The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 133: Feather Stone [Add 1/2 update for the leader Snake Eyes Wife]



Hearing this, Mucunheshu was stunned for a moment. He looked at Kenichiro Yagyu, who looked at him awkwardly, coughed lightly and said, "Rub it."

I couldn't laugh or cry in my heart, but Kimura Kazuki didn't refuse. It was obviously Yagyu Shizui's move to express respect. If he refused, it would be disrespectful to her.

His palm gently covered Yagyu Shizui's little head. Although it was tied into a ponytail, the hair was thick and fluffy, and it felt good to the touch. He rubbed it a few times, and when he was about to let go, he saw that the other person's hair was a bit messy due to his rubbing, so he stroked it up and helped tidy it up.

Yagyu Shizui lowered his head and squinted his eyes. Unlike her father, Kimura Kazuki rubbed her head very gently and comfortably, making her enjoy it a little. In her opinion, Dad just likes to mess up her hair.

Kenichiro Yagyu looked at it as if he had eaten a lemon, which was sour. In the past, only he could rub his daughter's head. You know, when he was a child, he wanted to rub her head, but his daughter resisted. Then he thought of a way to tell his daughter that whoever was strong in swordsmanship could rub the other person's head... so he could rub her head from childhood to adulthood.

Now another Kimura Kazuki has been added. Although he was sore, Kenichiro Yagyu kept smiling, and then took the other person into the quiet room again.

At this moment, Yagyu Shizui was sitting aside obediently. When not speaking, she really looked like a little lady. In her opinion, losers should behave like losers. Those who lose and come back clamoring for revenge will never be able to succeed in revenge in their lifetime.

Kimura Kazuki sat in his seat, waiting for Kenichiro Yagyu to speak, with expectant eyes.

If he was teaching ordinary swordsmanship, he wouldn't be like this. But Kenichiro Yagyu asked him to teach his daughter to learn Yagyu Feiken style, so it would be impossible to make the same fuss over salary as before.

However, just when he was expecting it. Kenichiro Yagyu lifted off a piece of cloth wrapped with something on the table next to him. What is shown is a long wooden box, which is sandal red. There are unknown patterns on it.

Kenichiro Yagyu placed the long box in front of Kimura Kazuki's desk. Under the confusion of the other party and his daughter, he slowly opened the long box.

The next moment, what appeared in front of Mucun Kazuki was a samurai sword. The sword is very long, about one and a half meters, the scabbard is blue, and the hilt has water ripples.

Kenichiro Yagyu spoke softly, "This sword is called 'Shimizu'. Isshin-sama asked a weapons master to make it in his later years." It's just that after the creation of "clear water" was completed, Isshin-sama fell asleep without even touching it. "

Before Kimura Kazuki could speak, Yagyu Shizui couldn't help but exclaimed, "Is this "Qingshui"? I thought the sword had been lost. "

Kimura Kazuki was also curious. The spiritual body he absorbed was only the memory of Yagyu Isshin's swordsmanship at his peak. As for the others, I’m not too sure. Most of them are known to Yagyu Isshin from history.

But obviously, this "clear water" is not included in the record. I'm afraid it was passed down from generation to generation in the Yagyu family.

"When Isshin-sama was in his fifties, he felt that he could no longer improve his swordsmanship." Kenichiro Yagyu ignored his daughter's exclamation. He paused and said in a complicated tone, "Then in order to further improve the power of his swordsmanship, , created this "clear water". "

Mucunheshu was stunned for a moment, and an inexplicable emotion arose in his heart.

Yagyu Isshin originally believed that he could not surrender his life to weapons, so he left home and wandered around to create the Yagyu flying sword style. But he didn't expect that in his later years, in order to improve his swordsmanship, he asked someone to build this "clear water".

Obviously, in his later years, the opponent's swordsmanship went astray. No wonder the other party can't enter the realm of sword master in his life.

Kenichiro Yagyu held up the "clear water" with both hands and said solemnly, "This "clear water" is the reward I gave you Kimura-kun." "

Kimura Kazuki was silent. He had a premonition after the other party took out "Clear Water". Unexpectedly, it turned out to be what he thought. He sighed and said, "I'm sorry... allow me to refuse." Under Kenichiro Yagyu's puzzled eyes, he explained, "I came to apply for the salary. Not for a weapon. "

"Salary?" Kenichiro Yagyu was stunned. "Shimizu" was specially made for Yagyu Feijian style. It can be regarded as an exclusive weapon. He thought that the other party didn't understand, so he quickly said, "Kimura-kun, you may not know the magic of this "Shimizu" You can try it out. "With that said, he handed "Qingshui" to Mucun Kazuki.

Looking at the "clear water" in front of him, Mucun Kazuki had no choice but to take it.

As soon as I took over, I couldn't help but be startled.

So light!

In other words, this "clear water" sword is as its name suggests. It has no weight at all, as if it is a ball of clear water in the hand. Kimura Kazuki's face was slightly condensed. He looked at Kenichiro Yagyu and said, "This "Qingshui" was made with feather stone?" "

In the era of spiritual energy recovery, there is a kind of ore that is extremely famous and is an essential material for making flying swords.

This ore is Hongmao Stone. As its name suggests, the stone is extremely light.

In addition to being a necessary material for making flying swords, this stone is also used by many people when making heavyweight weapons. Make weapons extremely light without reducing their power.

Although feather stones are rare in the era of spiritual energy recovery, they are not rare. But he didn't expect to meet him in the era when his spiritual energy was not revived, and he couldn't help but feel happy in his eyes. As long as the Sun Moon Sword swallows this "clear water", the power of his sword control skills will increase.

"I don't know what the Featherstone is, but the Yagyu family has records that when the weapons master created this "Shimizu", he did add a sacred stone. According to the weapon master, Lord Isshin saved his life, so he dedicated this sacred stone to create "Clear Water". "Kenichiro Yagyu has been observing Kimura Kazuki, and he felt relieved when he saw the other party's expression.

If he had to pay wages, he really couldn't afford it. In his opinion, Yagyu Feiken style is a priceless treasure. If it were really calculated based on salary, he would not be able to afford it even if it was worth a billion! But since Kimura-kun hopes to get a salary, maybe he has financial difficulties

Thinking about it, Kenichiro Yagyu spoke again, "I will hand over this "Shimizu" to Kimura-kun. In addition, as long as you teach my daughter Yagyu Hiken-ryu, I will pay you 20 million yen. What do you think?" "

"Shimizu" is also a priceless treasure in Kenichiro Yagyu's opinion. But in his heart, he is still not as good as Yagyu Feijianryu.

Hearing this, Mucunheshu raised his head and glanced at each other, then nodded slowly, "Okay, but can I advance a salary first?"

"How much do you need?"

"one million."

Hearing this, Kenichiro Yagyu breathed a sigh of relief, "No problem."

"I have something else to do today. I'll come over tomorrow to teach formally."

"Okay. I'll let Jingyi become your teacher tomorrow."

After Kimura Kazuki left, Kenichiro Yagyu immediately picked up his cell phone and called Goichi Ono. As soon as the call was dialed, he said directly, "Just now, Jianghu is in need of help. Lend me 100 million."

Toot toot…

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(End of chapter)