The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 47: Another loser?


Kubo Xingrong experienced his father's underworld era, and he also had times of embarrassment after his father's death. Until now, his life has been relatively prosperous. His decades of experience have made him rich in experience and he has become a flexible and flexible person.

He did not despise Mucun Kazuki because of his young age. After learning that Kimura Kazuki had extraordinary power, he kneeled down and asked decisively.

Kimura Kazuki was stunned for a moment when Kubo Xingrong knelt down and didn't care.

Chinese people only kneel down and worship on special occasions. But this is Japan after all, and kneeling down in Japan is a common custom and tradition.

"Mr. Kubo, please tell me some of the characteristics of that ghost."

He asked Kubo Xingrong to come to the school to meet him just to understand some situations and make preparations. He couldn't rush there just because he knew there was a ghost in Kubo's house, then he probably wouldn't survive long.

After hearing what Kimura Kazuki said, Kubo Xingrong stood up. Now he no longer regarded the other party as an ordinary person, with an awe in his expression. When he mentioned the Buddha statue, his eyes were full of memories and his expression was a little distorted. Obviously these memories were not very good.

"Actually, what happened is very simple. It was my forty-fifth birthday a month ago. I have a few friends who used to be brothers of the Daikin-gumi. We usually don't have time to get together, so we decided to celebrate my birthday. Let’s all get together when the time comes.”

The Daikin Group fell apart due to group leader Hirono Kubo's shady manipulations. This well-known underworld organization in Imabumi District almost collapsed with the death of Kubo Hirono.

In addition, as the times progress, the underworld is gradually eliminated. Kubo Xingrong, the son of Kubo Hirono, has no plans to reorganize the Daikin Group. In modern society, we are lucky to be free from the shackles of the underworld. From now on, he will naturally want to benefit society and be a good person.

After the limelight passed, he directly used the courtyard inheritance left by his father to establish a karate gym, and he is now quite financially wealthy.

At that time, his father Hirono Kubo was cut into thousands of pieces. After his body sank into Tokyo Bay, many of his brothers basically fled for their lives. After all, no one wanted to die like this. And now those who can contact Kubo Xingrong are friends who had a good relationship with him and were successful in other places.

The Buddha sculpture was given to him by one of them on his birthday.

"This Buddha sculpture was given to me by Takano Eshi. This guy now runs a small auction in Kyoto. When he received this Buddha sculpture from someone else, he thought that I would be celebrating my birthday soon, and I also believed It belongs to the Buddha, so he bought it in his own name and gave it to me at the party." As he spoke, Kubo Xingrong took a deep breath and said, "The day after I got this Buddha sculpture, I started to have nightmares. ”

"What kind of nightmare?" Mucun Kazuki asked.

"It's just a simple nightmare." Kubo Xingrong thought for a while, "It has no special meaning, and every time I wake up, I basically forget it."

Hearing this, Mucunheshu nodded. It seemed that there was nothing special about this nightmare. Thinking about it, he motioned to Kubo Xingrong to continue.

It was just a nightmare. Kubo Xingrong didn't care at first. Who doesn't have a few nightmares? For two weeks, he had nightmares every two or three days. Although this was a bit strange, Kubo Xingrong didn't think much about it. But two weeks later, when Kubo Xingrong accidentally saw himself in the mirror, he almost didn't recognize it.

His face was pale and haggard, his eyes were dull, and his lips were blue, just like he looked before.

And he can clearly feel that his body is very weak... You must know that he is one of the coaches of Taijin Karate Gym, and his physical fitness has always been good. But the frail self in the mirror made him feel scared, and he finally felt something was wrong.

Just two weeks later that night, he was awakened by another nightmare. However, when he woke up this time, he found that he was conscious but his body could not move.

Basically, ordinary people have encountered this kind of ghost-pressed state at one time or another. But what frightened Kubo Xingrong was that he found something around his neck seemed to be sucking his blood.

And he did not feel wrong... The bat-like monster that sucked his blood clearly felt that he was awake. In other words...this bat monster is just waiting for him to wake up.

"When the monster knew I was awake, he talked to me directly. He asked me to supply him with a certain amount of blood every three days, otherwise he would suck me dry." Speaking of this, Kubo Xingrong showed a sarcastic look, "It He also said that as long as he agrees to its conditions and provides it with blood, it can bring my wife back to life."

"The dead cannot be resurrected." Mucunheshu said calmly, "You probably don't believe its lies either."

"That's right." Kubo Xingrong nodded. He never believed that the dead could be resurrected. Even if the appearance of this monster made him know that there was supernatural power in this world, this kind of lie could not deceive him. He was a four-year-old boy. A teenager is not a teenager. "But at that time, I also knew that if I didn't agree to what the monster said, I would probably die. So I followed the other person's words and hoped that my wife would be resurrected. I always live with this wish.”

This time together was the most painful and anxious time in Kubo Xingrong's life. There was no hope, only the despair of waiting for death.

On the one hand, he had to let the monster suck blood almost every three days. As time goes by, this frequency increases from three days to two days. Four days ago, the frequency finally reached once a day.

He believed that he would bleed to death before long. Even if he takes blood-enhancing food and medicine every day, he can't withstand the other party's huge demand.

In fact, the bat monster had tricked him more than once, asking him to get blood from other places, making it clear that he could bring people back. It's just that he kept rejecting me.

He knew that once he did it. Then he will fall into the endless abyss and become the slave of this monster until his death.

After hearing this, Mucun Kazuki nodded secretly. Kubo Xingrong's will was very firm. He has been enduring this pain alone without involving anyone else. Although he is a descendant of a gangster, he is indeed an upright person.

"Well, don't go back today at noon. I just dispersed the odor from your body. If you want to go back, you will be discovered immediately. I told the teacher in the health room that you can come to the health room later. Take a rest." Mucunheshu said in a deep voice, "When school is over in the afternoon, you and I will go back and see if we can get rid of that monster."

Based on what Kubo Xingrong just said, this so-called monster is most likely a fusangshin, but it is evil in nature and lives by sucking blood. The reason why he hasn't started harming others yet is probably because the blood in Kubo Xingrong's body can still supply the needs of this fusangshin.

But this fusangshen has begun to make it clear that if Kubo Xingrong brings people back for it to suck blood, I'm afraid it won't be long before it begins to harm the world.

However, what puzzles Mucun Kazuki is that Fusangshen, who is evil by nature, will also produce odor due to his own pollution like evil ghosts

Thanks to Angry Potou, This Shore, Fresh as Grass, Half-boiled Eggs, Imperial Guards, Silver Gray Time, and A Maoyu Dumpling for their support. Thank you~

(End of chapter)