The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 94: The familiarity of the photo


Kimura Kazuki never thought that he could develop a soul body that would help him fulfill his obsession, and he only had to sit back and enjoy his achievements.

And this downline was a girl. For some reason, this made him feel like he was laughing.

Of course, he was also grateful to Chiba Shiori for the reminder. Otherwise, he doesn't know how long it will take him to react. Obsession has this method.

Maybe he can react and come up with this method later, but being reminded in advance can give him a deeper understanding of his obsession, and without Chiba Shiori's reminder, this 'later' may be a long time later.

At this time, Mucun Kazuki, whose mind was broadened, thought a lot.

Soul body's obsessions are all kinds of strange, and there must be many things that he is not good at. So whether he can continue to develop offline in the future. For example... Nakagawa Pheasant? Of course, to develop offline, you must formulate a set of reward rules, otherwise others will have no reason to help you fulfill your soul obsession.

However, Mucunheshu quickly buried this idea in his heart.

Because there are not many soul bodies, you can only rely on looking for them yourself or trying your luck if you want to encounter them. From time traveling to now, excluding the evil ghosts, he only encountered three good ghosts after all his efforts.

Hanzawa Akie, the old lady in the duplex apartment, Kawauchi Yuriko, and a fusangshin in Kujo Mai.

This let Mucunheshu know that he was lucky.

But luck is conserved. Maybe he won't be able to touch a soul body for a long time in the future

"Then I'll leave first." Since Chiba Shiori was willing to help, Kimura Kazuki did not refuse, and the other party was obviously very interested.

Of course, the other party volunteered to help, but he couldn't take it for granted. Since Chiba Shiori is very curious about mysterious things, maybe after Yuriko Kawauchi's obsession is completed, he can give her an item. He was still considering what to give as a gift.

" the way, haven't you been looking for Chiyoko?"

"Looking for me?" Yuriko Kawauchi next to her looked confused when she heard this. But she soon realized that he was not looking for her. Instead, he found someone named Chiyoko Nishiyama.

"What, do you have a way?" Kimura Kazuki asked curiously after Chiba Shiori and Yuriko finished explaining. Although Chiba Shiori is an ordinary person, he has never underestimated him. Whether it is the suggestions from the spirit removal website or the novel ideas about obsession, it shows that the other person has flexible thinking and is beyond the level of most people.

"No." Chiba Shiori smiled and said, "You can send me the photo of Chiyoko Nishiyama. Maybe we can start from the Internet. When nothing happens, I can go to to help you browse the surveillance videos."

Sky Eye system, also known as video surveillance system. It is a means of maintaining social security in modern society and plays an increasingly important role in on-site monitoring, case investigation and post-event evidence collection.

Japan can be regarded as one of the countries with the most sky eyes in the world. On the premise of protecting the privacy of its citizens, Japanese officials and private citizens have installed a large number of sky eyes in various places.

Japan's Sky Eye surveillance situation can not only be checked on a specific website using a computer, but even an Apple mobile phone can access videos about the Sky Eye, and intercept video surveillance situations anytime and anywhere. Of course, not all Sky Eye videos are publicly accessible. After all, only a portion of them are publicly accessible.

But even if there is only a part, there are still hundreds of thousands of monitors.

Hearing this, Mucun Kazuki was slightly surprised. He didn't know much about this aspect. After all, he had only lived in this country for about a year. He didn't expect that most of the surveillance videos in Japan's Sky Eye system were public. Although not all, they were indeed useful in finding people.

"Unless Chiyoko Nishiyama is in the countryside, as long as she appears in the city, as long as it is daily life, she can always find each other." Chiba Shiori explained, "With photo comparison, we can hire professionals online and use machines to By conducting a screening investigation, we may be able to find Chiyoko quickly.”

After Chiba Shiori knew that Kimura Kazuki was looking for Nishiyama Chiyoko, she was also helping him find a way. She discovered this method online yesterday, and she was surprised that it was possible to investigate state-controlled surveillance in China. She didn't know about this before. After all, she was just a high school student. If she didn't take the initiative to understand, she wouldn't be very clear about many things.

Kimura Kazuki looked at Chiba Shiori with emotion. If Chiba Shiori lived in the era of spiritual energy recovery, even if she couldn't practice, she would still be a knowledgeable researcher, because the other person's brain is very flexible. Thinking that he would take out his mobile phone and send the photo of Chiyoko Nishiyama to the other party...

However, when he looked at the photo sent to him by Nakagawa Qingji on his mobile phone. A familiar feeling came over him... He was startled. Looking carefully, for a moment, the person he saw in Akihabara Square at noon appeared in his mind, the female cosplayer who was wearing scantily clad clothes, which made him feel inexplicably familiar.

is her!

Because of the inexplicable familiarity he felt at noon, he kept the female cosplayer's face firmly in his mind.

Of course, as time goes by, this memory may gradually become blurred.

Just like the photo that Nakagawa Qingji sent him, he just glanced at it and remembered it. But as time passed, the impression in his mind gradually became blurred. This was why when he saw the female cosplayer at noon, he felt familiar but did not react.

But... that's not right either.

Kimura Kazuki looked at the photo and found that Chiyoko Nishiyama in the mobile phone photo had a soft appearance. Although not very beautiful, she had a kind of intellectual beauty. This temperament was completely different from the charming female cosplayer at noon. But apart from their different temperaments, the two look 70% to 80% similar.

He thought for a while and then did not send the photo to Chiba Shiori. Instead, he handed his cell phone to the other party.

Chiba Shiori curiously took the phone and took a quick look and said in surprise, "Isn't this the cosplayer from Noon? But the temperament is very different, so they must not be the same person, right?" She was also deeply impressed by the female cosplayer from Noon, because she The clothes are really too revealing.

"You also think they are similar?" Kimura Kazuki took the phone back and sent the photo to Chiba Shiori. He slowly said, "I will call Mr. Muraoka later to find out about the female cosplayer at noon. News. I’ll send you the photos, and you can also ask someone to check the surveillance online at the same time. You can record the cost of hiring someone, and I will make up for it later.”

"Okay." Although Chiba Shizhi wanted to say, I'll just pay for it, but after thinking about it, she didn't say anything in the end.

"sorry to bother you."

Soon, Kimura Kazuki said goodbye to Chiba Shiori and Kawauchi Yuriko. He called Muraoka Xingxia as soon as he went out.

As the organizer of a comic exhibition, unless it is a passerby cosplay, like the female cosplayer who was surrounded by many people at noon to take photos, she must be a famous cosplayer, right? This well-known Cos organizer should have information registered.

(End of chapter)