The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 83: Killing three


"This formation is used to gather evil spirits." Xie Hantan opened a small fan and replied directly: "There is no evil spirits in this world, but people are vicious. They are obviously so vicious, but they always pretend to be a gentleman. , The sins they committed, all the vicious thoughts are induced by the heaven and the earth, and there are evil spirits."

"What are evil spirits and resentment? They are the fruits of karma, and the retribution of heaven will always be repaid. I have placed this formation according to their wishes. Therefore, the drawing and engraving of this formation is closely related to the formation of using people to refine pulses, and the formation of "Shanhe Sacrifice"—that is, the formation that uses you to sacrifice and suppress resentment and evil spirits is based on the formation of using people to refine pulses It was reversed, therefore, my formation of gathering evil energy only needs to be slightly modified in the formation of Shanhe Festival."

"The full name of my formation is 'Ten Directions and Eight Demons Formation', which was created by monks from the upper realm. The method of cultivating the three thousand realms and using people to refine pulses is not only in our realm, other realms have already existed, and that The people in the first world were finally destroyed by this formation of eight evil spirits from all directions."

"This formation relies on Fengshui, and the main formation is set up in the Central Plains, that is, the Xingyun Gate. Radial formations are set up in four places in the east, west, north, south, and north. The symbol of the success of each radial formation is that it will transform into an evil dragon, and the evil spirit brought by the evil dragon will return. In the main formation, they fight and devour each other like raising Gu. When the extreme north formation succeeds, the evil dragon will burst open. Except for the demons, all life and soul will be wiped out, and not a single blade of grass will grow."

"What about you?" Su Qingyi frowned and said, "Are you going to do this with the heart of dying together?"

"Everything in this world does not exist out of thin air, nor does it come out of thin air. When the evil spirit destroys all the spiritual energy in the cultivation world, the spiritual energy will be transferred to the evil dragon. In the eight evil soul formations in ten directions, you are the evil dragon in the main formation. Qin Zichen, me, Song Qian, and Lianluo are the evil dragons supporting the formation." Xie Hantan continued, "waiting for the completion of the formation, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will pour into the five of us, and then fly straight up. It's just that Song Qian and Lianluo are dead. , I don’t know what happened in the end.”

"The formation is completed?" Su Qingyi was stunned: "When will the formation in the extreme north be completed?"

"Not yet." Xie Hantan looked up at her and said calmly, "I'm waiting."

As he said that, he looked at her quietly, his eyes were full of understanding. Su Qingyi opened her mouth, and after a long time, she finally said, "Hantan, are you sincere, do you want to destroy this cultivation world?"

Hearing this, Xie Hantan smiled bitterly: "Apart from destroying, what can I do?"

"I was sacrificed by them in the first life. I have died for this cultivation world for seventeen lives. The poor monk is a monk. From the twelve lives since I met you, I have been bloodletted to death in every life. Every life, I They all treat them as family members, as friends, as lovers, and then they are betrayed one by one."

Speaking of these, Xie Hantan's voice was flat, without any waves. However, Su Qingyi instantly remembered everything she had experienced, and the pain was so overwhelming that she couldn't help but turn pale. Xie Hantan looked at her and smiled slightly: "I have loved them and this world. But this world has never given me a way out. Except for agreeing to Yuan Long, signing a contract with him, becoming his slave, and He took revenge. What can I do?"

"The longest life I lived was worthy of Yuanying. In that life, I was the proud son of heaven. I had a junior sister I liked. I was favored by the elders in the cultivation world. I said, end this body. But later, when I was put on the altar, surrounded by my family, relatives, friends, and loved ones for bloodletting, the despair in my heart was really unbearable.”

Xie Hantan laughed softly, raised his hand, and the white dragon rubbed lightly beside his hand. He lowered his eyes and said calmly: "At that time, I thought, what's the harm in destroying such a cultivation world?"

"But..." Su Qingyi said bitterly, "There are still many good people in this world."

Although she was desperate and painful, she never felt that the world should be destroyed because of those greedy people.

You see, there is such a beautiful person as Qin Zichen in this world, he is her only one, but a person like him should not be the only one in the world. Like Mei Changjun, Lin Coffin, Shen Fei, Qin Feng, Qin Shuwen, Yun Xuzi, Mo Yun...

There are so many beautiful people in this world, but she may be unlucky and not meet all of them, but there is a vast sea of people, they are hidden in this world, so should they be implicated so innocently

"The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner." Su Qingyi looked at Xie Hantan seriously: "If you want revenge, why don't you come to those who have done wrong?"

Xie Hantan didn't speak, he lowered his head and looked at the white dragon tenderly.

"It's not up to me," he said softly, "It's up to it."

Su Qingyi immediately realized that it was not Xie Hantan who really wanted to set up the formation. Xie Hantan was just fulfilling the contract, and it was the dragon formed by those grievances who really wanted to set up the formation.

This white dragon represents the resentment of those who have been cultivated into spiritual veins for thousands of years. They are the ones who are truly qualified to talk about forgiveness or not.

Bailong felt Su Qingyi's gaze, it seemed to be sane, turned to look at Su Qingyi, there was no emotion in the cold eyes.

"I was born of resentment," it murmured, and said slowly, "I don't understand your feelings. What I want is nothing more than the result of cause and effect, that's all."

It has existed in the world for thousands of years, and all it wants is justice.

If the world can't give it, it asks for it.

But cause and effect, what is cause and effect? So many people have established so many spiritual veins with their own lives, is it cause and effect to kill all the disciples who have used their spiritual veins one by one

"If I can," Su Qingyi raised her head, and said slowly, "I can abolish all the disciples who have used the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins you have transformed into, and kill all the people who have harmed you. Are you willing to let this cultivation world go?"

Hearing this, Xie Hantan frowned: "Master, if you want to do this, you might as well just destroy this cultivation world."

"Innocent people shouldn't be implicated." Su Qingyi looked up at Xie Hantan, and said seriously: "Even if there is only one innocent person, he shouldn't be a victim. If so, what is the difference between us and them?"

"Then what are you going to do?" Xie Hantan thought seriously, Su Qingyi was stunned: "I thought... you would persuade me."

Xie Hantan didn't speak. After a long time, he lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

"Master, I will not make any decisions for you. I just need to help you with what you have to do."

"When you were Ran Yan, you fell into a demon that night. I erased your memory for you. I was afraid that you would be sad. I thought it was for your own good."

"I thought you could survive those ten years. I reshaped your body for you, lured you into the game, and wanted to change your identity for you. I also thought it was for your own good."

"But I found out later that all the things I thought were good for you didn't seem to make you really happy." Xie Hantan seemed a little sad in his smile. He turned his head away, and on his smiling face, his eyes seemed to be With Yingying water.

"Sometimes, I would think," he said hoarsely: "If I hadn't let you leave alone that night, I would have been wandering with you for ten years, and I would have asked you first for all my decisions, we..." He raised his head , looked at Su Qingyi: "Wouldn't it be possible to get to this point?"

"You will never meet Qin Zichen, let alone fall in love with Qin Zichen."

He gripped the armrest tightly with his hands as he spoke. Like a little boy, looking at her seriously.

This is the obsession he has loved for almost a thousand years, and this is the person he looked up to when he was just a mortal Ah Qi.

He looked into her clear eyes, clinging to an answer. Su Qingyi was silent, and after a while, she slowly smiled bitterly: "But Ah Qi, if I hadn't fallen in love with Zichen, we would never have met. I am not Su Qingyi, and I would not have gone to Penglai."

"What does it matter?" Xie Hantan finally couldn't hold it anymore, and shed tears: "Even if I don't remember anything, even if I meet you again, even if you are just my master, I will still fall in love with you."

"If I hadn't let go back then," he trembled, holding her hand and looking up at her stubbornly, "wouldn't it be that you wouldn't have left me?"

Su Qingyi didn't speak, she looked at Xie Hantan, and after a long time, she couldn't help but slowly smiled: "Maybe. But Hantan," she caressed his hair lovingly, like a teacher, gentle and peaceful: "I will accompany you I, will confess to me, this is what Qin Zichen would do. You are Xie Hantan, not Qin Zichen."

"One day, you will probably fall in love with a girl. Even if you don't need to confess, she can understand your mind. If you asked me back then, I would probably do what you said. But you always want to resist If something happens, let me just wait in silence. So Hantan, you shouldn’t like people like me. I have a sword in my hand, and I don’t need others to protect me blindly. I can be his arm and walk side by side with him. You should find a little girl who is innocent and thinks nothing. You hold up the world for her alone, and she never thinks or doubts."

"If all the feelings in this world are not together, there must be a reasonable reason. I leave you," Su Qingyi smiled slowly: "I think it is a very good and right thing."

Xie Hantan didn't speak, he looked up at her and said hoarsely: "But, I can change it."

"you… "

"You don't need to change it."

Qin Zichen's voice came over faintly, Xie Hantan's expression suddenly turned cold, Su Qingyi was a little embarrassed, took out the sound transmission talisman from under the pillow, pretended not to know anything, looked at Xie Hantan, and said: "Well... why are you still not related? The sound transmission symbol..."

"Xie Hantan," Qin Zichen completely ignored Su Qingyi, and said directly, "It's so late, get out of Qingyi's room."

Xie Hantan didn't speak, he smiled with difficulty, stood up, turned and left. After walking a few steps, he couldn't help but stop, turned his head and said coldly: "Qin Zichen, if I could have made it clear to her back then, do you think it would be your turn?"

Hearing this, Qin Zichen couldn't help laughing. The original model said: "If I could make it clear to her back then, do you think it would be your turn?"

"You..." Xie Hantan showed a surprised expression, and Su Qingyi said a little embarrassedly: "That... a long... long... ago, maybe as long as the last life... He... that, he is my fiancé..."

Xie Hantan didn't speak, he pursed his lips, turned and went out, and closed the door with a "bang".

Su Qingyi was panicked by the loud noise, lay back on the bed, wrapped herself in the quilt, and said slowly: "Well, do you think he will kill me at the Nebula Gate because of love?"

Qin Zichen didn't speak, Su Qingyi was a little uneasy: "Qin Zichen?"

"Sleep." Qin Zichen was a little irritable, and Su Qingyi raised her eyebrows: "What's the matter, are you jealous again?"

"Su Qingyi," Qin Zichen said seriously, "You never think that you have too many rotten peach blossoms?"

"Ah..." Su Qingyi said with some embarrassment: "I'm good-looking, there's nothing I can do about it."

"I think..." Qin Zichen said leisurely, "I look better than you."

Su Qingyi: "..."

After a while, Su Qingyi asked cautiously: "So, you are thinking, should Xie Hantan like you..."

Qin Zichen: "..."

Su Qingyi spread her hands: "Indeed, I don't think I'm good enough for you. You should be together..."

"Shut up." Qin Zichen said decisively: "Let's get down to business. What are you going to do with that formation?"

Speaking of this, even if Su Qingyi wanted to continue, she couldn't help changing the subject, and said coldly: "I want to use another formation. The formation of ten directions and eight evil spirits is a karma formation, why can't I open another karma formation?" Array?"

"In the karma formation, the monks who used this spirit vein to cultivate were all abolished and started to practice again. As for the culprits, we will help them kill them one by one. In this way, the cause and effect of this matter will be considered as an end."

"Okay." Qin Zichen nodded, closed his eyes and said, "But this formation..."

"Let me think about it." Su Qingyi's eyes were firm, and she said seriously: "I will find a way, and you will be responsible for one thing."


"Kill these villains."


"Qin Zichen," Su Qingyi listened to his answer without hesitation, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and said with some concern: "If many of you are from the Heavenly Sword Sect... and Patriarch Xuanhua..."

"I told you back then," he said in a steady and indifferent voice, "Where the king's heart goes, my sword points."

"To this day," he seemed to be saying something that couldn't be more ordinary, plain and simple: "My heart and my sword are just like this, since ancient times, righteousness and evil have become Taoist companions."

Su Qingyi didn't speak anymore, she held the sound transmission talisman, closed her eyes, and said gently, "Go to sleep."

Then, she stopped talking. They never turned off the sound transmission talisman, listening to each other's breathing, as if the other party was by their side.

On the second day, Su Qingyi appointed a few disciples of the younger generation in the Xingyun Gate, and said to Xie Hantan: "I want to build a causal formation. If my formation is completed..."

"If this karma can be realized," Xie Hantan took her words and said calmly, "I won't be obsessed with really destroying the realm of comprehension."

Su Qingyi nodded, and led those young disciples into a dark room. These young disciples are all the leaders of the younger generation in formations. Su Qingyi looked up at a few of them, and said to them: "I want to build a causal formation, the scope of which is the entire cultivation world."

"Senior, this is impossible!" A disciple with a bookish face immediately said, "The karma formation is extremely difficult to arrange, and it is very complicated to construct a karma formation for one person, not to mention the entire cultivation world..."

"Because it's complicated, can't it be made out? Before which big formation is created, isn't it impossible to make it out?" Su Qingyi glanced at him lightly, lowered her head and said: "My generation is not afraid of heaven and earth, but a formation ?"

"As a talisman cultivator, in this world, there shouldn't be formations that I can't create!"

Hearing this, everyone gasped, and the bookish disciple cupped his hands and said, "Senior said, it's Guili narrow."

Su Qingyi nodded and sat down with a stack of books beside her.

"Let's get started. If we can't form this formation, let's not go out."

When Su Qingyi began to study the formation, Qin Zichen stood in the yard rubbing his sword.

Qin Shuwen looked at his sword curiously, and couldn't help but want to touch it. Qin Zichen raised his hand to block him, and said calmly: "Jianxiu's sword, except for Taoist companions, can't be touched casually."

"Stingy." Qin Shuwen pouted. Qin Zichen buried his head in wiping his sword. After a while, he thought about it, then raised his head and said, "Why are you so sure that I am your son?"

Qin Shuwen didn't speak. He lowered his head and thought for a while. After a while, he said slowly, "Is it resentment that I have ignored you for so many years?"

Qin Zichen didn't respond. In fact, he didn't really care much. However, he thought, if he was really a child, he would probably be resentful. Abandoned by his biological parents since he was a child, he suddenly jumped out and told him that he was his father, and no one could accept it.

Qin Shuwen sat next to him, and slowly said: "After you were born, both your mother and I were seriously injured. I was sent back to the Confucian school, and I was imprisoned for two hundred years for violating the rules of the school. Your mother was dying and kept relying on Light the soul lamp to continue life."

"After I leave the customs, apart from looking for rare treasures to nourish your mother's soul every day, I just go to see you. At that time, you were an egg. I thought it was amazing that my son was an egg."

As he said that, Qin Shuwen raised the corner of his mouth and gestured: "Although you are in the egg, you are very lively. Every time I pass by, you will roll to my feet by yourself. I am very happy for this. I always fantasize Wait, wait until you are born and call me Daddy."

"Aren't you stupid?" Qin Shuwen turned to look at him, a little embarrassed.

He is still very young, and it is difficult for people in the cultivation world to age. He has always maintained the appearance of a young man under thirty, as if Qin Zichen's elder brother was not like this in his previous life. Qin Zichen responded in a low voice, Qin Shuwen turned his head, and continued: "Three hundred years later, your mother's soul has finally taken shape. She told me that she doesn't want you to be like her, hiding everywhere from birth The fate of Tibet. I hope you can grow up like an ordinary person until you grow up to the day when you can come to Lingtan and be baptized."

"I checked a lot of books and asked a lot of people. Then I finally found a way..."


"Send your soul to a completely mortal body to live, to be contaminated enough with the breath of a mortal, that is, to return to this body after your soul has completely become a human soul, so..."

"Sent to a mortal?" Qin Zichen interrupted Qin Shuwen before finishing speaking, looked up at him, and frowned, "Where did you send me?"

"It's a very wonderful world." Qin Shuwen smiled and gestured: "There are many iron boxes running around the street, and the buildings are very tall. Don't you know?"

"You..." Qin Zichen looked at Qin Shuwen in surprise, Qin Shuwen turned his head, and said hoarsely: "I know, as a father, I'm actually not very qualified. I used half of my cultivation to send your soul out of this world. How to say, there is spiritual energy in the world of comprehension, I can only send you to another world that has no spiritual energy at all. This world appears randomly. After sending you there, I put a soul mark on your soul, and then Your mother and I watch your life in the mortal world through the mirror every day."

"I actually envy your father over there. Sometimes I think, in fact, it would be great if your mother and I could be born there. I would raise you with her and not let anyone bully you. Those bullies You little bastards, I tore them all with my hands."

When Qin Shuwen was speaking, Fenghuang nodded beside him and yelled "Jiujiu" angrily.

Qin Zichen remained silent. After a long time, he said bitterly, "Then... are you calling me back?"

"No." Qin Shuwen frowned, and said helplessly, "Actually, you should come back later. I don't know what happened... You came back suddenly. After you came back, the water mirror didn't work. I don't know about you Where is it, and I just happened to be competing with the second senior brother for the position of the master, a life-and-death struggle, one mistake, your mother and I may both die. After my successor master rectified the Confucian sect, it happened that Lingtan shook, I finally know that you are really back."

"Then..." Qin Zichen hesitated and said, "Is Su Qingyi from here?"

"Su Qingyi?" Qin Shuwen was a little surprised: "Is she really Su Qingyi from your world?"

Qin Zichen pursed his lips, and Qin Shuwen immediately understood, it really was her!

He immediately turned dark: "She still dares to come!"

Qin Feng called out "tweeting", Qin Shuwen snorted coldly: "Understood, it is our son who is wrong."

"It's because I was not good." Qin Zichen said immediately, Qin Shuwen tapped his head with a fan, and thought seriously: "Maybe, the way of heaven has its own arrangements. Yun Xuzi will be healed in three days, and I have already sent my disciples to go ahead of time." Tianjianzong left the teleportation formation, what are you going to do after you go?"

The teleportation formation can only be used if there is a formation link between the transmission place and the starting point, so it is generally necessary to send someone to prepare the formation in advance. After listening to Qin Shuwen's words, Qin Zichen put the sword into the scabbard and said calmly, "Kill."

But at this moment, in Tianjianzong, Bai Fuchen looked at Su Qinglian who was standing in the main hall indifferently, and said with a smile: "The envoy only needs one Mo Yun?"

Su Qinglian's eyes were in a trance for a moment, and after a while, she smiled wryly: "Yes. The only thing I want is Mo Yun."