The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 76: I, Furukashi Xia Wei, take the first step!


Kimura Kazuki was outside the Imabumi Market, quietly watching the old lady sitting in the alley until twelve o'clock in the morning. When he saw that the other party did not move, he used the Sun and Moon Sword to take her home. After all, we are human beings, so we naturally have compassion.

Even if the old man has been dead for who knows how long, since he can see it, it proves that it is real. Let an old man stay next to the trash can in the alley and he will not be able to act like he has seen it.

When he got home, it was already close to one o'clock in the morning... He released the old man's soul, but the other man still looked dull, his eyes empty and lifeless.

Although the other party looked at him, Mucunheshu knew that the old man's consciousness was almost gone.

But just in case, he asked a few questions as usual, but not surprisingly, he didn't get a single response. The other party didn't even repeat what he said before.

"Xiaoyang, don't believe what Rieko says, she is lying..."

I muttered this sentence silently in my heart. The meaning of this sentence is very simple, it is just a simple reminder. He couldn't think of any deeper meaning in this sentence.

After putting the old man's soul into the Sun and Moon Sword again, Mucun Kazuki did not use the "consciousness soothing method" to expel the old lady's consciousness. With the remaining consciousness of the other party, he would definitely not be able to hold on for a few minutes. But I’m afraid the aura transformed after the expulsion won’t be much...

If you can complete the opponent's obsession, you may be able to absorb some pure spiritual energy.

Moreover, the red aura transformed by Hanze Mingjiang surprised him before, and now he met a good ghost body. He naturally wanted to fulfill the other party's obsession, and then see if the aura transformed by every good ghost body was the same. Red, or different.

As for why the old lady's soul stayed in 1105 on the 11th floor of Building 15 for half an hour, he still needed to investigate.

With this thought, Mucunheshu lay on the bed and fell asleep.

"What? You want to beat Chunyang and the others? How can this be done?"

During the lunch break the next day, Kimura Kazuki held his mobile phone and listened to Nagayama China's words. He felt a little helpless, "I hit my palms with a ruler, not violence. Yesterday I gave them a basic test, and they could finish it in half an hour." I had to finish the test paper for two hours, just to delay the time. This is the first tutoring, and it has not officially started yet, so it can be seen that they have many ways to deal with the tutor. "

Hearing this, Yongshan Qiannai remained silent for a while. She very much agreed with Kimura Kazuki's last sentence. Mashi Furuhashihara hired so many tutors for her daughter, Chunyang and the others already knew how to deal with tutors.

Otherwise, how would it be possible for so many tutors to fail. And she also understood that it was impossible for Kimura Kazuki to scheming with those girls every time. After all, he was here to provide knowledge and could not put the cart before the horse.

So...necessary privileges are required.

Nagayama China is not an ignorant person. After all, tutors and school teachers are different. Moreover, modern schools have explicitly banned corporal punishment of students, so many students are difficult to discipline. I don’t know whether this phenomenon is good or bad.

But Chunyang and the others really need to take good care of them. In other aspects, Nagayama China is very satisfied with them, but in terms of learning, she is completely dissatisfied.

"If the ruler hits the palm of your hand, it won't be broken, right?"

"Don't worry." Kimura Kazuki said seriously, "There will only be pain, and there will be no permanent damage." He didn't know about other teachers, but he had spiritual energy, so he could naturally control the force and prevent the pain from spreading to his palms. In addition, you can also train yourself to control the spiritual energy. The more precise the control, the more beneficial and powerful it will be for future use of swordsmanship.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, Kimura-kun." Nagayama China finally agreed. After all, past tutors were all lessons. If Kimura Kazuki had no choice but to resign, then she really didn't know what to do.

Although China Nagayama had the privilege, on the following Wednesdays and Fridays, Kimura Kazuki did not carry a ruler. In addition to giving Chunyang four people a chance, he also wanted to observe these four people first.

But he found that except for Furukashi Xia Wei, the other three were indeed hopeless, of course only in their studies.

In other aspects, it can be called excellent... Furuhashi Haruo is very dedicated to kendo. When he came over at 6:30 on Wednesday night, he found that the opponent was wearing a simple women's kendo uniform on the balcony, holding a bamboo sword in both hands, practicing cutting. action. Although it was boring, the other party obviously enjoyed it.

Furuhashi Fuyukazu has also been practicing her vocal skills, just like Furuhashi Haruo, every day without stopping.

As for Furuhashi Akino, if there is a profession of death otaku in this world, he is definitely qualified.

The one who satisfied him the most was Furuhashi Xiawei. On Wednesday, everyone else's National 1 test papers were basically blank, especially Furuhashi Akino, who didn't touch a word. What did the test paper sent to the other party look like? Get it back. Or something like that.

Only Furuhashi Xia Wei's test paper was full of answers. Although most of them were wrong after checking, he praised the other party's attitude.

Of course Kimura Kazuki didn't know that when Furuhashi Xiawei was in the club classroom, a freshman female student came over to her with a textbook and asked her a question. However, she didn't know all the questions, causing the female student to mutter, "I I thought the minister knew everything..."

This sentence made Guqiao Xia Wei feel ashamed.

The eldest sister is devoted to kendo. In the future, she will be successful in kendo and can even participate in the national kendo competition. Although Sanmei is a homebody, her dream is to be a game designer... and she has been working hard towards this. I heard that the other party has been cooperating with other friends online to develop a small game. Test the waters.

The fourth sister’s dream is to be a voice actor, and she is also working hard towards becoming a voice actor. She is the only one who doesn't seem to have any dreams... She just wants to lead the sisters in the school to dominate the school. When she is a sophomore in high school, she plans to run for student council president.

But... if you want to manage a group of students, knowledge should be essential, right? She cannot know everything about students' problems, but she can try her best to develop in this direction...

Then, be a strong woman that your subordinates can admire and admire. Just like Kimura-senpai.

This was the move that led Natsui Furuhashi to fill up the test paper with answers. Although she did it by looking up the information with Kimura-senpai's junior high school copy, it was enough to shock others.

She looked at the surprised eyes of her sisters and raised her chest slightly, feeling a surge of pride in her heart. Especially when Kimura-senpai praised herself in front of Chunyang and the others, she was even more elated.

I'm not as good as you in other aspects, but when it comes to learning, sorry... I, Xia Wei Furuhashi, took the lead.

(End of chapter)