The Sword and The Shadow

Chapter 75: Target, wild plains


"Okay, I understand." Regnar said after being silent for a while.

He found that he now had some baggage on him. Annelotte, Kordak, and Vera are what he wants to carry. He wants to become strong as soon as possible, strong enough to protect them all.

"Is this the so-called responsibility?" Regnar thought to himself. Before, he could only vaguely understand the meaning of responsibility from Irene. Then Irene disappeared, and his few responsibilities also disappeared with him. . Until now, he has realized the responsibility that adults often talk about.

There are many people who have been overwhelmed by responsibility, but that does not include the current Regnar. Because now he feels that he is no longer a dispensable existence in the world, that someone needs him, and that he is no longer just a walking dead wasting his time. There is no doubt that this feeling is new and wonderful for Regnar, who has lived for himself for more than ten years.

Therefore, at this moment, Regnar's heart was filled with enthusiasm and his whole body was full of energy.

Kordak didn't know Regner's determination at this time. He suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to Annelotte.

This time, not only Regna and Vera were surprised, but even Annelotte, who had been paralyzed for thousands of years, had a look of surprise on her face.

"Miss Annelotte, I apologize for my previous behavior. I was too impulsive before. I shouldn't have doubted you, the Moon Shadow Thieves Guild, and I shouldn't have lost my temper with you. You are the one who saved Regnar's life. , but I said bad words to you. This incident was all caused by my ignorance of right and wrong. I hope you can forgive me. I hereby solemnly apologize and I'm sorry."

Kordak's tone was sincere, even with a hint of regret. He had no idea that Annelotte would pay such a high price to save Regnar. He thought that if it were him, he would choose to save Regnar, but if there were still people who doubted him after this, then Uncle Kordak would blush and argue with people no matter what, and even fight to the death.

Therefore, after Regnar explained how he detoxified, Kordak understood how wronged Annelotte was at that time. He also felt that he needed to sincerely and solemnly apologize to Annelotte for his behavior.

Regnar didn't know what happened between Kordak and Annelotte, and he wanted to go up and persuade them. But Vera next to him pulled him and shook her head gently.

As a witness to this incident, Vera also felt that Kordak needed to apologize. Not only because Kordak was in the wrong, but also because Annelotte was the only mage in the team. As the captain, if Kordak misunderstands the team members and fails to apologize, it will not only chill the hearts of the team members, but also affect the internal harmony of the team in the future, and even cause the team to fall apart.

So Vera grabbed Regnar, and Regnar also chose to believe Vera and remained silent.

Annelotte looked at Kordak who was bowing down, and she shook her head.

Everyone thought that Annelotte meant not to forgive Kordak's offense. But unexpectedly, Annelotte went on to say: "I never had any grudges because of what happened at that time. You were concerned about Regnar at that time, and it was normal for you to lose control a little. And I didn't suffer any loss because of it. So you don’t need my forgiveness.”

Annelotte's words were said in a strong manner, making people confused as to whether Annelotte was speaking angrily or seriously. For a moment, it didn't matter if Kordak got up or not, the situation suddenly became awkward.

But fortunately, Regnar knew Annelotte a little bit. He knew that the girl could put on her own disguise when facing strangers, was eloquent, and had good communication skills. But when it comes to actually facing someone, Annelotte is actually a lonely girl who is not good at talking. Annelotte was undoubtedly sincere when she said such words.

"Well, boss, Anne has said so, so don't insist anymore. Think about it, with Anne's character, she will definitely not tell lies, right?" Regnar said to Annelotte while trying to smooth things over. He winked and asked the girl to say something.

Annelotte was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what she just said was inappropriate, so she continued: "Mr. Kordak, I really don't blame you for what happened last time. Moreover, you can care so much about the team members, right?" For us, this is a good thing. But I hope you will act more rationally in the future. After all, you are the core of the team, and your impulsiveness will put the entire team in danger."

"Okay, I accept your suggestion." Kordak replied seriously.

Afterwards, the four of them discussed matters related to adventure in the orc territory, and then had a meal together.

In the next few days, Kordak and others began to prepare for the next adventure.

Although Regnar has become a disciple of Villes, due to concerns about Regnar's safety, only a few people know his identity at this level. Therefore, the title of member of the chore department still hangs on his head. Regnar also took advantage of the few days of repairs to work at Soram's place for a few days.

It is worth mentioning that Annelotte's identity has been completely disclosed to the Kordak team. So she didn't pretend to be anything anymore. After telling Kordak her residential address, she stayed at home with her head down for the past few days. No one knew what she was doing.

Time passed by and another half month passed. During this period, Regnar finally completed the task assigned by Soram. Kordak and Vera also made a lot of preparations. After everything was ready, everyone informed Annelotte that they decided to start the next adventure in two days.

Due to years of isolation, most humans do not know the current situation of the orcs in recent years. With this large-scale invasion of humans, the mystery of the northern orcs was gradually unveiled.

The orc territory in the north was originally called the Savage Plains. It was originally an extremely barbaric and chaotic barren land. Because the orcs there are all large and small tribal clans, they are independent, fight each other, and plunder each other.

Originally, the extreme chaos would probably attract foreign enemies, but due to the orcs' super high fertility and strong survivability. This makes humans too lazy to invade such a dry land. On the contrary, many dispersed orc tribes have gone south to the human country, causing several orc invasions.

But the disorderly and chaotic era of the orcs ended completely with the appearance of an orc.

His name is Olgar Rok, Olgar Rok the Earthshaker. He was originally a young shaman of the Earthshaker tribe, but he showed wisdom and courage far beyond others in the tribe's battles. With his illustrious military exploits, Olgar Rock quickly accumulated a high reputation in the Earthshaker. After the death of the previous tribal leader, Olgar Rock took over as the next leader without any suspense.

At first, many people doubted whether Olgar Rock, a young orc, was capable of leading the tribe, but what happened next made those rumors disappear automatically.

Olgar Rock showed amazing leadership skills after becoming the leader. He used his wisdom and foresight to quickly grow the Earthshaker. After that, Olgarok led the Earthshaker to fight everywhere, sweeping across the entire wild plains in just four years, completely unifying the chaotic orcs and establishing a huge orc empire. And he himself became the first warchief of the Orc Empire.

Due to years of civil war, the new empire was extremely fragile, so Olgarok strictly controlled the orcs under him in the following years, prohibiting them from making any moves that might provoke humans. But due to Balor's instigation, a war eventually broke out between humans and orcs.

Humans suddenly invaded, and the orcs rushed to fight. But compared with the human adventurers who were like stragglers, the uniform army of the orcs looked extremely fierce. In the first few days, a large number of weak human adventurers were swept away by the orc army. Only a few people made a fortune, but as many people died as stars.

The suddenly enlightened humans quickly took countermeasures. They formed a large mercenary group of hundreds or even thousands of people from a small hunting team. Although the discipline of these temporarily formed mercenary groups is not very good, due to their relatively high individual strength, they also give humans the power to fight.

On the other side, although Olgarok was angry at the human invasion, he did not dare to use all the strength of the empire to wipe out these human invaders. He knew that once he did this, he was likely to completely anger mankind. If the four major forces were to use their full strength to carry out an organized Northern Expedition, the Orc Empire would undoubtedly be wiped out by this impact. Compared with the nine major human city-states, the new orc empire seemed so weak and weak.

Therefore, Olgar Rock could only give up a small amount of wild plain land, and at the same time send orc warriors to stop human invaders in that area. This made the warchief feel that the orc empire he had built with all his heart had become a sparring partner for humans, and he felt aggrieved for a while.

Of course, although most humans choose to form mercenary groups to invade the wild plains, there are still many powerful elite teams who choose to go it alone.

The team led by Kordak is one of the representatives. The average level of the team is seven, plus two perverts with attribute abilities, especially the addition of Annelotte, which has improved the overall strength of Kordak's team by almost one level. times. Although they did not dare to provoke a large orc patrol of hundreds of people, they could easily eat an orc squad that was five or six times their size.

In this way, Kordak led his three teammates to carefully wander around the wild plains, constantly harvesting the lives of the orcs. They would return to Falling Star City every once in a while, exchange the gains from this battle into money, and then repair for half a month before entering the wild plains again.

Fight, rest, rest, fight. The days repeated themselves like this day after day, and the reward for the Eye of Secret Magic never stopped. In the blink of an eye, two years have passed. With such a long-term reward, humans are not only shocked by the terrible financial resources of the mages, but also strengthened their belief in making money.

In the past two years, Regnar has gradually become accustomed to this life of fighting and adventure. In these two years, he, who used to be a poor pauper, has also accumulated considerable wealth. And more importantly, with the never-ending battle, the potential of the shadow dancer in his body gradually awakened. The thin and frail boy also grew up at an alarming rate.