The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 123: Short-term goal survey form [Second update, please subscribe for the first monthly pass


The next day, on the way to school, Mucun Kazuki said coldly, "Don't enter my dreams in the future."

Last night, he discovered Furukashi Yingjiu not long after she entered his dream. If he hadn't stopped in time, the other party might have been strangled by his consciousness.

Furuhashi Sakura nodded with lingering fear. Yesterday, she walked through a life-and-death situation, which frightened her, even though she had already died once.

But thinking of Kimura Kazuki's dream, she couldn't help but sarcastically said, "As long as you have enough money as promised... Your dream yesterday was too amazing."

As soon as she entered Kimura Kazuki's dream yesterday, she discovered that the whole world was covered with money, the buildings were made of money, and the ground was neatly paved with money. In addition to money, there are jade peaks higher than Mount Everest in the distance, shining with light fluorescence.

For the first time since traveling through time, Mucun Kazuki's eyes flashed with embarrassment.

To be honest, he didn't expect to have such a dream. He could only say that he was thinking about it. As for the so-called jade peak, it is actually composed of spiritual stones. His need for spiritual stones is greater than money. It's a pity that the spiritual energy has not been revived. Without the irrigation of a large amount of spiritual energy, the spiritual stone mine cannot be formed.

He didn't speak. After waking up, he asked Furukashi Yingjiu about her abilities.

Knowing that the other person can enter other people's dreams and control them. But if you want to control dreams, you will consume a lot of energy and spiritual energy.

This ability didn't seem very good at first glance, but he knew it was actually very good and could derive many branches. But with Furukashi Yingjiu's soul, it was basically impossible to freely control other people's dreams in an era when spiritual energy had not yet recovered.

But it is still possible to enter the dreamland and chat.

Furukashi Yingjiu looked at the students around her with great interest. She wanted to go to school more than Kimura Kazuki. Because there are four precious daughters in the school, and what Kimura and Shu are studying is Yingjiu High School, the high school she founded. She also wants to see how Yingjiu High School has become. So on the way, her heart had already flown to Yingjiu High School.

After entering the school, Furukashi Yingjiu looked at the campus and found that the scenery was the same as the previous school. And some buildings had been renovated, as the founder of the school she could tell. The students around her exuded a sense of wanton youth, which made her sigh.

But what puzzled her was that many students looked in awe and admiration when they saw Mucunheshu... But she didn't think much about it. After taking a brief look at the school, her heart was already tied to her daughters.

During the first class, Furuhashi Yingjiu couldn't help it. She saw Kimura Kazuki taking the class seriously. Her body sank directly and she came to the first floor, intending to go to the freshman classroom to see her daughter.

Kimura Kazuki didn't care either, as long as the other party didn't chatter next to him while he was in class.

After Furukashi Yingjiu left, she stayed on the first floor until her lunch break. When Mucunheshu came to the cafeteria and prepared the food, he came to the dining table and sat down, but the Furuhashi sisters had not arrived yet. After a while, Sister Guqiao came over with a dinner plate. Next to him, Furukashi Yingjiu followed.

At this time, Furuhashi Yingjiu's face looked very ugly...

She stayed on the first floor all morning and noticed the behavior of the four Chunyang people in class.

The four of them basically didn't listen carefully in class and were all doing their own things. Especially Akino...she kept playing games in class and refused to repent despite being reminded several times by the teacher.

That guy from Hara Mashi...why is he so careless about his daughter's education? In this case, her daughter's grades will definitely not be very good.

She remembered that before she died, her daughter's grades were still very good. In particular, Akino seemed to have gotten perfect scores in all subjects, even though she was in the first grade of elementary school.

The only gratifying thing is that none of her four daughters are disabled, which makes her happy.

And when Furukashi Yingjiu saw her daughters carrying dinner plates and sitting down in front of Kimura Kazuki, the corners of her eyes twitched. It seems that Kimura Kazuki and her four daughters all know each other.

The next moment, she suddenly felt uneasy because she took Kimura Kazuki's mobile phone and sent messages to her daughters yesterday. Maybe as long as they have a conversation, Mucun Kazuki will be discovered.

Furukashi Yingjiu came over with an embarrassed look on her face. There were still two places at the dining table. She found a seat at random and sat down, but found that Chunyang and the others did not tell them what happened yesterday, which made her relieved.

But then I thought about it and became wary. If Chunyang and the others speak frankly, it will prove that Kimura Kazuki and her daughter are just ordinary friends. But if Chunyang and the others didn't say anything... Thinking about it, Furuhashi Yingjiu was in a bad mood again. She sighed on the side, making Kimura Kazuki look at her strangely.

But when he thought about Chunyang's achievements, he understood. When parents see their children's grades being so poor, they don't feel very good.

He finished his meal soon. Although he could see that Chunyang, Xia Wei and Donghe were hesitant to speak, they did not speak, and he would not ask curiously.

Soon, he took advantage of the lunch break to leave the school. Due to the distance problem, Furukashi Yingjiu had to follow him.

As soon as she left school, Furukashi Yingjiu couldn't help but ask, "What is your relationship with my daughter? Why are you still having dinner together?"

"I was their tutor before." Kimura Kazuki knew that the other party would come to school and find out about his relationship with Chunyang and the four classmates. He would definitely ask this question. He had no intention of hiding it and told the truth.

Furukashi Yingjiu couldn't speak for a long time. She ignored the question of purchasing the right to use the dining table and the tutor. There was only one thought in her mind, single-digit Chunyang and the others got through the exam. At this moment, she felt more confused than ever before.

Kimura Kazuki went to the copy shop to copy the contract sent to him by the backend of Then he mailed it out. In addition, he also copied more than a hundred "short-term goal questionnaires."

He didn't directly ask Chunyang classmates what their short-term goals were in the cafeteria just now. If he asked directly, the four of them would probably not tell the truth. But if these forms are distributed in the name of the school or student union and students are asked to fill them out, they should be able to have a general understanding.

After copying, he called Yanagawa Izumi, then came to the student union and handed the forms to the other party.

He asked the student council to distribute these forms to the class monitors of each grade one class, and asked the grade one students to fill them out before school, and then collect the questionnaires after school. He would then come to the student union to check.

Yanagawa Yiquan nodded without asking why. He thought this was what the school meant.

After all, the principal also knows that the student union is actually half of the Fengjian Club, so many things have been informed by the minister before them.

(End of chapter)