The Sword and The Shadow

Chapter 30: Rescue


Vera was pushed forward by the orc and staggered, almost falling to the ground. She turned around angrily and stared at the orc with hateful eyes.

"&@#^$%*%^!" The orc behind him said in his own language. Although Vera couldn't understand the orc language, she knew that this guy must be talking about "what are you looking at?" "Hurry up and go" or something like that.

"Captain, why are we taking this white-skinned woman with us? Her appearance makes me feel sick." The orc who pushed Vera stared at her and then asked a tall orc next to her.

"Pig! We have searched such a large area this time and still haven't found any clues. If that's the case, let's bring back a human to see if he knows anything. Huh! Humans have been so arrogant recently!" the orc captain cursed.

Vera cursed as she walked, but because of the language barrier, no matter what she said, the orcs just kept pushing her to keep walking.

Vera didn't know where these rude and savage guys would take her, but she wasn't interested either and she had given up all hope now. When the orcs made a sneak attack, Vera was staring at the movement in front, but completely ignored the rear. She was hit on the head by an orc holding a wooden stick. Although she was not unconscious immediately, she also lost the ability to resist. .

Later, she saw with her own eyes the scene of Silenos and the orcs fighting for their lives, and also saw the orc captain hitting the already bruised Silenos on the chest with the four-hundred-pound hammer.

Her parents and brothers were killed by orcs, and her companions who were now with her day and night were also tragically killed by orcs' stone hammers. Hatred, anger, and sadness tortured her spirit, making her miserable.

Now Vera just wants to fight hard, and it would be best if she can kill a few orcs in the end. She was silently enduring all the way, just waiting for her mind to clear up completely before she was ready to fight the orcs desperately. Even if she had no weapons, even if her hands were tied, she would bite out the throat of an orc even if she used a bite!

Now Vera felt that her condition had almost recovered. She deliberately kicked a thick tree root and pretended to fall, ready to attack at any time.

"This human woman is really useless!" An orc laughed and raised his foot to lift Vera up. At this moment, an arrow flew over quickly and penetrated his head.

Kordak has been following this group of orcs for an hour. He successfully found the orc team by relying on the detection skills he had trained as a mercenary for many years, but he has not yet taken action.

Because there are a total of thirteen orcs in this team, Kordak is not without courage, but it is related to the life and death of Vera and himself, so he must be cautious.

He had made various ideas, running ahead to dig a trap and lay an ambush, or rushing over and cutting down the two people to rescue Vera, but after repeated consideration, he found that each method had its own flaws.

In the end, he decided to make some use of the weakness of the orcs' poor night vision, so he patiently waited for the arrival of the darkest time before dawn. Although this would also limit Kordak's sight, and almost became open-eyed. The blind orcs were much better than that.

So, as Vera prepared for her final stand, Kordak fired his first arrow.

"Enemy attack! Arm yourself!" the orc captain yelled immediately, and then all the orcs raised their weapons and assumed a fighting posture. Several orcs holding crude wooden shields immediately pushed forward.

Kordak frowned, he was not satisfied with the result of his first arrow. After a long period of observation, Kordak has identified who is the leader of this orc team. In line with the principle of catching the thief first, his arrow was originally aimed at the orc captain. If he shot the orc, Captain, then the remaining simple-minded guys will be much easier to deal with.

But unfortunately, an orc suddenly took a step forward and kicked Vera, which happened to be the captain's shield.

The orc captain seemed to realize that the attacker's first target was himself, so he cunningly picked up Vera who was lying on the ground and retreated to the back of the team.

Vera was originally ready to make a violent attack, but the sound of arrows piercing the air made her stagnant. When the orc with arrows in his head fell in front of her, Vera recognized the magic lines engraved on it. armor-piercing arrows, and immediately understood that it was Kordak and Regnar who were coming.

Vera struggled desperately. Although her personal strength was not much weaker than that of the orc captain, how could she be the opponent of the strong orc in a simple competition of strength? So she twisted desperately, but she couldn't break free from the orc's hand.

"Leave me alone! You two idiots! There are too many of them. You are no match for them. Leave quickly!" Vera screamed and shouted.

There was no sound in the woods, Kordak didn't speak, but another flying arrow already gave his answer: "I won't leave."

"Kordak, you idiot, you stinky bear! Why are you so stupid! You can't kill them all! Leave quickly and take Regna with you! Regna is still young, he shouldn't lose his life because of me ! You have to consider him even if you don’t think about yourself! He is just a child! Take him away quickly!" Vera almost collapsed, her lip was bitten and bled, and tears mixed with blood flowed to her chin, But he still didn't care and just screamed loudly.

"You don't need to worry about that boy, silly girl, he has already left..." Kordak thought with a wry smile, and then shot another arrow.

Kordak's statement to Regnar that he was proficient in all weapons was not a boast. His archery skills were also quite accurate. In a dark environment, three arrows had already killed two orcs. If the orcs hadn't already If he takes any action, he may really be able to kill all the orcs with just a bow and arrow.

The orc captain was now filled with anger. He was angry with the cowardly guy who only dared to hide in the distance and shoot cold arrows. This was completely contrary to the cultural tradition of the orcs.

Two companions have already died under the arrows of this coward. This is a shameful death for the brave orc warriors. If you are brave enough, take out your weapons and fight us head-on!

But all the orcs dare not act rashly because their night vision is so poor. In the darkest time before dawn, their visual range is barely ten meters. What's more terrible is that the dense jungle blocks it. Most of the moonlight, which further weakened their vision, if launched at this time to charge will completely expose the brothers to the arrows of this stealthy archer, which is undoubtedly very dangerous.

"A bunch of idiots." Kordak muttered to himself. He gently adjusted his position again, and then shot another arrow steadily.

The third orc had fallen, and the orc captain was anxious and angry. He looked at Vera who was screaming there, and a plan came to his mind.

The orc captain pulled out a dagger glowing with orange magic from his waist, which he had snatched from the dead human. It was a powerful human. In order to avoid more casualties, he fought off other orcs and Silenos who tried to besiege him and fought alone. Originally, the strength of the orc captain was slightly inferior to Silenos, but because Silenos had been slashed by other orcs before, the orc captain won without a doubt.

He took off Silenus' dagger as his trophy, not only because it was a good weapon, but also because in the eyes of the orcs, this action was a kind of respect for the enemy.

Now he holds this exquisite and powerful magical weapon above Vera's throat.

"!¥%#Come out@¥%woman&@#...¥die." Vera was covered by him and couldn't make a sound. The orc took this opportunity to yell loudly.

He had been fortunate enough to be taught by the great Earthshaker and learned a little bit of the common language of humans. He said this sentence in Orcish and Common language in desperation.

The meaning of the orc's words is very simple: "Cowardly attackers, come out and fight us head-on immediately, otherwise I will kill this woman."

Kordak also knew a little bit of Orc language, so he roughly understood the meaning of this sentence by listening and guessing.

"I just said it can't be that simple." Kordak put the bow and arrow in his hand on the ground. He took out a small bottle of purple-black potion from his arms, looked at it, and then said to himself: "This thing It’s still useful.”

The struggle in Kordak's eyes flashed briefly, and then he unscrewed the cap of the bottle and poured all the potion into his mouth.

"It tastes pretty good!" Kordak pursed his lips and nodded. Seeing the orcs getting more and more mad, Kordak no longer hesitated. He drew out his two-handed sword from his back and jumped out from behind with a loud shout. out.

When the orcs saw a tall and powerful male human jumping out, they could no longer control their anger. They roared and charged forward, waving the simple equipment in their hands.

On the opposite side, Kordak's eyes flashed with determination, and he charged towards the five orcs running towards him.

The battle was about to break out, and Kordak's whole body suddenly burst out with strong fighting spirit. He jumped up and used the force of his downward fall to swing out an air-piercing slash.

The orc directly opposite raised the mace in his hand in an attempt to block, but he underestimated Kordak's strength and the equipment gap between the two of them.

The two-handed sword was extremely sharp under the blessing of the fighting spirit blade. The orc who blocked the weapon was split in half instantly, including the weapon and the man. Blood flew out and sprayed all over Kordak in an instant.

Kordak killed the enemy with one blow, but the wound was torn because his attack was too violent, and blood flowed out from under his right rib again.

Kordak only felt a sharp pain coming, which almost made his eyesight go dark. With a loud shout, fighting spirit burst out from his body again, and he rushed away the other four orcs who surrounded him.

Although these orcs have crude weapons and have not received any formal training, they are not weak due to their naturally strong physiques and the fighting skills they have honed over many years in harsh environments.

Not only were they not frightened when they saw their companions being killed in a single blow and their blood was sprayed out, but it further aroused the violent and warlike instincts in the orcs. They roared and fought with Kordak again.

Although the orc captain despised using such threats to force the enemy, seeing the critical situation, he had no choice but to do it.

Now seeing Kordak jumping out, the orc captain was no longer nervous. He slowly put down the dagger hanging around Vera's neck and was about to give orders to the others. Severe pain struck from the back of his head, and a few tenths of a second later, he lost consciousness forever.