The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 23: My name is Junji Ito



To save me

Chiba Shiori sat on the ground, staring blankly at Kimura Kazuki who fell motionless on the ground, her heart palpitating.

She knew that if Kimura Kazuki didn't push her away, the horrifying Grimace would definitely enter her body... Even Kimura Kazuki, a transcendent, was killed by the Ghostface, and she would definitely not be able to survive for a second.

At this moment, an unspeakable emotion surged into my heart, and my eyes were in a trance.

It is difficult to express this emotion, but there is a shock in it.

At this moment, Nakagawa Qingzhi came to Kimura Kazuki and saw a cold air flow emerging between each other's breathing. He shuddered, not because of fear, but because of the cold.

"Chiba-san, come here quickly and help me!"

Although Nakagawa Aoki arrived a step later than Chiba Shiori, he heard what Kimura Kazuki just said.

Mucun Kazuki asked them to get out of school quickly! Although he didn't know the reason, he just had to do as he was told. As a result, he turned around and saw Chiba Shiori still sitting on the ground with a blank look in his eyes. He couldn't help but said anxiously, "Chiba-san, come here quickly, Kimura-san is not dead yet!"

not dead

Chiba Shiori's delicate body trembled, and she quickly reacted. She stood up quickly and felt relieved when she saw that Kimura Kazuki was still breathing.

She stepped forward to help Mucunheshu up, but as soon as she touched the other person's body, her hand shrank subconsciously.

It's so cold, deep into the bones!

Chiba Shiori gritted her teeth and cooperated with Nakagawa Aoki. The two of them hugged Mucunheshu from the left to the right, and Mucunheshu could be heard sounding like the unconscious murmur of mosquitoes and flies.


hot? Nakagawa Aoki and Chiba Shiori looked at each other. Half of their bodies were already frozen due to the support of Kimura Kazuki.

"I's probably because of that ghost face's ability. Let's get out of the school first!" Nakagawa Aoki endured the cold air coming from Kimura Kazuki, and was trembling a little as he spoke.

Chiba Shiori nodded. She was also affected by Kimura Kazuki's cold air, and now her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Buzz! —

Just when Nakagawa Aoki and Chiba Shiori were holding Kimura Kazuki away, a crisp sound came from the ground.

Nakagawa Qingzhi lowered his head and saw that it was the Sun and Moon Sword that Kimura Kazuki had been wearing, and it was buzzing at the moment. He lowered his body and picked up the Sun and Moon Sword. Without having time to appreciate it, he inserted it into the scabbard on Mucunhe Shu's waist. Then he and Chiba Shiori held each other up and walked quickly towards the school gate.

They had to hurry, the painful screams coming from behind all the time were still reminding them. In Qiuzhi High School, there is a terrifying monster.

And if they don't move quickly, their bodies will not be able to withstand the erosion of the cold air on Mucunheshu.

I don’t know how long it took, but Kimura Kazuki and the Sun-Moon Sword Spirit finally drove that terrifying ghost face out of consciousness...

He did not expect that the most terrifying thing about the multi-armed evil ghost was not the arms of the opponent, but the fragile faces.

As soon as it rushed into his body, he felt the pain of a flame burning his body! However, the body is still extremely cold...and the ghost face is still wreaking havoc in the sea of consciousness.

The three-pronged approach instantly made Kimura Kazuki feel miserable. His biggest advantage was that he was fighting at home, and the Sun and Moon Sword Spirit could enter the sea of consciousness to help him. In addition, the multi-armed evil ghost was not in the mortal realm, otherwise he would Certain death.

In fact, if someone uses a ghost exorcism charm on Kimura Kazuki, the ghost face in his body can be effectively driven away, but Nakagawa Aoji and Chiba Shiori naturally cannot.

Before his eyes opened, the first thing Mucun Kazuki felt was that he was holding a soft body tightly.

After thinking for a moment, he knew that he was holding Chiba Shiori.

His body was extremely cold just now, so he would naturally subconsciously hold something warm and comfortable to keep warm. Although it had no effect, it was instinctive.

Mucun Kazuki didn't stay awake on purpose. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of black gem-like eyes looking at him intently, in a trance. Looking again, Chiba Shiori's face was pale, her lips were blue, and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Seeing Mucunheshu waking up, she opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but it was extremely difficult.

The grimace has been removed, and Mucun Kazuki's body gradually regained its temperature. However, Chiba Shiori was not so easy to be influenced by him, and he didn't know how long he had been holding her.

Thinking about it, Mucunheshu let go of Chiba Shiori and stood up directly.

Seeing this, Nakagawa Aoji who was standing next to him couldn't help but be delighted, "Kimura-san, you finally woke up!"

Kimura Kazuki didn't speak. He took out three ghost exorcism charms from his pocket, threw one towards Nakagawa Aoki, and two towards Chiba Shiori. Although the spiritual energy in the body is stagnant, there is still no problem in using the talisman.

Under the influence of the ghost exorcism charm, Nakagawa Qingzhi quickly recovered. As a man in his twenties or eighties, he was in his prime. In addition, after leaving the school gate, Kimura Kazuki kept holding Chiba Shiori. Let go, so he was actually much less affected than Chiba Shiori.

Under the influence of the two ghost exorcism charms, Chiba Shiori's body temperature quickly recovered and her face gradually turned rosy.

However, the freckles and dark spots on the face affected by makeup affect the beauty.

"During this period, you two may get seriously ill when you go back, especially Chiba, but this is a normal phenomenon. You will be fine if you recover from your illness."

After saying that, he no longer cared about the two of them and had no intention of explaining anything. With a quick glance, he discovered that the three of them were currently at the school gate...

Suddenly, Mucunheshu stopped and subconsciously put his hand on the Sun and Moon Sword at his waist.

Because at the gate of Qiuzhi High School, a pale white figure stood quietly. The pupils are pitch black without the white of the eyes, and the whole body is black and white. This familiar figure made him wary.

"After we came out, that ghost has been standing there, watching us..." Nakagawa Aoki came to Kimura Kazuki and said softly, "It just didn't come out. It just stood there and looked at us. There are already Ten minutes."

Zhongchuan Qingzhi didn't dare to look any further. The pale white figure, just standing there in the deep dark night, was terrifying enough.

Mucunheshu was startled when he heard this. He paused and said, "Thank you."

Nakagawa Aoji and Chiba Shiori did not abandon him and took him out of the school. They were stared at by this soul for another ten minutes, suppressing fear and accompanying him to wake up. This was enough for him to thank him.

"Kimura-san, if it weren't for you, Chiba-san and I would have died on the second floor of the teaching building. If I left you alone, what would be the difference between you and a beast?"

Nakagawa Qingzhi did not accept the thank you because this was what he should do.

Mucunheshu was noncommittal. He saw the pale figure staring at him. After thinking for a while, he stepped forward directly.

Seeing this, Zhongchuan Qingzhi was shocked. He opened his mouth, but finally said nothing. After thinking for a while, he followed directly. Chiba Shiori, who was gradually recovering from behind, rubbed her sore thighs, stood up slowly, and walked over with curious eyes.

"Can you talk?" Mucun Kazuki came to the school gate and said directly without getting too close, five meters away from the pale figure.

Hearing the sound, the pale figure looked at Mucunheshu and nodded slightly.

"what's your name?"

"My name is Ito Junji."

(It’s a new week, please vote for recommendations~)

(End of chapter)