The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 74: Extra Six


Chi Chenyan patiently repeated: "Shall we have a baby."

Lu Li was able to react, sobbing helplessly, kicking her calves in the air.

Chi Chenyan waited for her answer.

Lu Li looked at the man's face dimly. After six years of marriage, he was no longer the young villain who left her aside when he was just married. The man's facial features have become more mature, and his temperament has become more and more stable.

Another one, you are willing to have a baby with him. Lu Li heard a voice in her heart talking.

So she closed her eyes and nodded indiscriminately. She no longer answered the ambiguity when she was late for birth, but said softly, "Okay."

Chi Chenyan leaned over to kiss her, and the two crossed their fingers.

Lu Li flashed white light in front of her eyes.

Perhaps because of permission, Chi Chen's interest in banqueting for a night seemed to be particularly high. Lu Li felt that it was the atmosphere at first, but then couldn't help crying and cursing. She just agreed to have a child, and this man seemed to survive. To make her pregnant tonight, she kept stuck in it and couldn't come out, and her lower abdomen began to sore.

Later, Lu Li fell asleep as soon as she finished. She thought she would not fall asleep, but the jet lag after high-intensity exercise became very regular.

Although the first night was rather bitter, Lu Li was still not too worried about the following days. She felt that this business trip would be almost the same as before. Chi Chenyan was busy with work, so she went out to buy and shop, Chi Chen If you want to end your business trip as soon as possible, you have to work all day from morning to night. Naturally, you won’t be too frustrated at night.

As a result, after the trip officially started, Lu Li suddenly found that she had miscalculated.

Except for the slightly busy first two days of Chi Chenyan, the rest of the time, the schedule is sporadic, and most of the time is free to arrange.

I accompany her to go out for a stroll during the day. At night, I started the human creation movement on time. Sometimes I was too lazy during the day and changed the way to toss my little wife in the hotel. Luli almost did everything in the room. Hum and harp there.

Lu Li once suspected that Chi Chenyan was a lie to her when she said that she was on a business trip. She just threw her late for the trip and took her out of the country. Without the interruption of the clingy kid, she can do whatever she wants. .

Even having a baby might be an excuse. The main purpose of this man is to have fun, but the second purpose is to have a baby by the way.

When I was late, I held my fingers every day, hoping for the stars and the moon, and when my parents would come back, but I didn't know that my dad was already reluctant to think about it.

Ten days later, Lu Li wore big sunglasses and a skirt that tightly blocked her chest and collarbone. With her limp legs, her little hand was led by Chi Chenyan, she set foot on the plane returning home.

As soon as the couple returned to China, they went to the Chi Mansion to pick up their late arrival.

I've never been away from my parents for such a long time when I arrived late. Although I made video calls every day, I was already in tears when I saw Lu Li and didn't speak.

Chi Chenyan picked up the late arrival with one hand, and saw that he was crying with a deflated mouth, and seemed to want to laugh, but felt that he was not very kind.

When I was late, I sat in my father's arms for a while, then stretched out his little arm and asked my mother to hold him.

In fact, she couldn't hold her as the little milk group got heavier and heavier, but Lu Li still hugged her late, kissed his little cheek, and smiled and said, "Do you miss Mom and Dad?"

"Mom and Dad miss you too."

Being late, Xiao Rou Lian lay on Lu Li's shoulder, not to mention aggrieved.

He sacrificed so much for his younger sister, but he didn't follow along for the younger sister, waiting miserably for his parents to return at the grandma's house.

"Mom." She was late and rubbed Lu Li's shoulder, and her milk was milky, "Do you have a sister in your stomach?"

Lu Li: "...?"

She choked on being late for being late, and then immediately went to see the Chichen Banquet.

Now I don't need to think about it and know what this man said about being late, so that he can stay obediently at Grandma's house and not follow them.

When I was late, I saw Lu Li and didn't answer, and asked, "Is there a mother?"

Lu Li had no choice but to laugh twice: "Uh, I don't know yet."

Chi Chenyan was very insightful and fished out the late arrival who was stuck in Lu Li's arms and did not let go. Before Lu Li stared at him, he said to the late arrival: "Mum and Dad have worked hard to give you a younger sister."

"You can't just look at the results when you do things. Sometimes the process of hard work is often more important than the results, you know?"

Being late seemed to be stunned by the principles, and nodded faintly: "Oh."

It was Lu Li, who blushed too much, and couldn't help but admire Chi Chenyan's psychological quality.

How did this man keep his face from being flushed and not beating, and to involve children's uncomfortable things into the principle

The three stayed in Chi Mansion for dinner, and then set off for home. Fastest update

When I was in the car, I didn't mention how excited I was to be late. I sat next to Lu Li and put his head on Lu Li's abdomen, listening to see if there was a sister in it.

Lu Li looked at the look of being late and expecting her. She originally thought it was nothing but let it go, but now she suddenly carried a psychological burden on her back.

What if you are too late to be pregnant? What if it's a younger brother? Doesn't being late make the world collapse

It was hard to put the late to sleep at night, and the two returned to the bedroom. Lu Li immediately settled the bill with Chi Chenyan.

"Now that you set his expectations so high, have you ever thought about how disappointing the expectations are?"

"If you can't do it 100%, you can't make promises easily. You think it's easy to have a baby. Give birth if you want."

"In case you can't give birth all the time, let me see how you can explain to your white-cut black sesame glutinous rice balls."

"The silly Baitian deception is over, now it's all white and black, you are not afraid that he will settle accounts with you when you are old."

Chi Chenyan only felt at ease listening to Lu Li's little mouth.

He accepted Lu Li's education humbly, and took her little hand to kiss his lips, his eyes were very sincere: "I will work hard."

Lu Li looked at the man sincerely, and she was speechless for a while when she heard what he said.

"...… …"

Looks like nothing wrong

Facts have proved that sometimes it is not good to be too confident. Such things as having a child require chance. After Luli's trip to France, the period still came.

Seeing Lu Li's period coming, Chi Chenyan was dull and did not say anything. He just waited for her to finish her period, and worked harder in action, making an effort of 120,000 points.

Lu Li didn't want to be disappointed when she was late, and she was very cooperative to be a parent who did what she said.

However, the more you care about some things, the more you can't do it. The two of them have not succeeded for several months. This makes the man who has been confident and working hard to fall into self-doubt.

Being late Since I was taught by Chi Chenyan that the process of hard work is more important than the result, I haven't urged them to be coquettish, but every time the two of them were late in their bedroom, lying on Lu Li’s belly, they sounded like it. Judging from the action, I knew he was still thinking about it.

Lu Li and Chi Chen were late for dinner and exchanged glances, knowing that they would continue to cheer tonight.

Arrived late and didn't go to kindergarten, but when he was one and a half years old, his old father Chi Chenyan, who had high hopes for hundreds of millions of heirs, enrolled him in early education classes once or twice every weekend.

Usually Lu Li and Chi Chen Yan accompanied the late arrivals, but this week there was an entertainment at the Chi Chen Banquet, and Lu Li followed along, so the one who was late to the morning education class became an aunt who had been taking care of him.

After the two went home, the aunt said that they were late and hadn't slept yet.

"Not asleep yet?" Lu Li put down her handbag, "What's the matter?"

Auntie: "I have been waiting for Mom and Dad, not sleeping."

Lu Li was a little confused: "Wait for us?"

So Lu Li and Chi Chenyan changed their shoes and went to the late children's room together.

When I was late, I was lying on my children's bed holding the doll and rolling around. Hearing the footsteps of mom and dad coming in, he immediately got up from the bed with a grunt.

"Dad, mom!" he shouted loudly.

Lu Li and Chi Chenyan looked at each other, smiled and walked over, and sat down by his bed together.

Chi Chenyan hugged the late to sit on his lap, touched the soft hair of the late, and asked, "Why don't you go to bed so late?"

When I was late, I looked at Lu Li and suddenly squashed her small mouth: "I'm waiting for my mother."

"Waiting for mother?" Lu Li didn't expect to be so late so late that she would be waiting for her without going to bed, and asked curiously, "What are you waiting for mom? Do you have anything to say to mom?"

She was late and looked at Lu Li with her small mouth bent downward, and then fell into Lu Li's arms from Chi Chenyan's legs, her small face pressed against her chest: "Mom."

Lu Li heard a nasal sound in her voice when she was late, as if she was about to cry. She glanced at Chi Chenyan, who was also puzzled, and then hugged her late and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

When I was late, I suddenly muffled and said, "Mom, I don't want my sister anymore."

Lu Li suddenly became even more confused: "Why don't you want a younger sister? Don't you want a younger sister to play with you?"

The kid has always wanted his sister.

I was late and sniffed: "Because I don't want my mother to work hard."

"Mom must have been very hard when she was pregnant, right? I have a big belly, it's not easy to walk, and I can't eat. I still like to kick my mother in it."

She was late and rubbed against Lu Li's chest: "I'm sorry, mom. Mom, don't work hard anymore."

Lu Li let out a soft "ah", and then her eyes suddenly became sore.

She touched the back of Yuanyuan's head when she was late, and asked, "How do you know."

Arriving late: "The teacher said."

This teacher definitely refers to the teachers in the early education class. They didn't go to the early education class today, and they didn't expect the teacher to teach this to the children.

Arriving late: "The teacher said that mothers are very hard when they are pregnant, and they can’t eat every day. They have a big belly, a pain in the waist, and a pain in the legs. The pain is the most painful when they give birth. Some mothers have to be put on the stomach by the doctor. A baby can be born only by making a cut, so we must love our mother, be considerate of her, and don't make her angry."

"I want my sister very much, but I don't want my mother to work hard anymore, so I don't want my sister anymore."

After Lu Li listened, her heart was soft and messed up.

Chi Chenyan's old father's face was also full of movement, and the eyes of the mother and son were extremely gentle.

"Thank you, baby." Lu Li kissed the top of her late arrival, "No matter how hard it is, mother is really happy to give birth to you, mother loves you."

Being late: "I love mom too."

"I love Dad too." He didn't forget to look at Xiang Chi Chenyan.

Chi Chen laughed and said, "Dad loves you too."

It was late at night.

The couple finally coaxed to sleep and were late.

When returning to the bedroom, Lu Li hugged Chi Chenyan's waist and pressed her face to his chest: "Husband."

Chi Chenyan hugged Lu Li back: "Yes."

Lu Li remembered being late tonight that moved her to tears, and looked up at Chi Chenyan: "Why can we give birth to such a cute and sensible child."

The black sesame glutinous rice balls are only for outsiders, and for mom, they will always be the warm and caring candy heart little milk ball.

Chi Chenyan kissed Lu Li's forehead, and was also very pleased to be late and already knows how to be considerate to her mother, and replied softly, "Because it's up to you."

"How cute and sensible it is to be late is because he has such a mother."

When Lu Li listened to Chi Chen's feast and praised the child, she didn't forget to put on her a high hat, and her small fist punched him in the chest.

When I was late, I knew it would be very hard for my mother to have a baby, so I didn't want my sister anymore.

Lu Li was both gratified and moved in her heart, with mixed feelings.

It’s just that sometimes things are really fate and fate. I just decided not to have my sister when I was late. The next week, Lu Li found two bars on the pregnancy test stick.
