldn't help but pick up Lu Li, click and click on her lips, the smile on his face could no longer hide.


Lu Li was wary of someone coming in the elevator later, and turned her head to see the camera in the corner. Maybe the two uncles were sitting in front of the monitor looking at them, and immediately patted the man's arm: "Attention, pay attention to the impact."

Chi Chenyan seemed to have thought of something again, and immediately put Lu Li down, acting softly as if he was putting a piece of fragile porcelain.

He came to her lower abdomen with his big hand and pressed it tightly, as if he was afraid of something wrong.

Lu Li felt how nervous the man was about the child.

I was worried that I would compete with her when I had a child. I didn't expect that there was still a small bean sprout in my stomach, and there was already a sign of eccentricity.

Lu Li dropped the man's hand covering her lower abdomen: "Do you love it or love me?"

"I don't care if you have to love me the most, or I won't give birth."

Chi Chenyan had already thought about how the big and the young would fight to drill into his arms in the future. Thinking about this kind of picture, he was extremely happy, but no matter what, he still loved the big one the most.

He kissed Lu Li's finger: "I promise, I will always love you the most."

Lu Li seemed to be satisfied.

After taking the medicine, the two returned to Lu Hengrong's ward and told them that Lu Li was pregnant.

Chi Chenyan used to be the son-in-law of Lu Hengrong personally and his two sons who strictly checked and selected. He married Lu Li, naturally because he wanted his daughter to be good to him, but he did not expect his daughter to become a plastic couple after marrying. I don't know why I broke the ice, and I am pregnant again now. I am very happy.

Priscilla Xu remembered the appearance of Lu Li frowning at the bowl of chicken soup yesterday, and then she pulled her into a serious warning: "You are not allowed to talk outside the first three months."

Lu Li nodded.


Lu Li originally planned to stay at home for a while, but because she was pregnant, she settled down even more.

She wanted Chi Chenyan to go back to s City to go to work. Chi Chenyan was unwilling to do so, but now she is pregnant, and she refuses to let her be here alone.

Daily official affairs are handled remotely, and important documents are shipped by air.

Lu Li only felt like dreaming two days before she learned that she was pregnant. She felt that she was a baby and she was about to have a baby. She was afraid that Chi Chenyan would not hurt her if she had a baby. Now, to feel the existence of the little guy inside-even though I can't feel anything at all.

By the third day, she probably got used to it, and stopped worrying about her pregnancy all the time.

I can't say that she is less than three months old, and now only the closest family members know that she is pregnant.

Lu Li has been back to Hong Kong City for a week. Although there is no big fanfare, the little sisters of the same age from all walks of life in Hong Kong City also know about it.

Three years ago, I married to S City in one fell swoop, far away from the war between you and me between the little sisters in Hong Kong City. Now I read the news and have a good relationship with my husband in S City, so I am honored to return to my hometown.

Lu Li successively received invitations from the little sisters to reunite with Lily, who was married, to have afternoon tea to reminisce about the past.

Since I'm back, I still need to go to an appointment. Although I have been talking about flowers since I was young, they are all little sisters who have been involved since childhood.

When Chi Chenyan heard that Lu Li was going to the little sister's appointment, she frowned and said that he would go with her.

Lu Li was full of question marks: "What are you going to do for the little sisters gathering?"

"We are all girls, you are a man in there, women leader."

Chi Chenyan: "…… …"

Lu Li: "I heard you call yesterday and said that there is a teleconference to be held in the afternoon. Please expect my father, Mr. Chi Chenyan, to work hard and earn milk powder money. Thank you."

Seeing her resolute refusal, Chi Chenyan had to give up, and said in an uneasy manner: "Where to gather? Does anyone smoke? No alcohol is allowed."

Lu Li reported the name of the cafe they agreed upon, and said: "No one smokes, what kind of wine to drink in the afternoon tea, don't I know I can't drink when I'm pregnant, I'm so careless in your heart?"

Chi Chenyan felt like a worried old mother.

Although it is an early pregnancy period, it is not so vulnerable that it is kept at home every day. Going out to socialize more is good for the mood of pregnant women.

Chi Chenyan rubbed the road pear head, helplessly holding Chong Ni, "Okay, go."

Lu Li generously attended the appointment.

The afternoon tea place is set at a well-known tea restaurant.

The little sisters have long passed the trend of which one is more expensive and which one is more expensive. Now they are pursuing the quality of excellence. Although the price of this tea restaurant is not the most expensive, it is definitely the most authentic. Many websites Red celebrities open here.

When Lu Li arrived, everyone was almost there, and chattered as soon as she saw her.

"Oh, I haven't seen Lily for two or three years."

"Lily is more beautiful than before marriage. Is your bag a new H brand? I have gone to several countries and haven't bought it."

"Come here and sit here, I miss you so much."

Lu Li smiled and nodded while sitting down. She was still familiar with the occasion and responded to compliments. After only a while, it was like a fish in the water.

"Lily, is your husband in Hong Kong too? I saw your news."

"Wow, Lily, the movie you invested in is said to have made hundreds of millions. Is that true?"

"I ordered milk tea with silk stockings. See if there is anything else you want to order."

Lu Li responded to the questions one by one. Although the little sisters were all plastic little sisters who had trouble with each other, but after a long absence, there was still a familiar and intimacy in my heart, and the few people soon chatted.

One of the little sisters went to the bathroom halfway, and came back to tell everyone mysteriously: "Guess who I just met?"

"Who?" several people asked.

Lu Li was drinking the most authentic silk stockings milk tea with a straw, and then she looked at the little sister who had just gone to the bathroom.

Little sister in the bathroom: "Fu Song!"

As soon as they heard this name, the little sisters immediately became excited: "Ah Fu Song, really?"

"Didn't he go to America?"

"Where did you meet him, let him come and sit down."

"Call him here, he will definitely come."

Lu Li couldn't help biting the milk tea straw when she heard the name Fu Song.

They are a group of little sisters of the same age. Correspondingly, there are boys of the same age. Hong Kong City is so big. They basically know each other and most of them are classmates.

Fu Song is the best tempered and mildest among boys of the same age. Girls liked him most when he was young, but he went to the United States with his parents when he was in middle school, and he gradually lost contact with everyone.

Lu Li recalled the person she had never thought of for a long time. In her memory, he still looked like before he went to the United States with his parents. Wearing a pair of round glasses, he will always be the first in the class.

Lu Li and Fu Song are kindergarten and elementary school classmates. They played home when they were young. Generally, Fu Song is the father and she is the mother.

After a while, the two little sisters pushed a young man in.

Lu Li was surprised when she saw the young man being pushed in.

The outlines of the facial features are vaguely like those of childhood, but the round glasses from childhood have become the current gold-rimmed glasses, and the shirt sleeves are rolled up to the forearms, quite a bit of a gentle scum in the comics.

Fu Song sat down and greeted a group of female classmates, explaining that he was here to worship his ancestors when he returned to Hong Kong.

He finally set his gaze on Lu Li and smiled: "Is it Lily? I haven't seen it for a long time."

Lu Li nodded.

A little sister next to her was upset: "You and I haven't seen each other for a long time, why just ask Lily?"

Fu Song immediately called out the little sister's name and told her something about her childhood.

The little sisters laughed happily.

Everyone began to rush to recall the past.

Whoever photographed the cake on Fu Song's face when he was a child, who used to be Fu Song's female partner at ballroom dances, who used to copy Fu Song's homework every day.

Lu Li blended in with everyone's chat, Fu Song also sat down to tell everyone about the past, and time passed quickly.

Everyone discussed changing places to eat dinner together, Lu Li remembered that she was going back to eat maternity meal, so she refused.

"Lily, don't you go." The little sister seemed sorry.

Lu Li: "I'm sorry, I will go next time."

Fu Songben was brought in temporarily, and he had other arrangements, so he and Lu Li separated from the little sisters.

The two got down the elevator together. Fu Song knew that Lu Li was married and said that he regretted not attending her wedding.

Lu Li: "It doesn't matter if the person is not there, I will also accept the red envelope now."

The two laughed together.

Lift to the first floor.

Lu Li sent a text message to Chi Chenyan before, and Chi Chenyan said that she would come to pick her up. As soon as the elevator door opened, she happened to meet Chi Chenyan.

Chi Chenyan first saw Lu Li, and then he noticed the man with gold glasses next to her.

Lu Li walked to Chi Chenyan in two quick steps, and then introduced him: "Fu Song, my kindergarten and elementary school classmates."


The two men shook hands and greeted each other, exchanged business cards, and left.

Lu Li and Chi Chenyan were sitting in the car going home together.

Lu Li started the game.

Chi Chenyan seemed to ask casually, "Isn't it a gathering of little sisters? Why are there male classmates."

Lu Li: "I ran into it temporarily. They went to dinner at night, but my male classmate and I didn't go, so we went downstairs together."

Chi Chenyan let out an "um", and then seemed to ask casually, "Is he still your kindergarten classmate?"

"Of course." Lu Li was looking at her mobile phone, "Kindergarten plus elementary school."

Chi Chenyan then asked: "How is your relationship?"

Lu Lizheng concentrated on the eight-fold mirror sniper in the game, and casually replied: "Very good, others are good, he was at my desk in elementary school, and he always copied homework for me."

She didn't use her head, talked about a person, and spoke nice things habitually.

"Once I fell while running, he still carried me to the infirmary."

"It was also good in kindergarten. We were a group every time we played house."

The more Chi Chenyan listened to it, the more it became unpleasant. Thinking of the man wearing glasses just now, the feeling in his heart suddenly made him extremely uncomfortable.

He looked at the front, the posture was still the same as before, but his tone had become strange unconsciously: "Such a good male classmate."

Lu Li carefully aimed at the enemy in the eight-fold mirror and let out an "um" casually.

Chi Chenyan's exasperated voice became obvious, and he continued to use his ancient and weird yin and yang tone that did not fit the status of the overbearing president at all:

"Is he playing as a father and you as a mother?"

"Have you kissed you?"

Lu Li suddenly raised her head.