The Sword and The Shadow

Chapter 92: Gerhardt's request


Gerhardt didn't lie. Minnie and Inelise did have amazing talents in cooking. Although the two little girls are not much taller than the stove, it can be seen from their skillful knife skills and skillful use of ingredients that their cooking skills are indeed extraordinary.

The aroma of the food made everyone's mouth water, and when they actually tasted the food, everyone was full of praise.

Kordak bit into a piece of steak and couldn't help but nodded: "Oh my, my, I didn't expect two little girls to have such good skills. Think about what our mercenary team eats all day long, besides my barbecue. Not bad, just what Vera made... oh oh oh oh!"

Before Kordak finished speaking, Vera's right foot had already stepped on Kordak's leaf-like left foot. She gritted her teeth in her leather boots and exerted her strength.

"The food Vera makes is more delicious, even better than this." Kordak endured the pain and quickly changed his words.

"Hehe, it's just so so. In fact, the food made by the two little sisters is also delicious. Come on, I'll give you this steak as a reward." Vera smiled and cut off a piece of steak and put it on Kordak's plate. .

The three members of the Gerhardt family were all bitter about Vera and Kordak's show of affection on the spot, but Regner and Annelotte knew that Kordak, the big bear, had just been in hell. If he hadn't responded in time, he might have had an extra braised bear paw as the main course tonight.

Gerhardt brought out a bottle of good wine from home, and the good entertainment with food and drinks made the dinner atmosphere very harmonious and harmonious. Of course, this is only on the surface.

After drinking some wine, both Regnar and Kordak undoubtedly returned to their bitch nature. With the help of alcohol, the two of them could always touch Vera intentionally or unintentionally.

Or the whiskers of the two tigresses Annelotte. If it weren't for the presence of outsiders, these two men would have spent the night groaning in pain.

But even so, the fate of Kordak and Regnar can be called miserable. The two men were frozen to the point of turning blue by Annelotte's cryogenic field, followed by the ruthless suppression of Vera's leather boots, and the two women We have been working together like this for two years, and we naturally have a tacit understanding.

Although the dinner had an undercurrent, the Gerhardt family was unaware of it. Minnie and Inelise also became completely familiar with Regnar and others because of this dinner, and the most popular among them were Vera and Regnar. Both of them are lively and easy-going people, so they can naturally get along with two cute little girls.

As for Annelotte, since the girl is relatively taciturn, the two little girls still seemed a little reluctant to let go when facing her. As for Kordak, this guy has an easy-going temperament, but because he looks too vicissitudes of life, Minnie and Inelise naturally have a father-like fear of him...

After the three men and two women shared a bottle of wine, they were all a little drunk. Vera and Annelotte said that they were already in place and could not drink more. However, Kordak, who was in the mood for drinking, said that one bottle would not satisfy him to the fullest. He took Regnar out and bought three bottles of good wine from the grocery store, and the three men drank again one bottle at a time.

Now that they have arrived in town, Vera and Annelotte naturally cannot stop the two men from drinking. Therefore, Kordak and Regner, two drunkards, rarely let go of their arms and drank to their heart's content.

What is worth mentioning is Gerhart. Although this kid is as skinny as Regnar back then, he has a large drinking capacity and never shirks too much until the glass is dry. Gerhart's actions made Kordak and Regnar immediately feel sympathy for each other. The three men chatted while drinking, and the four women chatted while eating. The atmosphere was extremely lively for a while.

Gerhart saw that the wine bottle was about to bottom out, and his originally blurred eyes regained some clarity. He poured himself a full glass again, and then stood up quite solemnly: "Brother Regnar, I want to toast you with this glass."

Regnar grinned stupidly: "You guys are making a blind toast, you can't just drink the wine if you touch it, and you do all these fancy things."

"No, this glass of wine is of great significance. I would like to use this glass of wine to express my gratitude to you." Gerhard said seriously.

"Thank me? Thank me for what? Do you want to beat up that idiot named Mickey? Let me tell you, I can't give you anything else, but if someone dares to bully you, I can still beat him for you." Regnar said with a smile. He originally wanted to make a joke with Gerhart, but seeing Gerhart's serious expression, he put away his playful smile and looked at Gerhart squarely.

"No, you gave me a lot. It can be said that you gave me everything." Gerhat said.

"Did it happen two years ago?" Kordak asked.

"That's right, two years ago." Gerhat nodded, and he sighed and said: "Two years ago, my father had just left us, and my mother... my mother couldn't bear the pressure and gave up on the family. Everything. It all falls on my shoulders. Not only do I have to support myself, but more importantly... I also have to raise my two sisters."

"Brother..." The youngest Inelise called Gerhard gently, her little face was full of shame and apology.

Gerhat patted her little head and said softly: "Don't blame Yi Ni, Yi Ni is very well-behaved. Yi Ni has always been a good and obedient girl. Back then, she was a useless brother. Yi Ni, don't be sad."

After comforting Inelise, Gerhardt continued: "After losing my parents, I felt that the whole world was against me. The adults in the town looked down on me, and the children called me a bastard that no one wanted. . For this reason, I often fight with them, and because I have fighting spirit, I often beat them badly. But those children have parents. If I hurt them, their parents will come to me to cause trouble. I will hurt them again. My parents, they found more people to beat me."

Minnie and Inelise's big eyes became watery when they heard this. Obviously, even these two innocent little girls still remember the bitter history of the past.

Gerhart adjusted his mood and continued: "I can't beat them when surrounded by a bunch of people. But I will fight back when I find an opportunity. Regardless of adults or children, as long as they bully me, I will beat them up when I find an opportunity." But in this way, I offended many people in the town. None of their shops hired me to work. I couldn't find a way to make a living, so I had to steal. But in this way, I was even more attracted by the people in the town. People are disgusted.”

Kordak and Vera were both a little moved. They didn't expect that Gerhardt lived such a miserable life back then. Although it was Gerhart who provoked them first, Kordak and Vera had to admit that they had indeed bullied the boy with overwhelming force at that time, and both of them felt a little guilty for a while.

"But as time went by, everyone became wary when they saw me. So it became difficult for me to steal things. The day I met you, all the food in our house was gone, and both Minnie and Inelise were so hungry that they cried. . I had no choice but to steal on the streets again." Gerhart said apologetically: "At that time, I thought you guys were new faces and might be easier to get, so I took advantage of Sister Vera's purse. "

"Hehe, I'm not going to hide it from you, brother, I was in this business back then, and your skills are far behind mine." Regnar rolled his tongue and said coaxingly.

"Hmph, how dare you show off your sneaky skills?" Vera curled her lips and said with disdain.

"Hey? What's wrong with looking down on someone who is stealing?" Regnar dared to challenge Vera due to his drunkenness. He weighed the money bag in his right hand while talking. He was sitting at the opposite table when he spoke just now. Vera's money bag came over, and no one could see how it was done.

Vera exclaimed and quickly took back her money bag, and also gave Regnar a severe beating, causing the guy to scream in agony, but everyone laughed.

Gerhart also smiled happily, and continued: "Yes, it was Brother Regnar who exposed me back then. I was very angry with him at the time, and even had the intention to kill him. But Brother Regnar not only did not blame me, He even helped me pick up coins, and even gave me a few silver coins before leaving so that my sister wouldn’t go hungry.”

"It was also because we lacked a guide." Regnar said with some embarrassment. He remembered that he gave Gerhard a few silver coins on his own initiative and was severely punished by Vera.

"Maybe it's just an unintentional move by you, brother, but it means a lot to me. It's been half a year and no one has ever been nice to me. Everyone bullies me and looks down on me. But brother, you give me respect. , help me and teach me how to face difficulties."

"Hey, hey, hey, I can accept the first two, but why don't I remember the last one? When did I teach you?" Regnar said half-jokingly.

"Brother, you may not remember what you said to me before you left." Gerhat looked at his two lovely sisters lovingly: "You said to me at that time, 'Their food and clothing are more important than your dignity. More, more consideration for them.'."


Regnar was speechless, these words were indeed what he said.

"Brother, those words of yours have made me remember them till now. Since I came back that time, I will think of these words every time I am bullied, and I will think of you, brother Regnar. Then I can endure everything." , Gradually, the people in the town accepted me again, and I was able to slowly establish myself in York Town." Gerhart said.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, I can understand why you remembered that sentence and endured everything for your sister, but what do you mean when you remembered that I endured everything? Am I your spiritual support?" Regna couldn't bear it. Start complaining.

"Uh..." Gerhart said with a strange look on his face: "I don't know why, maybe it's because Brother Regnar, you told me that you were also an orphan, and then I saw that even though you have experienced a lot of hardships, you can still survive." When I faced life with a mean smile, I suddenly gained courage and suddenly felt that there was nothing to be afraid of... "

Snapped! Kordak snapped his fingers and pointed at Gerhart, meaning that was well said.

"Oh! I have never seen such a sharp and accurate evaluation!" Vera said.

"Appropriate." Even Annelotte couldn't help but speak this time.

"If I had known earlier, I should have killed you right away in Yege Forest!" Regnar was furious with his eyes red.

The two little girls were so amused by them that they kept giggling.

Gerhart smiled nonchalantly: "So, I want to thank Brother Regnar. Besides, I also have an unkind favor."

"What? You want me to kill you? Just tell me! I'll do it now, and you can tell me where to do it!" Regnar said angrily.

Gerhart looked at Regnar, and then at his two sisters: "It sounds embarrassing to say it. Brother Regnar, I think you are a good person. So... I think if my sister becomes an adult, After that, one of them can be with you. Well... I just hope that you can marry one of them as your wife."