The Sword and The Shadow

Chapter 65: friend


"Damn it!" Deville tore open the spell scroll of the Finger of Death with red eyes. He desperately mobilized his magic power to make it flow according to the guidance of the magic scroll. The rapid loss of magic power made him feel weak and almost fainted. passed. But he gritted his teeth and persisted, otherwise, Cook's death would have been in vain.

Annelotte also tore open the scroll silently, but compared to Deville, she still seemed to be able to do it with ease. Except for her face being slightly pale, there was no other abnormality.

Two dark red rays of light shot out from their fingertips. It was a pure energy shock, but it became unparalleled because of its purity. The terrifying energy fluctuations even gave people the illusion of space distortion.

Dwyer's finger of death hit the Crystal-backed Snow Lizard first, leaving a horrific wound in the throat of the behemoth, almost tearing its neck off. But even if the weak link is severely damaged, it is still not a fatal injury to this huge monster.

But the next second, Annelotte's finger of death also hit the crystal-backed snow lizard with even more terrifying energy. Unlike Deville, Annelotte did not target near the belly. Her position was directly opposite the crystal-backed snow lizard. The girl perfectly grasped the opportunity and took advantage of the crystal-backed snow lizard to roar in pain. The spell was sent directly to the mouth of the monster!

Annelotte's finger of death did not cause a very intuitive wound like Deville's, but everyone knew that the girl's spell was the most critical fatal blow.

The crystal-backed snow lizard twisted wildly, and Cook underneath it couldn't hold on anymore and fell down. The monster's huge body rolled on his body, squeezing his strong body into a human shape.

Seeing the crystal-backed snow lizard twisting like a severed earthworm, several other followers quickly jumped away. Their mission has been completed, and what they have to do now is to hide far away to prevent the demonic beasts from counterattacking on the verge of death and causing unnecessary sacrifices.

But they still underestimated the vitality and intelligence of the high-level monster. Annelotte's finger of death did deal a fatal blow to it, but it could not kill the crystal-backed snow lizard instantly. It is still capable of launching powerful attacks. s attack.

The reason why the World of Warcraft is rolling here is firstly because of the severe pain, and secondly, there is a certain element of disguise. It wants to pretend to be on the verge of death to get rid of those annoying melee followers. Because even if it means death, it will drag down the murderer of all this, the woman with ice-blue hair!

The crystal-backed snow lizard suddenly stopped twisting, and it quickly assumed a charging posture. Its speed exploded at full strength in an instant, and it rushed in front of Annelotte before anyone could react.

Facing the sudden behemoth, Annelotte still had no expression on her face. She seemed to have expected that the crystal-backed snow lizard would not be killed so easily.

The crystal-backed snow lizard turned around quickly, and its several-meter-long tail swept over with a powerful sound of breaking wind.

Annelotte quickly empowered herself with the flying technique and managed to avoid this dangerous and fatal blow. But flying is a spell that is not very flexible. In addition, the space in the cave is limited, and Annelotte does not dare to rely on this spell to wander in the air. After dodging the attack, she quickly canceled the magical effect of the flying spell, then turned around and gave the crystal-backed snow lizard a fireball spell.

Annelotte is best at ice spells, but the monsters in this frozen snow mountain face the endless cold of ice and snow all year round, so their resistance to ice spells cannot be higher. So along the way, Annelotte could only use fire spells to fight at the expense of her strengths. As a result, her combat power was naturally compromised.

The fireball spell hit the crystal-backed snow lizard, but it didn't seem to cause much damage to it. It flicked its tail to push back Deville's followers and continued to rush towards Annelotte.

The girl was quickly cornered, but her face showed no panic. The crystal-backed snow lizard's movements have slowed down a bit, and it seems that this monster can't hold on for long. Annelotte calmly added protective magic to herself, planning to withstand the crystal-backed snow lizard's deadly counterattack.

The crystal-backed snow lizard opened its huge mouth and bit it, but Annelotte pushed herself away with a displacement spell and came to the side of the monster. The cunning crystal-backed snow lizard seemed to have realized Annelotte's next step. Its tail swept across again, and Annelotte was directly hit and thrown against the wall.

The crystal-backed snow lizard inhaled suddenly, preparing to release the last breath of frost. Annelotte sat helplessly in the corner. Although she had added stone skin to herself, the crystal-backed snow lizard's full blow was obviously more powerful than the snow troll.

This girl who seemed to be fighting with ease all the way was still injured after all. Annelotte looked at the crystal-backed snow lizard coldly, not at all afraid of the coming frost breath.

But at this moment, a trace of shock flashed in her eyes. Because Regnar's back appeared in front of Annelotte at some point. Although he didn't say a word, Annelotte felt the great determination and courage he contained when he stood here. At this moment, the girl seemed to feel that the thin and frail figure in her eyes was as strong as a mountain.

Possibly infected by Cook's courage before his death, Regnar's head instantly became filled with blood when he saw Annelotte being pressed closer by the monster.

He rushed forward desperately with his new weapon in hand. He just wanted to protect Annelotte, and he didn't think about things like whether his weight was enough to stuff the big lizard between his teeth.

Standing in front of the crystal-backed snow lizard, Regnar showed no trace of cowardice or fear. He faced the cold breath and tried his best to gather the fighting spirit all over his body, and the long sword in his hand glowed faintly under the lingering fighting spirit.

The long sword was thrown out of his hand, and it was thrown out by Regnar and flew into the mouth of the crystal-backed snow lizard. The crystal-backed snow lizard also finished accumulating its energy, and its icy breath of more than 150 degrees below zero hit Regnar head-on.

Regnar only felt that his lungs had turned into a piece of thousand-year-old ice. He did not expect that ultra-low temperature could cause pain even more intense than burning. His face had lost all feeling, and the blood that was originally flowing was solidified in an instant. Then, Regnar felt a heavy blow to his chest and flew backwards, hitting Annelotte directly.

That was the crystal-backed snow lizard's final blow, and inside its body, the long sword picked up by Regner pierced its esophagus and stabbed directly into its heart. The patterns on the sword hilts slowly lit up, and they began to frantically extract the little remaining vitality of the crystal-backed snow lizards. Soon after, this terrifying monster completely lost its life. Correspondingly, the dull stone on the hilt of the long sword became rounder and had a faint luster.

Regnar's eyes were distracted, and the low temperature made his blood flow stagnant, making his mind a little unclear. Annelotte's face appeared in the field of vision. The girl still looked cold, but her eyes shone with confusion, as if asking "why".

"I don't have many friends." Regnar coughed out a mouthful of blood with difficulty: "Boss, Sister Vera, and you... so... I don't want to lose you. I only have... these things, and I don't want to lose anything. … I can’t afford to lose it either.”

"Aren't you... afraid of death?" Annelotte asked softly.

Regnar grinned and smiled uglyly: "Of course I'm scared... But... But some things are really scarier than death... Besides, you saved my life three times..."

As Regnar spoke, he felt his vision gradually becoming drowsy. Finally, he vaguely seemed to see Annelotte curling up the corners of her mouth, and she actually seemed to smile!

"Sure enough, the smile is the prettiest." This was Regnar's last thought before he fell into coma.

Annelotte's white little hands gently touched Regnar's head. She knew that Regnar's most serious injury was not on his chest, but on the ultra-low temperature all over his body caused by the frontal impact of the frost breath.

With a thought in her mind, the frost aura raging in Regnar's body obediently left Regnar's body according to her thoughts and entered her own body.

Once the frost aura left his body, Regnar's complexion immediately became much more normal. It seemed that as long as he bandaged his injuries, nothing would be serious.

"Friends?" Annelotte thought silently. She didn't know if she also had her first friend.

"Thank you for your help. This bottle of special healing potion is an extra thank you gift. I hope Regnar will be fine." Deville stood behind Annelotte at some point.

Annelotte took the healing potion and nodded to Deville without saying much.

"I don't know how Boss and the others are doing." Regnar said as he limped along with a broken wooden stick. Thanks to Deville's bottle of special healing potion, otherwise he might not be able to climb now. .

"Have you been separated for three or four days?" Deville asked. Annelotte and the two helped him kill the crystal-backed snow lizard, so he would not break his promise and began to help them find the thousand-year snow lotus and Kordak and Vera.

"It should be so. There's no sun in this shitty place, so I don't know for sure." Regnar said.

Annelotte also vaguely felt that Kordak and the two might have encountered some problems, but she did not say it out loud. She still had some confidence in Kordak. She kept thinking in her mind, guessing what happened to Kordak in the past few days. But at this moment, a vague energy wave entered her consciousness.

Annelotte stopped and said to everyone: "I think I know their location."