The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 85: Qinggui school grass × daughter school flower


Later, Lu Li was immersed in the kiss all day, couldn't help but recall the feeling when his breath hit her face, and then imagined what would happen if he really kissed her if he was not separated by the thumb.

Does he really want to kiss her? He must also want to kiss her in his heart.

Lu Li knew that Chi Chenyan would not be like her and would not be like her. The only thing he would agree with was to ask him to help her with her homework.

So she invited Chi Chen banquet to the library every week to ask questions. This is the closest thing to dating two people.

Thanks to Chichen's feast, Lu Li's mid-term exam went from the bottom twelfth to the positive twelfth in the class.

But Lu Li was unhappy.

After passing the midterm exam, it means that most of the semester has passed since her exchange life in the middle school of s city.

She will return to Hong Kong City at the end of the exchange next semester. What about her future boyfriend? Don't they want to have a long-distance relationship

Lu Li eagerly told Chi Chenyan about her worries.

After hearing this, Chi Chenyan helped his forehead helplessly and said, "Lu Li, I'm not in a relationship with you yet."

So there is no long-distance relationship.

Lu Li knew that Chi Chenyan was always obsessed with this, and pouted, "Then you are not as worried as I am?"

It seemed that she was only worried about being separated from Chi Chenyan, and Chi Chenyan didn't care about being separated from her at all.

"I'm telling you that there are many boys chasing me in Hong Kong. You are not afraid that I will fall in love with others and be snatched away by others."

When Chi Chenyan heard Lu Li's "Like others", he was silent.

He didn't know how long the girl's liking for him could last. It might be that after she returned to her city, she could forget him in a short time.

He actually thought this from the time he promised her to associate with her when she grows up. This is like a slow-down strategy, because Ben doesn't have to wait until she grows up. After a while, she will forget what she likes.

This was clearly what he had been thinking about, but he didn't know why, Chi Chenyan thought about it now, and suddenly became unwilling in his heart.

Chi Chenyan raised his head and said to Lu Li's eyes, "Will you?"

"Huh?" Lu Li originally wanted to threaten Chi Chenyan, but he didn't expect that he would ask him back.

Will she empathize

Of course she won't!

Lu Li straightened her chest and distinguished herself: "Am I like that woman in your eyes? Trust? What about the new job between people?"

Chi Chenyan smiled.

He raised his head and touched Luli's little furry head, and looked at her with an unprecedented seriousness: "I'm waiting for you."

Lu Li was a little dazed by Chi Chenyan's sudden seriousness.

She didn't get used to him being serious about her, and she thought he would say you are still young, don't think so much now.

Lu Li lowered her head, tangled for a while, and said, "I, I am a very dedicated person."

Chi Chenyan smiled softly: "Yeah." The update is the fastest

time flies.

When I agreed to exchange, I felt that a semester was so long, but after the real pass, I realized that it was really short.

Lu Li does not have to take final exams, and her parents come to pick her up in s city.

Lu Li found Chi Chenyan in tears on the day before Lu Hengrong's plane arrived in city s.

Chi Chenyan wiped away the tear marks on Lu Li's cheek with his fingertips: "Don't cry, remember to call."

Lu Li struck her nose and could only comfort herself that Chi Chenyan would go to university immediately. Even if she did not end her exchange, the two of them could not stay in the same place and the same school forever.

Chi Chenyan looked down at Lu Li with hazy teary eyes.

He seemed to underestimate the likes of children from the beginning.

For the first time, he took the initiative to hug Baoluli.

Lu Li asked for a hug for a whole semester, and it didn't happen until the last day, crying like a child.

Lu Li: "I'll grow up quickly, don't forget what you promised me oh oh oh oh..."

Chi Chenyan smiled: "No."

Lu Li grabbed Chi Chenyan's clothes on his chest, rubbed all the tears on his lap, and asked unwillingly, "I have embraced all of you, can I really kiss you?"

Chi Chenyan answered above her head, restraining all her impulses: "No."

Lu Li knew it was the answer, tearfully.

The next day, Lu Hengrong's car drove to the school gate.

Lu Li's exchange life officially ended.

She returned to her own school and classroom and put on her beautiful little skirt school uniform.

Lu Li posted a picture of herself wearing a school uniform in a small skirt to Chi Chenyan.

Chi Chenyan watched that photo for a long time, and finally set it as a screensaver on his phone.

The two have always been in contact.

Lu Li knew that Chi Chenyan had gone to a terrific T University, and she had also been promoted to high school.

Three years is neither long nor short.

At the beginning, Lu Li complained to Chi Chenyan every day about things in school, and then reminded him to remember that you are a person with a family, how many days before you become Lu Li’s cute boyfriend.

Chi Chenyan also responded very seriously, but most of the time it was for her to study hard.

During the first winter vacation, Chi Chenyan originally came to Hong Kong City, but it was delayed because of his family affairs.

It came during the summer vacation, and Lu Li was taken by his mother to Australia for skiing.

Slowly, the connection between the two disappeared.

I used to chat every day, but later it became a blessing text message every new year and holidays.

Until the end, Lu Li took the big notice and wondered whether to tell Chi Chenyan.

She has grown up.

Lu Li now recalls her "glorious history" of chasing people as her boyfriend, and she has a lot of emotion.

But just because she is getting older, she also understands that Chi Chenyan is a very principled person.

Associating with a fifteen-year-old junior high school student, except for her who was fifteen years old, is a shameless crime in the eyes of anyone.

So he rejected her at that time, and in order to reassure her, he promised to have formal relationships with her when she became an adult.

She now also understands Chi Chenyan's thoughts at that time, knowing that children's likes will not last for long, and if she spends one day temporarily coaxing her, in fact, she can't wait for that time, and the girl's mind will change.

Just like when she just returned from the exchange, she determined to contact Chi Chenyan every day to send news. She persisted for a long time, until one day later, she was suddenly delayed because of something, and then the number of days that fell more and more, until Now, the number of contacts between the two is very small.

Lu Li bit her lip.

The adult who once felt out of reach will now be next month.

Dad is going to give her a coming-of-age ceremony. She looked at the plan and it was very grand.

Lu Hengrong originally didn't agree with Lu Li to go to University of T. There is a university as good as University of T in Hong Kong, or to go directly to study abroad, but he couldn't stand Lu Li's insistence, so he agreed.

Lu Li looked at the notice in hand.

The reason she wants to go is actually very simple, because when she applied for school, she had only one thought, that is, Chi Chen feasted there.

She didn't tell anyone the reason, and Chi Chenyan didn't know.

Lu Li finally thought about it, and took a photo of the admission letter and sent it to Chi Chenyan.

The last time they contacted was a holiday greeting more than two months ago.

Attach a paragraph of text under the photo:

[Chi, senior, you want to continue to be my senior]

After Lu Li finished posting, she carefully checked the content she had just posted, whether there was anything that was not good enough, or whether her words were not decent enough.

When she first returned to Hong Kong City, she had to tell Chi Chenyan about a few wrong homework questions today. Now as time goes by, she is also worried about decency.

The news from Chi Chenyan came back unexpectedly quickly.

[Waiting for you. 】

Lu Li thought about the three words that Chi Chenyan returned to her.

This "Waiting for you", besides the meaning of him waiting for her in school, does it have another meaning

When Lu Li thought about this, she felt a little nervous in her heart. After thinking about it, she finally threw herself on the bed and covered her head with a pillow.

After half a day, she edited the text on the phone again, and a line of words was deleted, typed and deleted by her, and finally sent a sentence:

[Chi Xuechang, I have my birthday on the 12th of next month, and my family held a birthday party for me. In Hong Kong City, are you free to come over? 】

After Lu Li posted it, she bit the corner of her pillow and stared at the phone, waiting nervously for a reply.

Her birthday was before the start of school, so it was naturally held in Hong Kong City.

He still remembered that this was the last birthday of her child, and after that day, she was a real adult.

In a moment, Chi Chen feasted back to her: [Okay. 】

Lu Li saw the word "good" and suddenly her eyes were wet and she wanted to cry.

They have less contact.

Because the older she grew up, the less she knew how to talk to him. She used to be passionate and innocent and courageous, until she gradually understood that promise, which may be a gentle lie to coax children, so everything changed. I don't know how to speak.

Perhaps the greatest possibility is that when he saw her again he smiled at her and gave her a gift, and then both of them tacitly didn't mention the past.

Maybe he had already had a girlfriend in college.

Lu Li carefully looked through Chi Chenyan's circle of friends, except for some reposted content from the school, there were no other traces.

She sniffed and went to sleep.

I dreamed of the time when he was at school and kissed her through his thumb.

The 12th is Lu Li’s birthday, and Chichen feasts on the 11th in Feigang City.

Lu Li asked for flight information in advance and went to pick him up.

She told him not to refuse, because it was so far away as a guest.

The meeting was not as exaggerated as it was in the TV series. Lu Li saw the young man walking out pushing the suitcase and waved at him.

Lu Qian was at his age back then, and he turned out to be her boyfriend.

When Chi Chenyan saw Lu Li, he shook his head.

There have always been photos in her circle of friends, but only when I see it with my own eyes can I know how much has changed.

The girl had bright eyes and white teeth, she was a lot taller, her hair curled slightly, and she was no longer the childish child.

The two got into the car after coming out of the airport. The driver of Lu Li's car was driving.

Lu Li sat in the back seat of the car with Chi Chenyan.

In order not to make the atmosphere down, Lu Li asked for something first.

Lu Li smiled and said, "I will be at the hotel for my birthday, so all the guests who come are staying in the hotel, and the room has been booked for you."

Chi Chenyan nodded: "Okay."

Lu Li tilted her head and asked, "Senior Chi, will there be no other reaction when you see me again?"

Chi Chenyan looked at her carefully and told the truth: "It's more beautiful than before."

Lu Li: "Thank you."

The two said a few more words, Lu Li suddenly smiled and asked: "Chi Xuechang, you are so good, have you been chased by many girls?"

"So is there a situation?"

There is a smile on her face, but the fingers on her side have involuntarily tightened.

After Lu Li asked, the air in the car seemed to be quiet for a second.

Chi Chenyan smiled at Lu Li.

He finally shook his head and replied, "No."

Lu Li felt a slight tingling in her back spine, and she didn't know how to continue for a while, and rationally told her that she should continue to smile and jokingly ask why there wasn't, but she couldn't do it.

Lu Li said "Oh", leaning back in her chair.

After this question, the atmosphere became quiet.

Both of them were speechless.

The car drove smoothly.

Lu Li's mind was full of the "no" just now, until the car that had been driving smoothly suddenly braked because of the sudden emergence of a pedestrian.

Both people in the back seat stepped forward, but fortunately they were stopped by seat belts.

The driver repeatedly said sorry, and then restarted the engine.

Because of the sudden brake just now, Chi Chenyan's mobile phone rolled under Lu Li's feet.

Lu Li leaned over to pick it up.

She accidentally touched the lock screen when she picked it up, and the screen turned on.

Above is her picture.