The Sword Dynasty

Chapter 907: Big wedding (finale)


The sword is still in hand.

But Yuan Wu raised the sword, but he couldn't touch any enemies anymore.

"Am I going to die?"

Yuan Wu was covered in blood and mud, and his hair was also covered with these. He couldn't see the color. He raised his head and looked at Ding Ning who was walking in front of him with eyes as dim as fireflies. His heart was full of bewilderment, but For some reason, he changed the tone of his pronoun, "I'm going to die like this after living my whole life?"

Ding Ning looked at him, didn't respond, just nodded.

"The widow is really going to die."

Yuan Wu laughed, the laughter was very shrill, and his expression was very strange, "This is the dynasty of the widows, and there are countless people of the widows around, and they let me die here?"

Ding Ning said indifferently, "Because it's fair."

"Where is the real fairness in this world?" Yuan Wu murmured, "I was born to be an emperor, but you were born to be the people of my widow."

Ding Ning said: "People naturally have justice in their hearts."

Yuan Wu's body was bleeding more and more, he felt that he was glued to the whole world, but in his line of sight, the sky was getting darker, too dark to see Ding Ning in front of him.

He finally understood that he had reached the end of his life.

"The widow is not at a loss in this life."

He felt like crying, but he forced his head up, facing the direction where Ding Ning was standing, "The widow won the world and became an emperor destined to be recorded in the history books. Even this unified country, most of the credit will be recorded." In the account of the widow, the widow also got the woman the widow wanted to become the queen."

Ding Ning did not respond to Yuan Wu's words.

Because at this time, Yuan Wu's breath had been cut off.

The enemy who changed his life is dead.

No matter what he said, Yuan Wu couldn't possibly hear it.

As for the life of this enemy, it is natural to comment on future stories and history books.

There was silence on the river for a long time.

Someone began to cry.

Some people cried because they thought of the goodness of the emperor, thinking that they were still favored by Yuan Wu's orders, while some people cried for no reason, just because they were afraid of future changes.

There is a wind blowing in the world.

The wind came from all directions and flowed towards Ding Ning's body.

Following Ding Ning's thoughts, the vitality of heaven and earth began to flow back to Ding Ning's body.

Fengliu moved Yuanwu's body.

He fell heavily into the mud ahead.

This is the end of years of grievances.

Ye Ce in the carriage looked at this scene coldly, she should be one of the strongest women in Changling, but at this moment, thinking of many things that happened in the past, her eyes still couldn't help but turn slightly red.

Xie Changsheng was the most relaxed in the carriage.

Looking at the dead Yuan Wu, he was silent for a few breaths, and then asked Jing Liuli and the others who were also in the carriage, "How should we deal with his funeral, crush him to ashes, or bury him on the spot?"

No one paid him any attention.

Ding Ning stood quietly on this river beach for a long time.

When this matter is done, he will no longer have any obsessions in this city.

He looked at Yuan Wu's body, and thought that in the end, Yuan Wu should also feel that many of the things he was arguing about were so boring and not what he really cared about.

Ding Ning returned to the carriage, and the team left and dispersed.

The people who poured out of the city also slowly dispersed.

In fact, Yuan Wu was the only unstable factor. When Yuan Wu died, everything was peaceful and natural.

Most of the people in Changling didn't know what to do with Yuan Wu's body in the end. The Bashan Sword Field didn't take care of it, but there was no grand burial either. Presumably those soldiers and courtiers loyal to Yuan Wu chose a place to bury him.

A few days later, Fusu officially ascended the throne and became the new emperor.

Dozens of days later, Bai Qi and some of his followers returned to Changling, and the previous news about Bai Qi's betrayal of the dynasty disappeared without a trace.

With Bai Qi's return to court, the world has settled down.

Chu Yanqi has also disappeared, followed by an unprecedented unified dynasty.

After a long time.

Weights and measures and currency are also unified. With the issuance of many amnesty decrees and some generous laws, even people in areas like Chu Yanqi have accepted such changes at an astonishing speed.

"Remembering the old country, rebelling against Qin. Everyone has land to cultivate, everyone has a house to live in, what's wrong, why worry about it."

In the next spring, Jiaodong County, in a certain tavern, the ravings of a drunk businessman from Qijing represented the voice of most people.

After the world is unified, the benefits are obvious.

Not only is it more convenient to do business, the circulation of goods is smoother, and the scarce goods of the various dynasties can now be bought casually. The most important thing is that even the number of bandits has decreased, and the caravans have passed through the original borders. Also become stable and safe.

This businessman who came from Qidi, brought a lot of leather to Jiaodong County, and was about to load a lot of dried fish and medicinal materials back, fell drunk in the spring breeze.

A certain alley near the sea not far away suddenly became lively.

There are flowers floating, there are gongs and drums shaking the sky, it is a wedding.

Many children ran out of the house with the adults barefoot to watch the excitement.

They were surprised to see many big ships coming from the sea.

"What kind of rich family marry a daughter, such a style?"

These people who don't know why are amazed.

In the inn not far from that alley, in one of the upper rooms, there were many officials with stern faces gathered.

These officials are from Changling.

They knew very well that this was the most important wedding in the world, the wedding of Ding Ning and his eldest grandson Qianxue.

Now in those big ships, apart from those well-known masters in the world, there are also many strong people from farther overseas.

And those kingdoms outside the Yin Mountains have already had envoys arrive.

Even though Ding Ning no longer interfered with the affairs of the court after leaving Changling, all the dignitaries in Changling knew that there were certain things that Ding Ning must be satisfied with.

An urgent and confidential message was delivered to this upper room.

After seeing the contents of the secret letter, the leading official smiled, "The Holy Majesty conferred the title of Duke Weihe on Huang Zhenwei, to commemorate it in the shrine, and to be buried in Dongling."

Hearing his words, the gathered officials were completely relieved and felt a sense of relief.

A few days ago, when they learned that Ding Ning and his grandson Qianxue disappeared after their wedding, they also heard Ding Ning ask Huang Zhenwei about his burial.

As far as Changling is concerned, although Ding Ning's whereabouts are uncertain most of the time and most of the time is traveling overseas, he specifically mentioned that the things he cares about are the real big things.

In the bridal chamber, red candles are shaking.

Outside the bridal chamber, a group of half-drunk people were still drinking and making noise.

Ding Ning lifted the bride's red hijab.

Rao was used to all kinds of battles, but at this time, the eldest grandson Qianxue was blushing.

This is really the most beautiful bride in the world, Ding Ning was a little dazed seeing it.

"Does it look good?"

There were several laughs on the roof.

The eldest grandson Qianxue stomped her feet in embarrassment.

Ding Ning raised his head generously, and laughed loudly: "It's beautiful, I can't get enough of it."

(end of book)

End of this testimonial

The book Sword Dynasty was uploaded on September 1, 2014, and it was completed today, and it took less than three months to write it for three years.

Of all the books I've written, Sword Dynasty is the one I've been writing for the longest time.

The first half of this book should be the best book I have played so far. Regardless of the echo from the front to the back, the advancement of the plot, the digging and filling of holes, and even the rhythm of the narrative, I am very satisfied. Speaking of the second half, among all the books so far, in fact, I am most satisfied with the transformation of immortals and demons.

In fact, I am very satisfied with the growth of the protagonist and some supporting characters, including Zhang Ping's mental journey at the end of the story, and the controversial betrayal at the end.

The second half of Sword Dynasty, I had a hard time writing.

The difficulty lies in two points. One is that revenge becomes more difficult to write as it progresses to the end, and the other is that it is even more difficult to combine revenge with the rise and fall of the dynasty, and integrate the line of revenge with the conquest and destruction of several dynasties.

My control over this point is still insufficient, but I did not deal with it casually, so my writing skills have improved as I write here, and I should do better in the next book.

Apart from these two points, the most difficult thing is that my time has suddenly become very tight.

Those who follow my WeChat public platform may know that in August last year, I started a company with some like-minded authors, Beijing Huihuang Culture.

The original idea was very simple. When the author is not satisfied with the food, he should have his own pursuit.

If, as a pure copyright provider, you can’t guarantee that some of your copyrights will become completely different after being transformed into films and other works, then maybe through your own efforts in the future, when you become an investor and producer, you will be able to Do a better job of creating your own.

In fact, the direction of efforts has not changed at all over the years:

Make money first, work hard to support yourself and your family, and then accumulate a little capital to make truly authentic things.

Even if it is purely a loss of money, if you spend money to make one or two anime, film and television that you want, then there will be some left in the future, and you will watch what you like.

Of course, it would be even better if I could make a reputation and make bigger productions.

This is the original intention.

Then I didn’t expect to do it very quickly. Huihuang held a press conference at the end of 2016. At that time, our angel round was valued at 100 million and we had completed a round of financing.

Then he signed Mr. Jingguan and asked him to come out and write the War of the Ten Realms.

Then in the first half of this year, I participated in the casting and production of some major online movies. Not to mention those who are not very famous, the more successful one is Master of the Dragon, which should be regarded as one of the few online movies with the highest income this year. The work itself is quite funny. .

In the second half of the year, there will be two martial arts movies made by Master Huihuang, one is ancient martial arts and the other is modern martial arts. These two are the scripts I wrote and the production team I appointed. For nothing else, I just want to see how martial arts, which are purely based on the ideas and styles of online articles, will react when they are cast in the market.

In addition, we have a heavyweight animation in production, and we have an in-depth IP cooperation with a well-known game console manufacturer that everyone played as a child, but it is not convenient to disclose the specific situation now, and everyone will know in the future.

In addition, there are also a series of movies about Taoist coming out of the mountains, and we will do all the scripts in the future.

I also worked with Tole to make this Hakoniwa Battle, which is a published work for the second dimension. It has not been sold online. The game has already been produced, which is a new attempt.

Etc., etc…

It is not as simple as I thought before, so it has become extremely busy.

So some book friends asked me, Laowu, have you changed, become slower to update, have you forgotten your previous dreams.

But it’s just not the case. Over the years, the only thing I haven’t changed is that I’ve been chasing my original intention and trying to do things well.

More things were written, more things were done, expecting unknown success.

Because I know exactly what I want and what kind of work status I can have, so when the sword dynasty is updated, I will have the idea of the fairy world. At that time, I thought that there would be enough time, and I would be more youthful. A little white book, mutual adjustment, and I will feel better when I write.

But then it was really too busy.

So some adjustments have to be made.

The release date of the new book has been set, and it will be on the 21st of next month, which is July 21st.

During this period of time, I will finish the work at hand, and finish the script of my company's movie, as well as Xianxia World.

Then after the new book is released, I will concentrate and be quiet, and only write the update of this book.

And then there will be the next two years.

Thank you very much for your company, especially the book friends who can patiently read my testimonial and understand my efforts.

The update speed of the next new book, will be good.

Then everyone should be able to see the progress of each of my books.

I will try to do better.

I just hope that my body can be healthier and that my writing status can be maintained very well.

I'm still the old man I was when I wrote about the rogue master, but the old man at that time was a fake old man, and after eleven years, he was really old.

See you next month.

If you want to leave me a message, or want to know the news of the new book as soon as possible, or participate in some activities, you can also add my WeChat public, wuzui1979, some websites may block it, anyway, it is the pinyin of innocent 1979.

Yours sincerely.

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