The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 130: Just think of this two hundred thousand as the upfront tuition! [ninth


Seeing Chunyang looking at him nervously, Kimura Kazuki smiled.

He had previously thought about joining the Kendo Club, showing off his strength a little, and after gaining the approval of the Kendo Club members, he would then train the members. Then give Chunyang a small start and train her opponent well.

Unexpectedly, the video on NICONICO's website made a great contribution.

He pretended to be deep in thought, and when he glanced over, he saw Furukashi Yingjiu coming in from the door with a worried look on her face.

Every time Furukashi Yingjiu went to school in the past two days, she would be on the first floor of the teaching building during class, observing her daughter like an idiot. Always by his daughter's side. And ever since they learned about the results of Chunyang and the four of them, they have been sighing. I have been thinking about ways to improve Chunyang and the others' academic performance.

According to Kimura Kazuki, the fundamental reason for Haruo and the others is that they have no motivation to learn. Therefore, this is also the reason why Yuan Zhenshi found so many tutors, but all failed.

It's not that the tutors are not good enough, it's that Chunyang and the others don't want to study at all. In addition, the level of achievement is so high that I get a headache when I read the book, forming a vicious circle.

Chunyang is able to practice the basics of kendo day after day because she has the motivation to dream. She hopes that under her leadership, the kendo club can win the national championship. This is her short-term goal.

If this goal can be achieved, maybe Chunyang's goal will be to become a master of the seventh degree of swordsmanship. However, people in Japan who can reach the seventh-dan level of Kendo are basically over thirty-five years old.

This has something to do with Japan’s restrictions on advancing to the next level of Kendo.

Because there is an age limit for the first stage of kendo, that is, the second grade of junior high school, which is about 14 years old and above.

In Kendo, you cannot skip the Dan test, and there is a year limit between each two Dan levels. For example, you can take the second-dan exam only one year after the first-dan exam. Two years after completing the second-dan exam, you can take the third-dan exam. After three years of taking the third-dan exam, you can take the fourth-dan exam, and so on.

Therefore, if Chunyang puts all his life goals on kendo, it is impossible for the other party to learn because the other party's motivation is not to study.

The same goes for everyone else. Akino also needs to learn professional knowledge when making games. The same goes for Donghe who wants to be a voice actor. If you want to become an elite in the industry, daily hard work is essential.

From Furukashi Yingjiu's point of view, Xia Wei was the only one who had some reason to study because he wanted to become the president of the student union. The president of the student union does not have any requirements for grades, but he must have at least one outstanding ability before students will be convinced.

Yanagawa Izumi is a member of the Sword Club, and Yingjiu's students all have an attitude of awe towards the Sword Club, so the management of the student union is very simple.

However, Furuhashi Yingjiu thought that Xia Wei managed the [Kimura Kazuki Support Department] in an orderly manner and had the support of all the girls in the club, so she knew that Xia Wei's personality charm should not be underestimated... This is the other party's greatest ability.

In the past two days, Furukashi Yingjiu has gained a deep understanding of her four daughters. Although I can't go to the Flowing Apartment to see what my daughters' daily life is like...but I can still guess.

On the other side, Mucun Kazuki thought for a while and then agreed, "Okay."

"Really?" After hearing this answer, Chunyang burst out with a moving smile. Her face turned red and her eyes sparkled as she looked at the senior. She knew that as long as she was half as strong as her senior, she would be able to gain a foothold in the kendo circle.

Furuhashi Yingjiu, who had just walked over, couldn't help but be startled when she saw the touching smile on her daughter's face standing in front of Kimura Kazuki. An idea flashed in her mind, and for a moment she almost cried out with joy... She thought of how to make her daughters motivated to study.

"Of course." Kimura Kazuki responded to Chunyang and glanced at Furuhashi Yingjiu. The other person's cheerful look next to him was eye-catching. But fortunately, the other party is a soul, and only he can see it.

At this time, the surrounding kendo club members had watched the video about Kimura Kazuki on NICONICO over and over again.

They were all surprised by each other's kendo prowess, and their eyes were shocked. The deputy minister had just given Kimura Kazuki the unconditional qualification to participate in the competition. They thought that the other party was trying to please the other party, and they felt a little ashamed of the deputy minister's character.

As a result, after watching the video, everyone looked at Kimura Kazuki with fiery eyes, and their eyes were full of reverence. Obviously, Kimura Kazuki's strength has been highly recognized by them. No wonder the opponent can dominate Jinwen District. With such strength, who can beat him

Some members became even more excited. Yingjiu High School's kendo club was indeed at the bottom, but as long as they were members, no one didn't want to show up in the national competition. And because the system of the Kendo National Competition is relatively special, if Kimura Kazuki is there, they might be able to get into the top spots

At the thought of this, almost everyone became excited. Even the female members cheered a little when they thought about this. Although the men's and women's groups are different, as long as Yingjiu High School can win honors, they will be honored.

"Minister Kimura, welcome to the ministry!" Kitajima He came to Kimura Kazuki immediately and spoke quickly, for fear that the other party would change his mind.

"It seems that I don't need to compete with you." Kimura Kazuki said with a smile. Seeing everyone shaking their heads, he said, "I will join the club first today and won't stay in the club. I have other things to deal with."

Kitajima He naturally had no objection and agreed directly. In other words, it doesn't matter even if Kimura Kazuki doesn't come to train, because the club itself is not mandatory. Of course, since the county qualifiers are about to begin, everyone will still consciously practice in the club.

However, in their opinion, with Kimura Kazuki having such strength, he would probably never give up his kendo training, so it would be the same no matter where he practiced.

Then Kimura Kazuki called Haruo out. Under the doubtful eyes of the other party, he handed the other party 200,000 yen and said calmly, "This is the money you ordered Yanagawa Izumi to transfer to me yesterday. I sent it before The information I gave you may have caused you some misunderstanding. The money will be returned to you today."

Previously, Furuhashi Yingjiu used his mobile phone to send text messages to her daughter, which earned him a severe scolding. Fortunately, there was no big problem, it was just that Chunyang and the others misunderstood that they were short of money, otherwise he would definitely give them a severe lesson.

"This..." Chunyang rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Then this two hundred thousand can be used as the upfront tuition fee for teaching me kendo, senior."

Mucun Heshu paused and glanced at each other, "Okay." Then he took out one hundred thousand and handed it to the other party, saying bluntly, "Xia Wei also gave me one hundred thousand yesterday, give it back to her and tell her. If she can manage the club in an orderly manner for a long time, I will support her as the student union president."

Chunyang took the 100,000 yuan and hesitated to speak, wanting to ask the senior. Did you also send emails to Xia Wei before? But in the end she didn't ask.

After Kimura Kazuki said goodbye to Haruo, he followed Kenichiro Yagyu's address and took the tram to Mimei District.

Last update today...I’m sleepy, go to sleep! Good night. Tomorrow we will start to make up for the additional updates from the alliance leader~ After completing the additions from the alliance leader, we will then make up for the additional updates from the monthly ticket~

(End of chapter)