The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 64: The sixty-fourth day is sweet


Lu Li only then began to carefully ponder the meaning of Chi Chen's banquet just now.

Only for a while, her well-hidden identity in the game was discovered by the enemy, and after the sudden gunshots, it became a box.

"...… …"

The game girl completely recovered from the game. When she remembered her previous cognitive confusion, she thought that Chi Chenyan didn't like him and ran away from home because of grievance. She also knew that he had an ex-girlfriend, so she also gave herself an ex-kindergarten boyfriend. Angry him.

Fu Song is indeed the prototype of her ex-kindergarten boyfriend.

They were all classmates from kindergarten to elementary school. Fu Song transferred to another school in middle school. When the kindergarten played the house, it was Fu Song as a father and mother. They are always a couple. In dance class, they dance ballroom dance. Song Ye did kiss her hand, and only after the teacher knew it did she know that it was her own hand that was not her partner.

She smelled the sour gas in the car that seemed to have overturned a few jars of old vinegar, and then squinted her eyes investigatively at Chi Chenyan.

"The little interaction between children is normal."

"It's hard to be jealous of a kindergarten boyfriend, you have to eat it too."

Chi Chen feasted too much, as if not admitting that he was jealous.

Lu Li couldn't see the sourness in the car, a man who didn't admit it to death, shrugged the tip of his small nose, lowered his head, and played with his mobile phone.

Chi Chenyan didn't freeze again, and turned to look at Lu Li.

He hesitated to speak all the way and stopped several times, and finally he didn't say anything until Luuzhai.

Lu Li ate her meal for pregnant women. In the evening, she and Chi Chenyan sat on the bed and listened to prenatal music, while the other looked around in the room.

Like the Chichenyan room in the Chi Mansion, this is the place where Lu Li lived from childhood to large, and it retains many traces of her growth.

Her room is equipped with a small exhibition hall, which contains the trophies she has won since childhood, as well as commemorative collections and toys, and pictures of her are hung on the wall.

Chi Chenyan had seen this place as soon as he arrived, but this time he saw it more carefully, and he found something in an inconspicuous photo in the corner.

Lu Li in the photo is still a girl, wearing a white lace princess dress and a small crystal crown on her head. She is dancing on the dance floor with her partner wearing a black tuxedo while attending a dance party.

The protagonist of the photo is Lu Li, and the dancing partner only showed a small and a half face, but Chi Chenyan immediately recognized that he was the student Fu wearing glasses this afternoon.

The date is marked in the lower right corner of the photo. Lu Li was 14 years old and was in the second grade of junior high school.

In the lens, the girl has bright eyes and white teeth, dancing like an elegant little white swan.

If Chi Chen feasted at the kindergarten before and was still convinced that he was just two kids playing, now when I see this photo, the whole person is not good.

His so beautiful little white swan is dancing a romantic waltz with people,

When Chi Chen came out of the banquet, Lu Li just finished listening to the prenatal music and took off the headphones.

Lu Li yawned and got out of bed: "I'll go wash first."

Chi Chenyan gave a soft "um", looking thoughtful.

In the bathroom, Lu Li was facing the mirror and applying her newly changed pregnant woman's face cream. From the mirror, she saw Chi Chenyan coming in and stood silently behind her.

She turned around and tapped Chi Chenyan's chest with her finger: "What are you doing?"

Chi Chenyan didn't speak, but looked down at him.

Lu Li let out a "hum", remembering how the man would not admit it this afternoon, she felt a little better, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Chi Chenyan on the lips provocatively.

After a kiss, seeing the man still watching her, he continued to kiss, clattering, seeming to have a lot of fun.

When I didn't know the first bite of the kiss, the man who had been quiet suddenly moved. When Lu Li finished the kiss and was about to separate, he buckled the back of her head and kissed Shen Shen.

Lu Li was a little unexpected at first, but she was already familiar with this kind of kiss, so she closed her eyes and began to stretch her arms around his neck to respond.

It's just that when she kissed this time, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It’s common sense that it’s best not to have sex in the first three months of pregnancy. Chi Chenyan has always been very disciplined. After kissing her every night, he embraced her to fall asleep, and the affection was lingering. Sucking on her slightly swollen lips, she began to kiss her delicate neck again, and her hands were restless.

Lu Li couldn't help her legs being soft, and she could barely stop until she supported the washstand behind her.

"Husband, husband." She murmured hurriedly.

Chi Chenyan's eyes were deep, and he kissed the delicate clavicle of the little white swan, with a low voice: "Still dancing with classmate Fu?"

Lu Li was stunned for a moment, and then realized why Chi Chenyan was doing this.

Has this man been jealous since the afternoon until now

Dancing, how did he know that she and Fu Fu skipped ballroom dancing.

Lu Li couldn't help refuting: "Can't we skip the kindergarten together?"

Chi Chenyan looked at her eyes deep red: "I skipped it when I was in the second grade of junior high school."

Lu Li immediately opened her mouth blankly, he, how did he know

After Chi Chenyan finished speaking, he continued to be presumptuous on her chest.

Lu Lisheng was afraid of going overboard, pushing the man's head on her chest, her voice intermittently, mixed with some unclear chants: "You also eat the jealousy of children!"

"Of course." Chi Chenyan finally admitted that he was jealous, biting gently with his teeth.

In the photo, the girl is fourteen years old. The girl has grown up, like a lotus flower in the lotus leaf. The whole body is pure white, pointed with powder, and the dew condensed by mist. How beautiful it will be after the fantasy blooms.

Lu Li bit her lower lip, twisted her eyebrows, and patted Chi Chenyan on the shoulder again: "Then he was about to transfer to another school at that time. He grew up with him, and finally did a dance at the farewell ball."

"You can eat this jealousy, then you can lock me up."

"I, a fourteen-year-old pure girl, can understand what my mother would break my leg if I fell in love early."

While she was talking, she didn't know what tears had been poked, and suddenly became aggrieved.

She was tortured and overwhelmed, and finally grabbed the man's arm, and forced his kneading hand on her hip to put him on her lower abdomen.

"If you have children, you are still eating jealousy here."

"Your cubs are in there. You are still arguing with me because of a classmate you haven't seen for many years."

"They just had a dance, you, this is what you did." She straightened her waist and let him feel her still flat belly.

Lu Li presses the man's hand on her lower abdomen, while picking up the sling strap that has slipped down, and continues to complain in a grievance: "If you want us to harm both mother and child, you just keep going, come on."

Sure enough, Chi Chenyan sank and saw Lu Li's hair still sticking to her red lips, looking messy.

He didn't really plan either. After all, the little white swan nowadays is very precious, but as soon as he meets it, it will inevitably follow the jealousy that he does it a little deeper, which seems to scare her.

He found that his possessiveness towards her was much stronger than he had always thought.

The bottom of the hand is her flat belly, separated by that layer of belly, as she said, inside is his blood.

Chi Chenyan calmed down his breath, hugged her lightly, and apologized in a dumb voice, "I'm sorry."

Lu Li sniffed, feeling that she had learned more about Chi Chenyan.

This man is good at everything, but he is jealous, not only unreasonable, but also terrible.

Suddenly she remembered that when she was confused, she ran to the bar to touch the abs of the macho and was caught upright on the night.

I've been jealous since then.

That terrible night, time and time again, she almost didn't die on the bed, she couldn't cry or scream, and finally swelled.

Today, thanks to the protector in my stomach, I didn't make the same mistake again.

Lu Li decided to seize this opportunity, and her little hand grabbed Chi Chenyan's chest clothes: "You must not be jealous in the future!"

Chi Chenyan: "What is jealousy?"

Lu Li: "Just like today, just a classmate, you are jealous."

He said "Um" and agreed, and then asked: "What if you are touching the abdominal muscles of a macho in a nightclub?"

Lu Li: "...… …"

Remember it.

She turned her head away, but traced his strong abdominal muscles with her hands through the shirt: "Then it depends on whether Mr. Chi Chenyan's figure is maintained well."

Chi Chenyan smiled, and slightly moved closer to her, grabbed her soft little hand, and went all the way down.

Lu Li's ears suddenly burst red, and she twisted her wrist: "You, you, you are a perverted gangster!"

Chi Chenyan closed her eyes, kissed her ear, and said in a low voice, "Please help Mrs. Chi."

After time passed, the door of the bathroom opened, and Lu Li came out from inside with a blushing face, feeling uncomfortable everywhere.

Chi Chenyan slowly followed behind her.

Lu Li suddenly stopped again, turned her head, and gave Chi Chenyan angrily.

The kindergarten boyfriend's behavior of kissing his little hands is a ball compared to him now!


Chi Chenyan spent the first three months with Lu Li in Hong Kong. Outsiders didn’t know that Lu Li was pregnant, and thought that he was accompanying his wife but came back to accompany his wife to visit relatives. Because of his father-in-law, he has always been named in the Hong Kong city circle. It happened to be a business forum, and he naturally passed the invitation letter to him.

Those participating in this forum are all famous elites from the younger generation in Hong Kong City.

Chi Chenyan made a simple statement in English.

At the reception after the forum, he met Fu Song again here.

Lu Li's kindergarten boyfriend.

Although I was so jealous, I couldn't help but squinted.

Fu Song also saw Chi Chen banquet and came over with a wine glass.

The two chatted a few words, and Fu Song said: "When I was a child, I always wondered what kind of husband Lily would marry when he grew up. Now I finally know."

Chi Chenyan: "Mr. Fu is unmarried?"

Fu Song smiled and shook his head: "Not as good as Mr. Chi."

"Oh? Really?" Chi Chenyan raised his eyebrows, "Thank you Mr. Fu, I also feel that I am lucky enough to marry Lili."

Fu Song smiled stiffly.

The two said a few more words and then dispersed. After the reception, Chi Chenyan went to the parking lot.

Lu Li was bored at home anyway, and came to pick up Chichen's banquet.

The two stopped their hands and were about to leave when they suddenly heard someone yelling behind them: "Lily."

Lu Li stopped and glanced back.

"Fu Song?" She smiled and greeted the man walking towards them, "Are you here too?"

Fu Song nodded: "Same as Mr. Chi."

Lu Li asked again: "How long will you come to Hong Kong City this time, and will you return to the United States?"

Fu Song thought for a while: "I'm not sure yet. There are some business things here. Stay here for the time being."

Chi Chenyan glanced at the two who were talking.

He didn't seem to be jealous when he promised not to be jealous.

Just as Lu Li was talking, she suddenly covered her lips, don't turn around, and retched.

She has gradually had more pregnancy reactions recently. Before, she just smelled the chicken soup and was uncomfortable, but now she is uncomfortable even if she doesn't smell it.

Chi Chenyan looked worried, and took out the tissue: "Are you okay?"

Lu Li covered her mouth and reacted for half a minute, before finally slowing down, and let out a sigh of relief: "It's okay."

Chi Chenyan's eyes were very distressed.

Fu Song watched the interaction between the two, and saw Lu Li who suddenly retched, and couldn't help but think of some possibilities.

His expression was slightly wrong: "Lily, are you...?"

Lu Ligan smiled: "I can't say yet."

But when she said that, she basically understood what she meant.

Because it's not the month, I can't say it.

After hearing this, Fu Song was startled, and finally said: "Congratulations, congratulations."

Lu Li: "Thank you."

Chi Chenyan was listening to the conversation between the two, and seeing Fu Song's expression when she knew Lu Li was pregnant, she suddenly felt refreshed.

Pregnant, his cub.

He took Lu Li's hand and said lazily: "Okay, let's not disturb Mr. Fu, let's go."

Lu Li also nodded to Fu Song: "Let's go first."

Fu Song pulled out a smile: "Goodbye."

Chi Chenyan smiled at the corners of Lu Li's lips and glanced back at the man standing there.

Lu Li looked up, Chi Chenyan just turned her head back.

Lu Li was puzzled when she saw the smile on the corner of Chi Chenyan's lips.

How does she feel that this man is laughing a bit like a bitch