The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 138: Heavy rain, drizzle and shaking


Since Chun Yang was determined to attack first, he didn't hesitate anymore.

Almost at the same time as Chunyang attacked, Mucun Kazuki felt a sudden surge. Of course, this swiftness cannot be compared with Yagyu Shizui's previous slash, which seemed to cut through the air.

Before joining the kendo club, he had watched some competitions in order to understand competitive kendo.

For example, Jade Dragon Flag is what he focuses on. Because the kendo competition that Yingjiu High School will participate in is the Jade Dragon Flag. It also represents the high level of high school competition.

Almost at the moment Haruyang attacked him, Kimura Kazuki could roughly tell the opponent's level.

Above average!

This is compared to the standards of all participating high school students in Yulong Banner. This level is already very good, because competitive kendo competitions often happen in the blink of an eye, and all that matters is temporary performance.

Although Chunyang has been practicing kendo for almost ten years, some people have also started practicing since they were young, and they are no worse than Chunyang. Add in the problem of talent, and the gap can be widened even more.

Bang bang bang bang…

Chunyang's offensive just started and never stopped. Her eyes were not only focused on the senior's movements to prevent the senior's counterattack, but also focused on the senior's face, small hands, trunk and throat. As long as these positions are hit, you can score.

However, no matter how fierce her attack was, no matter how fast her speed was, Senior Kimura could always resist her attack.

Hearing the sound of bamboo knives colliding, everyone around was stunned.

You must know that competitive kendo matches are very fast. Although the stipulation is five minutes, most matches start after the salute and end in a few seconds, and the slowest does not exceed half a minute.

Anyway, none of the members present had ever seen a duel end more than one minute after it started. Basically, it's between a few seconds and a dozen seconds. Because as soon as the competition starts, it will enter a state of combat, and life and death are often within an instant, so competitive swordsmanship is all about speed, accuracy and ruthlessness.

Minister Kimura has been resisting and has not fought back. Everyone knew that Minister Kimura wanted to see Furuhashi Haruo's strength. And how strong is Minister Kimura who can resist all the time

At this one knows.

One minute later, Chunyang retreated cautiously, keeping a distance. The high-intensity concentration and offensive made her breathless.

No matter how he attacked just now, even his frequent feints were seen through by the senior, and all the attacks were in vain. But she kept her eyes on the senior and was not discouraged because she knew the senior's strength. Isn't that why she hopes her seniors can teach her

Now that the seniors want to examine themselves, they have to do their best.

Thinking about it, after she adjusted her breath, her arms trembled slightly, maintaining a certain frequency. After she was within one foot and one sword distance again, she let out a sweet shout and launched another offensive.

Mucunheshu's eyes narrowed slightly, and she saw Chunyang's little movements. But after seeing it through, he was surprised. This is... "shock type"

When the two bamboo swords collided again, Kimura Kazuki felt a subtle frequency coming from Chunyang's bamboo sword, with trembling... This subtle vibration was transmitted from the opponent's bamboo sword to his bamboo sword, causing There's a slight feeling in his wrist.

Of course, this feeling can only be regarded as scratching an itch. Even Kimura Kazuki knew that even if Haruo went to the competition and used this "shock style", it would not be enough to defeat a powerful opponent.

Because the opponent's "shock style" is too rough...

But this was enough to surprise him. Did Chunyang also inherit the Yagyu Flying Sword Style

When Kimura Kazuki was thinking and resisting, Chunyang's arm trembled more and more. She gritted her teeth, but she could feel that her arm was starting to become a little sore and weak.


When the two swords intersected, Chunyang's arm could no longer hold the bamboo sword and was knocked away. The bamboo knife fell to the ground, spun a few times, and then stopped. Seeing this situation, Kitajima Ga was stunned for a moment, but he quickly raised the red flag with the other two deputy ministers, indicating that Kimura Minister would win in this competition.

Kimura Kazuki took off his mask, frowned slightly, and came to Chunyang's side. Regardless of whether the other party agreed or not, he grabbed the other party's wrist, looked at it briefly, and found that the other party's wrist was a little red. Then he said seriously, "If you don't know the correct way to use the "shock type", don't use it recklessly, it will only hurt yourself. "

Being grabbed by the senior's hand, Chunyang's face turned redder than her wrist, but she was a little more courageous because she was wearing a mask. When she heard senior Kimura's words, doubts flashed in her eyes, "'Concussion type'?" "

Kimura Kazuki grabbed Chunyang's wrist and squeezed it gently. The spiritual energy in his hand escaped slightly and sorted out the opponent's damaged meridians a little. Although the "shock style" is also the basis of Yagyu's flying sword style, this sword technique is independent and can be used as a special move. The "Heavy Rain Style" is the true foundation of Yagyu Feijian style.

Only if you are familiar with the "Heavy Rain Pose" and "Drizzle Pose" can you practice the "Shock Pose".

Heavy rain, drizzle and shock are the three foundations of Yagyu Hiken-ryu.

"It seems that you don't know that you are using the "shock type". So how did you learn it? "Seeing Chunyang's doubts, Mucunheshu was also curious. He didn't notice Chunyang's increasingly red face...

Feeling the sense of relaxation coming from her hands, Chunyang knew that the senior was using techniques to relieve the pressure on her wrists. But even so, she was extremely shy because there were many people watching.

She stammered, "It was Teacher Shintani who taught me... Teacher Shintani said that there are many acupuncture points in the human body, and the same is true for the wrists. Although Kendo cultivates one's body, it is still better than the wrists, arms, shoulders and even the whole body during competition. The force-generating technique... She said that if she could use the force-generating technique to cause the bamboo sword in her hand to vibrate regularly into the opponent's bamboo sword, and then affect the opponent's wrist... whether it would make the opponent lose their fighting ability. At that time, Teacher Shintani said that she herself While digging into this problem, he died in the line of duty within a few days."

"'ve been thinking about this too?"

Chunyang nodded lightly. She didn't dare to take off her mask at this time, for fear of being seen by others, her cheeks would get hot. "I only developed it a year ago... but it has never been used in actual combat. It is just a theory. I didn't expect it. But it failed.”

"No, you didn't fail. You succeeded! It's just rough." Kimura Kazuki let go of the opponent's wrist and sighed, "The move you used is called the "shock move" in the Yagyu flying sword style. It is a powerful sword move. "

The "shock type" was developed by Isshin Yagyu, who was already fifty-nine years old at the time.

As for this move, Yagyu devoted himself to relying on his own experience and skills, and it still took him three years to develop it... It can be seen from this that Haruyang's swordsmanship talent is likely to be first-rate.

Kimura Kazuki was worried that there would not be enough time to train Chunyang because the county qualifiers were about to start. But now it seems that there should be no big problem in the women's team with Chun Yang competing in the county qualifiers.

(End of chapter)