The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 70: Extraordinary II


From being late to six months, I started to know howling at the critical moment of his parents, Chi Chenyan has always felt that being late is a scheming boy.

This feeling lasts until I am three years old, and I can express my thoughts completely and clearly in words.

Being late did not appear that Lu Li had been worried about the two high-profile parents who turned out to be positive or negative. She was late and looked very good since he was a child. Adults like to praise him and hug him when they see him.

Every time he is late, he gives a lot of face and doesn't recognize his life at all. He is cheerful and entertaining whoever hugs him. The house is full of gifts that he received because of his cuteness when he is late.

Chi Chenyan looked at his son who was laughing and giggling cheerfully in anyone's arms, and gradually became suspicious of the concept of "scheming boy". Could it be that he guessed wrong? Was it true that being late didn't mean to howl at that moment

When he was a kid, he never liked to laugh so much.

One day, Chi Chenyan was at the door of the room and heard a conversation.

"If you kiss Aunt Joe, Auntie will give you a lollipop, OK?"

"Good~" The little milk sounded softly and sweetly.


"Can you kiss Auntie Joe again, OK?"

"Okay~" The little milky voice continued.

"Who is the most beautiful aunt in the world?"

"Auntie Joe~"

"So good!"

And then:

"The lollipop looks so delicious, can I give Aunt Joe a sip when I'm late?"

"Yes, here."

"Wow, thank you baby!"

Chi Chenyan pulled his face and pushed the door in.

Qiao Jiayi was squatting in front of her late to tease the child. She didn't really mean to lick a lollipop in her hand when she was late, just to behave, Chi Chenyan suddenly appeared.

Qiao Jia sat down on the floor with fright.

Chi, why did Chi Chi Chenyan come home at this time

Didn't Lu Li say that he was going to work!

Qiao Jiayi has been stunned by Chi Chenyan's poker face, especially when the billionaire heir of her cute family's son was caught on the spot, she immediately got up from the ground, nodded at Chi Chenyan, and laughed: "I'm going to find Lu Li."

"Lu Li!"

Qiao Jia slipped away.

Chi Chenyan glanced at Qiao Jiayi whose feet were greased, and then looked down again. He was licking a lollipop seriously, and the well-behaved billionaire heir was late.

Arriving late, raised his head laboriously, and when he saw Chi Chenyan, Tiantian yelled, "Good day, Dad."

Chi Chenyan: "…… …"

He sat on the chair and pointed to the place in front of him: "Come here, Dad talks to you."

Chi Chenyan obediently went over with the lollipop and stood at the position appointed by his father.

Chi Chenyan sighed and stretched out his hand when he saw a circle of sticky sugar stains on his lips when he was late.

When I was late, I saw Dad's open palm, and I knew what it meant.

The little man suddenly felt sad and looked like weeping.

Chi Chenyan continued to stretch out his hand.

The tears of the late arrival were in the eye sockets, the little nose fluttered, and the small mouth suffocated, but facing Dad's serious face, he tried his best to resist the urge to tears, and handed the lollipop in his hand to Dad reluctantly. .

Chi Chenyan put the half-licked lollipop back to the candy paper.

Arriving late to bid farewell to the lollipop, remembering that he still had sugar stains on his mouth, and was about to stick out his tongue to lick it, Chi Chenyan pulled a wet wipe and began to wipe the sugar stains on his mouth when he was late.

He didn't even hold the circle on his mouth, and his life of being three years late finally collapsed.

With a blink of the eye, the tears rolled down like a broken string.

"Uuuuuuuu..." He cried so much that he covered his face, and the cry was not loud, but the sadness heard in it wept.

Chi Chenyan threw away the wet wipes, took another two sheets of paper, and sat with him on his lap when he was late.

"Why are you crying?" he asked being late.

Arriving late, holding his tears: "I'm sorry, Dad..."

I was late and cried until hiccups: "I can't eat sweets today, but I still eat sweets."

Because of fear of tooth decay, Chi Chenyan and Lu Li strictly controlled their daily candy intake for late arrivals.

Chi Chenyan used a tissue to wipe tears for the latecomers: "What else?"

"If it's not Aunt Joe today, but a strange aunt and sister giving you candy?"

Arrived late and replied: "You can't eat candy from strangers."

Chi Chenyan recalled that Qiao Jia just used a lollipop to tease his late arrival as a kiss and a cute act, and he doubted the answer for being late.

Now it’s a good point, don’t let a lollipop go away again when the time comes.

Chi Chenyan sat on his lap facing him, and wailed what he thought of as a "scheming boy" for six months.

He had always comforted himself by scheming. The scheming of the billions of heirs seemed to be nothing bad at all. It was not until the "scheming boy" grew older that he realized that this was not a scheming boy, but a lazy boy who was born for a week. Howl as you want, you treat me well and I will smile at you, give me a lollipop and I will kiss you, through and through, "silly white sweet".

The lollipop was taken away, and he was so sad that he cried and didn't forget to reflect on his mistakes with him. He looked so cute that he couldn't help but start to wonder if his own practice of receiving the lollipop was too cruel.

Chi Chenyan wondered if Lu Li was so behaved when she was a child.

He put the late arrival from his lap, found the shadow of Lu Li from his eyebrows, smiled, and patted the late butt: "Don't take it as an example, let's go play."

She was late with tears on her face, holding Chi Chenyan's hand, pouting her lips and kissing his palm: "Thank you, Dad."

Chi Chenyan's palm is wet with saliva stains. Compared with "Scheming Boy", this kind of "silly white sweet" is really helpless.

It’s good to be late and cry, and I’m in a good mood again, and I’m jumping around to find my mother.

He has a very good relationship with his father, but the one who loves and sticks the most is always his beautiful mother.

Chi Chenyan looked helpless when he was late and bounced around.

If "Scheming Boy" grabs Luli from him, he can still be cruel, "Silly White Sweet" sticking Luli is really embarrassing.

In the evening, Chi Chenyan lay in bed with Lu Li and talked in detail about the education of being late.

Chi Chenyan felt that being late was too sweet, too sweet to look like a little boy.

Lu Li also admitted that she had given birth to a little sweetie, but she became unhappy when she heard Chi Chenyan's tone of voice.

"What do you mean, a three-year-old kid, wouldn't it be nice to be sweeter?"

"Don't you want a cool guy whose CEO Wenli was five years old to complete college and inherit his family business to scream with satisfaction? I can't give birth to that."

Knowing that he was wrong, Chi Chenyan immediately hugged Lu Li: "I didn't mean that."

Lu Li "hummed": "My sweet cub, you don't like me and I like it. From now on, our mother and son will not want you!"

"Good, good." Chi Chenyan nodded, calmed Lu Li, and explained to her, "I really didn't mean that."

"It's okay for a child to be cute and inviting, but do you think he is a bit too innocent now."

"A lollipop can coax him. In case you run into a bad guy in the future, give him a lollipop and say something nice, and he will go with him from time to time."

Lu Li frowned when she heard it, thinking of her little bastard, with a guilty conscience in her tone: "No way..."

"Aren't we always teaching him not to eat things given by strangers?"

Chi Chenyan: "Teaching is for teaching, but when you are late and grow up so old, have you ever met a stranger and treated him badly?"

"Next time if you really run into a stranger, that person tells him something. Now that we know each other, it's not a stranger but a good friend, so you can eat the candy I gave and go with me. What do you think will happen?"

Lu Li: "...… …"

She thought about the scene when her silly Baitian son met a bad guy. Although she didn't say anything, she didn't have any confidence.

Chi Chenyan knew that Lu Li had understood what he meant, and patted Lu Li on the shoulder.

In fact, there is one thing he didn't say, that is, as an old father who has high hopes for his son, he still hopes that his billions of heirs who have exceeded the limit in sugar can be a little cooler.

But it doesn't matter how sweet it is to have a daughter in the future.

Thinking like this in her heart, Chi Chenyan turned over and suppressed Lu Li, who was fantasizing that her silly Baitian son was abducted by a bad guy with a lollipop.

Lu Li suddenly woke up, read Chi Chenyan's eyes, and then blushed.

Chi Chenyan leaned over to kiss him, and began to eat his sweet pear.

... ...

After chatting with Chi Chenyan before going to bed, Lu Li looked at her silly Baitian son and began to feel a little worried.

It's one thing to beware of bad guys, and you're going to kindergarten right away. What if you get bullied by a school bully

When I was late, I ran into Lu Li's arms and stuck: "What is mom thinking about?"

Lu Li touched her late little head: "Do you want to go out to play?"

"Hang out with Dad, you two."

Arriving late: "Is it going to travel? Why doesn't my mother go."

In the first half of the year, he went to Hawaii with his parents for vacation. The water there was so blue and blue, and the sand was so soft. This was the first time he traveled in his life, and he liked it very much.

Lu Li: "Mom has something else."

Since the success of "The Last Boys" last time, she has been gradually developing some media investment projects. The workload is not large, but the results of several projects are not bad.

Chi Chenyan said that he had signed up for a father-son summer camp for being late. The fathers and sons participated in the summer camp, focusing on cultivating the relationship between father and son.

Lu Li felt that it would be good to let Chi Chenyan stay alone with the late father and son for a few days. Chichen's banquet manages every day, but he hasn't forgotten his family.

And being so late to the present must be due to the fact that she has spent more time with her. The sweeter who is close to the sweet, the father of the overbearing president, who is close to his own, will definitely become overbearing.

I was late and hugged Lu Li's neck: "Mom, too."

Lu Li: "This is an activity between you and dad. Mom can't go."

"Baby go and have fun with Dad, OK, come back and mommy kiss."

He was a well-behaved child who was late. Although he said he wanted his mother to go there, she had no choice but to give up if she didn't.

He also likes Dad very much, and it’s okay to go with Dad.

Arriving late, pouting and agreeing: "Okay~"

"Mom has to kiss her when she comes back."

Lu Li smiled and kissed on the cheek when she was late: "Kiss one now."

Soon, Chi Chenyan arrived late to attend the father-son summer camp.

The two of them took their suitcases, waved their hands, and bid farewell to Lu Li.

After Lu Li delivered the father and son, they had afternoon tea at home.

I don’t know what it's like to be late for the first summer camp with my dad, or what the specific content of their summer camp is.

Chi Chenyan never told her in detail, only that it was a parent-child type.

But it didn't matter, she was still very relieved of Chi Chenyan.

Lu Li was drinking afternoon tea, and Chi Chenyan sent her a text message, which was their main schedule and activity for the summer camp these days.

Lu Li was about to see what her little sweet cub was going to play with her father these days. She smiled and looked at the activities on the schedule. After seeing the words "touching", "climbing", "falling" and "falling", she watched When I looked at it, I felt something was wrong.

Her eyes immediately came to the head of the schedule—

xxxx militarized parent-child summer camp.

Lu Li thought that she would cry the coquettish and sweet little sweet boy who was late, and then saw the words "militarized" on her head.


No wonder she didn't reveal the details to her before setting off.

It turns out that this is the summer camp that Chi Chen Yan wants to bring late to attend

Little sweet boy... militarized summer camp.

Lu Li: "...… …"

The cruelest is the old father's heart.