The Sweetest Medicine

Chapter 118: The firewood is passed down from generation to generation


This was definitely not someone from the circle. They couldn't be some pretty guy that Lin Jiayu found somewhere. No wonder he didn't introduce them just now.

Feeling that she had spotted Ni Duan, she immediately sighed. She looked at Lin Jiayu and asked, "Jiayu, is this your new boyfriend?"

Lin Jiayu looked at Qiao Pan'er: "No."

Qiao Pan'er looked worried: "I heard that that person broke up with you directly at the South Level. I told you a long time ago that with our status, we shouldn't always make some random friends. Many people are just rushing. Because of our status, you must know that by marrying us, you can save twenty years of hard work and live a rich and handsome life."

Yu Gangan looked at Qiao Paner speechlessly.

Although she wanted to know what happened to Lin Jiayu when he went to Antarctica, so much so that she would give up on herself.

But I also guessed that it might be a relationship issue, so I didn't dare to ask directly for fear that Lin Jiayu would be sad.

This Qiao Pan'er seemed to care about Lin Jiayu, but saying it in front of so many people was actually a stab at Lin Jiayu.

"I still have friends..."

Lin Jiayu spoke coldly, interrupting Qiao Paner's words.

There was a look of surprise in Qiao Paner's eyes.

There was still an inexplicable feeling of unhappiness in my heart.

I feel like I have good intentions, but I'm not appreciated.

She darkened her face: "Okay, you eat first, and we can sit in a coffee shop together later."

Lin Jiayu refused directly: "No, I have something else to do."

Displeasure flashed across Qiao Pan'er's face, she hesitated, turned around and left.

Lin Jiayu looked at Yu Gangan and said, "I'm sorry."

Yu Gangan smiled slightly: "Why did you say sorry to me?"

Qiao Pan'er's words just now were more like saying that Lu Xuechen and Fang Zhihan were lovelies.

Lin Jiayu whispered: "She said Chinese medicine..."

Yu Gangan smiled: "It's nothing. It's a fact that Chinese medicine is in decline and Western medicine is prevalent. In fact, it has gotten better and better in recent years, and the integration of Chinese and Western medicine has begun."

When my grandfather was here, there were a few years when Chinese medicine was really in decline.

I often see people posting articles criticizing traditional Chinese medicine, listing examples of how traditional Chinese medicine has harmed people, and some even petitioned for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine in the country.

Of course, it is also because there are often people who treat diseases in the name of traditional Chinese medicine but do harm to others.

She was very angry when she read those reports.

Grandpa said to her very calmly: "You may encounter more similar things in the future, but don't be angry. If you have time to be angry, it is better to think about how to treat diseases and save people, and how to better pass on traditional Chinese medicine. You have to believe in traditional Chinese medicine." It is the quintessence of the country and will surely be passed on from generation to generation, never ending and never perish."

Gentle tone.

Kind smile.

But it gives people a feeling of passion.

Perhaps the current situation of traditional Chinese medicine is a bit frustrating, but one day it will flourish.

Grandpa has many students. She is not the best, but she will definitely be the one who sticks to his beliefs the most...

"The surname is Qiao, so Qiaoshan Women's and Children's Hospital, Bozhi Hospital, and Pan'er Beauty Hospital are all owned by the Qiao family?"

Lu Xuechen suddenly asked.

Lin Jiayu looked at him and nodded gently.

Yu Gangan frowned slightly: "..."

Qiaoshan Women and Children's Hospital.

Hiroyuki Hospital.

Paner Beauty Hospital.

These hospitals... It seems that some of the medical records that Master put in the box are from these hospitals.

(End of chapter)