The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 45: Substitute teacher, Kazuki Kimura!


After the spiritual energy of the previous life was revived, various visions emerged one after another.

The most commendable thing is the spirit transformed by books. These spirits have no thinking consciousness, but after absorption, they can fully understand the knowledge contained in their spirits. Whether it's skills, moves, alchemy, formations... you can master them all.

These books all have one thing in common, that is, they have existed for a certain period of time and have historical value.

It's just that when Kimura Kazuki began to understand this aspect of cultivation, all the book spirits around the world had either been absorbed or collected by the country for research.

Until he entered the spiritual monastery, the book spirits in the entire world had completely disappeared.

It is as if the resurgence of spiritual energy materializes the knowledge base of all mankind, allowing lucky people to obtain it, and then absorb and integrate it. After that, whether you choose to keep this knowledge privately or donate it depends on your personal wishes.

Previously, Kimura Kazuki thought that the spiritual energy had not yet recovered, so this book of swordsmanship would be useless and could only be sold to make some money. If he hadn't been unwilling to have his spiritual energy revived and kept this book of swordsmanship, he might have missed it.

The current situation is a blessing.

According to Kimura Kazuki's guess, books like "The True Solution to Kendo" that can give birth to spiritual bodies may be special. In the era when the spiritual energy has not been revived, the spiritual energy is thin. These books are immersed in such thin spiritual energy, which is nourishing themselves. When it has been cultivated to a certain extent, it will begin to unconsciously absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. When the spiritual energy is absorbed to a certain extent, a spiritual body will be born.

The reason why the spirit bodies of these books in the previous life were born so concentratedly and quickly is because after the spiritual energy was revived, the spiritual energy in the air was endless.

With a large amount of spiritual energy, a large number of book spirits began to appear one by one within two days of the recovery of spiritual energy, and were soon discovered and absorbed.

Kimura Kazuki didn't know whether his guess was correct, but judging from the current situation, there shouldn't be much error. In other words, even if the spiritual energy has not been revived, he can still use the spiritual energy to activate the spirit body of the true solution to the sword.

Although this activation time will be very long, there is hope after all, right

A thousand miles begins with a single step. He injects some spiritual energy every day, and if a drop of water turns into a river or a grain of rice turns into a basket, he will always succeed in stimulating his spiritual body.

As for the spiritual bodies of other books in the world, Mucun Kazuki did not have high hopes.

To be honest, he had always had a suspicion. That is whether he was reborn or traveled through time. He had always thought that he was reborn in Japan ten years ago.

However, the spiritual energy recovery did not come as expected, which gave him the idea that he had actually traveled to a parallel world. Otherwise, how could the world's general trend of spiritual energy recovery be affected by his little butterfly

He has never left Tokyo this year. Just living in Jinwen District. There is no way it will affect the recovery of spiritual energy. But with the facts before him, he could only accept his fate.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Mucun Kazuki knew that he probably wouldn't be able to draw the talisman today. In this mood now, I can't calm down.

Therefore, Kimura Kazuki cooperated with the sword spirit to absorb spiritual energy and practice, and then input the spiritual energy in his body into "The True Solution to the Sword" at intervals. It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the morning that Mucunheshu lay on the bed and fell asleep.

On Monday morning, when Mucunheshu got up and finished washing. This time, he also brought the book True Knowledge of Kendo with him.

Now that we already know how to activate the true solution of swordsmanship, it is through long-term spiritual energy infusion. So naturally you can't leave it at home and lose some spiritual energy every night when you come back. That's too inefficient. I don't know how long it will take the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to activate the spirit body.

He has a sword spirit and can absorb spiritual energy all the time to practice. Then he can naturally input spiritual energy into the Kendo True Solution 24 hours a day.

When I came to school, I had already promised Teacher Fukuda Hisakage that he would take over the two math classes this morning.

Futian Hisukage did not inform the students in Class 1 of the second grade of high school, so when Kimura Kazuki stood on the podium, the students in Class 1 of the second grade of high school thought that Kimura Kazuki had something to inform, and they all remained silent.

Kimura Kazuki stood in front of the podium and glanced condescendingly, taking in all the students. Standing on the podium, you can clearly see the movements of all students.

"Ms. Futian is busy today, so I will take the two math classes in the morning."

Upon hearing this, many students who had played games until midnight last night and were now drowsy suddenly woke up and felt confused. They secretly cursed in their hearts: Why is Teacher Futian in trouble again? How about retiring as soon as you are so old? I have to let Minister Kimura teach instead, won't it tire the minister

They still remember the first time Kimura Kazuki took over as a substitute teacher. Teacher Fukuda had something to do, and then Kimura Kazuki took over the class, which made people complain endlessly.

After Kazuki Kimura finished speaking, he said calmly, "Teacher Fukuda finished teaching conic section equations last time. In the following two lessons, we will focus on straight lines, planes, and simple geometries."

No one said anything, everyone sat upright, opened their textbooks, and listened to Kimura Kazuki's lecture attentively. I have to take it seriously, because Kazuki Kimura likes to come up with questions during lectures and then ask students to come on stage to do them.

If he couldn't do it, he wouldn't curse or hit anyone. Just let you stand next to the blackboard, and then continue the lecture, but you will suddenly ask questions along the way. If you can't answer, Kimura Kazuki will answer your questions.

However, students standing next to the blackboard will always feel the shame of "the world is focused on you", which is excruciating.

This kind of psychological torture is simply devilish! When Kimura Kazuki took over the class for the first time, they were inexperienced, and almost half of the students were standing on the entire podium.

Although they were caught off guard by Kimura Kazuki's substitution, the students in Class 1, Grade 2, already had sufficient experience. As long as you listen carefully to the lecture and understand the content, you can basically solve the questions asked by Kimura Kazuki.

Because Kimura Kazuki cannot ask questions outside the book, the questions he asks must be those taught in class.

After two math classes in the morning, Class 1, Grade 2, showed qualities comparable to top students in well-known high schools.

As for the questions asked by Kimura Kazuki, the students who were called up basically got them right. Mucun Kazuki nodded with satisfaction, feeling more confident that he was qualified for the job of tutoring.

After the two classes were over, the students in Class 1, Grade 2, finally breathed a sigh of relief. The resentment against Fukuda Hisakage in their hearts became even greater. Some students were thinking about whether to write letters of advice to the principal and ask Teacher Fukuda to retire quickly.

When the time came for lunch break, Mucun Kazuki did not go to the cafeteria to eat at the first time. Instead, he occupied the student union's office, where he met Kubo Nori's father, Kubo Xingrong.

Thanks to Seven Seven Forty Four, This Shore, Fresh as Grass, Licking the Dog, No House, Silver Gray Time, I Saw the Elves Dancing, Flying Dust Under the Moon, and King of the Waves for their reward and support~ Many thanks

(End of chapter)