The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 139: Hit wherever you point


"Yagyu Feijian style?" Chunyang was confused at first. She felt that this style was a bit familiar. The next moment, her tone suddenly became high-pitched, with excitement, "Is it the school passed down by Yagyu Sword Master!?"

The people nearby also exclaimed when they heard Chunyang's voice.

Yagyu flying sword style is a school founded by Yagyu wholeheartedly.

Isshin Yagyu was a swordsman from the Warring States Period and was respected by everyone. This is clearly recorded in historical facts. However, the Yagyu flying sword style has not been passed down, which makes some old people in the kendo world very regretful, and they will regret this in the media from time to time.

"Yes." Mucunheshu nodded, this is not something difficult to say.

After being confirmed by Kimura Kazuki, everyone in the Kendo Club was shocked. They are so lucky to be able to see the lost Yagyu flying sword style in modern times.

They don't think Minister Kimura is lying. This kind of thing only needs a little verification.

"Minister Kimura, in the video on the barrage website, did you use Wanshan?"

"Probably not. It is said that Wan Shan can slash dozens of swords in an instant. It is a legendary swordsmanship!"

"Since it is a legend, it must be exaggerated. A person can really cut dozens of knives in one second? Have you ever seen it?"

"Historical facts do clearly record that the sword master Yagyu slashed more than twenty swords in one second."

"But no one has seen it!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Sword Master Yagyu was from the Warring States Period. How could I see it... But historical records prove that someone saw it."

Before Kimura Kazuki could speak, the members started to quarrel over Yagyu Feijian style. As members of the Kendo Club, many people join the Kendo Club out of interest, but there are also people who know the history of Kendo very well. So his views on Yagyu Isshin are naturally different.

Isshin Yagyu is recognized as a sword master and is very powerful. But some people think it's too exaggerated, and talking about dozens of knives per second is probably a random exaggeration of Yagyu Isshin's power taken by people at the time.

While discussing, they suddenly reacted. Isn't the descendant of Yagyu Feiken style right in front of you? Just ask Minister Kimura and you will know.

However, when they looked at Kimura Kazuki and asked questions, they saw that Minister Kimura just smiled and did not speak.

Everyone was a little disappointed. Apparently Minister Kimura didn't want to reveal something. In their opinion, since Minister Kimura is the descendant of Yagyu Feiken style, he must know Yagyu Isshin very well. Because Yagyu Hiken-ryu was lost after Yagyu Isshin's death.

It is said that at the beginning, Yagyu wanted to return to the Yagyu family and pass on all his sword skills to the family, but he died of illness on the way and died of regret.

Kimura Kazuki previously felt that Yagyu Isshin's experience was the same as recorded in historical facts, but after talking to Yagyu Kenichiro before, he discovered that this was not the case.

Yagyu Isshin lived for more than seventy years. He returned to his family when he was fifty-five years old and taught all the swordsmanship he had created throughout his life to the family... However, the core swordsmanship of Yagyu Feiken style requires the understanding of sword intention. At that time, only Yagyu Isshin in the entire Yagyu family understood the meaning of the sword.

Therefore, Yagyu devoted himself to relying on the core swordsmanship and developed the three basic styles of Heavy Rain, Drizzle and Shock.

These three moves can be learned without having to understand the sword intention. Yagyu Isshin's hope is very simple. Members of the family can practice the basics when they are young, and then they can directly practice core swordsmanship when they understand the meaning of the sword.

However... when he died, no one in the family understood the meaning of the sword, which had to be said to be a pity.

Kimura Kazuki knew that the Warring States Period in Japan was very chaotic, with new clans being established and families being destroyed every day. In that turbulent era, it was too difficult to concentrate on practicing swordsmanship. There were many wandering cultivators like Yagyu Isshin, but basically all of them died in the chaos.

After the death of Yagyu Isshin, the Yagyu family was approached by former enemies who wanted to forcibly seize the Yagyu flying sword style. It's just that the Yagyu family is also strong-willed and would rather destroy their swordsmanship than hand it over. This led to the tragic destruction of the Yagyu family, with only a few people escaping, and in the end even the three basic techniques were lost.

If there was no spirit body, it would probably still be lost.

Thinking about it, Mucun Kazuki dismissed the members and asked them to continue training. And he looked at Chunyang and said, "Since you paid the tuition, I will naturally teach you seriously. So let's learn the "Heavy Rain Style" first. "

What Kimura Kazuki was thinking about before was to simplify the "Heavy Rain Style" and teach it to Haruo.

Because if you want to learn the "Heavy Rain Pose", you must have a good understanding of the acupuncture points on the human body. Although there is no fixed requirement to memorize them all, he feels that it is necessary to memorize all the acupoints on the human body.

But in a short period of time, even if Chunyang remembers it, his thinking will definitely be confused in the actual battle. This is very likely to allow Chun Yang to easily reveal flaws during the kendo competition. He couldn't teach Chunyang over and over again, making Chunyang weaker.

The first requirement of "Heavy Rain Style" is to remember the acupoints on the human body. The second requirement is to hit wherever you point in actual combat.

As long as you do these two things, even if you haven't started training yet, "Heavy Rain Style" can be considered an introduction.

The first point is simple, just take the time to memorize it. But the second point is difficult. If there is a dummy, maybe after training, you can hit wherever you point. But the dummy is stationary, and the opponent will not stand still during the game, so it is extremely difficult to achieve this. It tests observation, reaction and instantaneous prediction.

And Chunyang understood the "Shocking Style" on her own, which means that the other party should be familiar with the acupuncture points of the human body. Otherwise, it won't work. Because the "shock type" requires extremely high levels of observation, reaction, and instantaneous prediction.

"Concussive style" uses one's own arm as the point, vibrates the arm regularly, and then looks for the shock point of the opponent's weapon. Using this shock point as the core, the shock of the arm is transmitted, making the opponent's wrist numb and weak. The key to the "shock type" lies in this shock point.

Because each person holds a weapon in both hands during the battle, and there will definitely be slight changes. As long as there is a slight change in the hands holding the weapon, this shock point will change.

So... if you want to successfully use the "Shock Style", you must reach three points. Observe the opponent's shock point, predict the opponent's attack direction, and then attack instantly. After an instant attack, the shock point must be hit completely, that is, where to hit.

Only in this way can a one-hit kill be achieved!

The "shock style" is indeed difficult, but as long as you succeed, you can have the final say in victory or defeat.

This move is difficult to practice in the early stages, but once you get into the room, you can definitely sweep the entire field in a competition. This is why Risa Shintani will also study it, because the opponent realizes the power of this attack method.

Of course, if the difference in strength between the two is too big, no matter how powerful the sword is, it will be useless.

Seeing Chunyang nodding excitedly. Kimura Kazuki still asked, "Are you familiar with the acupoints on the human body?"

(End of chapter)