The Sweetest Medicine

Chapter 29: Divorce is the best solution


What the hell

She was obviously going to kick someone out, but why did she kick herself out instead

Was she really made faint by Fang Zhihan just now? It's more like she was knocked unconscious... She was too unsure.

No, it was because Fang Zhihan knew so much about negotiating and deceiving people that she accidentally fell into his trap.

Yu Gangan sat on the bed frustrated, patted the bed hard, and then looked at the master bedroom through the wall with resentment.

It's all her aunt's fault. If her fiancé hadn't come out and made such irrelevant remarks as to say she had lost her memory, how could she have a husband

The two-pronged approach has made her very smooth now. Sometimes she feels like she is really neurasthenic and has forgotten something.

Come to the door with force, right

She likes him, right

She has to marry him, right

become! ! She will divorce him tomorrow. As long as the marriage is divorced, he can no longer use husband and wife as an excuse.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she could go to the Civil Certification Bureau to check whether she was really married.

If they are really divorced, then they can just say they are divorced. If they are not married, then Fang Zhihan lied to her, and she has no so-called amnesia.

Yu Gangan thought that she fell asleep very late, and there was an autumn rain at night. The rainy weather made it especially easy to sleep. She didn't even hear the doorbell at home, so she turned over and continued to sleep.

Fang Zhihan had just come out of the shower. He was wearing a bathrobe and his hair was wet. Seeing that the doorbell kept ringing, someone had no intention of opening the door. He wiped his hair and walked out.

He glanced at Yu Gangan's bedroom door and walked over to open the door.

Standing at the door was a little kid, about three or four years old, fair and round, looking like a porcelain doll.

When Xiao Haohao saw that the person who opened the door was Fang Zhihan, he was slightly startled, and then his mouth opened in shock: This brother is so good-looking! But why is it a brother's house? She is here to see her sister.

Fang Zhihan also lowered his eyes and looked at the little fat man in front of him. If he remembered the information correctly, there should not be such a big child around Yu Gangan.

Who is this

The two men, one large and one small, stared at each other very seriously.

After looking at each other for a period of time, Xiao Haohao's eyes felt a little sore, and he blinked first: "... I'm looking for my sister?"

Isn't it my sister's house? How could it be an elder brother’s house? Xiao Haohao felt a little embarrassed and looked around, looking for help.

Fang Zhihan wiped his hair with a towel again.

At this time, Mrs. Yu came over, looked at the tall and handsome man in front of her, and was slightly stunned. Then she smiled and said: "Hello, I'm looking for Miss Yu Gangan. We made an appointment yesterday and come to see her for acupuncture today. "

The little girl named Yu Gangan that day looked so young that I thought she was single and didn't want to think she already had a boyfriend. Because the boy was wiping his wet hair, the towel almost covered his entire face, but he was still handsome and handsome.

After hearing that Yu Gangan was a patient, he realized that Han had left the door open. When he was about to go find Yu Gangan, he saw that Yu Gangan had come out of the bedroom.

She was woken up. She rubbed her eyes gently with her hands, as if she had woken up from a dream. She half-closed her eyes and asked, "Who is it?"

(End of chapter)