The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 86: Qinggui school grass × daughter school flower


It was the photo Lu Li sent to him when she returned to Hong Kong City after finishing the exchange. She was wearing her original British school uniform and smiling sweetly to the camera.

Lu Li still remembered what she said when sending this photo to Chi Chenyan: [Chi Xuechang, do I look better in this school uniform?]

[In fact, it’s not that small, right]

And now Lu Li looked at herself in the photo again, and finally admitted that she looked like a small junior high school student at the time.

That's why Chi Chenyan kept rejecting her.

She couldn't describe the feeling of seeing her own photo on Chi Chenyan's mobile phone screensaver. She was in a daze for a few seconds, and then, as if afraid of being discovered, she immediately pressed the phone off.

She returned the off-screen phone to Chi Chenyan, as if she had never seen his screensaver just now: "Here."

Chi Chenyan took his mobile phone and said "thank you".

The car resumed driving.

Lu Li thought of the picture and shrank into the back of the chair.

She turned her head secretly, carefully watching Chi Chenyan next to her.

The bridge of the man's nose is straight and the shape of his lips is also very beautiful.

Lu Li couldn't help but smiled quietly.

The two came to the hotel.

Chi Chenyan put his luggage first, and Lu Li said that he would take him to her favorite tea restaurant.

Naturally, Chi Chenyan would not refuse. He first opened the suitcase to organize his own things, and Lu Li was waiting in the room.

There is a large full-length mirror at the door of the room.

Lu Li straightened her hair in front of the mirror, then took out the lipstick from her bag and applied it.

Maybe Chi Chenyan didn’t see it, but she dressed up for a long time to see him. She chose the clothes for a few days. Either she felt solemn or casual. She chose them and asked several stylists. Just put out today's one.

The hair is only made in the morning. If you make it in advance, it will always get deformed if you sleep for one night. So I get up early in the morning and perm a natural and lazy arc with a curling iron.

Lu Li took out her mobile phone, took a picture of her outfit in the mirror, and prepared to post it to the ins to commemorate it later.

Chi Chenyan came over just after packing up, and saw Lu Li holding her mobile phone to take a photo in the mirror.

After Lu Li took the two photos, she saw Chi Chenyan standing nearby.

"Chi Xuechang." Lu Li stopped immediately.

Chi Chenyan: "Let's go."

Lu Li took a breath, looked at Chi Chenyan's body, and then glanced at the glasses.

She said, "Chi Xuechang, can you take a picture with me?"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time." She seemed afraid that he would refuse, she found a reason to add.

Chi Chenyan remembered how Lu Li had just taken a photo in the mirror, and nodded, "Okay."

He stood next to Lu Li. Although he didn't know how to take pictures, he couldn't hold people with long legs. He would have a temperament when he just stopped.

Lu Li looked at her and Chi Chenyan in the mirror.

She saw that there was no more gap between them.

He is a young man, she is a young woman.

Standing together is reasonable enough to be like Ren and a young couple on the street.

Lu Li turned on the camera and remembered that Chi Chenyan had a picture of her on the screensaver, so she lightly leaned her head on his shoulder while taking the photo.

Chi Chenyan also looked at Lu Li in the mirror.

She was a lot taller, and she was already on his shoulders.

She has inherited her mother's beauty, her facial features have been completely extended, and her lazy curly hair has added a touch of charming amorous feelings.

Thinking of this, Chi Chenyan suddenly reacted to something, and then began to ponder the word "fascinating" carefully.

He would never use these two to describe a child or sister, but today he used them to describe Lu Li.

"Senior Chi, let's go."

Lu Li's voice interrupted Chi Chenyan's thoughts.

Chi Chenyan returned to his senses and nodded: "Let's go."

There was a loud voice in the tea restaurant, and Lu Li finished the order, and then scalded the table and chopsticks for Chi Chenyan with tea.

The two chatted with each other. Chi Chenyan mentioned the beginning of school: "You need military training before school starts, remember?"

Lu Li nodded: "Remember." She hasn't received military training yet, so I don't know if it's interesting.

"Tired?" Lu Li asked.

Chi Chenyan thought for a while: "It's okay."

"But every session basically has a 20-kilometer zipper. From 0 am to 5 am, our sector happened to be raining, and it was useless to wear a raincoat. It was all wet."

"I hope you have better luck this time."

"Huh?" Lu Li opened her mouth and couldn't help but fantasize about how she would be half-dead tortured by twenty kilometers at night.

Chi Chen banned and laughed: "Fortunately, there are more people and I am not as tired as I imagined. A dozen days will soon pass."

Lu Li Si Ti has never been very diligent. Looking at Chi Chenyan, I thought I had paid too much to be your school girl.

I used her photo as a screensaver, but since the time I met, I haven't told her a word in that regard.

The refreshment that the two wanted was served at this time.

Lu Li took a sip of the milk tea, and was about to start eating, when a little girl walked over to the table.

He is eight or nine years old, with a pair of angel wings on his back and a large bouquet of roses in his hands.

Lu Li immediately realized what the little girl was going to do, and saw that she went straight to Chi Chenyan: "Brother, buy a flower for my sister."

Lu Li waved her hand to the girl before Chi Chenyan responded, "No, thank you."

However, the girl's goal was obviously aimed at Chi Chenyan, Chong Lu Li smiled sweetly, and said to Chi Chenyan: "Brother, sister is your girlfriend? Buy a flower for your sister."

Chi Chenyan looked at the big handful of roses in the little girl's hand.

Lu Li heard the three words "girlfriend", and she didn't know why she suddenly felt nervous, she smiled at the little girl again, and continued: "It's really not necessary, we, uh... not..."

Chi Chenyan glanced at Lu Li when he heard the little girl's question.

Lu Li didn't say the second half of the sentence.

"Brother, buy one, buy one." The little girl was accustomed to buying flowers. Seeing that the two's reaction was obviously dramatic, she pushed hard.

Lu Li did not speak any more.

She lowered her head and fiddled with the milk tea with a straw.

She heard Chi Chenyan say: "Okay."

Lu Li's action of pouring the milk tea stopped for a moment.

She thought that Chi Chen would buy one for the banquet, but she didn't expect that Chi Chenyan would actually buy all the girl's flowers.

The girl took the money, pushed all the flowers in her arms into Lu Li's arms, and then ran away with joy: "Give it to your sister!"

"I wish my brother and sister be together forever!"

Lu Li held the flower in her arms and smelled the fragrant floral fragrance.

She looked up and looked at Chi Chenyan's eyes cautiously, as if she wanted to ask something.

Chi Chenyan pushed the cheese-heart cream toast that had just arrived in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li pursed her lips: "Thank you."

Chi Chenyan thought that Lu Li was very beautiful holding a bunch of roses.

After the two of them had eaten, Lu Li held a large bouquet of roses and feasted with Chi Chen back to the hotel. Because of the flowers, she walked with Chi Chenyan again, and received many smiley eyes from passers-by along the way. Remember to provide you with wonderful\novel reading in one second on the mobile phone.

She hid the lower half of her face behind the flowers, blushing.

After returning to the room, Lu Li put the flowers on the cabinet, and then slowly explained: "You, um, don't have to buy so many."

"These kids often sell flowers on the street, they are very expensive, and they will go back to get a lot of them after you buy them."

Chi Chenyan smiled after hearing this, "Is that right?"

Lu Li nodded, "Yes".

Then she glanced at the time, and the driver should come and pick her home after a while.

So does Chi Chenyan have anything else to say to her

Lu Li bulged her cheeks, turned around and fiddled with the bouquet of roses that Chi Chen feasted on her.

Tomorrow her birthday party will also be decorated with roses, but they are all white roses with lilies and carnations.

Chi Chenyan watched Lu Li fiddle with Rose's back.

He approached and called out from behind her: "Lu Li."

"Huh?" Lu Li responded gently, turned around, and met the man's gaze.

That tension is coming again.

Chi Chenyan said to her: "Long time no see."

Lu Li was slightly in a trance after hearing this.

This shouldn't be said when we first met, why is it only now.

But yes, they haven’t seen each other for a long time

Lu Li looked up and smiled and asked Chi Chenyan: "Chi Xuechang, do you think I've grown up?"

Chi Chenyan condensed Lu Li's small face and nodded, "Well, it's an adult."

Lu Li's eyes suddenly became hot, and she smiled and said in a very relaxed tone: "Even if you are a child who wants to help other people sell flowers, sending an adult rose like this will make people think more."

Chi Chenyan asked, "What do you think?"

Lu Li bit her lip.

She seemed to be back in the past, Chi Chenyan said in her ear over and over again.

"Lu Li, no."

"Lu Li, I'm not in a relationship with you."

"Lu Li, you are still young, you can't do this."

"Lu Li, get down from me, I won't tell you the next time I talk about the topic."

Lu Li originally wanted to continue speaking in a relaxed tone, but she found that she had already brought a strong sourness.

She said, "I miss you so much."

Lu Li sniffed, "I know you used to promise me to coax me, I'm sorry, I always pestered you back then."

She struggled to squeeze out an unpleasant smile: "I used to think that the day when I grew up was far away. I didn't expect it to be so fast. You see, tomorrow will be here."

"I'm so happy that you can come so far for my birthday, really."

Chi Chenyan saw Lu Li's red nose, and his throat moved.

He closed his eyes lightly, remembering the impulse that had been suppressed and endured with all his strength. It didn't disappear with the passage of time. Instead, it took root in the chest, the root veins entangled little by little, and finally grew like crazy, now that the beating organ is aching.

Lu Li raised her head and looked at Chi Chenyan dimly, using a very small, choked voice: "Chi Xuechang, what have you said still count?"

Chi Chenyan slowly opened his eyes, facing Lu Li's face.

When he heard her, his heart seemed to be pulled.

It's the last day, he told himself.

It's like a candy that can only peel off the sugar-coated at an appointed time. The closer the time is, the stronger the feeling. Some people can hold it till the end and peel it off of course, but some people seem to be born with a bone and enjoy the kind of expectation. The value reaches the peak, the stimulation and satisfaction obtained in an instant.

Lu Li did not wait for Chi Chenyan's answer.

She looked down and seemed extremely lonely.

She turned around, and when she was about to leave, her elbow was caught.

Lu Li turned her head, still did not react, her breathing was instantly choked.

She opened her eyes suddenly.

Chi Chenyan clasped the back of her head with one hand and kissed her lips deeply.

After a few seconds of deep burns, he let go, breathing slightly, looking at her.

"Of course." He said.

Lu Li's small mouth opened slightly, and her brain crashed when she heard his answer.

Chi Chenyan seemed to be clamoring with blood all over his body, closed his eyes, and then kissed him.

Lu Li reacted and whimpered twice.

The man's kiss was not innocent at all. He bit her lips, pryed her teeth apart, and teased her with the tip of his tongue.

Lu Li's small fist hit his chest twice, then he was grasped, put it back on her waist, and circled it firmly with her arm.

Lu Li didn't know what to do or how to respond, because she had never thought of kissing her like this at the Chichen Banquet.

This is her first kiss.

When she was fifteen years old, she fantasized about the first kiss with Chi Xuechang in the future. Chi Chenyan held her profile face and kissed her lips gently. A few seconds later, she let go, and the two laughed at each other.

Later, she did not deny this fantasy scene too much, because whether it was a child or when she grew up, in her cognition, Chi Chenyan was such a person, gentle, sensible, and sticking to his principles.

Until now, Lu Li realized that her previous cognition might be completely overturned the moment he kissed him.

Perhaps what she has seen before, and so for, is just appearance.

Lu Li closed her eyes tightly, her back pressed against the wall, there was nowhere to hide, she felt her arms tightening around her waist.

I don't know how long it took.

It was the last trace of reason that pulled the man back, and he could only go to this tonight, and never let him go.

The person in her arms seemed to have been hypoxic to the extreme, Chi Chenyan finally stopped, sucking on her lips for the last time, and reluctantly ended.

Lu Li has tears on the corners of her eyes.

She looked dazed, and her lips were wet and slightly swollen from being sucked.

Chi Chenyan's thumb gently rubbed Lu Li's ear.

After Lu Li breathed in the fresh air again, she finally slowed down. She slowly raised her head to face Chi Chenyan's face.

This was the kiss she had asked him many times before.

He finally gave it to her, giving it far beyond her expectations, leaving her at a loss.

Chi Chenyan coaxed her hoarsely: "Good."

... ...

In the end, Lu Li also forgot what it was like, but when she was completely awake again, she found that she was already holding a large bouquet of roses and sitting in the car going home.

Lu Li raised her hand and stroked her lips, which seemed to be swollen now, with a strong sense of presence.

She never thought that she would want to be this way when she kissed Chi Xuechang for the first time.