The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 39: Fusion II


The screen began to vibrate violently.

Qin Zichen raised his head and saw that the picture changed to Su Qingyi.

"Qin Zichen, you are too fat, come and run with me, I will take you to lose weight."

"Qin Zichen, you have to take a bath once a day, how can you only take a bath a week..."

"Qin Zichen, this is hairy crab, it's delicious."

"Qin Zichen, don't make a sound when you see people, take the initiative to say hello..."

"Qin Zichen, what kind of girl do you like?"

She was very noisy, chattering, and kept teaching him common sense in life.

At that time, she lived alone in a villa, a two-story house, with only her and the aunt who took care of her. She bought him clothes, took him back to take a bath every day, and then told his parents that she asked him to be a tutor. His parents were overjoyed, and said to him that if he could take this opportunity to cultivate feelings, he would catch up with this rich second generation. Enough.

He has never said a word, he only knows one thing, in fact, when he lectured to her, she would not even look at the topic.

He and her have never been in an equal relationship. She gave him alms, and he had to work very hard to run and pretend to be the same person as her.

He pretended to be disdainful when faced with hairy crabs that he had never eaten before, and remained silent when he was revealed to only take a bath once a week. The embarrassment in his heart was infinitely magnified, and that sentence that day seemed to be a curse, engraved in his heart.

I like you, but I'm ugly, poor, and stupid, and I'm not good enough for you.

He was compelled to accept a handout from her, grateful to her, and tried to repay her with all he had. But the girl grew up day by day, and when the picture changed, it turned into a midsummer. She stood at the door of his house, with dark and smooth hair and a long pure white dress, and said with red eyes: "I like you, Really, Qin Zichen..."

He looked at her nervously, and said anxiously: "Qingyi...we are just friends..."

Only friends can last long.

The girl's eyes were red, and she shouted angrily: "But I like you! I treat you so well! Why can't you let me try!"

I like you, I like you, I like you.

The screen began to rotate violently, and changed to the time when he was just working. At that time, he and Su Qingyi had already set a date for their marriage, and it was Su Qingyi who proposed to him. With romantic flowers and a diamond ring, everything seemed to be turned upside down. He carefully carried the ring she gave him, holding back the joy in his heart, pretending to be calm and busy.

Then one night when he came home, he saw Su Qingyi drunk on the sofa, he went to hug her, she pretended to be asleep, silently in his arms, letting tears wet his clothes.

He wants to ask, what's wrong with you

But he couldn't say anything, he just hugged her gently for a long time, and asked, "Is it cold?"

"Qin Zichen," she said, but asked, "Do you like me?"

He did not speak, silent. She was in his arms, and raised her head indifferently: "Tell me, you like me, why don't you say it. You can confess to Chen Hanyu in public, why can't you tell me that you like me?"

He wanted to speak, he wanted to speak. How much he wanted to tell her, Qingyi, I like you, I like you this way.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt as if there was severe pain on his face and heart. Recalling the memory of that day, he knelt on the ground as a teenager and said over and over again, I like you, but I am ugly, poor and stupid, and I am not worthy of you.

He opened his mouth countless times, but still couldn't utter these words. It was as if a certain switch could turn on a terrible nightmare in an instant. He was silent, the girl in his arms was crying, he patted her on the back clumsily, for a long time, and finally said: "Don't cry, I will treat you well."

"Don't..." She broke free from his arms, stumbled towards the bedroom, and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry, I don't need it."

As she spoke, she stopped again and turned to look at him: "I'll give you one last chance to say that you like me."

He is silent, he has been silent for too many years. She smiled wryly, and said hoarsely: "Forget it, anyway... I don't believe what you say."

After speaking, she turned and left.

He stands there. Qin Zichen, who has been through for more than fifty years, stares at his young self indifferently. He felt the pain of this young man with empathy, so he wanted him to open his mouth and chase after him.

However, this was an irreversible past, he could only watch the man wake up the next day, and found that the house was already empty.

He stood there blankly, wanting to make a call, but he was afraid of revealing that he cared, so he waited for a day, two days, and when he called again, the other party's phone number had already changed.

He restrained his urge to search frantically, and introverted and tactfully asked the people around him. Not long after that, he was beaten. When he was beaten, he saw her from a distance, standing under a tree, holding a cigarette in his hand, watching him quietly.

In fact, he was not beaten hard, just a slap in the face. Those people held him down and let him watch her go away. Not long after, he saw a big-character poster in his unit, with a bloody banner reading "Qin Zichen and Chen Shimei", telling the story of him cheating on the mistress. There is also a bed photo of him and a woman that looks like it.

He was so shocked that he finally realized that he was really going to lose him.

The incident was spread on the Internet, and he was scolded as a scumbag. Not long after, the unit fired him due to bad influence. He didn't care about anything, and he just called her repeatedly. Listen to that sentence, I'm sorry , the phone number you dialed is empty.

He thought he was crazy.

He didn't go out, didn't eat, and he didn't know how long it had been before he finally needed to go out to buy daily necessities, and then he met her in the square.

She pulled another boy, that was an extremely beautiful and delicate boy, dressed in a famous brand, tall and tall, standing with her, his match was eye-catching.

She jumped and pointed at a balloon. The boy smiled and said something to her. His heart beat fast and his mind went blank. After a long time, he calmed down. He bought all the balloons in the hands of a boss with trembling hands, and then walked in front of her. , patted her on the shoulder, and when Su Qingyi turned her head, handed the balloon to her, and said hoarsely, "Here you are."

Su Qingyi's complexion changed drastically, she pulled the boy and turned around and said, "Let's go."

He stopped her and said stubbornly, "Here... Qingyi."

"Get out of the way." She said coldly: "I have nothing to do with you, get out of here."

He doesn't speak, nothing is on his mind except one thing, he can't let her go.

The three of them were silent. After a long time, Su Qingyi couldn't help laughing: "What on earth do you want to do? Qin Zichen, I found the person who beat you, I also asked someone to make the big-character poster, and I sent the bed photo. You No need to ask, if you have revenge, if you have grievances, you can just say what you want."

"Go home..." He said with difficulty: "Qingyi, come home with me."

I bought a new house, I took a vacation, I prepared everything, Qingyi, I only need you to have a home.

There were so many hypocritical words, but he couldn't say a single word. Su Qingyi looked at him quietly, and after a long time, said slowly: "I'm sorry, I never thought about having a family with you. I have a boyfriend."

His mind went blank for a moment, he just looked at the girl who had been chasing after him for so many years, interlocking fingers with the man in front of him. He said indifferently: "I don't like you anymore, and you don't need to think about how to perfuse me. I don't need your explanation, I think it through, whether you are right or wrong, I am too tired in this relationship. This is not The love I want, you and I are not compatible at all. I am much better than you in terms of birth, family background and vision. Qin Zichen, I have had enough, you can live your life... "

Before he could finish speaking, he punched the man next to her in the face. The other party cursed and punched back. The two of them wrestled together, and Su Qingyi pulled them desperately, cursing angrily: "Stop! Stop for me!"

Neither of them stopped fighting. He had no combat experience and was much thinner than the opponent. The opponent pressed his face on the ground and knocked it on the floor. He finally lost his strength and stopped fighting back. The opponent stood up and said angrily: "Qingyi, I just told you that this kind of poor family can't be found, it's not a world at all. He just wants to take advantage of you, and he will be a useless person once you leave. Is there still such a good life?"

Su Qingyi didn't answer him, but dragged the boy to a distance, and said in a low voice, "Stop talking, who wasn't an idiot when he was young, let's go."

They gradually walked away, and he curled up in the square, howling.

"Don't go, Su Qingyi."

"I like you, I said it, I like you. Don't go, don't leave me."

"Don't disappoint me, don't leave me."

The young man's voice came overwhelmingly, Qin Zichen held his white jade sword and closed his eyes. Keep asking yourself.

Why do you want to protect her? Why do you want to be nice to her

But why are you afraid of approaching her? Scared of falling in love with her? Scared of getting her

If it is said that what is gained will inevitably be lost, if it is said that it is destined to experience this pain again, then of course it is best not to get it.

I like you, so I like you silently, guarding you, and accompanying you with this feeling of doomed loss. In this way, I probably won't be too desperate and too painful.

But Qin Zichen, if you are strong enough, if you are no longer poor, ugly, and different from her, do you still love her

Su Qingyi... Su Qingyi... Qin Zichen slowly opened his eyes. In the darkness, he saw a girl wearing a pure white sweater walking in the snow.

"Qin Zichen, I like you." She followed behind him, repeating over and over again: "I like you, don't ignore me. Do you like me? Tell me..."

I like you.

It was as if a frozen lake had suddenly opened a crack, and there was light around it. Qin Zichen's heart was clear. He walked outside, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already in his own room. He turned his head, looked at the word Wenjian in Wenjian Cliff, and murmured: "I like you."

It will no longer be like before, every time I think of this sentence, I feel cold all over my body, as if I have fallen into a nightmare from which I will never wake up.

At this moment, Qin Zichen knew so clearly for the first time that he really wasn't what he used to be.

He has a top-notch appearance and is the strongest monk in this continent. So many people worship him, admire him, and love him. He is no longer the little fat man who was laughed at back then.

So, is it possible for Su Qingyi...such a Qin Zichen not to lose you again

If I can never lose you again, then I want to hug you.

He smiled bitterly, lowered his head, and called: "Ziyu," Xue Ziyu entered respectfully, Qin Zichen turned to look at him, and said seriously: "Take out my best clothes."

Xue Ziyu: "???"

"I think," Qin Zichen considered his choice of words, "dress up to look better."

Xue Ziyu: "!!!"

"Peak Master," Xue Ziyu said cautiously, "However, your clothes seem to be uniformly configured by the Heavenly Sword Sect, and they are almost exactly the same..."

Qin Zichen: "..."

Feeling Qin Zichen's depression, Xue Ziyu immediately said: "Don't worry, Peak Master, I'll go buy it right away, I'll buy you a complete set!"

Qin Zichen didn't speak, but lowered his eyes, slowly stroked the white jade sword with his hand, and nodded. Xue Ziyu felt flustered, but still tried to calm down, coughed and said, "Peak Master, are you...doing something?"

"If I want to pursue someone, what should I do?" Qin Zichen frowned, humbly asking for advice. Xue Ziyu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that Qin Zichen was going to attack Su Qingyi, so he said seriously: "Peak Master, remember, when you want to pursue a woman, you just need to pet her, pet her, pet her! After many years, you will see her again! No one will want her!"

Qin Zichen nodded, he felt that what Xue Ziyu said was true. Xue Ziyu raised his hand, showing two fingers, and continued: "There are two more proverbs. Step by step, stalker."

Qin Zichen continued to nod.

"Ziyu," Qin Zichen looked up at him, and said seriously, "You are fine."

Xue Ziyu almost cried. For so many years, this was the first time that the Peak Master whom he had watched grow up praised him.

It never occurred to him that he, a swordsman, would be praised by the swordsman in such a way.

He nodded, and hurriedly said, "Is that Ziyu going down first?"

Qin Zichen nodded, and when Xue Ziyu went out, he took out the "Spiritual Roots and Acacia Records" and read it carefully. Open the first chapter, there are three very serious words, "Spirit Fusion Art". It turns out that the cover outside was written by Yun Xuzi...

Qin Zichen found it strange and turned to the back. At the beginning, he introduced how to cut and transfer the spiritual root, which is quite normal here. The next step is how to nourish the spiritual roots, which includes the chapter on double cultivation in addition to the chapter on medicinal materials. Qin Zichen's face was flushed. After reading it carefully, he thought about it and read it again.

In the afternoon, Xue Ziyu came in with a large number of clothes, jade crowns, and accessories. After Qin Zichen carefully selected him, he put on a purple cloud-pattern robe, lined with a pure white shirt, and a white jade crown. A short pearl chain dangled from the jade crown, which swayed slightly with Qin Zichen's movements.

Qin Zichen's appearance was already top-notch, but with a little dressing up, he was even more shocked and speechless. After Xue Ziyu dressed up Qin Zichen, Qin Zichen went out, and when he reached the door, he stopped and said seriously: "Don't tell outsiders about this."

Xue Ziyu was taken aback for a moment, looked at the man's reddish cheeks under the setting sun, and said seriously: "Peak Master, don't worry, God knows this matter, you know and I know."

Qin Zichen nodded and walked out.

When Su Qingyi walked out the door, she was watching Song Han practice his sword. Qin Zichen quietly appeared behind her, watching her boredly looking at Song Han with a straw in his mouth, he couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Without moving his face, he walked behind Su Qingyi and said indifferently, "Looks good?"

"Master?!" Su Qingyi turned her head abruptly, and when she saw Qin Zichen in the purple dress and jade crown, she felt blinded by beauty on the spot.

The men under the setting sun looked at her with lowered eyebrows, all of them were exquisite and perfect, their whole bodies seemed to be glowing, and they were so beautiful that Su Qingyi's heart beat so fast that she was about to cry.

She stammered: "Teacher, master... Father, what are you doing here!"

Qin Zichen's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "Your spiritual root has a solution."

Su Qingyi was overjoyed, greeted Song Han, and immediately said: "Master, hurry up."

Qin Zichen nodded and looked up. Song Han was looking at him, his eyes were bottomless, and when he saw Qin Zichen looking over, he frowned slightly. Qin Zichen frowned, turned and left. Said with Su Qingyi: "Go to my cave."

As soon as he said that, he grabbed her and flew towards Nanshan.

Qin Zichen's Dongfu was built on the top of Nanshan Mountain. It is said to be a Dongfu, but it is actually a palace, where the monks with the highest military value of the Tianjianzong lived. He carried Su Qingyi to the door quickly, and then led her in. There was no one in the hall, which was so spacious that it could hold thousands of people. Qin Zichen said, "Let's just go here."

Su Qingyi nodded, and said excitedly: "Master, how do you do it? What secret method did you find?"

Qin Zichen nodded, seemed a little nervous, and said lightly, "Go to sleep first, and you'll be fine in a while."

With that said, he walked up to Su Qingyi, and gave her a little brow, and she fell down. Qin Zichen took her into his arms, put her on the ground, and then drew a formation according to the "Spirit Fusion Art", then put Su Qingyi in the center of the formation, hugged her into his arms, and sat leaning on him .

After the two sat down, Qin Zichen closed his eyes, condensed the spiritual power in his body into a knife, and then slashed at the spiritual root in his abdomen.

In an instant, the pain was overwhelming. If Qin Zichen hadn't become accustomed to the pain in the cultivation world, Qin Zichen might have given up immediately. But when he thought of Su Qingyi's expectant eyes, he gritted his teeth and pressed the blade down again.

He is not the old Qin Zichen, not the weak, incompetent, stupid, unbearable Qin Zichen.

He can give Su Qingyi everything he wants, he is already a very good man.

She wants spiritual roots, and he gives them; she wants to ascend, and he accompanies her to ascend.

The blade with condensed spiritual power chopped down inch by inch, Qin Zichen frowned in pain, his whole body trembling. After a long time, he finally saw that his spiritual roots had become two, and the two spiritual roots kept emitting spiritual energy, as if bleeding. He reluctantly pushed the spiritual root towards Su Qingyi, the foreign body felt extremely painful, and Su Qingyi slowly opened his eyes from the coma. Then she saw Qin Zichen was sweating profusely, holding her with a pale face.

He seemed to be in such pain that he didn't even notice when she woke up. Su Qingyi realized what he was doing and almost jumped up immediately. However, the transmission process of the spiritual root was extremely dangerous, she didn't dare to move, she could only stiffen her body, and he still pushed the spiritual root into her abdomen inch by inch.

How come... why!

Su Qingyi thought desperately, her heart was in a mess.

The spiritual root finally stopped in her abdomen, and the majestic spiritual power it carried rushed into her meridians in an instant. Her whole body seemed to be blown up by the spiritual energy, and she couldn't help screaming for a moment, that is, that In an instant, the person holding her pinched her chin decisively, raised her head, lowered her head and kissed her.

It was not a simple kiss, the other party's tongue came in and twirled dexterously, he had the fragrance of pines and cypresses on his body, but there was a faint fragrance of plum blossoms in his mouth.

His tongue was extremely soft and slightly cool, but as he moved, it became hotter and hotter. Her whole body was weak, and she couldn't help breathing quickly, but the spiritual energy unexpectedly softened, spit out from her mouth, entered the opponent's body along the opponent's tongue, and then returned from the tip of the opponent's tongue after being soothed.

Qin Zichen's heart was beating fast, he hugged him tighter and tighter, feeling the sharp pain in his two spiritual roots, it seemed that only the sweetness of the tip of his tongue could soothe him. He sorted out the spiritual power of the two of them over and over again, and he couldn't even care about the soft moans from the other's lips.

After waiting for a long time, the spiritual energy in the bodies of both parties stabilized, and he left her. Su Qingyi gasped heavily, and collapsed into his arms.

There was still sparkling body fluid on her lips, Qin Zichen couldn't help but move his throat when he saw it, he turned his head away, and said in a hoarse voice: "In the next hundred years, you and I will share our spiritual root, this is a common thing, don't worry about it."

Su Qingyi didn't speak, she didn't know what to say. She didn't mind if she told him everything, let alone just a kiss, as long as she regained her spiritual root, she could bear it with both cultivation.

It's just that she didn't expect that it would be Qin Zichen.

He actually cut off the spiritual root for her...

Su Qingyi calmed down slowly, propped up her limp body, and said in a low voice: "Master..."

The voice was like a cat, gently touching Qin Zichen's heart. Just as Su Qingyi was about to say something, she suddenly felt the surrounding spiritual power fluctuate. Qin Zichen's face remained unchanged, he stood up and said, "You are about to form a pill."

"I know..." Su Qingyi's complexion changed greatly upon feeling the abnormal movement in his body. Qin Zichen quickly formed an enchantment, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I will protect the law for you."

The situation does not allow much to say, so Su Qingyi didn't say much, and immediately sat cross-legged, feeling the direction of spiritual power with her heart, and began to desperately absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

She already had Qin Zichen's aura in her body, and now she collected the aura from the outside world, and the aura in her body was forced to move around. Su Qingyi carefully guided the aura to the dantian, and then let them circle into a ball.

One day passed... two days passed.

Su Qingyi didn't realize the passage of time, she only cared about how to condense her spiritual power into a physical ball. After waiting for forty-nine days, Su Qingyi finally saw a small sphere congealed from her abdomen. The sphere was silvery white, and there were traces of lightning flashing outside. The moment the sphere solidified, the sky was covered with dark clouds. He frowned, and after a while, he saw the first lightning strike!

The Golden Core stage is about to start the Heavenly Tribulation, and the greater the momentum of the Thunder Tribulation, the better the proof of aptitude. And now the first lightning flash towards Su Qingyi is thicker than the last lightning bolt after a catastrophe!

The thunder struck the barrier, shaking the ground, but Su Qingyi, who was still immersed in the matter of the golden core, didn't feel it. Qin Zichen frowned, and immediately threw out all the magic weapons, forming a huge protective net to protect Su Qingyi.

The thunder roared and continued for forty-nine days. Su Qingyi didn't know anything, but Qin Zichen gradually couldn't hold on anymore.

He had just cut a spiritual root and hadn't fully recovered yet. And if the high-level monks want to help the low-level monks ward off the catastrophe, the power of the catastrophe will be at least twice that of ordinary people. Qin Zichen finally couldn't hold it under the two-phase attack. Seeing that the last divine thunder was about to fall, Qin Zichen had no more strength, so he threw himself down beside Su Qingyi, who was immersed in the alchemy, and propped up a barrier.

That is, at the moment when the barrier was stretched out, a golden dragon roared in the sky, and then rushed straight towards Su Qingyi! Qin Zichen hugged Su Qingyi tightly, and cold sweat fell down his head. This was a dangerous situation he had never encountered in many years, but his heart was clear. He thought seriously, if he died again, would he still be able to cross the border? ? Is it possible to travel back to the 21st century? If we travel back to the 21st century, can he and Su Qingyi still be together

His mind was in chaos, Su Qingyi's golden core slowly burst into soft light, and a golden dragon roared towards him. At that moment, a young man dressed in white and holding a pagoda appeared in the thunder, walking towards him. Thunder and lightning didn't seem to do any harm to him. Behind him was a white dragon coiled like smoke condensed.

"Go!" Just as the golden dragon was about to touch Qin Zichen and the two of them, the pagoda was violently thrown out by the young man, and it instantly grew larger, locking the two of them inside. Qin Zichen's face changed drastically, and then he saw the pagoda shaking violently, and there was a loud "bang", as if it was stopped outside after being hit hard by something.

At that moment, a ray of golden light rose from Su Qingyi's body to the sky. The golden light was pure gold and reached the sky. There was the sound of Immortal Mansion music coming from the sky. Dan... is amazing."