The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 80: Qinggui school grass × daughter school flower


Chi Chenyan found that Lu Li was not focused, and was looking down at the phone to go on a job.

He wanted to see what she was looking at, Lu Li immediately noticed, turned off the phone, and put it in her pocket.

Lu Li looked at Chi Chenyan's suspicious eyes, remembering the news that she had just returned to Qiao Jiayi, and gave a dry smile.

Chi Chenyan didn't say anything, but withdrew his gaze, motioned Lu Li to read what he had just written on the manuscript.

Facts have proved that there is a difference between learning the gods and learning tyrants.

Compared with Han Zifan’s “this and that” approach, Chi Chenyan’s organization is clear, logical and rigorous, and helped her fill up a lot of knowledge that she hadn’t learned before. What’s even more surprising is that Lu Li found that she was even at a junior high school level. Understand.

She originally thought that Chi Chen's banquet would use a formula that would be used by their high school students.

The two were very close.

The boy's voice is very nice, deep and smooth, even if you don't listen to what it means, listening to it is a kind of enjoyment in your ears.

He asked her to look carefully at what he wrote, Lu Li got closer and could even feel the heat on his body.

This reminded her involuntarily the feeling that she fell on him last time in Chi Mansion.

I don't know why, I was shy and embarrassed when I fell. On the contrary, when I think about it later, I always feel that there is a little more inexplicable feeling in it.

Even the temperature, heartbeat, and smell on his body when he fell became clearer and clearer.

It's as if the temperature and smell on his body are the same when he is near now.

Lu Li was in a daze.

Chi Chenyan saw Lu Li's dreamy eyes, touched the paper with a pen, and called out, "Lu Li, are you listening?"

"Huh?" Lu Li regained her senses quickly.

She blushed with a sullen face.

Lu Li bounced back: "Yes, I'm sorry."

Chi Chenyan noticed that the girl's original white jade-like ears were red like small cherries.

A smile appeared at the corner of his lips, and he pointed to the place just mentioned: "Look here."

Lu Li looked at the question with a flushed face.

Time flies, and a paper is still corrected.

Chi Chenyan wrote the last number, and Lu Licai whispered: "Thank you, Senior Chi."

Chi Chenyan closed his pen cap: "Yeah."

Lu Li slowly packed her books and stationery, and when she raised her eyes, she happened to collide with Chi Chenyan's gaze.

She immediately retracted her gaze and put her schoolbag on her back: "Senior Chi, I will leave first, goodbye."

Chi Chenyan: "Wait a minute."

Lu Li turned around again: "Chi Xuechang?"

Chi Chenyan didn't speak, but leaned down and fastened Lu Li's loose shoelaces.

He twisted his slender fingers, tied a beautiful bow, and then straightened up: "Let's go."

Lu Li was in a sluggish state from when Chi Chenyan bent over to tie his shoelaces, and didn't recover until he finally talked to her.

He lowered his eyes and saw the bows already tied on his shoes.

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she only spit out one sentence that she had said several times today: "Thank you Chi Xuechang."

On the way back to the dormitory, Lu Li only felt that the shoe laced by Chi Chenyan was walking and she didn't know how to go.

In the evening, Lu Li lay on a small bed in her dormitory, counting "I have no interest in old men" to 1,384 times, but still did not fall asleep.

She has a rare insomnia in her life.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I couldn't help thinking about being in the library today, the last time I was in the Chi Mansion, and even last time, the elder in the cafeteria helped her swipe her card.

Lu Li didn't know why she kept thinking about this, turned over, and thumped her pillow in annoyance. Starting

If you have anything to think about, people play games with you in single player mode.

The next day, when Lu Li passed the school ranking list, she couldn't help but glance at the number one name, and then left quickly.

After that, every time she passed by the ranking list, she couldn't help but look at the name a few more times, until the ranking list was taken down and waited for the next test cycle.

Every time Lu Li sees that name, she feels the beating of her little heart, a little worried and sweet.

The school’s milk tea shop is doing very well. Lu Li and Qiao Jia took a cup of milk tea and came out of the shop. At the same time, several senior high school sisters came out.

The elder sisters chuckled and laughed while carrying milk tea. They were very tall and well-developed, and they could tell the difference at a glance with those little kids in junior high school uniforms.

Qiao Jiayi noticed that Lu Li was staring at her senior sister.

"What do you think of others?" she asked.

"Huh?" Lu Li retracted her gaze, lowered her head and inhaled the milk tea, "I think people should look good."

In fact, she didn't take a close look at what those senior sisters looked like, but she felt that walking by your side, the 17- or 18-year-old girl in the season gave people a good-looking feeling.

Qiao Jia broke her head and didn't remember what those senior sisters looked like just now, and then she looked at Lu Li, who took the top spot in the school's face value list after a short time after the exchange.

Several black lines crossed her forehead: "Are you sure you are not being sarcastic?"

"No." Lu Li explained hurriedly. She knew that she looked like her mother, but at this time, she had some looks and suddenly began to resent her age.

Lu Li seemed a little depressed: "But I'm young."

No matter how good he looks, he is a junior high school student at first glance.

After Qiao Jia heard it, her eyes fell all the way from Lu Li's face, and finally fell on Lu Li's chest.

She stared for two seconds, then nodded, hard to disagree: "Well, it's really small."

Lu Li: "...… …"

The two dangled in the school with milk tea in their mouths. After dangling for a while, they ran into acquaintances.

With a sharp eye, Qiao Jia saw that Chi Chenyan had just come out of the teaching building and poked Luli, knowing that they knew: "Look, you Chi Senior."

She urged Lu Li: "Go and say hello."

It was the first time Lu Li had encountered Chi Chenyan at school since the library. When Qiao Jia mentioned his name, she seemed a little bit shy, and then looked in the direction she was pointing.

Then I was stunned

Because Chi Chenyan is not alone.

There was a girl walking beside him. The girl had a low ponytail. She was obviously from high school. She wore a pair of rimless glasses. She had fair skin and clean features. She seemed to keep talking to him.

So Lu Li waited until Chi Chenyan and the girl had passed by, still holding milk tea in her hand, but she never said hello.

Qiao Jiayi also saw the girl next to Chi Chenyan and muttered, "Bai Qianying?"

Lu Li asked blankly: "Who is Bai Qianying?"

Qiao Jia replied: "In the third year of high school, the poor and excellent students specially recruited by the school have been in the top ten of the grade."

"She seems to be in Chichen's banquet class too, I don't know."

She looked at Lu Li and asked, "Why didn't you say hello just now? Everyone has passed by."

Lu Litu's chest suddenly blocked up.

"I'm not familiar with it again." She pressed a sentence.

On the other side, Bai Qianying followed Chi Chenyan to ask a physics problem.

Chi Chenyan usually doesn't refuse to talk to others. Now Bai Qianying asks him as he walks. He also listens, and gives her two key steps.

He walked at his own speed, Bai Qianying had been struggling to follow.

After Bai Qianying finished asking, she finally stood still, with a smile on her face: "Thank you."

Chi Chenyan let out an "um".

Bai Qianying: "Are you going to the cafeteria? Let's go together."

Chi Chenyan faintly replied: "No need."

He nodded at Bai Qianying, and then walked away first.

Bai Qianying bit her lip in place.

Lu Li and Qiao Jia were originally going to go back to the dormitory, but the more Lu Li walked away, the more they remembered the way Chi Chenyan was walking with the woman surnamed Bai just now.

They went to the direction of the cafeteria, the roads all came together, do they have to eat together

Lu Li thought for a while, and suddenly stopped.

Qiao Jiayi: "Why don't you leave?"

Lu Li: "I'm going to the cafeteria. I'm hungry."

Qiao Jia had a question mark on her face: "Didn't we just eat it? You have amnesia?"

Lu Li: "Then I'll buy yogurt. Do you want it, I'll bring you a copy."

Qiao Jiayi: "Buy yogurt, let's do it together."

Lu Li pulled Qiao Jiayi's arm down: "No, I'll go by myself, you go back to the dormitory first, bye."

Qiao Jia stood still, confused.

On the way to the cafeteria, Lu Li gritted her teeth, thinking that she would go and see for herself.

Go and take a look at the old man and old woman looking at me at the meal, and then she feels ashamed of her blushing and heartbeat inexplicably these few days, and ruthlessly despises her own kind of behavior that is not too big but thinks too much.

The canteen is divided into several floors, and Lu Li went straight to the first floor where she bought yogurt last time.

It's already over the meal, and there are not many people in the cafeteria, so it's easy to find.

Lu Li saw a man and a woman sitting next to the window talking from afar, talking and laughing, it was vulgar.

From the back, the male must be the old man, and the female is the old woman.

Lu Li clenched her small fist and took several breaths.

This is not a Hong Kong city. Middle school students who fall in love will be despised and spurned to invite their parents.

She also took a couple of mouthfuls from the bottom of her heart, turned around, and told herself that she was thinking too much and looked away.

Then she slammed into a wall of flesh when she turned around.


Lu Li took her nose and took two steps back.

Chi Chenyan was also taken aback.

He looked like a kid from behind, and when he came over to say hello to her, she suddenly turned around aggressively.

"What's wrong? Hit the nose?"

Chi Chenyan immediately leaned over to ask, what was not light just now, his brows were worried.

Lu Li was clutching her injured nose and opening her eyes, she suddenly realized that there was an old man in front of her.

Isn't he talking and laughing with the old woman for dinner, why is he here again

Lu Li turned her head again and looked in the direction just now.

The couple is still there.

Then she turned her head to face the genuine Chi Chenyan's face.

… She just admitted wrong.

Lu Li put down her hand covering her nose, looked at Chi Chenyan vigilantly, and then seemed to be looking for something behind him.

Chi Chenyan couldn't help but looked behind him.

"What are you looking for?" he asked.

Lu Li blurted out and asked, "Did you come alone?"

Chi Chenyan looked at her: "Yeah."

Lu Li wanted to ask the girl who was walking with you just now, but when it came to her lips, she felt that it seemed wrong to ask.

But knowing that he came alone, Lu Li seemed to be suddenly cheerful in her heart.

Only then did she feel that this behavior of seeing him and the girl chasing him immediately seemed strange, and she nodded to Chi Chenyan.

"I'm sorry that Senior Chi ran into you just now."

Chi Chenyan carefully condensed Lu Li's red tip: "Does the nose still hurt?"

Lu Li couldn't help but touched her nose: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

It is strange that when she is talking to him so close, she dare not look into his eyes when she is talking.

Chi Chenyan smiled: "What do you want to eat? I'm too embarrassed to bump into you. I should make amends."

Lu Li smiled at the boy, saying "I have eaten it and drank a cup of milk tea just now", but she didn't say it.

Half an hour later, Lu Li, who had eaten two dinners, had a round belly and a box of yogurt in her hands, slowly feasting with Chi Chen downstairs.

The two walked with different leg lengths, and Chi Chenyan deliberately slowed down.

Lu Li was very happy, and saw that Qiao Jia's old classmate with the surname Bai also came out of the first floor of the cafeteria at this time.

Classmate Bai first saw Chi Chenyan, with a slight smile on her face, and then when she saw Chi Chenyan next to her, she seemed to be taken aback.

However, this was just a moment of stun, Lu Li clearly felt that the old classmate Bai had ignored her, and seemed to be ready to come over and talk to Chi Chenyan.

The reason for being ignored by classmate Bai is also very simple.

Because I think she is a child, it is definitely not that kind of relationship, let alone poses any threat.

Maybe you will have to ask the children later, when you are in middle school, ah, your name is Senior Chi Chenyan, then you will call me Senior Sister from now on.

Lu Liguang thought of the way classmate Bai asked her to call her senior sister.

Chi Chenyan hasn't seen classmate Bai yet.

So Lu Li squinted, holding the yogurt in one hand, and directly holding Chi Chenyan's arm with the other hand.

"Chi Xuechang, can't you tell me about the vertical path theorem?" she asked harmlessly.

Chi Chenyan didn't expect Lu Li to take his arm, and paused.

Then she faced Shangluli's innocent face.

He couldn't tell for a moment whether she didn't avoid suspicion because she was too young and treated him as her brother.

Only last time, when he fell into his arms, he would blush again.

After all, Chi Chenyan didn't leave Lu Li's arm aside, the arm she was holding was slightly stiff.

Lu Li walked with Chi Chenyan, turned around, and glanced at Classmate Bai who seemed to be shocked in the same place.

The harmless expressions of humans and animals just disappeared when facing Chi Chen's banquet, replaced by a smile belonging to the winner.

Dare to look down on children

Children can arm him like this, do you dare