The Sword and The Shadow

Chapter 668: The game of the gods


Two months after the Battle of Merinder, with the help of the Moon Shadow Thieves Guild, Regnar and the others quietly returned to the Falling Star City on the Lance continent. And now, in a small, secret room, Regnar was sitting alone. There was a delicate, highly enchanted box on the table in front of him, and inside the box was Annelotte's soul gem.

Although Regnar valued the soul gem extremely, the way he looked at the gem at this time was not friendly, and could even be said to be hostile.

Regnar's face was gloomy. He stared at the gem for a long time, and then he softly said: "Pero."

A bit of milky white light shone from the inside of the gem, followed by a faint pressure. If there were priests present, they would definitely understand that only the will of the true God can cause such pressure.

"You are finally willing to call me." Pero's voice came from the gem.

"..." Regnar was silent for a moment, and then asked: "I have many things to ask you. Your answers will determine my attitude."

"Are you straight to the point? I also like this way of communication." Pero said, "Then what do you want to ask?"

"Is this gem real?" Regnar was the first to ask the question he was most concerned about.

"Don't question God's credibility. You know the answer, don't you?"

"Where is the other half of Annie's soul?" Regnar asked next.

"I have preserved half of the believer's soul very well here." Pero's voice was like the devil's temptation: "I can return them all to you."

"What do I need to do?" Regnar seemed unmoved and asked expressionlessly.

"Naraku." Pero only said one name.

"You expect a mortal to kill an opponent that even the Sun God cannot defeat?" Regnar sneered.

"Goodbye then!" Perot said very simply.

"No! Wait!" Regnar finally panicked, leaning forward and shouting loudly.

"I understand your position, mortal." Pero said calmly: "The battle between Naraku and I has been going on for thousands of years, and I don't care if I spend another few thousand years with that skeleton. But you are different. Everything about you is in my hands. You have only two choices, either obey my will, or you can never get these two incomplete souls."

"Huh..." Regnar panted heavily as if he had exercised strenuously. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "You must fulfill your promise in time."

"Of course!" There was a smile in Pero's voice, and the soul gem also lit up with a silvery white light. Regnar carefully observed the soul gem, and then he was surprised to find that there was Irene's aura in the light!

"Just think of this soul fragment as something I paid you in advance." Pero said: "Soul splitting and fusion are not very rare spells. I think you will get them from high-level priests and high-level necromancers. A way to reunite souls.”

Regnar looked at the soul gem and finally nodded: "I understand, I will do something for you."

"Very good, then let's verify my integrity first. I need a loyal apostle to walk in the world for me, and after you completely believe in me, I will tell you the next task." After finishing speaking, Peiro said. The ball's light dimmed.

Regnar was silent for a moment, then he put away the soul gem and walked out of the hut.

"Now, do you believe me?" Another voice rang in Regnar's mind: "I am not an ordinary mortal at all, but an existence created by Pelor's divine consciousness and divine power. Decades ago , when Darkrod's divine power appeared again, Peiro hatched this plan based on peeking into the future. Although many changes occurred, in any case, you now... No, or Da Claude's power finally became Pelor's weapon against Naraku."

"Even if what you said is true, then why should I help you? Nidhogg." Regnar asked.

Nidhogg smiled unpleasantly, and said lightly: "Because I gave you hope."

"..." Regnar was silent. He knew what Nidhogg was referring to - in the battle between him and Nidhogg two months ago, Nidhogg removed the six major powers in his body at the last moment. The elemental essence was handed over to Regnar. And that thing is another key to rebuilding Annelotte's body and resurrecting Annelotte. Although Regnar's current situation was inseparable from Nidhogg, in any case, Nidhogg chose to put all his hopes on Regnar in the end. He believed that compared to himself, Regnar was the one who had more hope of getting out of the game of the gods.

But now, the help Nidhogg offered was not a request or an exchange, it was just a plea. Nidhogg's true soul has returned to Pelor's consciousness, and what remains in Regnar's sea of consciousness is just the residual consciousness left by Nidhogg's magic. He did not have enough capital to make a deal with Regnar, nor could he threaten Regnar's lifeline like Peiro did. The only thing that the once arrogant legendary mage can hope for now is that after Regnar comes out of the predicament, he can help him in turn for the sake of giving his last hope to Regnar before his death.

"I can't guarantee this." Regnar finally gave the answer: "But I can guarantee that whether it is Peiro or Naraku, I will not let them go."

"That's enough, thank you, that's enough..." This was the last message Nidhogg left for Regnar.

Regnar silently took out the small box from his dimensional pocket, and the soul gem was still lying quietly in the center of the box.

Regnar looked at the gem for a while, and then said softly: "Wait for me..."

(Full text ends)

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