The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 87: Qinggui school grass × daughter school flower


Lu Li came home with a bunch of roses. She thought her parents had rested, but when she walked in, she saw her mother sitting on the sofa, wearing silk pajamas, holding a freshly stewed bird’s nest in her hand. Savor the posture elegantly.

Lu Li paused at her feet, and the roses in her arms couldn't find a place to hide.

Seeing that her mother didn't seem to look up at herself, she bit her scalp and prepared to sneak away quietly.

It's just that within two steps of her slip, she heard a voice behind her quietly saying, "Come back."

Lu Li had to turn around slowly, holding the flower, and looking at her mother timidly.

Xu Huixian put down the bird's nest in her hand and looked up and down Lu Li.

The stylist told her that Lu Li had been tangled in dressing up these days, and she was not satisfied with several plans.

Xu Prixian finally fell on the bunch of flowers in Lu Li's arms.

Lu Li didn't know how to hide, so she could only hold her and lower her head.

Priscilla Xu stood up and said to Lu Li, "Come with me."

Lu Li: "Oh."

She buried her head to keep up.

The two went to the study and closed the door.

After nearly an hour, Lu Li came out of the study.

Her face flushed, and she was holding something tightly in her hand.

Lu Li kept holding the thing until she returned to her room and closed the door, she stretched her palms to look at the items in her palms, and then bit her lip when she remembered what her mother had just said to her in the study.

She said that you can make a boyfriend, and we don't care about the others, but if you develop to a certain level with your boyfriend, you must protect yourself.

So this is for you.

Lu Li looked at the condom in her hand.

She wanted to say that she and her boyfriend hadn't developed to that point, but when she thought of the kiss tonight, she couldn't speak.

Chi Chen feast.

Lu Li thought of him, threw herself on the bed, stuffed herself in the pillow for a long time. Once her eyes closed, she couldn't help thinking about the kiss, the temperature of his lips and teeth, the breath of his breath, and the thumb in her ears. The feeling of intermittent friction.

She is only celebrating her birthday tomorrow, and today is not an official adult, so he actually kissed her like that.


Lu Li cursed quietly in her heart.

The next day, Lu Li's coming-of-age ceremony began.

She has been busy since early in the morning. In addition to the friends she invited herself, she also congratulated her on many of her father’s business partners, and even many of her mother’s film sisters.


Until the evening, the elders were gone, and only Lu Li's own friends were left.

The evening is a very relaxing birthday party.

Lu Li went to change the dress and skirt, V brand high-end, only appeared on the Paris show a few days ago.

But the most eye-catching thing is the small crown on top of her head. This is a birthday gift from her second brother Lu Qian. The crown is exquisitely shaped and is based on platinum. The crown is inlaid with more than 600 large and small diamonds in the center. That diamond of 18 carats, just as Lu Li is now 18 years old.

Lu Li heard that Lu Qian had bought an 18-carat diamond at Sotheby’s auction last century. She wondered if Lu Qian had a girlfriend. Otherwise, what did she do with the diamond? A diamond appeared on the little crown he gave her.

Compared to Lu Qian, the eldest brother gave her a real mansion in the Mid-Levels West.

At the birthday party in the evening, the eldest brother left and Lu Qian stayed.

Before entering the arena, Lu Li looked at the high heels under her feet, and didn't step on Lu Qian's feet when she wanted to do her first dance later.

After she finished the first dance with Lu Qian, she can go to Chichen Banquet.

Lu Li smiled at the thought of Chi Chenyan.

Lu Qian glanced at Lu Li: "What are you laughing at?"

Lu Li looked at Lu Qian with a smile, and was about to say "Nothing", but after thinking about Chi Chenyan and seeing Lu Qian's face, she suddenly remembered something like a needle poked.

Time goes back when she was still an exchange student in s city.

Lu Qian came to see her in s city, and was thought by Chi Chenyan as her boyfriend. In order to let her break up with her "boyfriend" when she was still a junior high school student, she had already rejected the courtship Chi Chen feast of junior high school students and promised to wait for her. Associated with her after she was born.

Lu Li remembered that she liked to use this to threaten Chi Chenyan, and successfully got the promise of Chi Chenyan that I will associate with you when you grow up, and even threatened him once that if you don’t kiss me, I will go back. Boyfriend compound.

Lu Li thought of this, raised her head and looked at the "ex-boyfriend" in front of her.

Lu Qian will dance with her later, except for Chi Chenyan, everyone knows that Lu Qian is her brother, and Chi Chenyan will also know that Lu Qian is actually her brother.

If Chi Chenyan knew that he used his physical appearance to save a young girl who was in a premature love, but in fact, the girl didn't have a premature love at all, but instead was trying to trick him, how would he react

Lu Li couldn't help shivering.

Lu Qian adjusted his tie and said to Lu Li, "Let's go."

Lu Li did not move.

Lu Qian frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

Lu Li raised her head, facing Lu Qian's face, wondering if you can stop going, brother.

But she dare not.

Especially on the basis of wearing the little crown he gave on his head.

Lu Li had to take Lu Qian's arm and comfort herself in her heart.

After all, it has been so long. Chi Chenyan only saw it once that year, and it was still far away. He must have forgotten what the man who was with her looked like.

It certainly is.

Lu Li took a breath, held her head high, and followed Lu Qian on the stage.

The emcee walked through the process, and the dance began, and Lu Li and Lu Qian performed the first dance.

It may be that Lu Li stepped on Lu Qian's foot because of something in her heart.

However, Lu Qian didn't change his face, and accompanied Lu Li to finish the first dance.

Then there were more people on the dance floor.

Lu Li and Lu Qian walked out of the dance floor, took the champagne, and clinked glasses with a few friends who had come to wish her a happy birthday.

Lu Li's eyes have been looking for Chi Chenyan.

Sure enough, she saw Chi Chenyan walking in her direction.

Lu Li swallowed.

Lu Qian also looked at the young man who came by.

He basically knows Lu Li's friends, even if he doesn't know him, he has seen it before. Only this is so face that he has never seen it.

Lu Qian glanced down at Lu Li, it was obvious that she was nervous all over.

Lu Qian adjusted his breathing and began to introduce the two men to each other. When introducing her second brother Lu Qian to Chi Chenyan, Lu Li carefully observed Chi Chenyan's expression.

The two men looked at each other, and she didn't seem to see any unusual reaction on Chi Chenyan's face.

Chi Chenyan looked as usual, clinked glasses with Lu Qian, and exchanged greetings.

Lu Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Chi Chenyan must have forgotten what her "boyfriend" looked like back then.

Chi Chenyan invited Lu Li to dance in front of Lu Qian.

Lu Li received the invitation, turned her head, glanced at Lu Qian, then stretched out her hand and put her little hand on Chi Chenyan's palm.

"Brother, we went." Lu Li said.

Lu Qian responded to Chi Chenyan, "Yeah."

Lu Qian knew that he was uncomfortable in Lu Lihui here, so he didn't accompany the whole process. After two friends who came to talk with him, he left.

The driver was waiting outside, and the co-pilot was his personal assistant.

Lu Qian sat in the back seat and asked the assistant to check Chi Chenyan.

The assistant respectfully agreed.

At the dance party, Lu Qian had left. Chi Chenyan hadn't recognized him just now. Lu Li was relaxed and happy like a bird.

After she finished the dance, she stayed with Chi Chen banquet all the time, and the relationship between the two was self-evident.

Lu Li’s little plastic sisters came over with champagne, boasting that she was sincere and handsome.

Lu Li lifted her chin proudly.

Because Chi Chenyan is a stranger in their social circle, after the praise of their handsomeness, the little sisters said something to you and asked about what Chi Chenyan does at home.

Lu Li knows the thoughts of the little plastic sisters. Everyone is struggling in private, comparing their faces to money, their status, and even their boyfriends.

Now it seems that Chi Chenyan’s face-to-face comparison is obviously for her to win, so the little sisters began to ask about the background. If they know that the handsome boyfriend is in a mediocre family situation and even suspected of eating soft meals, then they will be in their hearts again. Comfortable and balanced.

Little Plastic Sister A: "Mr. Chi is from S City. Many companies are headquartered in S City."

Chi Chenyan nodded: "Yeah."

Little Plastic Sister B: "Mr. Chi's family is in a baa business? I have a friend in city s who also has a surname, Chi Mingxiu's grandnephew. He is busy all day long without seeing anyone."

"Mr. Chi is also a member of the Chi family? This is worthy of our Lily."

Lu Li couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this.

If Chi Chenyan were not from the famous Chi family in S city, how embarrassing the scene would be.

Chi Chenyan smiled: "What is your friend's name as Chi?"

The little plastic sister gave a name: "Do you know him? He is the one who hurts the most among the juniors of Chi Mingxiu."

Chi Chenyan: "Yes. Grandma really likes him."

Little Plastic Sister C seems confused: "Grandma?"

Upon seeing this, Lu Li looked up at Chi Chenyan and acted like a baby: "Shall we go see grandma together in a few days?"

Chi Chenyan looked at Lu Li with a smile: "Okay."

The little plastic sisters finally reacted.

The little sister who talked about her grand-nephew just now seemed a little more embarrassed.

Standing in front of him is the grandson, the prince who is very serious.

Lu Li sent a group of chirping little sisters.

The birthday party is drawing to a close.

Everyone began to say goodbye one after another.

Lu Li turned around for a whole day, and the last activity was over, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She is going home.

Lu Li regretted that she hadn't had the opportunity to be alone with Chi Chenyan all day, so she asked the driver to wait first.

Chi Chenyan lives in this hotel and is not in a hurry to leave.

After Lu Li sent the last guest off, she kicked off her high heels and hopped to Chi Chenyan, holding his arm.

"To commemorate the first day that Chi Xuechang officially became Lu Li's cute boyfriend!"

"So what gift did my boyfriend give!" She received too many gifts and they were all piled up together. If you want to open them one by one, I don't know when they will arrive at Chi Chenyan, so I asked first.

Chi Chenyan looked down at Lu Li and heard that she was already a "boyfriend".

He raised his eyebrows: "Happy birthday to classmate Luli."

Lu Li pursed her lips after hearing this: "What Lu Li-student, what am I yours now?"

"If you agree, I'll count it. If my girlfriend is angry, it's hard to coax me, let me tell you."

Chi Chenyan smiled: "What did you promise?"

Lu Li glanced at him: "What do you think."

Chi Chenyan asked again: "Why did I promise you?"

Why promise her

Lu Li thought for a while, of course it was to stop her from falling in love at a young age and break up with that man quickly. Who is that man? That man is Lu Qian.

She thought of this, looked at Chi Chenyan, her eyes hesitated: "You..."

Chi Chenyan smiled: "Really when I have such a bad memory?"

He has always remembered the "ex-boyfriend" of Lu Li back then.

So that when I saw it again today, when Lu Li called him "brother", this reflected the facts.

Lu Li didn't expect that Chi Chenyan would hold on until the end of the ball to settle accounts with her, and she didn't expect that Chi Chenyan's calm reaction when she saw Lu Qian turned out to be just appearance, and immediately took a breath.

She grabbed Chi Chenyan's arm: "I didn't mean it!"

Chi Chenyan: "You did it intentionally."

He looked at Lu Li playfully, but he didn't expect to be so clever since junior high school. He described his brother as a boyfriend, and successfully got him stuck.

Looking at Chi Chenyan, Lu Li remembered the "Student Lu Li" he had just called her: "You, you don't want to regret it."

Chi Chenyan didn't answer, just turned around and started to walk outside.

Lu Li: "Chi Xuechang!"

"Chi Chen Banquet!"

She knew that she was wrong, and chased it up.

Lu Li Xiaozui loudly: "I didn't lie to you!"

"You ask me what is my relationship with him, I said what kind of relationship do you think it is, it is obviously that you think too much!"

"Okay, I admit, I cheated a little bit in my motivation, but how can it not count if you have promised?"

"Have you never heard that the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful it is? Who made you believe me so much at that time? I said that a boyfriend is a boyfriend."

"Aren’t you afraid of losing me like this? If you don’t like what I did when I kissed me yesterday, I know you like me. You have set my photo as your desktop. Don’t be too awkward for men. I’ll tell you a good girlfriend like me. If you miss this village, there will be no such shop."

Lu Li just followed Chi Chenyan and didn't pay attention to where she went. She followed him up the elevator and walked the corridor with him. At the end of the walk, the man finally stopped.

Lu Li raised her head when she heard the sound of the electronic door lock being swiped open.

The room where Chi Chen feasted.

Chi Chenyan opened the door and glanced back at her.

Lu Li seemed to be afraid of being locked out, and got into the room from under his arm first.

"You were so angry that I lied to you? Do you really want to go back? Are you not being Lu Li's boyfriend?" Lu Li asked.

After Chi Chenyan entered the door, he finally began to talk. He answered one by one: "Don't be angry, don't regret it, you should be a good one."

Lu Li: "Then why are you ignoring me?" Let her run after him. Does it mean that wealthy daughters don't want face

Chi Chen smiled and closed the door: "It's not about it now."

Lu Li: "What are you closing for?"