The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 128: Be my daughter’s kendo teacher [Seventh update request


During lunch break the next day, Kimura Kazuki was about to go to the cafeteria when news about Muraoka Xingka came on his cell phone.

"Kimura-kun, do you plan to work part-time recently? The first promotion of "Legend of Sword" has been uploaded to, which is the clip of you competing with my brother before. The response is very good. So recently our Seiki Club plans to go to Kyoto and Yokohama , Sapporo, Kobe, Osaka and other places for promotion. Your Rachel Cos has been recognized by a large number of fans. If you are willing, you can contact me and the salary is negotiable. "

Because there were a lot of things going on recently, when Kimura Kazuki saw this note at first glance, he almost didn't remember who the other party was. But after reading the information, I remembered it.

"Sorry, I don't have time."

Kimura Kazuki is a bit funny. Does Muraoka Xingxia really regard him as a professional cosplayer? He even invited him to travel around the city with the team. However, if the other party uploads the video of his match with Ono Nakao to the website, then he should also settle on the job of kendo gym coach as soon as possible.

He didn't apply for jobs at major kendo gyms before because he knew that if Muraoka Kōka uploaded a video of his previous fight with Ono Nakaaoshi, his worth would increase a lot.

"Okay. By the way, because my father-in-law is interested in you and shamelessly asked me for your contact information. I couldn't get him to do it, so I gave it to him. My father-in-law is the head of the Ono family, and Ono Nakao's boss. Dad. If he makes things difficult for you, you contact me and I will scold him for you."


"Are you sure you don't want to work part-time? Qingji Club also invited Shirley Hirata, a recent rising star in the voice acting industry. I've seen her... she's pretty pretty. I can introduce her to you."

Obviously, Muraoka Xingxia was unwilling to give in.

In his opinion, the other party may not know how popular he is. This popularity is not brought to him by "Legend of Swordsman", but brought to him by his swordsmanship.

If the number of clicks was high in the early stage due to the popularity of "Legend of Swords", the surge in the later period was entirely due to the contributions of a large number of kendo students, and most people expressed their astonishment in the comment area after watching the game.

This can be seen from the comments "Si Guoyi". Therefore, if Kimura Kazuki's current popularity is not used effectively. Once this wave of heat passes, it will soon lose value.

Kimura Kazuki took a look and sighed. It seemed that the last time he asked Nishiyama Chiyoko, he left a deep impression on the other party. But speaking of voice actors... Something moved in his mind, and he cautiously sent a message.

"No, I'm really busy recently. I have to participate in the kendo competition, so I don't have time. But I want to ask Mr. Muraoka for a favor. It's about voice acting. I have a friend who has been practicing voice training since he was a child and has always wanted to dub for animations. , but there has never been a chance. I wonder if you have any chance to audition?"

Mucunheshu knew that Donghe had no chance. Based on the social connections of the other party's father, it should be relatively simple to arrange a voice actress job for his daughter. But Donghe probably wants to use his own ability to earn dubbing opportunities and then make his debut as a voice actor.

"Yes!" Muraoka Xingka was startled for a moment, then smiled, "You can send me your friend's contact information, and I will ask your friend to come over for an audition. But the final result depends on your friend's ability."

The voice actors for the protagonist and important supporting roles of "Legend of Swords" have long been determined, but there are still some minor supporting roles that are still under investigation. It's not that they can't be found, it's that these roles are left to other firms to fill in for seniority. This is the way this society is. Qingji Club is a new company, otherwise it would be entirely possible for other voice actors to have more than one voice actor.

In Muraoka Xingxia's view, Kimura Kazuki is worthy of his close friendship.


However, Kimura Kazuki did not give Donghe's contact information to the other party. After all, he still had to obtain Donghe's consent. But sometimes the opportunity is fleeting, so he settled down with Muraoka Xingka first.

When Mucunheshu got up and went to the cafeteria, his phone vibrated. He glanced at it and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

Thinking of what Muraoka Xingha said just now, could it be that the head of the Ono family was looking for him? From Ono Nakao's understanding of the sword's will, it can be seen that Japan still has pure swordsmanship.

Mucunheshu answered the phone without speaking.

"Hello, is this Kimura-kun?" The caller was Kenichiro Yagyu. He didn't expect that it took a full day for Goichi to give him Kimura Kazuki's contact information. After getting the contact information, he called immediately.

"It's me." Mucun Kazuki said calmly, "Who are you?" If the head of the Ono family saw his son in trouble and was looking for trouble, he would just hang up.

"I am Kenichiro Yagyu." Kenichiro was silent for a while and said, "I saw the match between you and Nakao Ono yesterday... I would like to ask, Kimura-kun, are you using the "Heavy Rain Style" of Yagyu Hiken-ryu? "


Upon hearing this, Kimura Kazuki immediately knew the identity of the other party. He asked, "Your surname is Yagyu. Are you a descendant of Yagyu Isshin?"

"Yes. I am a descendant of the Yagyu family." Kenichiro Yagyu sighed, "To be honest, the Yagyu flying sword style created by Isshin-sama has been lost, so I saw you using the "Heavy Rain Style" in the video yesterday. ”, I will let people inquire about you, please don’t blame Kimura-kun. "

"So, you are here to take back the Yagyu Feijian style?" Kimura Kazuki smiled. He did not talk nonsense to the other party and revealed what the other party was thinking.

Hearing this, Kenichiro Yagyu was caught off guard. But he reacted quickly and said in a deep voice, "I don't dare to take back the Yagyu flying sword style. Although I don't know how Kimura-kun got the inheritance, but since you got it, it's your chance. I just have something to ask you. , of course, if you agree, Kimura-kun, I will give you a satisfactory reward."

"you say."

Hearing this, Kenichiro Yagyu said bluntly, "Before I speak, I would like to ask Kimura-kun, have you received a complete inheritance?"

"That's right, I already know Yagyu Feijian very well."

Kenichiro Yagyu took a deep breath and said solemnly, "I would like to ask Kimura-kun to be my daughter's kendo teacher and let her practice Yagyu Feijian style with you. I will give you a satisfactory reward!"

Kenichiro Yagyu meant the word "reward" very seriously. Obviously, he is very confident in what he has to give.

Mucunheshu pondered for a while, and he obviously misunderstood, thinking that what the other party wanted to pay was monetary reward. After thinking for a while, when Kenichiro Yagyu was feeling uneasy, he said, "Send me your address and we can have an interview in the afternoon."

He himself was going to the kendo gym to apply for a job, but he also knew that when he applied for a swordsmanship teacher job at the kendo gym, he would get a fixed salary. For private teaching, the salary can be negotiated.

This is actually the same as tutoring.

Ordinary students pay a sum of money to study in school. But the teacher will not stop and wait for you to understand the content during class. But if it is a tutor, they will specifically tutor you based on your own learning level.

For Kimura Kazuki, even if others learn the Yagyu flying sword style, they cannot be better than him. Because what he absorbed was the spiritual body and the experience of the founders of these schools! Moreover, his sword mind is clear and he can introduce new ones easily.

For example, his current Yagyu Feijian style has long been transformed into his own kendo.

What really attracted his attention was the core chapter in "The True Solution to the Way of the Sword", the art of sword control.

Or it may be more appropriately called Sword Qi Technique.

Thank you to the leader of [I Don’t Want to Forget You]~ I owe you two more updates~

(End of chapter)