The Sweetest Medicine

Chapter 133: The leader of the report is Mr. Han


Because Yu Gangan was right, the old man was like this, but they thought it was okay and did not think that insomnia and irritability were diseases.

I really didn't expect that she could detect so much from the pulse.

You can't tell from this little girl's film that her medical skills are already so good at such a young age.

The old gentleman said nonchalantly: "Isn't it normal that old people can't sleep well, and young children can't sleep well? Isn't it normal that you can't sleep well when you get older?"

Yu Gangan said: "Old sir, long-term mental stress and overthinking can cause coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. Don't think that your health is fine now. Use your finger to press the precordium, which is the second rib on the left side. Is it painful when you press the lower edge of the cartilage?"

The old gentleman gave Yu Gangan a confused look, then reached out and pressed it.

With a slight exertion, he let out a cry of pain.


Chen Zhenghe was startled and subconsciously shouted: "Chief."

The old man waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, but looked at Yu Gangan and asked, "What's going on?"

Yu Gangan was stunned for a moment.

Just now, if she heard correctly, Mr. Chen called this old gentleman "chief."

Isn't "chief" the honorific title given to leaders in the army

Is this old man a retired soldier

Grandpa was also a soldier before. Yu Gangan suddenly felt more favorable towards the old gentleman, and his eyes fell on him with a hint of admiration.

She smiled and said: "It's okay for the moment. It's just blood stasis and qi stagnation. But if the cause of the disease is not cured, the condition will get worse."

Chen Zhenghe asked: "The cause is insomnia."

Yu Gangan nodded and said while writing the prescription: "There are many types of insomnia, such as heart and kidney disharmony, lack of blood and energy... And the reason for this old gentleman's insomnia is liver stagnation turning into fire, which is mostly caused by anger and boredom, so I can prescribe medicine to you, but the medicine won’t have a complete effect, so the old man should relax a bit..."

When the old gentleman heard this, he suddenly laughed, stood up and walked out.

Yu Gangan picked up the prescribed prescription and froze in mid-air, confused by his laughter.

Even if you are not here to see a doctor, if you are diagnosed with an illness now, you should grab some medicine before leaving.

It's really baffling.

He left Chen Hezheng with the old gentleman and suddenly turned back.

He took the prescription prescribed by Yu Gangan and put down two hundred yuan: "Thank you, Mrs. Yu."

"Wait." Yu Gangan picked up one of the sheets and wrote his phone number on it: "One hundred yuan is enough. I'll give this to you. It has my phone number on it. If the old gentleman feels uncomfortable in any way, you can Call me."

They don’t take medicine, so they really can’t use that much money.

Chen Zhenghe hesitated for a moment, then took the money, "Thank you, Doctor Yu."

He gave Yu Gangan a military salute, took the money and left.

There was a black car parked outside. As soon as Chen Zhenghe got in the car, he handed the money to the old man, "This is Dr. Yu's phone number."

"He is a good boy who is careful and responsible." The old gentleman commented.

"Just a little arrogant..." Chen Zhenghe laughed innocently, raised his eyes and looked ahead, his body stiffened slightly: "The report to the leader is Mr. Han."

Hearing this, the old man looked over and saw the cold and handsome man outside the car. He snorted arrogantly: "Drive."

The car drove away quickly. Fang Zhihan, who was standing at the door of the medical clinic, subconsciously turned his head and glanced, a trace of doubt flashing in his deep eyes.

(End of chapter)