The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 91: It’s getting harder and harder



Hearing this obsession, Mucunheshu remained silent for a while. On the way back, he had a hunch that Yuriko Kawauchi's obsession might be related to the light novel.

But... I didn't expect it to be a hell-level difficulty.

Yes, for him, this level of difficulty is hellish.

Publishing is easy, as long as you publish at your own expense. It would be best for him if he could use money to fulfill his obsession. Although he is also in need, he can never make enough money. And money itself is meant to be spent. As long as it is spent wisely, then money is meaningful.

But...the amount of money for comic adaptation and animation is way beyond the budget. Even if he sells it, he won't be able to raise that much money.

And if publishing, comic adaptation, and animation can be solved with money, then the novel will be recognized and welcomed by readers... This kind of thing cannot be solved with money. A novel must be recognized if it makes readers want to continue reading, urge for updates, and be impatient after reading the novel.

So on the basis of this 'identity', Yuriko Kawauchi's obsession is obviously that the novel will be popular, be picked up by an animation company, and then be adapted into a manga and animated.

In other words, it is very likely that even if he spends his own money to publish the novel, adapt it to comics, and animate it, it will not be considered as completing his obsession. Readers must agree with it. Readers’ recognition is reflected in various aspects.

Kimura Kazuki rubbed his temples. He looked at Yuriko Kawauchi and was startled when he saw the other party looking at him anxiously. He suddenly remembered that Yuriko Kawachi had just asked him if his wish could be changed... thinking about it, he couldn't help but frown and said, "Miss Kawachi, are you sure your obsession is this? And not something else?"

If Yuriko Kawauchi was lying, he didn't know. When the time comes to complete the false obsession, but the consciousness does not dissipate, it will become a joke. Thinking about it, he felt secretly awestruck. He still had little experience and must take precautions in this regard in the future.

"It's indeed this..." Yuriko Kawauchi was stunned for a moment. She looked at Kimura Kazuki's expression and couldn't help but wonder, "You don't believe me?"

Kimura Kazuki nodded, "Sorry, we are still strangers. As an Onmyoji, it is my responsibility and obligation to help ghosts ascend to heaven. If you, as a ghost, lied and completed your obsession, you did not ascend to heaven. It is very likely that something terrible will happen to you." He paused and said, "For example... your soul will be lost or you will go to hell."

Hearing this, Yuriko Kawauchi looked frightened, and she quickly said, "My last wish is indeed what I just said, and I didn't lie. The reason why I wanted to change my last wish just now was because of my parents." As she said that, Yuriko Kawachi's eyes Gloomy, "I am an only child, and my parents live in the countryside, so I have always hoped that after becoming famous by writing novels, I can make money and make my parents happy. But my wish after death turned out to be that my novels could become famous, but not that my parents could. Happiness, I feel like a hypocrite.”

After hearing this, Mucun Heshu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, your obsession was not this, otherwise I would have had you euthanasia. Thinking about it, he smiled slightly and said, "I see, but you don't need to blame yourself. The formation of obsessions is related to the thoughts before death. You died while typing, and all your thoughts were on the novel at that time, so It’s normal that you have the obsession you have now.”

Yuriko Kawauchi nodded slightly, but there was no sign of joy. Even if the novel becomes famous, she is already dead. And her parents will only live in poverty and pain for the rest of their lives.

However, Yuriko Kawauchi is an optimistic person, and she knows that being sad will not help. He has become a ghost and can only accept his fate. But fortunately, there is Kimura Kazuki who can chat with her, otherwise she might go crazy.

"I have a few questions about your obsession." Mucun Kazuki was holding a notebook and pen, obviously having some questions. Although Yuriko Kawauchi's obsession is clearly expressed. But there are still some details that need to be asked.

"Okay." Yuriko Kawauchi wanted to find a place to sit, but when she looked around, there wasn't even a chair... She could only be surprised that onmyojis are so poor now.

"How was the quality of your novels during your lifetime?"

"Uh... It meets the requirements for publication. But the manuscript is often sent back for revision." Yuriko Kawauchi scratched her head. Although she was a big boss in the group, she only stayed in the group for a long time. She was still in the light novel world. It belongs to the new stage.

Mucun Kazuki sighed slightly, and it seemed that the way he had asked Yuriko Kawauchi to code the words could be crossed out. According to the level that the other party is barely publishing, it is still difficult to write a popular book.

As for writing it yourself? Kimura Kazuki didn't have this idea. He didn't read many novels or write novels before traveling through time. Yuriko Kawauchi's level is enough to beat him.

"You just said...your obsession is to make your own novel famous. Does this 'own novel' have to be published under your pen name?" Kimura Kazuki asked this question very seriously.

If he had to publish a novel under the pen name of Yuriko Kawauchi, then he would have to consider whether to let the other person have euthanasia. Because the pen name is unique and the pen name "Chiyoko" has been published in light novels, no one except Yuriko Kawauchi can use it.

And now that the other party is dead, it is even less possible for him to use this pen name.

"No need." Although Yuriko Kawauchi shook her head, she was a little embarrassed at the same time, "As long as the new novel contains my ideas and is published in my name."

"In your name? What do you mean?" He knew that the new novel should involve Yuriko, whether it was the setting of the world view or the discussion of the plot.

"When publishing a new book, you have to explain that this book was discussed with me."


This gave Mucunheshu a little headache. But it makes sense. After all, the other party's obsession is recognized by the readers... and this is also a disguised form of making the readers agree with their own ideas. If it were published under someone else's pseudonym, without a statement, then it would not be Yuriko who would be recognized.

Then Kimura Kazuki asked a few more questions, and Kawauchi Yuriko answered them seriously.

"I'm done asking." Kimura Kazuki closed the notebook. He now knew clearly how to fulfill the other person's obsession. However, just because he knew it, he knew that he was stuck on the first step.

It is already difficult to publish a novel, gain recognition from readers, and adapt it into comics and animations. In addition, Yuriko Kawauchi also has another requirement, that is, this light novel must state to readers that it was published after discussions with her.

More difficult than ever.

Mucun Kazuki took a deep breath. For a moment, he wanted to give up and complete this obsession.

But thinking of Banze Mingjiang's crimson aura, he hesitated for a while, then reluctantly picked up his phone and dialed a number.

Thanks to Bei Zhai Chao Cute, Zhu Ying Mo Hen, Ling Ling Ling, and book friend 20190615171609389 for their reward support. Thank you!

(End of chapter)