The Sweetest Medicine

Chapter 11: When had she slept with him?


Yu Gangan's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Fang Zhihan with disbelief: "What did you say? You and I... started to live together as husband and wife???"

Fang Zhihan's indifferent expression was so natural. He narrowed his eyes coldly and said dangerously: "What, you want to start chaos but give up?"

Beginning with chaos and finally giving up

Promiscuity is fornication, abandoning after playing with it... I'm going crazy, these words have come out.

When had she had sex with him or slept with him

The corner of Yu Gangan's mouth twitched slightly, and he said firmly every word: "I don't know you at all!"

A man she didn't know asked her to be husband and wife.

She had the urge to punch and hit someone.

Fang Zhihan's lips curled up slightly, but it was not a smile, but a sarcastic response: "Who held my arm and called me husband this afternoon."

Yu Gangan's brain suddenly jammed.

I felt a surge of blood in my throat, but I endured it.

She closed her eyes, then tried to keep her voice as soft as possible, and said calmly: "I really want to thank you for what happened in the afternoon. I am not someone who repays kindness with enmity..."

As he said that, he smiled at Fang Zhihan.

No matter whether the other party lowered the alert or not, in the next second, without saying a word, he slammed the door and locked Fang Zhihan and his suitcase outside.

Then he shouted at the door: "But I will not lead a wolf into the house!!"

This man is inexplicable. He thinks too highly of himself. He says he is her husband, but now he comes directly to the door with his luggage.

Just because you have a handsome face, you want to do whatever you want

Does she look like the kind of creature that came out of her mother's womb with only a placenta but no brain

Even if there was something wrong with her brain, she couldn't just let a strange man live with her.

But who is this man

How do you know her home address

Judging from the forceful way he dealt with his eldest aunt and Yang Tianyou today, he was cold and tough without being sloppy. Whether he was smiling or not, there was a chill in his bones that made people couldn't help but retreat.

As a newly recovered patient, what he needs most is rest. After Yu Gangan woke up, he couldn't have a good rest because of his aunt. Now he would go home and relax, have a good sleep, and wake up the next day with renewed energy. More than half.

Yu Gangan glanced at the door suspiciously.

Fang Zhihan is a man who doesn't act according to common sense.

His character will definitely use some means of chasing and fighting. Why is the doorbell always as quiet as a chicken

give up

So much the better.

Yu Gangan had breakfast and was about to go out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the suitcase at the door. It was the black suitcase that Fang Zhihan took last night.

Her eyes searched subconsciously, scanning the entire passage like a searchlight.

The long corridor was silent and empty, except for this black suitcase.

Yu Gangan: "..."

What kind of idea did Fang Zhihan have? Everyone has left. Why didn't the suitcase be taken away? Why did it leave it at the door of her house

She is not the only resident on this floor. Isn't he afraid of being taken away

(End of chapter)