The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 3: Encounter two


Su Qingyi waited under the cliff for a week.

Because she was staying on guard, she was always worried that Jing Yan would show up and she would not let Ran Shu see her, so Su Qingyi didn't even dare to go far to go to the bathroom, let alone take a bath and change clothes. A week later, she was disheveled, her body exuded a strange smell, her skirt was torn open and wrapped around her waist, and her hair was wrapped in a torn cloth belt. She looked like a mountain village savage, without a trace of a monk demeanor.

After a week of practice, she has a little resistance to this severe cold, and when the snow stopped, she carried a big wooden stick for self-defense and started daily patrols.

"System," she held a wooden stick in one hand, stepped on a big rock with the other foot, bent over and put her hand on her thigh, bit a piece of carrot in her hand, and muttered, "Can you make a mistake?" Where? It's been so long, and I haven't seen anyone?"

The system didn't speak, Su Qingyi was used to its silence, and took another bite of carrot: "This Jingyan is also a generation of swordsman, how did he fall to the point of being saved by me? Fortunately, he has recently absorbed Qi into his body. Use the blood talisman, otherwise how can I save..."

She was still complaining, but the system actually made a rapid "Didi" sound, and said anxiously: "The target appears! One thousand meters above, the target appears!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a man flying straight down from above. Su Qingyi didn't have time to look after herself, and threw the flying talisman drawn on the cloth strip with blood in her hand, and the cloth strip instantly turned into a cloud. A huge feather carried the falling figure and slowly floated down.

When the feather fell in front of Su Qingyi, she was still stuck in the carrot, coughing desperately. The young man lying on the feather opened his eyes and glanced at her indifferently, his eyes suddenly changed with intense emotion, he sat up suddenly, grabbed Su Qingyi's sleeve, and said excitedly: ""

Before he finished speaking, he coughed violently, and the two of them coughed desperately.

One was internally injured, and the other... was stuck with a carrot.

While the two were fighting each other and coughing, there was another sound from above the cliff. Su Qingyi, who is proficient in escape skills, knew that this must be a pursuer. Holding her breath, she pulled up the tip of her feathers, coughed and ordered: "Sit still!", and then ran quickly towards her cave. The man sitting on the feather was staggered by this speed. He held both sides of the feather tightly with both hands to stabilize his figure, but because of the excessive jolt, he couldn't help spurting mouthfuls of blood. Su Qingyi looked back and cursed in a low voice: "Damn!" After that, she stopped, took out the cloth strip in her hand to cover Master Feather's mouth, dragged her away, and ran away quickly Entering the cave, she had already set up formations one after another in the cave in the past few days. After placing the person in the innermost formation, she ran out, disturbed the outside quickly, and retreated after cleaning up the traces. After entering the cave, he squatted on the ground vigilantly, listening to the movement outside.

Neither of them dared to speak and held their breath. The man raised his hand with difficulty, took the cloth ball out of his mouth, and looked at the girl in front of him with an unpredictable expression.

There were sounds of people searching from far and near outside, and Su Qingyi was so nervous that she even breathed carefully. Not long after, she saw a woman in green holding her belly and leading someone to the ground. The woman was wearing a gold hairpin, covered in blood, holding a harp in her hand, and looked around vigilantly. She is surrounded by women in light green gowns, which is the standard Huanyingong attire.

The top ten sects in the world of self-cultivation, Tianjianzong and Yijianmen mainly practice swords, Xingyunmen cultivates talisman and seal formations, Huanyingong cultivates music rhythm, Hehuan faction cultivates yin and replenishing yang, Qingxu contemplates Taoism, and the supreme sect cultivates Zen, Confucianism practice Confucianism, Bai Zegu guards beasts, Baicao Valley makes alchemy. As the first disciple of the Xingyun Sect back then, she had met most of the heads of these sects, and later on, most of these heads also participated in the siege against her, especially this one, the owner of the Huanyin Palace, Xiao Yunyun.

Among the disciples of the ten sects who were refined back then, one of them was her first disciple, Xiao Jiaojiao. In the cultivation world, the position of the first disciple is at the same level as father, son, mother and daughter, and they are the most intimate existences raised since childhood. Xiao Yunyun was devastated by the loss of her first disciple, so she contributed the most in every encirclement and suppression.

For this, Su Qingyi can be considered to understand, if it was before, she would have rushed to the duel, but now...

Su Qingyi looked at her chest.

—For this body that has no advantages at all except for its big breasts, she decided to cover her little vest tightly and hide in the formation set up in the cave obediently.

The people outside searched for a while, and after a while, a female voice finally said: "Master, you have been stabbed in the body, and the injury can't be delayed any longer. Falling off a cliff with one palm, it is impossible to be alive, the pavilion master should go back to heal his wounds first, and I will continue to search here later!"

"Okay..." Xiao Yunyun's voice was a little weak, and he said with difficulty: " must find it. If you want to live, you need to see people... If you want to die, you need to see corpses!"

After finishing speaking, the people outside helped Xiao Yunyun to leave, leaving only a few disciples to continue searching here. They searched every place very carefully, and finally came to the cave. A disciple carefully pushed aside the branches at the door with his sword, and looked inside. Su Qingyi tightly held the cloth strip with the blasting talisman on it, and stared at it intently. Looking at the entrance of the cave, the female disciple carefully observed the cave. After a long time, she turned her head and shouted to the outside: "No one." Then she turned and left. Then they talked outside for a while, finally left the cliff, and continued to chase outside the cliff.

Su Qingyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and sat slumped on the ground. After panting, she took out a carrot from her bosom, took a bite, and chewed for a while. After feeling the sweetness, she finally realized It was only after I relaxed that I remembered that there was still a person in the cave. She couldn't help but froze for a second, and suddenly realized that she was actually like this, with such a downcast appearance, almost stuck to death by a carrot, meeting the Son of Heaven she was going to assist!

What an impression this will make on the other party! !

Holding the carrot in her hand, she froze. After taking a deep breath for a while, she finally turned her head and looked at the rescued person.

It wasn't until this time that she had time to look at him, and then she was shocked in place.

In the past rumors, she had also heard that Daoist Jingyan was good-looking, but at that time Xie Hantan was there, and she always believed that there would be no one in the cultivation world who looked better than Xie Hantan. However, at this moment, she suddenly wanted to catch her past self, and slapped him fiercely.

The person in front of him was wearing a blue shirt and a white robe, with a jade crown on his head. He was obviously blood-stained, but he could not feel that there was anything unclean on his body.

He has an excellent face, phoenix eyes and thin lips, and a fair complexion, as if carved out of white jade, glowing slightly under the firelight. Those eyes encompass everything in the world, including the sun, the moon and the stars, with a strange indifference, like a flying fairy in the world, unattainable.

They are all cultivators, some people are born like gods, and their emotions and desires have nothing to do with them; some people are like demons no matter what, they can't escape the world. Jing Yan at this moment is undoubtedly the former. It seems that pulling him into the world of mortals for a rough stroll is a sin against God.

He looked at her quietly, with open eyes, facing a stranger without any suspicion or fear, Su Qingyi couldn't help but quickly adjusted her heart, there was actually a little uneasiness in his eyes, after thinking for a long time, she turned towards her. Then he handed out a carrot, and said slowly: "Well, do you eat carrots?"

Just after finishing speaking, Su Qingyi immediately wanted to slap herself, what is the question!

Jingyan didn't answer, he set his eyes on the carrot very seriously, looked at the tooth marks on it, and after a long time, he slowly said, "I won't eat it."

"Hmm, I don't think you will eat it either," Su Qingyi put away the carrots. The scene was extremely embarrassing, she glanced at the blood on Jing Yan's body, thought for a while and said, "Well, why don't you deal with the wound on your body first?"

"It will be fine in a few days."

Jing Yan's words were extremely short, making it difficult for people to answer. Su Qingyi nodded, and after a long time, she finally said, "Do you need any help?"

Jing Yan was silent for a moment, as if she was thinking seriously. After a long time, he looked up at her: "excuse me, can you get me a basin of hot water?"

Son of Heaven needs hot water!

A bright word flashed in Su Qingyi's mind immediately, she nodded quickly, took the pot outside, stuffed most of the basin with snow, brought it back, and put it on the firewood.

The two remained silent for a while. After seeing the snow melted into water, Su Qingyi put the pot down. After testing the temperature of the water, she pushed the pot over and at the same time tore off herself as a towel strip and handed it gave him.

"Thank you." Jing Yan nodded politely, struggled to prop herself up, and held the cloth strip.

Every movement he made was extremely difficult, which made Su Qingyi a little unbearable, and hesitated: "Do you want to wipe your body, or should I help you?"

"Thank you," Jing Yan braced herself, put the cloth into warm water and twisted it, politely said: "I can do it myself."

The Son of Heaven is a person who pays great attention to the defense of men and women!

Su Qingyi immediately had another judgment in his mind. So she turned her back and never looked at him again. Jing Yan's movements froze, and after a while, she lowered her eyes, took off her clothes with difficulty, and cleaned up the blood on her body little by little.

After more than half an hour, he finally cleaned up everything. Su Qingyi sat and dozed off, and almost fell asleep in a daze, when he heard a clear male voice behind him: "I'm done, girl can turn around now."

"Huh? Oh!"

Su Qingyi turned her head to carry the pot. After pouring out the blood, she didn't dare to come in. She pretended to wash the pot outside for a long time, adjusted her mood, and then returned to the cave again. As soon as he went back, he found that Jing Yan had already fallen asleep.

After he closed his eyes, the oppressive atmosphere became much better. Su Qingyi breathed a sigh of relief, fell down beside the haystack, and fell asleep as well.

After a while, Su Qingyi's even breathing came from the cave. In the darkness, Jing Yan slowly opened her eyes, looking at her thoughtfully.