The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 79: Spirit removal website


"Why do I feel that you are looking forward to meeting ghosts..." Chiba Shiori blinked, "Don't you monks hope for peace in the world?"

This question made him think about it. Mucunheshu said, "As long as humans in the world are not extinct, the number of ghosts will not decrease... and completing the ghosts' obsession will be of certain benefit to the monks."

Chiba Shiori suddenly realized that a person's thoughts may be pure, but his actions must be purposeful and traceable. She had been curious before about why Kimura Kazuki was so interested in looking for ghosts. Especially when encountering the ferocious monster from Qiuzhi High School, most people... even monks would avoid its sharp edges. However, Kimura Kazuki has been investigating the monster and has obviously not given up on the idea of eliminating the monster.

Now she knows...

But in Chiba Shiori's view, Kimura Kazuki's chance search for ghosts is a very inefficient method. If you can help the other party solve the problem of finding ghosts or monsters, maybe the other party will favor you? In the future, when it comes to ghost matters, the other party may take the initiative to talk to me, instead of having to pester the other party.

She would send messages to Kimura Kazuki every night these days... She always felt that this was not good, and she felt like she was being shameless. I just hope that Kimura Kazuki won't hate herself, because the other person is the only person she knows about the mysterious world.

And if you can help the other party find ghosts efficiently, the other party may have a favorable impression of you.

Thinking about it this way... Chiba Shiori always feels like she is playing GalGame... Kimura Kazuki is the one she needs to conquer, but the road to conquer is long and arduous.

But now, maybe it's an opportunity.

She still had the idea of going shopping aside and followed Kimura Kazuki around.

"What would happen if ordinary people encountered a ghost?"

Chiba Shiori knew that she could not look at the ghosts in Kimura and Shukou according to the common sense in the past. The plots of the evil spirits in movies or TV series were all fabricated. There may be similarities, but the concepts that Kimura Kazuki told her before are very different from those on the Internet and in books.

"It depends on whether the ghost you encounter is good or evil." Kimura Kazuki's voice was neither loud nor quiet. If others passed by, they would definitely hear what he said, but this is Akihabara, and pedestrians would say that it is weird. plot, so he was not afraid of being overheard by others. He said calmly, "Kind ghosts are almost harmless to humans. The only drawback is that if you stay in one place for a long time, that place will become cooler, even in summer. It's's easy to get some minor illnesses, but people with strong constitutions will be fine. But evil ghosts are very harmful. It can range from illness to death."

"In other words, if there is an evil ghost in the room and no one notices it, that person will gradually get sick or something strange will happen... These characteristics should be more obvious?" Chiba Shiori pondered, "That's it. ?"


"Maybe... I know how to help you find ghosts, but with this method, you can only find evil ghosts with a high probability."

Mucunheshu was shocked when he heard this. He stopped and stood there, looking at Chiba Shiori with searching eyes. He did not look down upon Chiba Shiori, because in his previous life, there were many postgraduates and doctoral students like him in the spiritual academy who could not practice, but new talismans, elixirs and even weapons were developed step by step by them.

The hard work and wisdom of countless people have gone into this. Cultivation cannot make people smarter, so the brains of monks are the same as those of ordinary people. Many ordinary people are much more intelligent than monks, they just can't practice. So he never underestimates the wisdom of an ordinary person.

Seeing Kimura Kazuki looking at him, Chiba Shiori smiled and said, "It's actually very simple. You can build a website for removing spirits. Visitors don't need to register as members of the website. They just need to briefly summarize what they encountered, and then leave Just the address and contact information.”

Now is the Internet information age, and the entire Internet has integrated the earth into a global village. If you want to know what is happening in a country thousands of miles away, you can know it in an instant... Even if you don't want to know, netizens will spread the news. As long as you go online, you can receive all kinds of information.

Create a spirit-removing website? This may be a good choice... But Kimura Kazuki frowned slightly, "But how can I know whether the posts posted by others are true or false?"

There are too many messages on the Internet, but they are all false and true, and this truth is even half true and half false. A person can even have hundreds of identities online. On this forum it's a well-known scholar, on another site it's a surgeon...

As long as you have a keyboard, you are omniscient and omnipotent online.

"It's also very simple..." Chiba Shiori has obviously considered this spirit-removing website more comprehensively. She said, "You can set up a [Help Post]. This post can only be sent to you who have administrative rights. To post a [help post], you need to register as a member and perform a series of relatively complicated operations. For example, filling in extremely detailed information, uploading photos of the room, selfies, and a summary of your experience of more than 300 words, etc."

Seeing that Kimura Kazuki was deep in thought, she continued, "Generally speaking, most netizens will not be so bored and post a [help post] that can only be seen by the website administrator, and the [help post] also has Such a cumbersome operation. But if someone really sends means one thing."

"He encountered an evil ghost." Kimura Kazuki answered with a serious look on his face, "You are right. If you don't really encounter a ghost, most people will not be so boring to post [help posts]. Only those who feel that they are really Ordinary people who encounter supernatural events and need help will look for help online like headless flies! As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will give it a try because it is about their lives."

Even if some people are really bored and post fake [help posts], Kimura Kazuki won't care.

Because if a spirit-removing website could be established, it would be much better than blindly searching for it on his own. At that time... the operations he can choose will be much larger.

"Let's go..." Kimura Kazuki did not continue shopping. He looked at Chiba Shiori and smiled slightly, "Go to the agreed place for the offline party."

"Okay." Chiba Shizhi looked at Kimura Kazuki and knew that the other party had made up his mind. She was excited. Obviously the method she came up with was useful in the other party's opinion.

She didn't say much. Sometimes, only by moisturizing things quietly can Mucunheshu often think of herself in the future.

Soon, the two came to Moejiang Cafe...

There was no doubt that this was a maid cafe. As soon as the two of them entered the store, they heard a cute voice.

"Welcome home, Master~"

PS: Future updates will be at 9pm and 12am~

Thanks to Gentle Wind and Drizzle, Watching Four Seasons, Drinking Alone with Falling Flowers, Wahaha’s Zhiya, and xiaobeats for the reward~Thank you!

(End of chapter)