The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 46: Seventh of Penglai


When Su Qingyi agreed to say that sentence, something quietly landed in the hearts of the two of them.

One is fulfillment and the other is completion.

Qin Zichen was a little unbelievable. If he had been looking forward to it all his life, there would be a day when he was still alive.

But Su Qingyi suddenly realized that she had really let go of Xie Hantan.

The two hugged in silence for a while, and Su Qingyi finally said: "Let's go to Shen Fei first?"

"Okay." Qin Zichen nodded, and Su Qingyi couldn't help but smile: "Don't ask why I didn't go to Lin Coffin first?"

"You have your reasons," Qin Zichen said seriously, "I have always believed in you."

As he spoke, he took her hand, stepped on the white jade sword, turned his head and said, "Where are you going?"

"Where are you going?" Su Qingyi asked the system. Just after asking, she had a map in her mind. This map is completely different from the cultivation world in her memory. After carefully distinguishing it for a while, she frowned and said, "Go south, to Wanku Valley."

Qin Zichen nodded, pulled her to him, held her in his arms, and flew away with his sword. Su Qingyi couldn't help but blushed: "It's not necessary..."

"The night wind is cold." Qin Zichen said it with incomparable integrity.

The two hurried all the way, and after most of the night, Su Qingyi felt that she was getting closer and closer to the location marked on the map in her mind, until she saw a spot of light, she suddenly stopped: "This is it!"

Qin Zichen glanced at her, as if he wanted to ask something, but didn't say it. And Su Qingyi stared at the scene below carefully, frowning tightly.

She has been to Wanku Valley once in the past. It is said to be a valley, but it is actually a huge plain, full of bones, full of evil spirits, and ordinary monks dare not approach it. However, at this moment, it should be the Wanku Valley, but it is still a continuous mountain range, spreading all the way towards a huge basin.

Ordinary mountains are very quiet due to the small number of people, but the mountains here are different. It seems that a passage has been artificially built. The passage can accommodate four people side by side. There are torches on both sides of the passage every three feet. Every hundred feet, there is a monk above the foundation stage standing in the clouds, monitoring the people walking on the passage.

This road is full of people, all mortals. They seem to be crowded together in a family, without any gaps between them, moving slowly towards the basin, like a giant snake without a head and tail, coiled between the mountains.

The whole scene was extremely quiet, revealing a weirdness that made people feel panic. Su Qingyi didn't dare to act rashly, and stood in the clouds with Qin Zichen, looking at the scene, secretly asked the system: "What's going on?"

"The hosts have insufficient points, so they cannot be queried. However, as a friendly reminder, in the entire formation, the hosts can only change their own behavior, they cannot interfere with others, and they only have one chance to make a move."

"What do you mean you can only change your own behavior?"

"That is, in this world, you can only interfere with the actions of the three outsiders, Lin Coffin, you, and Qin Zichen, and you cannot interfere with the actions of others. For example, at this moment, you cannot save these people, nor can you kill Shen Fei when they meet. .But if you see your past, you can kill her, you can figure out how to stop her from doing something."

Hearing this, Su Qingyi frowned. Wanku Valley here is still a mountain range, which proves that it should go back to many years ago. Mei Changjun has lived for almost a thousand years, who knows when he will go back to her

"What time is it now?"

"A thousand years ago."

Su Qingyi: "..."

Really went back a thousand years ago! !

Su Qingyi and Qin Zichen looked at the people below, and whispered what the system told her again. Qin Zichen nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Su Qingyi glanced at him and couldn't help but said, "You don't have anything to ask me?"

"Everyone has secrets. If you want to tell me, you will tell me. If you don't want to tell me, I just ask you to make things difficult for you." Qin Zichen's face was flat, but there was already an argument in his heart. Su Qingyi probably had something A magic weapon similar to cheating is pointing her. Isn't that how ordinary novels are written

Su Qingyi was a little moved, thought for a while and said, "I'll tell you when the time is right."


As she spoke, the system interrupted her: "Shen Fei is here."

At the same time, Su Qingyi saw a green arrow above a child in the crowd, pointing squarely at a boy.

This boy looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old. He was wearing a silk and satin dress with cirrus patterns. He was obviously a son of a rich family, but his face was pale and his figure was thin. He followed his parents and moved forward step by step with difficulty. Beside him was another girl, who seemed to be only six or seven years old, walking forward with difficulty in her patched clothes.

No one pulled her, and no one cared about her. Her steps were too small, so she could only trot all the way. When Su Qingyi noticed them, she had no strength and fell to the ground.

The young man next to her hugged her, and at that moment, the Foundation Establishment disciple floating in the sky swung his whip over and said angrily, "Go!"

The boy sucked in a breath of air from the whip, but he didn't give up on the little girl. He pulled her up and asked her softly, "Where's your family?"

Being pulled, the girl was obviously much more relaxed. She looked up at the boy, and said with red eyes, "I... my family wants a younger brother, not me... and ran away with my brother..."

"It's okay," the boy smiled, "Don't worry, they can't escape."

The girl didn't seem to understand what he said, and looked at her in confusion. At this moment, the crowd suddenly became noisy, and a fire dragon whizzed across the sky, instantly killing several monks at the Foundation Establishment Stage in mid-air nearby. The boy was the first to react, almost the moment the monk was killed, he pulled the girl and said to his family: "Run!"

The young man's family and the young man rushed out immediately, and the crowd quickly dispersed and ran away desperately towards various places in the forest. Su Qingyi pulled Qin Zichen and followed the young man secretly. Qin Zichen frowned and said, "This is Shen Fei?"

"Yes." Su Qingyi nodded, Qin Zichen was a little puzzled: "Why not just kill him?"

"We cannot decide the fate of others, we can only change ourselves. In this formation, you can only change things related to us, the three outsiders."

Hearing this, Qin Zichen nodded calmly, and chased after the boy together with Su Qingyi. The boy dragged the girl and ran all the way. A group of monks behind them started fighting. Just after turning over a mountain, two monks with a dead body behind them stopped in front of them. They are a family. The two monks floated in the air and said coldly: "Go back."

Everyone was hesitant and afraid, Shen Fei pursed his lips, and after a long time, he rushed towards the two of them and shouted: "Run!"

The cultivator sneered, threw Shen Fei to the ground like pinching a chicken, and said coldly, "I don't know what's good or bad!"

Saying that, the corpses behind the two of them rushed towards him, and at that moment, the girl next to him and his family also rushed towards the corpse beside Shen Fei, Shen Fei's whole family entangled the two murderous corpses, He said to Shen Fei: "Run!"

At this time, a female cultivator suddenly appeared and attacked the two monks. The murderous corpse was entangled by Shen Fei's family, and the two monks fought with the female cultivator. .

He watched the murderous corpse bite his parents' necks, and watched their flesh and blood be torn off piece by piece. Seeing them looking at him, hugging the corpse tightly, shouting: "Run! Run!"

"Run! Little brother, run!"

The little girl yelled desperately, as if she was afraid that he would go back. She clung to him tightly and refused to let go, until she could no longer see behind him, and the two began to run wildly all the way.

They didn't dare to stop, and kept running until it was dawn, they ran out of the woods, and the two of them found a ruined temple, and then they stopped.

After stopping, Shen Fei was stunned. He sat in the ruined temple without moving. The little girl fetched water from the outside with the basin in the ruined temple, brought it to Shen Fei, and said timidly: "Little brother ,water."

Shen Fei turned his gaze to the little girl blankly, and after a long time, he slowly said: "You are here..."

As soon as the words opened, tears fell. He seemed to realize something, raised his hand, covered his eyes tremblingly, and cried loudly.

The little girl was frightened, rushed up to hug him, and desperately said: "Brother, don't cry... Amei is here... Brother, don't cry..."

Shen Fei hugged her and kept crying. The little girl followed Shen Fei's back and said seriously: "Amei is here, brother, don't be afraid. From now on, there will be Amei, and Amei will protect my brother."

Shen Fei cried for a long time, and finally stopped slowly. He wiped his tears and stared at the little girl in front of him seriously. After a long time, he finally said: "What's your name?"

"My name is Amei."

"What's your last name?"

"My surname is Lu."

"Your parents don't want you anymore?"

"Yeah," said Amei, her eyes were red, and she said aggrievedly, "They usually say that girls are worthless and they should be married off. Later, when those bad guys came to arrest them, they quietly took my younger brother, ran away by himself."

Hearing this, Shen Fei smiled, stroked her hair, and said gently: "From now on, you will be my family, okay?"

"Will you leave me?" The girl looked up at him, and Shen Fei shook his head: "No, I will never leave you."

"Okay," the girl took his hand and giggled, "I won't leave little brother behind either."

Shen Fei looked at her tenderly, and said slowly: "The name Amei is not pleasant, from now can call it Changjun. Mei is your surname, so you can call it Mei Changjun, okay?"

"Okay." The little girl nodded and said seriously: "Mr. Chang, that sounds good!"

At this point, Su Qingyi finally understood who this girl was. I couldn't help being a little sad, looking at the little girl seriously, always wanting to go forward and hug her.

Shen Fei and Mei Changjun talked for a while, and the two fell asleep. After falling asleep, Su Qingyi couldn't help but said to the system: "By the way, I don't interfere with their lives, I help their head office, right? Give them a quilt or something..."

"It's okay without reversing the trajectory of their lives, and you can't let them see you."

"Okay." Su Qingyi responded, and began to find some quilts and food from the Naxu ring Qin Zichen gave her. She stuffed a lot of things in the Naxu ring in a mess before, and now it finally came in handy. After casting a spell to make the two children fall asleep, she quietly covered the two children with quilts, lit a fire, and put the food on them. around.

She and Qin Zichen sat by the fire to warm up. After a while, a young man walked in.

Plain white robe, white jade mask - Lin coffin.

He seemed to be rushing over in a hurry, Su Qingyi jumped up when he saw him: "You are here."

"Why did you come back here?"

Lin Coffin began to ask questions as soon as he entered the door, Su Qingyi smiled: "I still want to ask you, my formation is back to the time when the sacrificer was born, didn't you crawl out of the coffin two hundred years ago? You are only five hundred years old, why did you go back a thousand years ago?"

Saying that, Su Qingyi had an idea, frowned and said, "Could it be that you are Shen Fei?"

"No," Lin Coffin's tone was a little excited, and he said coldly, "I'm not."

"and you… "

"I am Lin Coffin, I am an independent person, I was born in a coffin five hundred years ago, that's right." As he said, Lin Coffin lowered his eyes, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "But, five hundred years ago Before, I actually deserve to die."

"It was Shen Fei's wisp of love, with his anger, that saved me." Lin Coffin looked at the two lying children, a little desperate: "Shen Fei practiced the way of ruthlessness back then, and in order to cultivate the way, he sacrificed himself to Mei Chang Jun's feelings were drawn out of his body. In the ruthless way, this is called "drawing the thread of love". The thread of love is essentially the emotion of the person involved, carrying the true energy of the other party. Shen Fei was already a Nascent Soul cultivator at that time, and he The true energy directly saved me who was already on the verge of death in my mother's womb."

"I have carried Shen Fei's feelings and memories of Mei Changjun with me since I was born. If you count from this thread of love, indeed... I should have been born here."

"System." Hearing this, Su Qingyi was a little at a loss: "Then should Lin Coffin be considered as Shen Fei's avatar, or an independent person?"

"An independent person, he can't kill Shen Fei."

"Fuck, what's the point of us coming back?"

Su Qingyi collapsed, and the system said: "You and Lin Coffin make it clear, he will make his own decision."

"Okay," Su Qingyi looked up at Lin Coffin: "Then I have to make one thing clear to you. When we come back, we can only change things related to ourselves, not the trajectory of other people's lives. So in the relationship between you and Shen Fei Before we meet, none of us can kill Shen Fei. Moreover, you only have one chance to make a move to change the trajectory of your life."

"I... am I not a shadow of Shen Fei?" Lin Coffin was a little panicked, Su Qingyi shook his head: "Lin Coffin, you are just Lin Coffin. So you might as well think about it, you only have one chance, how can you change the current ending. "

Hearing this, Lin Coffin couldn't help but smile: "Isn't it obvious how to have the best ending?"

"Kill me, let me not exist, isn't that enough?"

"Tell Shen Fei not to pull out that thread of love, so I can't be born, and Shen Fei will always love Mei Changjun, so he won't be able to make it that far." Lin Coffin's eyes were cold, Su Qingyi nodded, thinking for a long time, Slowly said: "Then, do you mean that we have to wait five hundred years until you are born?"

Hearing this, Lin Coffin's face froze, but the three of them found that according to the rules of the system, so far, the three of them can't do anything.

"System," Su Qingyi said with a bit of a breakdown, "We're going to stay here for five hundred years?!"

"Huangliang Yimeng, in the blink of an eye, after you go back, you are still at the time when you came, what are you afraid of?"

"Can't, is there an easier way?"

"Five hundred years, you sharpen your state of mind, isn't it good?"

"roll… "

"Actually," the system thought helplessly, "I also want to give you some more advanced methods, but I don't have enough authority. I also really want you to stab Shen Fei to death, but if you can reverse time and space, you can do whatever you want. The world is going to be chaotic. Everyone can only decide their own destiny, and they are not qualified to decide the fate of others, do you know... "

"Understood..." Su Qingyi was devastated, she looked up at everyone, and informed them: "It seems that we are really going to stay here for five hundred years..."

Qin Zichen nodded, without any response: "Okay."

However, Lin Coffin slowly smiled and said, "Okay. I have earned an extra six hundred years, and I am actually very happy to watch her grow up."

"You like Mei Changjun?" Su Qingyi wanted to make sure, but Lin Coffin didn't speak. He turned to look at the little girl lying on the ground, and said slowly, "Yes... I like her."

"Special, special, like her."

"How did you meet her?"

Probably because the night was too long, Su Qingyi's heart was full of gossip, Lin Coffin thought for a while, and slowly said: "It's the same as the rumors... I stayed in the coffin for three hundred years. The only difference is that although I I haven't been out of the coffin for three hundred years, but I have very vivid memories of the outside, which was given to me by Shen Fei."

"I remember Mei Changjun, I remember her from childhood to adulthood, I know all her tempers, so that year, she was sitting on my grave to drink, I recognized her, and couldn't help but crawl out of the coffin come out."

"She is a very timid person," said Lin Coffin, lowering his head, his voice full of tenderness: "Practice the way of yin and yang, but she is very afraid of ghosts. When I crawled out of the soil, she threw all the magic tools I threw it on me, and then saw that I didn't resist, so she wanted to take me in. But she was only in the Nascent Soul stage, and she took me in more than 20 times without success. In the end, she lay on the ground and said to me, come on, You can do whatever you want, I am not afraid."

As Lin Coffin spoke, his voice echoed in the ruined temple, accompanied by the even breathing of the two children.

At that time, when he looked at that bohemian girl under the moonlight, his whole heart was soft. He didn't know whether it was Shen Fei's emotion or his own, so he looked at her tenderly, and then slowly said: "I know how to make wine."

Mei Changjun jumped up from the ground, stretched out to hold his hand, and said seriously: "Big brother, no matter you are a human or a ghost, you come with me."

She took him back to the inn, and he didn't know anything. Because his cognition and memory of this world are all related to Mei Changjun. He doesn't know how to live as a person, he only knows how Mei Changjun lives.

Mei Changjun asked him to take a bath, and he soaked in the water. Mei Changjun had no choice but to rush in to rub his back and fetch water for him. Washed and rubbed her hair with soap locusts, and after washing her face, Mei Changjun came in with the clothes. The moment she saw him, she was stunned on the spot, and the clothes fell out of her arms. She trembled and called out, brother.

He knew that her name was Shen Fei. At that moment, he actually felt a little uncomfortable.

Since then, she took him with her every day. She liked his wine, but he knew that she liked his face more.

She often looked at him in a daze, drank too much, and sometimes called out Shen Fei's name.

He just felt uncomfortable at first, and then he learned to be sad.

She puts on him the clothes that Shen Fei likes and feeds him the food that Shen Fei likes to eat, he knows it, but he still has to pretend that he doesn't understand anything. Brewing wine for her every day, the wine became more and more bitter.

She bought him a small yard, where he lived, making peach blossom wine in spring, lotus flower wine in summer, grain wine in autumn and plum blossom wine in winter.

She wandered outside every month, and sometimes she came back with injuries all over her body. When asked where she went and what she did, she never said.

Then one day, he couldn't hold back and followed her out. Then he watched her go all the way to Penglai, with his out-of-body cultivation base, he followed her quietly without anyone noticing, he followed all the way to the cabinet, and saw Shen Fei.

At that time, Shen Fei was having fun with another woman, and Mei Changjun stood in the yard, respectfully saying: "Senior brother, Changjun is here."

Shen Fei didn't speak, there was a woman's cry and a man's panting. Mei Changjun trembled all over, and repeated again: "Senior brother, Changjun..."

Before he finished speaking, a burst of coercion came suddenly, Mei Changjun was so shocked that he spat out a mouthful of blood, and Shen Fei's roar came from inside: "Get out!"

The woman's voice became louder and louder, and Mei Changjun struggled to get up from the ground. Following the woman's scream, there was no more sound from inside. Mei Changjun wiped the blood from his mouth, raised his head, looked at Shen Fei who was walking in front of him, and squeezed out a smile: "Senior brother..."

"Where is the person? Killed?" Shen Fei had just finished his work, and seemed to be in a good mood. He was wearing a casual robe, bared his chest, and asked with the corner of his mouth curled up. Mei Changjun responded, "All one hundred and twenty-three members of Elder Xia's family have been beheaded."

"One hundred and twenty-three?" Shen Fei sneered, "Is there a young child in his family?"

Mei Changjun didn't speak, his face was pale, Shen Fei knelt down, raised his hand to pinch her chin, and said gently: "Changjun, you said that, as long as you can stay by my side, you are willing to be a dog, right? ?”

"yes… "

As soon as the words fell, a slap landed on Mei Changjun's face, and Shen Fei roared angrily: "I haven't made you a dog yet, I've made you a wolf, can't even bite a child to death!"

"Brother, he's just a child!" Mei Changjun yelled. Shen Fei sneered: "Did they take pity on you and me as children back then?"

"Go away." Shen Fei raised his hand: "Go and kill that child, if you don't come to see me with his head up, you don't want to come here in this life."

When Mei Changjun came out, Lin Coffin quietly followed behind her. It rained heavily that day, and she walked in the rain for a long time.

Then she walked into a restaurant and got very drunk. He watched her cry, and saw her call Shen Fei, feeling at a loss.

He couldn't figure out what his feelings for her were.

He likes her, he loves her, but who does this feeling belong to? Is it Lin Coffin, or Shen Fei

He took the drunken woman back to his room and washed her as usual. Then she hugged him and cried to him: "Don't go...don't go..."

"You hug me..." She cried and begged him: "You hug me... You haven't hugged me for many years..."

Her tears seemed to be a vast ocean, drowning him in it. He couldn't breathe, he could only sink.

He couldn't tell what emotion it was, turned his head away, and kissed her desperately.

They were entangled, and she hugged him tightly. During the whole process, she was crying, reached out to caress his face, and called him, Shen Fei, Shen Fei.

He was buried in her body, a man over three hundred years old, but wept like a child.

"Mr. Zhang..." He cried and called her: "I am Lin Coffin... I am Lin Coffin..."

"Shen Fei..." However, the person under him seemed to know nothing, closed his eyes and shed tears.

When he woke up the next day, he looked at the people around him, got up and left in a hurry. That day he went to inquire about that Elder Xia's home, found the youngest son, and cut off his head under the blank look on his face.

Then he went back to the inn, and on the way, he saw a white jade mask.

He thought of the way she looked at his face, and he thought he could no longer tolerate such a look. So he carried the bloody child's head to the white jade mask, took off the white jade mask amidst the screams of the crowd, and put it on his face.

Then he went back with his head in his hands and handed it to Mei Changjun.

"I know you won't leave him, I understand."

He said slowly: "Those who won't do it in the future, leave it to me."

"I'm sorry..." Mei Changjun's face was pale, but he said, "You can go."

"I don't like you, Lin Coffin," Mei Changjun said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't see you as him. I don't like you, I can't hurt you."

"Then does he like you?" Under the white jade mask, the man quietly looked at Mei Changjun: "He doesn't like you either, but can you leave him?"

Mei Changjun didn't speak, and after a long time, she slowly said: "It's different... more than nine hundred years... I've loved him for more than nine hundred years, Lin Coffin, he is my destiny, I can't let go."

"You too," Lin Coffin said seriously, "You are also my life."

I wouldn't live without you.

I don't want to live without you.

If it wasn't for that man who loves you so deeply, if it wasn't for this thread of love for you, how could I live? How did I meet you? How can I love you so deeply like that man

Mei Changjun couldn't persuade him, just like he couldn't persuade Mei Changjun.

But he is different from Mei Changjun, his love cannot bear to hurt her, so he promised her that he will try to love others and go to many places.

For so many years, he traveled all over the world, and became famous in the world of comprehension for his ability to communicate yin and yang. But no matter where he went, he never forgot to make wine, brewed a lot of wine, just waited to meet Mei Changjun in the tavern occasionally, and said: "I brewed some wine recently, you can drink it."

"It's not specially brewed for you, it's just a coincidence."

She didn't know whether it was a genuine letter or a fake letter, but she didn't ask him again. She didn't let him take off the white jade mask, so she never knew that the man under the white jade mask had gradually left Shen Fei's appearance and had his own eyebrows and eyes.

One day during the Lantern Festival, the two of them met on the street. He took off the white jade mask and gave her a lantern.

She didn't recognize him, and after receiving the lantern, she smiled at him freely.

"The lantern is very beautiful," she said, "Unfortunately, I have someone I like."

He said he knew.

She never took the initiative to look for him until that year when Ran Yan fell into the devil, in order to help her friend flee around, she found him.

Later, she finally looked for him more and more frequently, every time because of Ran Yan.

Afterwards, Ran Yan was betrayed by his disciples and younger brother, and entered the encirclement that righteous people had already ambushed, and then his soul was scattered. She came to him crying, she said, Lin Coffin, you take me to the underworld, I will go find her.

He took her to the world of yin and yang, and the road was full of dead people. He supported her on the ferry to cross the Wangchuan River with her, and Mei Zhangjun suddenly said, Lin coffin, if I die, will you come here to find me

Later, before he could say anything, she said again: "No, I'm dead, you can't find me. When I exterminated the ghost gate and opened the Yin and Yang gate with the soul-inducing banner, the underworld has long since been unable to tolerate me, and neither has the heaven and the earth." .”

"If I die," she said with a slight smile, "you can bury my body in the yard I bought for you."

He didn't speak. At that moment, he actually wanted to turn around and ask her why.

Why do you want to be buried there, why do you want the final destination, which is actually his place

What about Shen Fei

However, he didn't ask.

He accompanied her to search through Bi Luo Huang Quan, but he couldn't find Ran Yan.

And accompanied her to Penglai.

"I always knew that there would be this day," Lin Coffin said lightly: "I always knew that one day, Shen Fei would go crazy and Changjun would die for him. I was prepared to die for her every day, but I Unfortunately."

"Until she died, she never saw the real Lin coffin."