The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 68: Opened the door to a new world


As soon as Kimura Kazuki went out, Chiba Shiori quickly followed.

Glancing slightly at Chiba Shiori, he knew that the other party had many questions to ask, but he didn't want to pay attention to the other party at all. The more a person knows about the world, the more dangerous it is. Especially for a girl like Chiba Shiori who is overflowing with curiosity. After going through something like Qiuzhi High School, she still wants to know more about the mysterious events.

Sooner or later, this guy will die in the process of understanding the mystery. Kimura Kazuki has no doubt about this.

However, as soon as Chiba Shiori came out, she asked, "Is that ghost still there?"

"Yes, yes..." Kimura Kazuki didn't answer. Hanzawa Akie nodded repeatedly. His brother's change made him jump away again. Unfortunately, Chiba Shiori couldn't hear him at all. As a result, before he could finish a sentence, Mucun Kazuki forcibly took it into the Sun and Moon Sword, regardless of whether Hanzawa Akijiang agreed or not.

"No, he ascended to heaven."

"Ascension? Is this world really a kingdom of heaven?" Kimura Kazuki's casual answer made Chiba Shizhi's eyes light up. She felt that every time she spent with him for a second, she could understand the essence of the world, and that feeling of accepting new knowledge ,Fascinating.

Kimura Kazuki remained silent...

Seeing this, Chiba Shiori was not discouraged. She asked again, "Have you solved the monster in Qiuzhi High School?"

"No, it can't be solved in a short time." Chiba Shiori is an explorer of Akichi High School. Kimura Kazuki did not hide anything from the other party about the Akichi High School incident. He told Chiba Shiori what Aoki Hidehi said. , "If you have any news about Chiyoko Nishiyama, you can call me."

"Chiyoko?" Chiba Shiori's eyes lit up when she heard the name.

Mucun Kazuki paused and felt something strange about the other party. He stared at Chiba Shiori closely, "Do you know this person?"

"I have a chat group for light novel writers, and there is a person in it whose pen name is Chiyoko..."

Hearing this, Mucunheshu was slightly disappointed and speechless. The name Chiyoko is very common, and there are many people with the same name in Japan, not to mention pen names.

As if feeling Kimura Kazuki's disappointment, Chiba Shiori continued, "In the group before, this person whose pen name was Chiyoko said that he used to be a teacher in a high school... but he resigned because he disliked the low salary."

"What school?" Kimura Kazuki became serious. His pen name was Chiyoko. He had taught before and resigned... Even if it was a coincidence, he had to treat it carefully and not let go of the possibility.

"I don't know, she didn't say." Chiba Shiori shook her head. It was just a chat group, and everyone was a netizen, so they would not reveal too much about themselves on the Internet. "But next weekend [Light Novel Space]]We are going to hold an offline party in Akihabara. But I have no interest in offline parties... If you think this Chiyoko is suspicious, I can sign up."

"You invite me to join the group..." Kimura Kazuki muttered, "I can just sign up for it myself."

"You can't participate." Chiba Shiori said with a smile, "You must join the group for half a year to be eligible to sign up."

Kimura Kazuki looked at Chiba Shiori. Since the other party said so, there must be a way to get him to come with him.

"When the time comes, you can just be my flower protector and come with me to Akihabara. There is no need to sign up." Chiba Shiori blinked, "After all, I am so beautiful. It is very dangerous to go out alone. I believe that the group Those people inside should be able to understand.”

Looking at Chiba Shiori's flawless face, Kimura Kazuki nodded, "Okay."

"Then in exchange, should you tell me some things about ghosts, gods and monsters?" Chiba Shiori looked forward to it.

Kimura Kazuki is silent...

Seeing this, Chiba Shiori was disappointed, but she didn't ask any more questions. However, she believed that after getting along for a long time, she would be able to pry open Mucunheshu's mouth.

After a while, Mucun Kazuki said, "Actually, I don't recommend that you understand this, because the more you understand... the more curious you will be, and the more curious you are, the more dangerous it is... As an ordinary person, if you encounter a supernatural event and have a weak constitution, it is very likely that Die easily. I believe you haven’t forgotten what happened in Qiuzhi High School.”

At Qiuzhi High School, he used a total of three ghost exorcism charms on the opponent. He thought that the opponent should be able to persist for a while, but Chiba Shiori fell into a semi-conscious state on the way. Like Nakagawa Qingji, according to what the other party said, the other party only had a fever for one day when he went home, and he took some medicine and was fine the next day.

This is the difference in physical constitution...

"I have already applied for an annual pass at [Sakura Fitness Club]. In terms of physical fitness, I will improve it as soon as possible." Chiba Shiori also knew that her physical strength was a shortcoming, so before she met Kimura Kazuki again, she She signed up at the fitness club.

She has been exercising for almost a week now. Recently, she feels that her physical strength and endurance have improved. It is not like she was out of breath after running a lap in gym class and felt like she was going to pass out.

Hearing this, Mucun Kazuki did not remain silent this time. Since the other party wanted to understand, he would tell the other party how dangerous this world was.

"There are very few monks in this world..."

On the way to the tram stop, Kimura Kazuki briefly explained to Chiba Shiori the concept of heaven and earth spiritual energy, the concept of monks, and the concepts of monks and ghosts, gods and monsters. Finally, he said, "This time I came to Akihiu High School to complete Hanze Ming Jiang’s obsession helped him ascend to heaven.”

"Is there really a kingdom of heaven in this world?" Chiba Shiori asked this question again.

"Because I'm not dead yet." Kimura Kazuki did not refuse to answer this time. He said frankly, "So I don't know if there is a kingdom of heaven."

"Is Hanze Mingjiang's obsession about Banze Shuren?"

"Yes... Hanze Mingjie's obsession is to hope that Banze Shuren can be self-reliant and self-reliant in the future." Kimura Kazuki said lightly, "Generally, ghosts are formed by obsessions in the heart, and obsessions are all kinds of weird. And obsession can make The other party stays in the human world. Completing the obsession will allow the ghost to ascend to heaven. Otherwise, if the ghost stays in the human world for too long, it is likely to form a resentful spirit and harm the human world."

In Kimura Kazuki's concept, wraiths are evil spirits who are good at spiritual attacks. But in the eyes of the Japanese, resentful spirits are evil spirits... so he told the other party according to the concept that Chiba Shiori could understand. Of course, he didn't tell Chiba Shiori that helping the ghost ascend to heaven would improve his cultivation. When the time comes, Chiba Shiori will have a bunch of questions again, and he will be annoyed to death.

Along the way, Chiba Shiori asked, while Mucun Kazuki answered, telling everything he knew. When the two arrived at the tram stop, Chiba Shiori felt that she had opened the door to a new world.

When Mucunheshu got to the tram stop, Chiba Shizhi looked at Mucunheshu's back with twinkling eyes.

(End of chapter)