The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 79: Qinggui school grass × daughter school flower


Chi Chenyan nodded to the back of the girl Yuanyuan's head, "Okay."

The servant knocked on the door to tell them to go downstairs to dinner.

Lu Li immediately opened the door and ran downstairs.

Chi Chenyan remembered how she had just been holding the handle and seriously "fighting" with him, and couldn't help but lower her head and smile.

Lu Li had a guest with her parents, and when she left, Grandma Chi asked her to come and play when she had time on the weekend.

Lu Li looked at her parents' eyes and answered verbally.

Then I thought she didn’t want to come. Your grandson played the game with me in single player mode.

After the weekend, Lu Li sent away his parents and continued her exchange study career in s city middle school.

It’s been a month since the school started, and the whole school took the next month’s exam. The learning progress here is different from that of Hong Kong City. Some of the things I teach Lu Li have learned and some have not. After finishing the preparations, I was surprised to find that I was not the last one.

She was 12th from the bottom and 28th in the class.

English is the perfect score, and the math test is the lowest.

The head teacher called Lu Li to the teacher's office to chat with her, knowing that the teaching mode and teaching progress of Lu Li's school are much worse than theirs here, especially in mathematics, so it is normal to not keep up for a while.

"It's okay, continue to work hard next time." The head teacher patted Lu Li on the back and released her back to the classroom.

After school in the afternoon, Qiao Jiayi took Lu Li and ran to the top of the school's ranking list.

They are not ranked in the monthly examinations of the junior high school, but only ranked in the monthly examinations of the high school.

The two ran to the top of the ranking list, Qiao Jiayi pointed out to Lu Li: "Have you seen it, learn God."

Lu Li saw that the first place was Chi Chenyan.

Although she is more prejudiced towards this person now, Lu Li said "Wow" after seeing the score.

He scored full marks in several of his subjects, and the rest were close to full marks.

Qiao Jiayi did not let go of any opportunity to the male god of Luli Anli High School, and asked triumphantly: "Awesome."

Lu Li nodded: "Awesome."

Qiao Jia was satisfied and took Lu Li's arm: "Let's go."

Their homework this week is to revise the test papers after the monthly test, and the teacher will talk about it in class next week.

Lu Li and Qiao Jiayi made an appointment to go to the school library to do homework, and Qiao Jiayi also made an appointment with Han Zifan.

Han Zifan is a study committee member in the class. He is thin and small, wearing black-rimmed glasses, but his grades are extremely good.

Qiao Jia made an appointment with Han Zifan to give him a lecture. Han Zifan was usually a arrogant and arrogant student. He heard that he had also dated Lu Li, and blushed, he twitched and agreed.

The library collection and design of the middle school library in s city are very famous, and many university libraries can't match it.

Lu Li Qiao Jiayi and Han Zifan found a place next to each other, and placed the pencil case and stationery.

There are many high school students in the library.

Lu Li fell into contemplation on the math test paper with bleak scores, and drew and wrote on the draft paper for a multiple-choice question for a long time, and finally poked Han Zifan.

"Can you tell me about this question?"

After sitting down, Han Zifan kept his head obsessed with calculating questions, as if he did not dare to look at the opposite girl. He raised his head only after hearing Lu Li's question, blushing: "Oh, good."

On the weekend after the exam in the first month, everyone put it loosely.

The high school was also more active than usual. Chi Chen feasted in the classroom, leaning on his chair to play on his mobile phone.

A few messages came from the top of the phone, which came from the qq group "Brothers of Funeral Love".

In the group, there are a few classmates who are good at playing basketball together. Chi Chen opens a message reminder to see what they are talking about.

The first is a photo.

Love Burial Brother A: [I actually ran into a small exchange student in the library]

Love Burial Brother B: [Wori, you are so fucking wretched, candidly photographed others]

Love Burial Brother C: [First of all, I express contempt for your sneak shots, and secondly, this little exchange has grown so much like my goddess]

Love Burial Brother D: [Who is the little bean sprout with glasses sitting next to her? 】

Buried brother A: [Classmates, just look at the results with the glasses, I'm talking about the topic]

Funeral Brother C: [Old A, you can help me ask the exchange student if there is still a shortage of people to talk about it, I can]

Funeral Brother B: [C, you're a fucking man, just as embarrassed as you to talk to others? Do you think people don’t know your unruly heart]

Burial Brother C: [How embarrassed? I don't know the questions in high school, can I still not know the questions in junior high school? What kind of unruly heart, I just want to make friends with others. 】

Love Burial Brother D: [You really may not be able to make the papers for other people’s junior high school students, don’t be ashamed]

Funeral Brother B: [+1, and do you want to make friends? You are a greedy little sister, and junior high school students can handle it, shameless, lowly, heitui! 】

Burial Brother C: [...… …]

Chi Chenyan curled his eyebrows, looking through the chat log with a complicated expression.

Then turn to that photo again.

The little boy sat with the little boy wearing glasses once, their heads were close together, the little boy stared at the paper carefully, and he could see the blushing face of the boy with glasses through the screen.

Chi Chenyan narrowed his eyes.

The "Brothers of Funeral" group chat continued, and the topic revolved around the direction of wanting to make friends with small exchange students.

Seeing that the little kid is being discussed by this group of perverted and wretched senior seniors, Chi Chenyan directly sets up a mute for all the staff as management.

It's quiet now.

Chi Chenyan put away his mobile phone, and just thought of getting up, when he bumped into Bai Qianying and came over with a test paper.

"Chi Chenyan, can you tell me about this problem?" She was referring to the last question of the last big problem in mathematics.

Chi Chenyan glanced at it, stood up, and directly drew out his test paper to her: "I have something wrong, you can take it and read it yourself."

Bai Qian greeted the test paper: "Ah, good."

Chi Chenyan put his hand in his trouser pocket and walked out of the classroom.

Ten minutes later, he appeared in the school library and recalled the position of the row of study tables and chairs in the photo.

at the same time.

The study room on the third floor of the library.

"You do this first, do this as an auxiliary line, then do this, then do that, um, do the math, and finally add one more step, um..."

Han Zifan drew on the draft paper with a pen, sniffing his nose while squatting on the topic.

Lu Li looked at Han Zifan's writing and drawing on the draft paper, her head dizzy and big. Fastest update

Facts have proved that people with good grades may not necessarily be able to teach. Han Zifan obviously belongs to the kind of academic bully who knows him well but does not know how to explain to others. Still didn't give people a clear idea.

On the opposite side, Qiao Jiayi heard Han Zifan's "this and that" type of topic, and sighed with her hand on her forehead, regretting calling him.

Lu Li couldn't listen to what Han Zifan was talking about, she just wanted to ask Han Zifan not to talk anymore.

However, Han Zifan was patient and responsible as he had never before. While talking, he asked her from time to time: "That's it, do you understand?"

Lu Ligan laughed twice: "Hey, hey."

Han Zifan saw the red cross on Lu Li's test paper and continued to ask, "Is there any question you still don't understand?"

"Uh..." Lu Li felt that it would hurt if Han Zifan was not told to speak directly. After all, they were kind enough to come to study with them.

Shall we say something will happen later

But today's self-study is scheduled ahead of time, so how can I make an appointment with Han Zifan for self-study if something happens.

Lu Li glanced at Qiao Jia on the opposite side.

Qiao Jiayi also seemed very helpless, how did I know it would be like this expression on her face.

Lu Li raised her head again and looked around.

She suddenly saw a long figure walking in her direction.

Chi Chen feast.

He came to the library too

Lu Li is now thinking about how to end Ping He Han Zifan's fatal lecture. Seeing Chi Chenyan getting closer and closer to her, regardless of whether he sees her or not, she directly waved her hand: "Chi Xuechang!"

Qiao Jia turned around.

Han Zifan also looked across.

Chi Chenyan did not expect that Lu Li would take the initiative to greet him first.

Lu Li pulled the chair away and stood up, ran to Chi Chenyan, grinning awkwardly at him: "Chi Xuechang."

Qiao Jia was stunned.

Han Zifan also knew that this was the god of high school, his idol.

Lu Li swallowed: "Senior Chi is coming to the library too, let's sit together."

She clasped her hands secretly, knowing that her acquaintance was abnormal, and Chi Chenyan might not agree.

Chi Chenyan looked at Lu Li for two seconds and found that she seemed nervous, so he nodded, "Yes."

Chi Chenyan pulled a chair and sat beside Lu Li.

Lu Li moved all her rubber stationery and draft paper to the direction of Chi Chenyan, and then said to Han Zifan: "Thank you Han Zifan, I will ask Chi Xuechang to tell me, sorry to trouble you, you give Jiajia speak."

Qiao Jia glanced at Han Zifan with question marks all over her head.

"...… …"

Qiao Jia rushed to Lu Litou to betray the contempt of his teammates, then smiled awkwardly with Han Zifan, and pointed out a question casually: "Why don't you tell me about this."

Han Zifan usually didn't give lectures to his classmates in class. He glanced at Qiao Jiayi's question, and then at Qiao Jiayi.

He said: "Ah, I suddenly remembered that there is something else at home. This question is quite simple. You can understand it by reading it yourself."

Qiao Jiayi: "?"

Han Zifan packed up and left.

Qiao Jia was so angry that she raised her middle finger directly at Han Zifan's back.

Lu Li was also surprised by Han Zifan's double standard attitude, and she was a little speechless.

She looked at Qiao Jiayi apologetically.

After Qiao Jia put up her middle finger, her eyes lingered on Chi Chenyan and Lu Li.

Lu Li quickly explained: "We know each other between our two families."

Qiao Jia nodded her head and let out an "Oh", and suddenly picked up her things: "Then I will go now."

Lu Li: "?"

She was about to stop Qiao Jiayi, Chi Chenyan picked up a pen next to her: "Didn't you let me talk about the topic for you? Which one?"

Lu Li: "...… …"

She didn't really want him to say it.

Lu Li couldn't help it, and couldn't say that her purpose was to use him to get rid of Han Zifan, so she pointed to the simplest multiple-choice question.

Chi Chenyan glanced twice and not only wrote the formula for this question design, but also listed the formulas of the same type one by one.

Because the question is simple, he speaks quickly.

Lu Li waited until Chi Chenyan finished speaking the last word, nodded hurriedly, packed up her pencil case, and filled her colorful highlighter in: "Thank you senior, I won't bother you, I'll go now."

Chi Chenyan frowned slightly when she saw that she seemed to be eager to run.

He flipped through Lu Li's paper and saw that he had made a lot of mistakes and almost failed.

After Lu Li packed her pencil case and textbooks, she found that her poorly scored papers were still in Chi Chenyan's hands.

She stretched out her hand: "Senior, give me the paper."

Chi Chenyan did not give Lu Li the paper, but began to habitually analyze the wrong questions in the whole paper.

Seeing that he didn't return her papers, Lu Li couldn't help but narrowed her mouth.

Even if you play the game and open the single player mode, now you are still planning to occupy her test paper

"Senior." Lu Li called again.

Chi Chenyan finally came back to his senses, looked at Lu Li, and suddenly asked, "Which is your exam?"

Lu Li also glanced at him, tugging at the corner of her mouth and replied, "Our class is 12th from the bottom, and 28th is positive."

"You can give it back to me."

It seemed that the learning scum was taken for granted, and she was too lazy to explain because the learning progress here was different from her previous school.

Chi Chenyan: "Is it because the schedule is different from your original school?" He found that Lu Li's mistakes were almost all of the same type of questions.

Lu Li didn't expect that he could guess it, she was a little surprised at first, and then said "um".

Chi Chenyan flattened Lu Li's papers: "Sit down, let me tell you something."

Lu Li: "Huh?"

She immediately shook her head: "No need for seniors, I really don't need to trouble you."

Chi Chenyan asked self-consciously: "Have you learned this vertical path theorem before?"

Lu Li: "...… …"

Can't the single player Chi Senpai hear what she said

Chi Chenyan opened the pencil case that Lu Li had pulled up again, took a pencil, and began to draw circles on the draft paper.

Lu Li was hesitant to speak a few more times, but told herself to be patient and listen.

The phone in his trouser pocket shook.

Chi Chenyan was talking, Lu Li quietly lowered her head and took out her mobile phone.

Qiao Jiayi sent her a qq.

【what is the problem! 】

[How did you meet, you didn't tell me before, so I ran to introduce you back? ? ? 】

Lu Li turned her head sullenly:

[My dad and his grandma know each other, they are both in business]

Qiao Jia sent an emoticon with her chin resting on it.

【real? 】

[Then how is his relationship with you, how is your relationship? 】

Lu Li thought for a moment.

Probably the kind of relationship that played the game and opened the single player mode to fool her.

So I returned: [Generally, I have only seen it once before]

Qiao Jiayi: [Then you were so enthusiastic to him just now? Still inviting people to sit next to you? 】

[Seeing if you usually don't say it, do you have that kind of attempt to others in your heart? 】

As a young girl who is in love with her for the first time, Lu Li is a little mad after being targeted by chaos, and snapped back:

[I am not interested in old men, ok? 】