The Sword and The Shadow

Chapter 31: Fight to the death


Regnar gently pulled out the dagger inserted into the back of the orc captain's head. He had a rough understanding of the orc's body structure from Verles's notes. The book said that the lower part of the orc's head was not protected by bones. This is an ideal place to start when assassinating orcs.

The facts also proved that Verles's notes were correct. The dagger pierced the head of the orc captain like a piece of rubber. The orc captain died completely in an instant, without even making any sound during the whole process.

However, Villeless's notes are not omnipotent. Regnar tried to track the locations of Kordak and Vera according to the method recorded in the notes, but due to careless research, Regnar's tracking direction eventually deviated. Fortunately, the distance was not that far away. When the orc captain yelled that there was an enemy attack, he also heard it, and then he followed the sound and chased him over. Finally, he was not too late.

Regnar released his left hand that was covering the orc captain's mouth. He wiped the orc's saliva on the corpse with some disgust, then took off the flaming blade of Silenos and the scabbard and put it on himself. On the body.

When he did all this, he was less than one meter away from the other orcs who were about to try, but his light movements made no sound, and their attention was attracted by Kordak, so the orcs were completely unaware of the death of their captain.

Vera was already shocked and speechless. She stared at Regner as if she were looking at a stranger. Regner's dark eyes made her feel even more chilling under the night. .

Regnar used the flaming blade to cut the ropes around Vera's hands and feet. At this moment, an orc had already turned around because he was a little surprised why his captain was so quiet.

"Let's go!" Regnar said softly, his voice not sounding nervous at all.

After Vera regained her freedom, she didn't show too much pretentiousness. She ran away towards the darkness of the forest, because her close combat ability was too weak and she could only become a liability here.

"Enemy attack! Back... Poof!" The orc who discovered Regna yelled, but halfway through his words, it turned into the sound of blood spurting from his throat.

The moment the orc noticed it, Regna immediately stepped forward and slit the throat of the screaming orc. Then he did not hesitate to fight. After killing the orc, he turned around and ran away without hesitation. His thin figure disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

The remaining three orcs saw the inexplicable death of their awed captain, and their eyes instantly turned blood red. They roared and rushed towards the direction where Regna had disappeared.

Regnar successfully rescued Vera, but they were unable to escape immediately because Kordak, who had attracted a large number of orcs, was still under siege by four orcs.

The reason why Kordak used thunderous means to kill an orc at the cost of causing wounds was because he was afraid that he would be besieged by a large number of orcs and unable to escape.

Obviously, the first orc to be killed mistakenly underestimated the strength and sophistication of weapons and equipment of this "coward who only dared to hide in the dark and shoot arrows."

But at the same time, Kordak also underestimated the strength of this group of "shouting idiots with broken wooden sticks".

Although these orcs are not masters, they are still experienced orc warriors. One person alone is no match for Kordak, but dealing with three people is already Kordak's limit. Now Kordak's old injury relapsed and he faced four orcs alone. It was a miracle that the situation didn't turn out to be one-sided.

In fact, these orcs were also very shocked by Kordak's bravery. The orcs wanted to be known for their bravery and fearlessness, but the human who was taller than them was not only good at concealing arrows, but also performed better in head-to-head confrontations. It is extremely fierce.

Kordak almost didn't care whether he was injured or not, and used a desperate fighting style. This kind of fighting style was only seen by the orcs in the bravest, strongest and fastest berserker in his tribe.

Those fanatical believers who swear to dedicate their souls to the orc god fight almost in a way that desperately desires their own death. Although these orcs feel that they are a proud warrior, they are facing a madman who regards death as a sacrifice. Fear also arises when you are a warrior.

At this moment, Kordak was acting like an orc berserker, which made their attack a little timid, but even so, dealing with four orcs at the same time was far beyond Kordak's ability.

Although the orcs have crude weapons, they are extremely powerful. In addition, Kordak has changed into a more flexible but weaker defensive mail armor in order to use a two-handed sword. Therefore, within just a few minutes of the confrontation, Kordak Ke already had a lot of wounds on his body. Some were bruised and bruised by blunt objects, and there were several bloody holes hit by maces. His back was also scratched by an orc with a stone axe, and blood continued to flow out. What's more terrible was that Kordak's right The ribs became bloody and bloody again, almost the same as when they were first injured.

After suffering such a serious injury, a normal person would have fainted long ago, but it is not known whether it is because of Kordak's strong body or other reasons. He still fought bravely and powerfully, as if he was not injured at all.

But the four orcs were not in a hurry. Their fighting style seemed quite conservative. Although this made the orcs feel humiliated, they had to admit that this was the best choice at the moment.

Kordak's consciousness gradually began to blur. He didn't know how long he could hold on, but when he glanced behind him from the corner of his eye, he found that Vera and the rest of the orcs were no longer there.

Kordak didn't see the scene where Regnar rescued Vera, and he didn't know what happened. However, after seeing the body of the orc captain, Kordak gradually felt relieved.

"Regna came again later? Or did someone else come to help? Where is Vera? Has she been rescued?" Kordak's mind was filled with questions, but the scene in front of him was already overwhelming, and he How to consider it

But even if the question just flashed through his mind, Kordak's figure still paused. An orc on his right seized this opportunity and swung his stone hammer and hit Kordak hard. On the wound on the right rib.

"Uh-huh!" Kordak screamed. He used the power of the stone hammer to roll away from the orcs, but his ribs that healed quickly under the healing potion were broken again, causing severe pain. Kordak took a deep breath. Although he broke out of the encirclement, he no longer had the strength to escape.

The four orcs took advantage of the victory and pursued it. Just when they were about to give Kordak a fatal blow to the seriously injured Kordak who fell to the ground, three arrows with strong fighting spirit suddenly attacked them at the same time.

Unlike orcs, humans have much better night vision than them. So when Kordak fired hidden arrows at the orcs, although the orcs didn't know where Kordak was, Vera was able to determine a rough location. , after all, she is the best archer in the mercenary team, and she also taught Kordak his shooting skills.

So Vera did not run away immediately after being rescued by Regnar. Instead, she ran towards the place where Kordak had ambush. She spent a small amount of time finding the bow and arrows and quiver that Kordak had thrown on the ground, and then The most violent attack began on the orcs who besieged Kordak.

Vera was worried about Kordak's life and death at the moment, so as soon as she picked up the bow and arrow, she took out all the armor-piercing arrows in the quiver and used the strongest archery skills within her ability.

"Storm of Arrows" is Vera's father's famous local archery fighting skill. This archery skill will shoot multiple arrows at one time. Each arrow has its own fighting spirit and is adjusted according to the strength of the fighting spirit. Direction, these arrows can accurately hit everyone, or they can draw an arc in the air and target the same person.

Vera's father once shot four arrows at once. After years of hard training, Vera was able to shoot three arrows at the same time, although she was not as good as her father.

Three armor-piercing arrows accurately hit the heads of three orcs. Even though Kordak was seriously injured and lying on the ground, he couldn't help but be proud of his woman for killing three enemies at the same time.

Then an arrow penetrated the fourth orc's head half a second later. Although Kordak's archery skills are not bad, there is still a huge gap between him and Vera, who has been practicing hard for many years and is good at this art. Of course, if these four arrows hadn't surprised everyone, the four orcs might not have died so simply.

"How are you?" Vera hurriedly ran out of the grass. She looked nervously at the man who was covered in bruises because of her.

"Regna saved you?" Kordak asked with difficulty.

"Well, he killed the orc captain and rescued me, and the other orcs went after him." Vera said as she took out a healing potion from Kordak's backpack to heal his injuries.

"Leave me alone, go support Xiao Lei first." Kordak said this hastily after drinking a bottle of healing potion, and then he could no longer support him and fell into a coma.

Vera looked at Kordak, who was seriously injured and unconscious. Although she had already drank the healing potion, such a serious injury could not let her relax with just a bottle of healing potion. To be honest, Kordak was so serious. It is a miracle that he can survive to this day despite his injuries.

But thinking that Xiao Lei was facing the pursuit of three orcs at the same time, Vera felt extremely anxious. Kordak drank two bottles of healing potion, Silenos used one, and one third was used by Regnar to make a sobriety potion.

If Kordak's injury is serious, Regner's external application method will need to be used. Now there is only the last complete bottle of healing potion left.

Vera took the last bottle and a half of healing potion with her, then picked up a bow and arrow and pulled out a dagger from Kordak's boot, and chased Regnar in the direction of his escape.