The Sword Dynasty

Chapter 108: Don't ask about grievances, just care about pleasure


Nangongshang's usually proud pupils only had the deepest panic left. Amidst howling, he subconsciously wanted to draw his sword and spew out all the true energy in his body.

The sword in the hand of the unusually beautiful woman has already formed at this time, completely revealing her true face.

The color of this sword is so deep that it looks like countless sea water and the deepest night have settled together. It is so deep that it can be seen at a glance, as if it will be sucked into the endless abyss.

There was also a look of anticipation and excitement on the cold face of the unusually beautiful woman, she simply sent the sword forward.

The distance between the sword and Nangong Shang's body was more than ten feet, but as the sword was sent out, countless azure blue ice sands had already landed on Nangong Shang's body.

Nangong Shang trembled in fear.

The cold air in these tiny ice sands directly made the flow of true essence in his body stagnate.

True Yuan cannot flow.

How can he fight

At this moment, he finally understood why the other party was so confident.

Because the legend about this sword is true.

Just being able to control this sword has the power of the seven realms!

Looking at the sword intent that was getting closer and closer to him, he remembered more things.

He became even more shocked, unbelievable!

"You are the young lady of the Gongsun family!"

"How could you possibly be able to repair this Nine Nether Hades Sword into a life sword!"

He exhausted his strength, crying like a child who was bullied, and shouted these two sentences as if he had discovered some shocking secret.

The Nine Nether Underworld King Sword is a fierce sword left over from the former Great You Dynasty.

Legend has it that this sword was forged from the darkest jade in the abyss in the coldest polar region. Weapons of Hades and his Hades.

For a practitioner, too much cold and evil energy means that it will damage the five qi of the human body, so although this sword is one of the strongest swords in the world, it will be detrimental to the practitioner if it is worn for a long time. It is possible to refine the sword of life.

However, the sword at the moment is completely unreasonable, and it has been refined into a natal sword!

But compared to this sword, what shocked Nangong Shang and made him incomprehensible was the identity of the beautiful woman opposite.

In Changling now, there are almost no members of the Gongsun family.

However, in the former Changling, before Emperor Yuanwu's iron and blood reform, the Gongsun family was the most prominent family in Changling.

Nangong Shang was a disciple of Bashan Sword Field in the past, and the disciples in the sect were far higher than Feng Qianzhuo, and Bashan Sword Field and "that person" who became a taboo, Emperor Yuanwu, Empress, and the two prime ministers must completely destroy him. Erased in the history of the Great Qin Dynasty, Changling, whoever mentions his name, may be exterminated "that person", himself is the most staunch supporter and strongest backing of that reform.

Therefore, Nangong Shang is more aware of what happened in those years than most of the current Changling officials, and is more aware of the path that Emperor Yuanwu took to ascend to the current throne.

Hearing his yell, the extremely beautiful woman's face suddenly turned cold, and the sword in her hand was put away, but the azure blue ice sand in this winter forest suddenly struck Nangong Shang's body, making a popping sound. sound.

Nangong Shang's body suddenly formed a layer of blue ice shell, and he couldn't move for a moment.

"Why did you kill me? Since you are the young lady of Gongsun's family, you shouldn't kill me, why!" Feeling the other party's real killing intent, Nangong wounded knowing that he couldn't even draw a sword. With all my strength, I squeezed out the sound from my throat and let out a cry.

It is precisely because he knows that story that he is even more unable to understand.

When Emperor Yuanwu used merchants to carry out reforms, he did not formally ascend the throne, but he had already firmly controlled the court. However, because the new policy violated the interests of too many famous families, it still encountered unimaginably strong opposition.

This kind of battle between powerful noble families and courts will not only endanger the throne of an emperor, but even cause a dynasty to decline rapidly.

At that time, some powerful families had even begun to use the power of some external dynasties to fight against Emperor Yuanwu.

In the eyes of the vast majority of people at that time, and even most of the officials in the court who were loyal to Emperor Yuanwu, it was completely impossible for this reform to succeed.

However, Emperor Yuanwu is really a great person, or "that person" and many people who stand with "that person" are really great.

Under such a situation, they didn't hesitate at all, and directly adopted the most iron-blooded and powerful means at the fastest speed.

Emperor Yuanwu took the most powerful Gongsun family for surgery.

On the grounds that the Gongsun family drove horses for an outing and destroyed the farmland, they were severely punished and beheaded according to the new law. Changling was uprooted.

"That person" and the several famous swords in the Bashan sword field are the real reasons why the Gongsun family can't fight back.

The strongest practitioners of the Gongsun family all died at the hands of "that person" that night.

That night was the night when all the nobles in Changling were killed by a sword. According to legend, the only one who survived the Gongsun family was the young lady of the Gongsun family.

That young lady was also a little unhappy with her family, and had been traveling abroad.

The Nine Nether Nether King Sword was originally in the hands of Gongsun, and it is said that she took it away when she left Gongsun's house.

According to the legend, the reason why the young lady of Gongsun's family is not very happy with her family is also because of some love between her and "that person".

The Gongsun family is a banner against the reform, so how could it be possible for her to have an overly intimate relationship with "that person".

But no matter how unhappy, home is still home.

The entire family was destroyed in the hands of "that person" and Emperor Yuanwu. The eldest lady of the Gongsun family should hate "that person" and the Bashan Sword Field who contributed.

In the later process of Emperor Yuanwu's destruction of Bashan Sword Field, Nangong Shang could be said to be a traitor of Bashan Sword Field, but if this stunning woman is the eldest lady of the Gongsun family, she should not hate him at all, let alone Might have to kill him.

Because he helped Emperor Yuanwu destroy the Bashan sword field, he should be regarded as one of the people who helped the Gongsun family to avenge.

"Are you the young lady of the Gongsun family!"

"The Nine Nether Hades Sword is in your hand, are you the eldest lady of the Gongsun family!"

"When the Gongsun family was destroyed in the Bashan Sword Field, I was just a nobody in the Bashan Sword Field. I was not even in Changling at that time, and I also contributed in the process of destroying the Bashan Sword Field, so why did you kill me? , why did you kill me!"

Because it was extremely incomprehensible, Nangong Shang was almost insane, yelling again and again.

"Stop talking so much nonsense."

The unusually beautiful woman said coldly: "I want to kill you and sacrifice the sword precisely because of your efforts in the process of destroying the Bashan sword field."

Of course Nangong Shang couldn't understand.

But before he could say anything again, the extremely beautiful woman continued: "How can we understand so many grievances and grievances in the past. Emperor Yuanwu himself is also the culprit. You helped him destroy the Bashan sword field." He, is there any reason for me to be grateful to you? What's more, I want to kill you has nothing to do with these... I want to kill you because although I hate those people in Bashan Sword Field, I at least respect them, at least their Tao It has never changed, what they insist on doing has not changed... I want to kill you, just because you are a real villain. It's like walking firmly on the same road with them, but suddenly it's the other way around Like Emperor Yuanwu who stabbed them, they are real villains. What you did makes me feel unfair and makes me feel unhappy."

"I want to kill you just because I don't like it." The extremely beautiful woman said coldly and stubbornly: "For many people who have stepped into the seventh realm, how can the countless old grievances and grievances in the world be cleared up?" , especially in a place like Changling where countless grievances and grievances are entangled and can't be cleared up at all, I don't ask about grievances, I only ask about happiness."

Nangongshang, who was stiff and unable to move, stared blankly at this unusually beautiful woman.

Can a person really not care about grievances and enmity, but only care about what he wants

Is it because I don't have enough realm and experience, so I can't understand it at all, or because "that person" and the many swords that walked side by side with him have been broken and no longer exist in this world, so this woman can not ask. Enmity, just take care of your heart

He couldn't understand what this woman was really thinking, but he could be sure that she was more stubborn than anyone he had ever seen, and he couldn't turn around.

So his eyes were full of pleading.

"I'll tell you the formula of Wuyang Dan, please don't hurt my family." He squeezed out his voice and begged.

"I didn't want to kill anyone in your family, but Ding Ning said that this would force you to speak out." Changsun Qianxue thought coldly in her heart, but her expression didn't change at all, just her usual cold appearance , nodded, and agreed to Nangong Shang's request.