The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 77: Qinggui school grass × daughter school flower


Lu Li has been growing up in Hong Kong City since she was a child, her kindergarten is in Hong Kong City, her elementary school is in Hong Kong City, and her middle school is also in Hong Kong City.

Classmates are either rich or in politics. Everyone is excellent, but Lu Li has always been the one who can be seen at first glance because of her mother's proud face.

When she was in elementary school, the boys circled her around, and then she stuffed love letters into her schoolbag in middle school.

It's just that those love letters are forgotten in the corner.

Lu Li has never felt much about love letters. The school is a Western-style education and is very open. Many students in the class started to fall in love in middle school, but she did not. One is that her mother does not approve of it, and the other is that she feels that boys are not as good as her brother. nice.

Although her elder brother is very strict with her and doesn't usually pay much attention to her, she still admits that her elder brother is very good-looking.

That’s how it came to the third grade. Not long after her fifteenth birthday, the school she went to had an exchange of students with other schools.

The other school is in the city of s. It is a good high school with a long history and extremely high enrollment rate. The students are all elites.

Students sign up voluntarily, and then the school teacher reviews and determines the quota.

Most of the students in the class who received Western education from an early age have no interest, because I heard that the schools there are all nerds who only know how to read books. There are endless homework every day, and life is full of grades and grades. There is no freedom of their own. time.

Lu Li was also not interested in this exchange student activity, because her grades were originally in the middle of the class, and her deskmate said that if she went there and compared with the nerds, she would be the last one at the back of the crane.

Lu Li didn't take this activity to heart until her father mentioned it at the dinner table during the weekend dinner.

He wants his little daughter, who has been soft and waxy since childhood, to experience it more and cultivate her independence. She is obviously a little girl, and she is usually as naive and clingy like a little girl.

Lu Li pinched the chopsticks and opened her mouth.

Although she has no interest, she doesn't feel the kind of strong resistance she doesn't want to go. If someone pushes her, she is still willing to think about it.

So now that my father let her go, then she... go

Priscilla Xu put a piece of ribs in her daughter's bowl and smiled and said, "Go."

Lu Li has always been more obedient: "Good."

The plane carried a sweet pear, and took her from Hong Kong City to S City with a swish.

Lu Li looked at her mobile phone, and it was filled with blessings for her smooth communication. My friend said that the boy student knew that she was going to s city to exchange for a semester, and his heart was almost broken.

Lu Li returned the blessings of her classmates, feeling a little nervous about the upcoming exchange life, and at the same time a little anxious.

Will she really become the last crane tail...

It was the second brother Lu Qian who sent Lu Li to study in s city. He was in college and had relatively little time, so Lu Hengrong gave him this task.

Lu Li sat next to her second brother, put her mobile phone away, and shrank into the back of her chair, not daring to let out the atmosphere.

Lu Qian glanced at his younger sister who pulled her collar to cover her chin, and said nothing.

He sent Lu Li to the school, first went through the formalities, and then went to the dormitory with his luggage.

Lu Qian looked at the dormitory where Lu Li was going to live, nodded, and expressed satisfaction.

The two-person room has a separate bathroom and a small living room. The other roommate is Qiao Jiayi, who seems to get along better.

School will start in two days.

Lu Qian stayed in S City for two days, went to the attractions here with Lu Li, and took her to Disney by the way.

Live in the hotel at night.

On the third day, Lu Li officially started school, and Lu Qian handed Lu Li to the head teacher, and then he was about to return to Hong Kong City.

Lu Qian chatted with the head teacher a few words, and then said that he wanted to talk to Lu Li alone.

The head teacher was a very kind female teacher, smiled and nodded, and let Lu Li go directly to the classroom after she finished speaking.

Lu Qian talked to Lu Li in the flower garden downstairs.

Lu Qian: "I'll be back to Hong Kong City later. You will study hard here. If you have any questions, please call."

"We will see you in a while."

Lu Li said in a low voice.

Lu Qian: "If you are not used to it, just say, you don't need to exchange if you don't want to exchange, you can do it anytime you want to go back to Hong Kong City."

Lu Li lowered her head: "Okay."

Lu Qian looked at his sister who was wearing the iconic large blue and white school uniform of S City Middle School, as if she had left Hong Kong City all at once, and felt like S City Middle School.

The little princess who wore a western-style school uniform, skirt and leather shoes in the past has become a female high school student who studies hard every day.

He sighed slightly: "Okay, what else can I say, I'm leaving."

Lu Li looked up at Lu Qian and bit her lip: "No more, thank you brother."

Lu Qian "Hmm" very coldly.

"I'm leaving." He turned around, "seeyou"

Lu Li looked at Lu Qian's back, until he disappeared around the corner.

Only then did she really feel that she was here alone now, facing the direction of Lu Qian's disappearance, slowly, her eyes were red.

Lu Li wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, sniffed, and returned to the classroom, standing on the podium and introducing herself to her classmates.

She found that her classmates were not all nerds with thick glasses as she thought. Everyone looked very active except for the ugly uniforms.

After Lu Li introduced herself, everyone applauded warmly.

The teacher asked her to sit next to Qiao Jiayi, who were both roommates and at the same table.

Qiao Jiayi leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Do you think our classmates are very enthusiastic."

Lu Li nodded: "Yes." She thought that her classmates looked very friendly.

Qiao Jiayi: "Do you know why?"

Lu Li: "Why?"

Qiao Jiayi: "Because you look good."

Lu Li: "...… …"

Then Lu Lihua spent two weeks to adjust to the teaching and life of the middle school in s city. At the same time, the students in the junior high school basically met her in these two weeks.

For no other reason, they look good. The exchange students look better than their original junior high school flowers, and the original school flowers are also convincing.

The middle school of s city has a junior high school and a high school, each with different teaching buildings.

Lu Li learned a lot of gossip under Qiao Jiayi's babble.

There are several beautiful seniors in high school, but the only recognized school is Chi Chenyan, who is in the third year of high school, and has the first grade. It is not bad for people in his class or knows, and for those who deliberately strike up a conversation. Basically ignored, very cold.

Sometimes in the afternoon between classes, he would go to the basketball court to play, and many girls would quietly watch.

Qiao Jiayi stabbed Lu Li with his elbow: "Do you want to see what he looks like?"

Lu Li shook her head: "Forget it." Isn't he just a senior boy, and ignores people. What's so good about it.

Qiao Jiayi seemed a little regretful: "All right."

Because it is a boarding school, after school in the afternoon, the whole school is noisy.

Lu Li deliberately waited until the cafeteria was less crowded before going to dinner.

She chose the homemade yogurt and fruit from the cafeteria window, and added many kinds of fruits she likes. When checking out, she reached out to find the campus card, and then all over her pockets, the campus card suddenly disappeared.

"My card," Lu Li muttered while looking for it. The aunt in the canteen in the window was holding Lu Li's fruit, "Classmate, is the card missing?"

Lu Li frowned and nodded, feeling very embarrassed. She chose the fruits according to her own preferences. She had already topped the yogurt and couldn't take it back.

Cash is not allowed in the school cafeteria.

Lu Li was so embarrassed for a while that she regretted being too squeezed and didn't come with Qiao Jiayi, so she could help her brush it, she now has the illusion that she wants to eat a king's meal.

Lu Li searched for a long time and didn't find it. She was about to ask her aunt if she could stop it. Suddenly she heard someone behind her say: "I'll help her brush it."

An arm stretched directly over her shoulder, holding the campus card, and pasting it in front of the credit card machine.

Auntie: "Okay."

Lu Li immediately turned around and found that the person behind her was much taller than her.

What she saw was his chest.

Lu Li looked up and saw the handsome mandibular angle of the boy.

"What do classmates want?" The aunt in the cafeteria was already asking the boys in line behind her.

Lu Li stood beside her box of fruits, watching the boy buy a bag of yogurt.

"Thank you, uh..." She saw that the boys were wearing high school uniforms, "Thank you, senior."

Chi Chenyan got the yogurt, turned around, and glanced at Lu Li's junior high school uniform.

"It's okay." He replied lightly, ready to leave.

Lu Li immediately ran up to him: "What is your name, what age and class is that senior, or if you leave a contact information, I will return the money to you at that time."

Chi Chenyan: "No."

He went straight away.

Lu Li stood in place, a little confused for a moment

Thanks is thanks, but every time I answer it is two words, and I don't even lift my eyelids, which is a bit twitching.

But Lu Li still understands this.

Because regardless of whether they are in Hong Kong City or S City, good-looking boys are usually dragged.

For example, her brother is also very twitchy.

She took the fruit and went to reapply for the campus card.

On the other hand, Chi Chenyan didn't take this matter to heart, but when she saw the little girl's face, she felt that she looked pretty good.

When studying in the evening, a few boys around his seat chatted and mentioned that there was an exchange student named Lu Li during the third semester of junior high school. He was a young school girl, and the senior high school sisters couldn’t compare with them. She resembles Xu Huixian, a veteran Hong Kong star beauty, the goddess of the screen who is still unforgettable with her beauty for many years.

Chi Chenyan didn't have much interest in this topic. After hearing a few sentences, he turned his pen to look at the question. Someone came to him with a workbook and asked him questions, and he spoke patiently.

The next afternoon, Chi Chenyan played with a group of boys on the basketball court.

After halftime, Chi Chenyan drank water on the sidelines.

He Shijie tilted his head back and poured half a bottle of mineral water, and then there was still water in his mouth.

Chi Chenyan glanced at him.

He Shijie swallowed quickly, patted Chi Chenyan's arm, and pointed in one direction.

"Political commissar, look, that, exchange student."

Privately, Chi Chenyan is called a "political commissar" among boys, and he has the meaning of leadership in it.

Chi Chenyan didn't know how He Shijie was so excited. When he heard him say "exchange student", he vaguely remembered the group of people who talked last night, saying that this semester came a beautiful exchange student.

Chi Chenyan still took a look along the direction He Shijie pointed.

Today Lu Li was urged by Qiao Jiayi to come to see Chichen Banquet, the great god of high school.

The two were lying in front of the iron net outside the basketball court. They didn't expect that when they came over, they didn't appreciate it much, and the great god turned his head and looked in their direction.

Peeking at others and being discovered, Qiao Jia immediately ran away with Lu Li's guilty conscience.

Chi Chenyan saw the two girls running away, turned his head to look at He Shijie.

He Shijie also quietly looked at the back of the exchange student.

When the exchange student ran away, He Shijie realized that Chi Chenyan was watching him, so he raised his eyebrows at him, and said in a proud tone: "How?"

He Shijie didn’t wait for Chi Chenyan’s answer after asking, and he tucked his jersey up again, as if talking to Chi Chenyan, and wanted to say to himself: "You said this is only three years old, so appropriate. My age is poor, but when I say it, the third year of junior high school seems to be not in the same generation as ours. I now look at other junior high school students, and the more I look at them, the more I feel so guilty."

Chi Chenyan remembered how she hurriedly ran away with her companion just now.

It turns out that the exchange students He Shijie they were talking about were the children who didn't bring a meal card in the cafeteria yesterday.

He heard He Shijie's words with a calm expression on his face, just tossing the ball in his hand to him.

He Shijie was thinking about the exchange student talking to himself when the ball suddenly came over and caught it in a hurry.

Chi Chenyan finally glanced at He Shijie, then lazily walked to the court, and said: "Be yourself."