The Sword and The Shadow

Chapter 15: seven years ago


"I'm just a little curious." Regnar smiled: "But if you don't want to say it, forget it."

"Actually, there's nothing I can't say. It's just because looking at you reminds me of my brother." Vera looked at Regna, her soft eyes contained an indescribable flavor.

"Brother? Why didn't I know?" Regna then learned that Vera had a younger brother.

Vera took a sip of wine and said, "Do you know why everyone takes care of you so much?"

"Maybe it's because of good intentions. Sister Vera, Boss, and Brother Silenos are all good people!" Regnar said sincerely, and then pointed at himself with a smile: "I am also a good person, and I am very lucky. , met you."

"Even their personalities are similar, a bit unruly." Vera thought to herself as she looked at Regnar with a playful smile and boasted about himself, but she curled her lips and said, "What kind of person are you? He's just timid, thin and small. A dirty, dirty, money-hungry, lustful, and unjust little hooligan! And I, I am not a good person..."

Vera said the last sentence in a faint tone, but Regna didn't hear it.

"Didn't you say that I look like your brother? Your brother is also a little hooligan?" Regna smiled slyly and said, "Sister Vera, when will you introduce your brother to me?"

"I want to... but there is no chance." Vera sighed and continued: "He died seven years ago, during the second orc invasion."

"Ah?!" Regnar was a little stunned.

"Actually, the main reason why everyone has been taking care of you like this is because we are all orphans like you." Vera said slowly.

"What?!" Regnar opened his mouth, somewhat in disbelief. However, if he thought about it carefully, after living with Kordak and others for a period of time, he had never heard them mention his relatives.

Vera showed a look of reminiscence, but with a deep sadness in her eyes: "I was born into an Orion family. I originally lived near the Yege Forest in the north. We are a family of five. I have an older brother and a younger brother. At that time, my father was a well-known local sharpshooter - a mid-level ranger. He would go hunting in the forest to make money during the day, and taught us how to practice archery at night. My elder brother was diligent and my younger brother was smart. Both of them were more skilled than I'm much better.

Life at that time could not be said to be exciting, but there were father, mother, brothers and younger brothers around me. When I think about it now, I feel that although it was ordinary, it was very beautiful, so beautiful that I envy it.

Because I am the only girl in the family, both my father, mother and brother love me very much. They protect me in every way and prevent me from suffering any injustice. And that brother who is two years younger than me is just like you. He laughs and laughs all day long and occasionally makes some pranks, but he is always honest in front of me and calls me like a sister. I think my bad temper may have been developed at that time.

One day seven years ago, my father went out hunting as usual, but he never came back very late. We thought that our father was delayed today because he was tracking a certain prey. This happened occasionally in the past, so we didn't pay attention. In the middle of the night, we heard a noise. My mother thought it was my father coming back, so she hurried to open the door, but outside the door was a group of ferocious-looking orcs... "

"..." Regnar listened to the story attentively, but he didn't know what to say. Looking at Vera with tears in her eyes, Regnar couldn't help but feel sad for her experience, and in the sad At the same time, a strange emotion arose in his heart. He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad for himself.

Because he can listen and comfort, but he has no way to understand or share. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he can't, because he has been an orphan for as long as he can remember, and the pain of losing a loved one is very distant and unfamiliar to him.

Also an orphan, Vera could cry bitterly holding the good memories of the past because she had lost the beauty of the past, while Regnar could only comfort her with a strange mood while feeling sad for her experience, but But he couldn't shed a single tear, he couldn't cry.

Because he cannot experience it; because he is not qualified; because he has never had these beautiful things; because in his memory there are only rotten and smelly garbage dumps and sewers infested with insects and rats, and he has never had any relatives. Is this a blessing? Or is it the greatest sorrow in life

Vera took a sip of wine to adjust her mood and continued: "My mother was beheaded by a violent orc at that time. My brother responded quickly. He asked my brother and I to leave through the back door, run south, and Go to Elit City and don't look back. And he himself... He himself was torn into pieces trying to resist the orcs. At that time, my brother and I finally escaped. I was really frightened. My brother was holding me back all the way. My hands kept identifying the direction and moving towards Meteor City. Although the two of us were young, we were able to inspire our fighting spirit under the guidance of our father, so although we were embarrassed along the way, there was not much danger to our lives. But Just when we were approaching Meteor City, we met a mage."

"Human mage?" Regnar asked.

"Yes." Vera nodded.

"Then he must have brought you here..." Regnar suddenly stopped talking, because he saw the deep-seated hatred and the unconcealable look of shame in Vera's eyes. And he also thought that if the mage was really so kind to bring the two of them to Falling Star City, then his brother should still be safe and sound by now, at least he would not be called "died in the second orc invasion" by Vera. .

Therefore, the final problem must lie with the mage, but he could never understand that the two siblings that his brother risked his life to rescue did not die in the hands of orcs or in a harsh environment, but died in In the hands of humans of the same race...

"That was a Necromancer." A painful expression appeared on Vera's face: "At that time, after he met us, he started attacking us without saying a word, but he obviously underestimated the two of us. I had My brother has already cultivated to the fourth level of level three fighting spirit, and that person is obviously just a low-level mage, so although the two of us are no match for him, if he really wants to kill us, I'm afraid he will also pay the price. So, he spoke.”

"What did he say?" Regnar asked.

"He said..." A trace of struggle flashed in Vera's eyes, but she finally gritted her teeth and said: "He said that he now needs a clean boy's soul and body to practice necromancy magic, so he is not interested in me. Let me If you don't want to die, leave quickly and don't hinder him here. If I choose to stay here, he swears that he will defeat the two of us no matter what the cost, and my brother will be deprived of his soul to practice magic, and I... I will He raped and then killed me, and then stripped my soul out and used it to make a carnal puppet. In this way, I will never be able to escape. I can only be imprisoned in a body and bear his torture and humiliation for endless years... "

"This perverted scumbag!" Regnar gritted his teeth. Although Regnar asked himself that he was not a good person, it would still be horrifying even to think about it, let alone letting him do such a heartless thing. He looked at Vera, who was lying on the table with her head buried under her arms, and asked in a trembling voice: "So... you... you abandoned your brother?"

"I'm scared! I'm really scared!"

Vera finally collapsed, big tears rolled down her face, and her originally smooth fiery red hair was wetted by the tears and stuck to her face. There were five points of self-blame, four parts of guilt, and one part of grievance on her face, which was almost sharp. He shouted: "We have tried our best, but there is no chance at all when facing the necromancer! My father is dead, my mother is dead, and my brother is dead! He and I were having dinner together a few days ago. The people who sleep and live are just gone, there is nothing, I can’t even find a body! The orc’s bloody ax appears in my dreams every night, I am really scared, I am afraid of death, death There is nothing left. So... So I ran away, I turned my back on my brother, I turned my back on my only relative, I turned my back on the little boy who followed me all day running errands for me and called my sister and ran away! Wow! Wuwuwu..."

Seeing Vera crying so sadly, Regnar felt infinite sympathy for this poor and helpless woman.

"Then am I betraying her?" Regnar thought bitterly. He opened his mouth but only said the words "Sister Vera".

"Do you know?" Vera sniffed and continued: "In the past few years, I have been comforting myself with 'If we resist, both of us will die'. But I can't forget the scene when I escaped. My brother didn't say In a word, he just looked at me so silently. That look, that look filled with anger, sadness, disappointment and resentment, has been haunting me like a curse.

It's been seven years. I can't forget that look for seven years. Yes, I survived, but almost every night I curse the person who has survived until now. I would rather choose to stay there now. You say I'm a good person? No, I'm not, I'm just a coward who left his loved ones behind and ran away alone. I'm not a good person! I don't deserve to be a good person! "

"Sister Vera! Sister Vera!" Regna hurried over and grabbed Vera, who was cursing and slapping herself. He knew that Vera was starting to look a little crazy because of her sadness, but fortunately they were sitting in a dark corner of the noisy tavern, so they didn't attract too much attention. However, despite this, some sharp-eyed people still noticed them and came over curiously.