The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 76: Extraordinary Eight


A month later, Lu Li led to the late arrival, Chi Chenyan held his late meal, and embarked on the way home from the confinement center.

Lu Li actually hesitated at first to give a girl the nickname "Chifanfan". Was it a bit unkind? Until this month, Chifanfan's children were lying on her chest every day and sucking. Lu Li knew that the name "Chi Fanfan" belonged to her.

Chifanfan doesn't often cry, but as long as you cry, you must be peeing or hungry. The crying is loud and deaf. The children's care doctor said that he has seen so many children since his career. This is the loudest cry.

Lu Li could only laugh a little bit awkwardly, and she began to realize that this daughter might be a little bit different from the little princess daughter she imagined in Xiangxiang, soft and quiet.

She and Chi Chenyan looked at each other, and the couple had a clear heart, knowing that each other felt this way.

Only when I was late, since my sister was born, I showed off to everyone in the kindergarten that I had a sister. Every day after school, I stayed by my sister’s rocking bed, shook the bed and fell asleep inside. His sister spoke.

"Sister, younger sister, grow up quickly, my brother will protect you in the future, and I don't dare to bully you."

"Chi Fanfan, do you like the name your brother gave you?"

"Brother's favorite girl besides mom is you."

Lu Li passed by with fruit, and heard the words of being late, and once again deeply realized how much a younger sister means to being late.

He can like his sister to love his sister so much. As an old mother, she is still very pleased in his heart.

And at such a young age, he knew that he would protect his sister in the future, and Xiao Nai Tuan is a good brother.

I was late and looked at the sleeping sister in the cradle, who looked so small and fragile. Her inner sense of protection and responsibility as an elder brother swelled to overwhelmingly. She squeezed her fist and made up her mind to protect her sister in the future, any danger. You can't get close to him.

This sense of responsibility to protect her sister lasted until late for eight months, when she had her first tooth.

It was the first time I saw a child teething when I was late. I was too excited to see the little white tooth under my sister's gum. How cute it is.

It's so cute that he wants to touch it.

When I was late, I took a look around and saw that no adults were paying attention, so I quietly stretched out a little finger and put it into my sister's mouth to touch her little tooth.

His little finger stuck into his sister's mouth.

I felt that hard tooth when I was late.

He was so happy that he touched Xiao Yaya and wanted to withdraw his fingers.

But at this moment, my sister seemed to feel the fingers in her mouth, like her pacifier, so she closed her gums and sucked.

I have a lot of energy when I eat milk late, and I have a lot of energy when I eat a pacifier.

The smile on his face stiffened when he was late.

The younger sister sucked and bit the little finger in her mouth, and found that it was not a pacifier, so she opened her mouth and spit it out.

I got my finger again when I was late, and then cried out with a wow.

Wow wow wow wow!

He saw the deep tooth mark on his index finger, and tears were streaming down his eyes.

My sister's little teeth are not cute at all.

It hurts so much.

When Lu Li heard the cry, she thought it was because she was crying late, and then she heard this cry, not like late, like being late.

She hurried over, Chi Fanfan held up her bitten finger, showing her with tears on her small face.

Lu Li saw the little tooth mark on her finger when she was late, and then looked at her sister who was sleeping soundly in the crib.

"...… …"

"You are not allowed to tease my sister like this in the future, let's not take it as an example." Lu Li said in her mouth, squatting down, calling out the injured little finger when she was late.

There was still golden peas on his cheeks when he was late, and he whispered: "Okay."

This is the first time that I have been late to have doubts about my soft and obedient sister.

Two years later, a quiet weekend night.

Lu Li and Chi Chenyan watched a movie in the theater.

Just seeing the wonderful part of the plot, there is a voice that goes from far to near.

"Mom! Dad! Mom! Uuuuuu..."

The door of the projection hall was pushed open, and he rushed in when he was late and rushed straight to Lu Li.

Chi Chenyan: "…… …"

"What's the matter?" He had to ask.

I was late and buried my head in Lu Li's arms. I don't know how many times I complained like this: "My sister snatched my toy again..."

The couple was a little headstrong, so they closed the movie, got up, and went to the children's room.

They saw in the children’s room, the late-fashioned child was sitting on a climbing mat, surrounded by her brother’s toy excavator trucks and the like.

Lu Li found that Chi Fanfan's hair was loose again.

In the morning, it was okay. I tied two cute little twitches, and then put off the shiny hairpin. Now the hairpin is no longer known where it is. The little twitch looses his dress up, and his hair explodes in a mess, like a laboratory. Einstein.

When Chi Fanfan saw Mom and Dad coming over, they raised their heads and shouted: "Mom and Dad!"

Chi Chenyan led the late arrivals in, and sat next to Chi Fanfan: "You are playing with your brother's toys. Have your brother agreed with you?"

Arriving late, clinging to Chi Chenyan, secretly looked at his sister.

Chi Fanfan was stopped by his father and lowered his head.

She just brought it over and played.

Chi Chenyan sighed, knowing that being late would have no way for this sister.

Chi Chenyan: "Now tell your brother, do you agree with me?"

Chi Fanfan pouted his lips, holding his chin to watch his late arrival.

"Brother, can you?" she asked.

When I am late, I am most afraid of my sister crying, and even more afraid of her biting. When I ask, I nodded hurriedly: "Yes."

Chi Chenyan took the little hand who was late, and then the little hand of Chi Fanfan, putting the little hands of the two brothers and sisters together.

"Okay, pull your hand and make it up."

"You want to love each other, do you know."

Chi Fanfan nodded greatly: "I know!"

"I will protect my brother!"

She was late and opened her mouth blankly after listening.

After handling the dispute between the two children, Chi Chenyan got up and gave the two children to his aunt to look after him, holding Lu Li's hand.

The movie was interrupted only halfway through, and the two of them suddenly couldn't raise the interest in going back to watch, and went back to the bedroom.

Lu Li thinks of her daughter with thick lines, and she doesn't know who she is.

Their daughters are all dressed up like a little princess, and her little princess will become a migrant worker in less than half an hour. (I didn’t say that migrant workers are embarrassed)

Usually he is best at bullying his silly Baitian brother.

Lu Li sighed.

Chi Chenyan heard her sigh and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lu Li thought that Chi Fanfan had a soft spot for excavators, and said, "The Barbie dolls I bought are all dusty."

Chi Chenyan remembered how his daughter was blowing up Mao and playing with his brother robbing the excavator, couldn't help but smile lightly, and then shook his head again.

His previous wish that his daughter and her sweet wife would act coquettishly in his arms together did not come true, because her daughter did not like to act coquettishly.

"It's good to play anything, as long as you are interested," he said.

Lu Li also nodded: "Yeah."

After talking about the child, Lu Li yawned: "I'm going to take a bath."

Chi Chenyan followed her into the bathroom, and put her arms around her waist: "Together."

Lu Li blushed.

The water in the bathtub was all over the floor, and the two of them finished the bath, and Chi Chenyan took Lu Li out.

Lu Li was put on the bed, and as soon as it touched the bed, she rolled, wrapped herself tightly with a quilt, like a silkworm, with only her small head exposed, looking at him with sly eyes.

Chi Chenyan helplessly akimbo, facing the baby silkworm on the bed: "Come out, Lili."

I had been teasing in the bathroom for a long time, but she had slipped away and didn't eat it.

Lu Li shrugged her small nose and couldn't come out.

She sometimes likes to hang his appetite very much, although the final result will always be eaten, but she still wants to hang him from time to time, watching him worry.

The mother of both children, still so naive.

But obviously, Chi Chenyan also liked such naivety.

"Little villain." He groaned, Lu Li couldn't come out, so he had to press it over, airtight.

Lu Li smiled and hid.

He got into the chrysalis of the baby silkworm in three or two strokes, wrapping the two of them together.

Lu Li's bathrobe was thrown out.

She giggled.

In fact, they were almost ready in the bathroom just now, and both of them sighed.

"Husband." Lu Li winks like silk, calling him.

Chi Chenyan gritted her teeth and decided to rectify her on the spot countless times tonight: "Fairy."

It was already midnight after the end.

Lu Li fell asleep with Chi Chenyan's arm and had a dream.

It was at school. She and Chi Chen had a banquet at the same school. They had known each other a long time ago. She called him Chi Xuechang.

The dreams at the beginning were quite normal. They were all fragments from some schools. Chi Xuechang is a senior and has always taken care of him.

It's just that when I dreamed about it later, the taste changed.

Lu Li dreamed of her eighteenth birthday. Chi Xuechang came to wish her a happy birthday, and then wished her a happy birthday. Chi Xuechang made her indescribable.

His temples were sweating slightly, so that she only knew how to cry, and said something terrible:

"Do you know how long Chi-senpai has been waiting for this day?"

Lu Li dreamed of this, waking up suddenly, and then looked at Chi Chenyan who was awake by her pillow.

Chi Chenyan: "What's wrong?"

Lu Li told him about this dream, and finally swallowed her saliva, and asked, "Will you really be like this?"

After hearing this, Chi Chenyan seemed to smile meaningfully, remembering that one afternoon in the past, he pressed his little wife in a uniform skirt and looked at the mirror in the cloakroom.

He knew how tempting she was to him then.

Chi Chenyan did not answer.

However, Lu Li already knew his answer, and felt empathized with the things in the dream, and started making trouble in his arms with teeth and claws.

Senior senior, late senior!
