The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 88: Qinggui school grass × daughter school flower


When he came in just now, he was only concerned about competing with Chi Chenyan. Now that he closed the door, Lu Li seemed to feel that something was wrong.

The feeling of soft legs being kissed here yesterday is coming again.

Chi Chenyan used practical actions to tell her that he was not a gentleman and senior, and that his restraint and alienation were all because she was a child.

However, she was kissed as a child on the last day of yesterday. Today, she is no longer a child at all.

She has upgraded to an adult, what should she upgrade to for a kiss to the extreme

Lu Li suddenly felt that she better not be here.

"Then you don't need to be angry." She pretended to be relaxed and smiled, "I, I will go home first."

Lu Li walked in the direction of the door.

Chi Chenyan stood at the door after closing the door, holding her hands, Lu Li walked over, raised her head and smiled at him, and then went to open the door.

Lu Li bit her lower lip and tried to twist the doorknob, but the door did not open.

When she tried for the second time, an arm was wrapped around her waist.

Chi Chenyan hugged Lu Li from behind.

Lu Li lowered her head and saw the arm on her waist.

Her dress is backless, and she can feel the temperature of his chest across his shirt.

Chi Chenyan wrapped Lu Li's waist with one hand, and slowly moved forward along her forearm with the other hand, holding Lu Li's hand that was holding the doorknob.

He held the little hand in his palm and gently took it off the doorknob.

Her slender fingers left the doorknob little by little, from the knuckles to the final fingertips. It seemed unwilling to accept, the fingertips left a faint mist on the metal doorknob.

Then Chi Chenyan held Lu Li by the waist and turned her around, and the two of them were facing each other.

"Senior Chi." Lu Li lowered her eyes and called to him softly.

Chi Chenyan smiled, did not speak, Lu Li kept his hand in his palm, feeling the warmth of his palm.

Suddenly, a cold touch climbed up to her fingertips.

Lu Li felt something caught her finger.

She was suspicious, lowered her head, and saw that there was an extra ring on her middle finger.

Lu Li opened her mouth in surprise, raised her hand, first looked at the ring, and then at Chi Chenyan with a surprised look.

It was a diamond ring, although it was smaller than the 18-carat one Lu Qian had set on the little crown for her, but it was excellent in both the cutting process and the whiteness and clarity.

Chi Chenyan looked at the ring on Lu Li's finger.

It was the size he chose blindly, and it matched Lu Li's fingers.

He hadn't graduated yet, and he didn't want to use his family's money. He bought this one by relying on the income from his own projects in college, plus all his scholarship savings from birth to the present.

Lu Li: "Is this a gift from you?"

Chi Chenyan: "Yeah."

Lu Li couldn't help smiling at the corner of her lips: "It's not a marriage proposal. For a birthday, how can anyone give a ring?"

Chi Chenyan said, "It's just a proposal."

Lu Li: "Huh?"

Chi Chenyan: "Let's get engaged."

Lu Li was blown up by the word "engagement" and almost thought she had heard it wrong.

Chi Chenyan repeated it again: "Let's get engaged."

"Late, late senior!" Lu Li stammered in panic, "You, don't you think it's a bit quicker? We, we only met yesterday. Yesterday was my first kiss, and today is your first time to be my boyfriend. One day, how can anyone get engaged just one day after dating?"

"It's the first day of friendship," Chi Chenyan replied softly, "but it's also the third year of loving Luli."

Lu Li was stunned for a moment.

Chi Chenyan rubbed the hard ring on Luli's finger: "So, is it okay?"

This is not a marriage proposal. When Lu Li is old enough to get married, he will officially ask again.

Lu Li only knows that she likes Chichen banquets. It is not a girl who cherishes spring for a while and forgets it after two days. Her likes were very strong in her teenage years. Later, when she grew older, her likes did not decay, and even became due to time. She became more and more intense, and her feelings were silently buried in her heart. She was happy because of his every holiday blessing text message, and because he had no hesitation in reporting to the same university.

She sometimes can't tell whether he is dating her because he promises her because he likes her, or he likes her to associate with her because he promised her.

Only now, he seems to have given the answer.

Lu Li lowered her head and looked at the ring on her finger.

She was never wishful thinking.

Lu Li nodded.

She sniffed, then raised her head and asked, "Then why did you text me only on holidays, and didn't come to me."

"I thought you didn't want me..."

Chi Chenyan's eyes darkened.

Formally, because I wanted it too much and knew that I couldn't, I restrained it.

That feeling was too torturous, so he forced himself to stay away.

She didn't seem to know what a man his age dreamed about every midnight.

In the dream, she still looked like she was wearing a school uniform in that photo. After he was impulsive, he spit on himself to the extreme.

Fortunately, I finally waited.

Lu Li turned the ring on her finger and leaned gently on Chi Chenyan's chest.

I wondered how her mother would react if she knew that she had agreed to be engaged to her boyfriend tonight.

Lu Li was not too worried about the two families, and felt that she and Chi Chen feasted, from the elders, they should have received support.

Chi Chenyan lowered, dragged Lu Li's chin, and began to kiss her.

Lu Li closed her eyes sweetly.

This kiss seemed more lingering than last night. Lu Li learned to respond, but she gradually realized that the hand that Chi Chenyan placed on her waist was not as peaceful as yesterday. At first it was just restless, but later, she placed it. The position has become more and more excessive.

Lu Li: "Hmm!"

Chi Chenyan let go of her, her eyes were red, her breathing was heavy, and every cell in her body seemed to be clamoring with impulse and excitement, telling him that the child is not a child now, she is your girlfriend, your fiancee, and What can't be done.

Seeing Chi Chenyan's red eyes, Lu Li suddenly started to be afraid.

She just took a small step back, and Chi Chenyan directly hugged her.

Lu Li screamed.

She pushed softly twice. No matter how ignorant she was, she knew what he was thinking. She was nervous and scared, and shouted indiscriminately: "Chi Xuechang, Chi Xuechang..."

When Chi Chenyan heard Lu Li yelling, he put his arm on her side and looked at her depressively. Fastest update

The child who used to chase after him and shouted for Chi Senior, now lying under him, his facial features faded and his childishness became more brilliant, his eyes were watery, his long hair spread out, everything was so beautiful that it wasn't plausible.

He kissed it.

Eat pears.

Lu Li's cell phone was buried in the dress on the ground, and it rang persistently, the bell rang again and again, and finally gave up and returned to peace.

Lu Li whimpered when she heard it.

The waist was tightly clamped, and she was no longer her own, so helpless to cry with her eyes closed.

Chi Chenyan's forehead was slightly sweaty, and when he heard the phone ring, he looked at Lu Li's small face.

He knew that this was not a dream, but a real package.

Chi Chenyan panted slightly during exercise, and asked dumbly, "Do you know how long Chi Xuechang has been waiting for this day?"

Lu Li had felt that she had been fooled since yesterday. Hearing these words, she kicked her calves in the air twice, and finally fully understood what kind of perverted bastard she liked.

The pears are not yet ripe. On the surface, I feel disgusted and urge pears to grow faster. I feel sour. In fact, I have been drooling behind my back. When the pears are just ripe, I can’t stand it for a moment. It completely exposes the nature of pear lovers. Down with the belt core and eat it.