The Sword Dynasty

Chapter 8: In the darkness, there is the sound of silkworms


An ordinary carriage stopped at the entrance of the fish market. Song Shenshu, who was wearing a bamboo hat and the most common coarse linen clothes in Changling, got out of the carriage and walked into the fish market, walking towards the deepest part of the fish market without haste.

Although the scriptures and history library of the Great Qin Dynasty has a lot of practice books, everyone knows that some of the most important classics of the Great Qin Dynasty are stored in caves deep in the palace, so the officials of the scriptures and history library usually have no status in Changling. Prominent, basically there is little possibility of accumulating military exploits to obtain rewards and promotions.

Especially for officials like Song Shenshu who are over 40 years old and have gray temples, they will not attract much attention at all.

But Song Shenshu was still extremely cautious.

Because he is very satisfied with the life he has lived in the past ten years, even if he does not have the current official position, just being able to become a practitioner himself is already very satisfying.

Especially in the past few years, he has gained a new understanding of the exercises he practiced, and after finding out auxiliary means that can make him break through the realm faster, he has become more cautious in his actions.

Numerous facts have proved that it is not important to become a practitioner sooner or later, what is important is the time of breakthrough.

As long as he can successfully break through the third realm and step into the fourth realm this year, the world in front of him will suddenly become vast, with infinite possibilities.

After silently walking all the way to the bottom of the fish market, he still didn't take off the bamboo hat he was wearing on his head, bent his body along a wooden path, passed under several stilted buildings, and came to a pier.

There is a small boat with a black awning docked at this pier.

Without any words, Song Shenshu opened the curtain on the awning, and stepped into the cabin with one step. When the curtain behind him fell, he sighed lightly, took off the hat on his head, and began to close his eyes to rest.

Apart from the graying of his temples, he was well maintained, with a ruddy complexion and no wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

The black-topped boat started to move, and the hull shook slightly, very rhythmically, which made Song Shenshu, who was reclined to rest, feel very comfortable.

However, after a while, a cold feeling naturally floated in his heart.

The route of this small boat seems to be slightly different from usual, and the surrounding noises have become less and less, only the sound of water remains the same, which shows that this small boat is heading towards the most secluded water surface in the market.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and looked out from the gap in the curtain... Looking at the back of the boy in coir raincoat and punting the boat at the bow, he was still not sure, and said coldly: "Is it because of the water level? Does the route you take today seem to be different from usual?"

"It is indeed different from the usual route, but it is not because of the rising water level of the storm."

Ding Ning, who was wearing a coir raincoat on the bow, stopped, turned around, looked at Song Shenshu in the awning and said.

His voice was calm, with a touch of mockery and pleasure.

Song Shenshu felt a dull pain in his head for an instant.

He can be sure that he has never seen this handsome young man before, but this young man's face and tone made him feel very strange, as if he finally met an old friend in a foreign land after a long time separation.

This weird feeling made him not immediately think about what the boy was going to do, but eager to know the origin of the boy.

"Who are you? Do you know me?" He asked softly, trying to keep calm.

Ding Ning nodded seriously: "Song Shenshu, the coachman of Bing Ma Si fourteen years ago."

Song Shenshu's complexion gradually turned pale, this was the last thing he wanted to think about and mention, and what made his heart tremble even more was that only those closest to him could know about these old things.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want to do?" He forcibly suppressed the growing fear in his heart and asked.

Ding Ning looked at him with emotion, and said softly, "I am one of your creditors, and I ask you to collect some old debts."

Hearing these words, coupled with some rumors in recent days, Song Shenshu's hands and feet became even colder. He opened his mouth and wanted to ask something more. After all, the young man opposite him couldn't possibly have any old feud with him at this age, and there must be someone else behind him. instigated.

However, he just opened his mouth, and before he could make any sound, the boy in front of him had already moved.

From Ding Ning's seemingly thin body, a powerful force suddenly surged out, the bow of the boat dropped suddenly, and the stern of the boat turned up, suspended in the air for an instant.

His body dexterously got out from under the coir raincoat, and instantly rushed into the narrow cabin. Because the speed was too fast, the coir coir raincoat, which looked like a golden cicada shedding its shell, was still hanging in the air without falling.

Song Shenshu's breathing suddenly stopped. The index finger and middle finger of his right hand were close together, and the other three fingers were slightly bent. A stream of red true energy gushed out from the tips of the index finger and middle finger. An extremely gentle gesture rushed in from Ding Ning's ribs.

At the moment Ding Ning just moved, he had other choices.

He can abandon the ship and flee desperately, and at the same time, he can make a lot of noise. After all, the underground black market also has the order of the underground black market. All the big forces in Changling City will not allow anyone to break the order here.

However, at this moment, he concluded that Ding Ning was just a practitioner who had just reached the second level.

There is a natural insurmountable gap between each great realm of a practitioner.

The true essence of the third realm itself is the product of true energy condensed with the vitality of heaven and earth. This is reflected in the strength, which is a multifold difference in nature. What's more, he is no longer a practitioner who has just entered the third realm. The Yuan has been cultivated to the point where it can be separated from the body like a rush of fine wine. This kind of state of the top three realms can make the True Yuan possess many wonders when facing the enemy.

So he subconsciously believed that Ding Ning was just a cover to attract his attention, and there must be more powerful practitioners hiding, waiting for the opportunity to launch the most fatal blow.

Therefore, even in the process of sending a wave of true energy into Ding Ning's body seemingly gently but actually violently, most of his attention was not on Ding Ning, but in the darkness around him, even under the muddy and turbid water surface. .

However, what he never expected was that Ding Ning just groaned softly after being sent into his body by a wave of his true energy, and his body movements didn't stop at all.

His left hand made almost the same movements as Song Shenshu, with the index finger and middle finger pointing together as a sword, stabbing viciously at the Zhangmen acupoint on Song Shenshu's chest and abdomen.

Song Shenshu couldn't understand how Ding Ning was able to withstand his true energy, and he also couldn't understand the meaning of Ding Ning's stab.

However, at the next moment, his whole body froze suddenly.

With a soft snap, the coir raincoat on the bow of the boat fell at this moment, and the upturned stern also fell at the same time, splashing a circle of water.

In the sea of qi in his body, there was also a light cracking sound, and the originally orderly flow of true energy suddenly disintegrated into countless streams, like countless tiny poisonous snakes, scattered and swam into countless acupuncture points in his body , and began to ooze from his flesh and skin.

Countless red genitals as small as earthworms twisted non-stop on the surface of his body, making the dark cabin glow red, as if several red lanterns were lit inside.

Song Shenshu's brain went blank, and great fear surged in his body.

He knew that there were some flaws in some cultivation methods, but what flaws in his "Red Sun Art" was, even he himself didn't know.

However, the opponent just used such a simple hand sword, directly causing his true energy to fall into an uncontrollable rampage, making him even unable to control his body, how is this possible!

"How do you know the flaws of my practice? Who are you?"

After being frozen for a few breaths, he finally forcibly made a sound, hissing breathing, like a dying poisonous snake panting.

"Strictly speaking, Chiyang Shenjue is an excellent practice method. As long as there are some fire and poisonous things that can be used as medicine, the speed of practice can be greatly accelerated. Therefore, ordinary practitioners go from the first level to the third level. It takes at least twenty years for you to reach the top level, but you only took half of the time to reach it." Ding Ning panted slightly, and sat down opposite Song Shenshu, he looked at Song Shenshu seriously, and kept moving his hands Touching the real essence on Song Shenshu's body.

"It's just that this practice method from the Chiyang Cave of the Great Wei Dynasty has its own great flaws. As long as the kidney water qi in the body is excessively stimulated, the true essence will be completely scattered. When the practitioners of the Chiyang Cave of the Dynasty fought, they discovered that several of their bodies were covered with unique protective equipment. Later, the Chiyang Cave was destroyed, and after this practice was included in the historical library of our dynasty, it was found to be flawed. It has been sealed away, but I didn't expect you to choose this exercise to practice."

Ding Ning kept talking in a soft voice, and at the same time, his fingertips and the part of Song Shenshu's body where the real essence was in contact kept making strange noises. This noise was like countless silkworms devouring mulberry leaves.

"Nine Dead Silkworm Divine Art!"

Song Shenshu finally seemed to have discovered something more terrifying than his current situation in this world. The flesh and blood in his throat seemed to be torn apart, and he let out a hoarse voice in horror, "You are his heir!"