The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 92: End of text (2)


As soon as the words fell, Su Qinglian couldn't dodge in time, and pierced three inches of her armpit with a sword, Su Qinglian screamed, and finally shouted angrily, "Mo Yun!"

At that moment, Xie Hantan reacted suddenly and said loudly: "Get out of the way!"

The black air exploded towards the surroundings, Qin Zichen and Su Qingyi immediately opened their barriers, and Mo Yun rushed over without hesitation!

With his mortal body, the moment he touched the black air, his flesh and blood burned. Su Qinglian's pupils constricted. She didn't know what he was thinking, but the black air went towards Su Qinglian's body in an instant, as if being sucked in by something. generally.

Mo Yun hugged her tightly, and the expression on Su Qinglian's face kept changing.

"Let go of me!!" She struggled desperately.

"Don't let it go..." She gritted her teeth.

"You bastard! Let go of me, I will die with them!"

"It's enough for me to go!" She roared angrily, "I'll accompany you to hell!"

Black air poured into her body continuously, Su Qinglian was trembling all over, she raised her head with difficulty, and met Mo Yun's indifferent gaze.

He seemed to have prepared for this day long ago, and he was not shocked by it. He hugged her, watched the black energy continuously enter her body, and said in a calm voice, "Qinglian, I will atone for your sins."

Su Qinglian didn't speak, she gritted her teeth.

Her body began to split inch by inch, she grabbed his hand tremblingly, raised her head with difficulty, and stared at him, as if she wanted to deeply engrave his appearance into her eyes.

"All my life..." Her teeth were trembling, and she said slowly: "I have been... trying... to make you like me more... a little..."

As she spoke, she raised her blood-stained hand and stroked Mo Yun's cheek, her eyes full of expectation.

"So... do you... like me... a little?"

Mo Yun looked at her quietly, and after a long time, said slowly, "I'm sorry."

"I think," he said slowly with a hoarse voice, "I like you, not you."

I like the clean you, but you have never been clean in your life.

Su Qinglian looked at him, and slowly smiled, that smile was full of understanding.

"I know," she said hoarsely, "I know..."

As she said that, she closed her eyes and said with difficulty: "Mo Yun, hurry up..."

As soon as the words fell, Xie Hantan rushed forward, pushed Mo Yun away, grabbed Su Qinglian's neck, and pressed her firmly to the ground.

Her body began to split apart, gradually turning into a beast-like body.

That is the original body of the demon god, because the spirit is too powerful, it has already formed a body, dormant in Su Qinglian's body. It was obviously seriously injured, but it was still struggling furiously. Xie Hantan held him tightly, his eyes were blood red, the spirit was struggling desperately, as if it was summoning something, more and more monsters rushed over and hit Qin Zichen. The enchantment laid down.

Xie Hantan raised his blood-red eyes, glanced around, and suddenly said, "Master, close your eyes."

Before Su Qingyi could react, Qin Zichen blindfolded her. After confirming that Su Qingyi was blindfolded, Xie Hantan suddenly lowered his head and bit the Demon God's body like a wild beast, which was Su Qinglian's mutated body.

Xie Hantan tore off her flesh and blood one by one, and swallowed the flesh and blood in the other party's screams.

The other party's cultivation base was transferred to him along with the flesh and blood, and his mouth was full of blood, chewing the flesh and blood mechanically.

And Mo Yun stood aside, watching quietly, neither sad nor happy.

The girl couldn't see her original appearance at all, but for some reason, he vaguely remembered her eyes like spring water.

He tried to fall in love with her, and even for many moments, he thought that he seemed to be really in love with her.

He couldn't face her deep affection, such fiery, fanatical, desperate, love like moths to a flame. Knowing that you don't love, you still have to turn back; knowing that it is a dead end, you still have to move forward.

She betrayed everyone in the world, but she never betrayed him.

She killed everyone in the world, but she would rather be than hurt him at all.

Her whole life was really as she said, no matter what he did, she would forgive him unconditionally.

This feeling once made him cry bitterly and make him feel guilty.

He tried to reciprocate, but found that he could not fall in love with her after all.

When she was clean, when she bowed her head and smiled, he was really tempted. But that is the beautiful side of her removing all evil. And the real Su Qinglian was the woman he could never love for the rest of his life.

No matter how nice she was to him, he couldn't like it.

I love your eyes that are as clear as spring water, but if even these eyes are just a disguise, how can I love you?

To her, even in the end, he had nothing but guilt.

He blamed himself on her, so he was willing to treat her well when she was alive, and miss her well after she died.

Only after she died, in his memory, perhaps, would he love her so much.

She died, and he could finally stop seeing her with blood on her hands. She will always be what he remembers, clean, beautiful, and gentle, no one will destroy her, nor will she be obliterated.

Seeing that Xie Hantan had eaten her until only the skeleton was left, with a lift of his hand, her skeleton turned into ashes and floated in the air.

Xie Hantan took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and finally said: "Master."

When he spoke, there was a faint light on his body, Qin Zichen let go of his hand, and the two of them saw Xie Hantan as if he was about to become a feather.

"Master," he smiled softly, "I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?" Su Qingyi was a little at a loss, Xie Hantan looked at the untied seal, and with a sharp glance, the monsters that had been pouring out stopped their movements and slowly backed away.

"I want to take them back to where they should go."

As Xie Hantan said, the crowd saw those magical beasts rushing back from a distance. They knelt in front of Xie Hantan, whimpering, with expressions of unwillingness on their faces. However, the blood of the demon god suppressed them, and they had to obey, trembling.

Then, those monsters retreated step by step, and jumped back into the sealed barrier.

Su and Qin immediately realized what Xie Hantan was going to do and what they wanted to say, but when they opened their mouths, they couldn't say anything.

Farewell to life and death, within a day, it seems that they have all gathered together.

Being able to survive seems to be enough. He took the demons back to the demon world, and never saw each other again, which seemed to be a good belonging.

However, this belonging exceeded everyone's expectations, so it became so cruel.

They originally thought that after working so hard, Xie Hantan, the seventeenth reincarnation, should have a happy ending, and it shouldn't be like this, alone, going to such a place where they don't know the way forward or the future.

Seemingly understanding what Su and Qin were thinking, Xie Hantan smiled, with a gentle smile and no trace of sadness on his face.

"Where is it so painful that you think?" Xie Hantan turned his head and looked into the distance. The demons were reluctant to return to the seal, Xie Hantan looked indifferent: "I'm nothing, I just went where I should go."

"When I first met you," Xie Hantan withdrew his eyes, looked at the two people in front of him with a smile, holding a small fan in his hand, and showed nostalgia on his face: "Ah Qi thought in his heart, if he can become such two people, it will be worthwhile." This life."

"Later, through reincarnation and seventeen lives, Han Tan already had his way in his heart, which was far more tenacious than the two of you realized."

"I made a contract with the Resentful Dragon, that is, I will avenge it. After he reincarnates, I will be able to ascend to become a god. Now, whether to ascend to the upper realm to become a god, or to go to the devil realm to become a demon god, is a matter to me. It doesn't seem to matter anymore."

"The important thing is," Xie Hantan said with some relief in his eyes, "my life is finally in my own hands."

Becoming a demon god, he finally escaped from the way of heaven, finally became stronger than anyone else, finally he will no longer be forced into a desperate situation and be powerless, and finally he will not be forced to break free by false emotions repeatedly arranged by others.

Xie Hantan looked at the two silent people in front of him, and thought about the past thousands of years.

Time has not traced, he has gradually come from a teenager to today, full of desolation and vicissitudes.

His life is full of despair and blood, and the only girl named Su Qingyi has ever shown a bright color in his life.

It's not that he didn't love other people, but all the people he loved never loved him. Since the seventeenth century, he has always been a sacrifice in the eyes of others. Everyone pretends to be his relatives and friends. There are also women who make him shake his mind, and some women make him fall in love and hate, but in the end, they all send him to him. dead end.

His love for Su Qingyi is not so much love as it is the only straw that a drowning person can grasp.

Because in this world, Su Qingyi was the only one who loved him and never betrayed him.

Maybe you can barely add Ran Shu, but Ran Shu doesn't have a clean heart like her.

He is already a villain full of filth, and she is his long-awaited and unattainable look-up.

Many years ago, he had cut off this relationship. When he watched her being sent to the altar, at that moment, he knew that he should never respond to her love again.

Because he was going to a place he was unwilling to take her to, and he was going to open up a brand new world. He wants to destroy this world and give her a lifetime of peace.

This road was too difficult, and he didn't dare to take her on it.

Perhaps it was because he had thought about this for too long and prepared for too long, but now when he was about to part, he looked at the woman in front of him, and his heart was actually at peace.

"Master..." He said hoarsely, as if he was an ordinary disciple, lifted his clothes, and kneeled respectfully on the ground.

Then, he kowtowed slowly.

A bow, thank her for saving her life back then.

Second salute, thank her for her love back then.

Three salutes, thank her for giving him so much love for so many years.

"Disciple today," he said with difficulty, word by word, slowly: "I will bid farewell. May Master have no more worries in this life, and be happy and healthy."

After speaking, he slowly raised his head.

Those eyes were as clear as water, just like when I saw them for the first time. It's just that the cowardly boy back then has become the god of the demon world who fears nothing about the world.

Su Qingyi didn't speak, she looked at him quietly, pursed her lips, trembling slightly.

Her eyes were full of tears, and the past appeared one by one in front of her eyes. Qin Zichen supported her, and together with her, watched Xie Hantan stand up calmly and walk slowly towards the seal. As he walked, the white dragons behind him turned into balls of light and flew towards the surroundings. It seems to be walking in a firefly, the beauty is thrilling.

When his figure was engulfed by Huaguang, Su Qingyi finally collapsed, rushed towards the light, and cried out: "Hantan! Hantan!"

That was her past.

That was her past.

What Xie Hantan carried was her years of time. Now that all teachers and friends are gone, except for Xie Hantan, no one left behind her past.

She wants to keep him, she wants to hold him. As a master, for hundreds of years, she has never given him any security.

Hundreds of years ago, she let him fall deep on the altar of the Xingyun Gate, and was bloodletted as a sacrifice.

Hundreds of years later, she let him go forward alone, bear such a huge secret, and contend with the entire cultivation world with his own power.

As Ah Qi, he died for her, and as Xie Hantan, he also protected her all her life.

"Hantan..." She stretched her hand into the light, and he slowly turned his head amidst the radiance.

That smile seemed to be full of flowers, the peach blossoms were burning, and the mountains were full of spring.

He didn't say a word, but seemed to run out of time. Her hand passed through his body, and the brilliance shattered like glass, spreading across the sky and the earth in the wind.

There was nothing in Su Qingyi's hands, she stared blankly at the disappearing land for a long time, and finally murmured: "Hantan..."

She didn't know what to say, and she didn't know what she wanted to do to keep him.

All she knew was that from now on, this young man who was like a shining peach blossom would never meet again in this life, never to be seen again in life or death.

She suddenly knelt on the ground, tremblingly picked up the loess on the ground, and wailed: "Xie Hantan!!"

Qin Zichen watched from a distance, but did not step forward.

This was a moment he shouldn't have been involved in, and he was waiting for her farewell. The setting sun was slowly setting, and the map of the galaxy was collected from the sky and fell into his hands. He waited quietly for her, as always, until her voice gradually dropped, and he finally walked over and helped her up.

"Go and see."

Qin Zichen said hoarsely: "There are still many people waiting for us to say goodbye."

Su Qingyi didn't speak. Qin Zichen supported her and walked down the mountain. Tianjianzong's disciples came out one after another. When those disciples saw Qin Zichen, they seemed to have seen the backbone. They knelt down in front of Qin Zichen with red eyes, and said hoarsely: "The head of the sect !"



More and more disciples gathered around. There were 70,000 people before the war, but at this moment, only a thousand people survived.

They looked at Qin Zichen with burning eyes, with tears in their eyes and blood all over their body. Qin Zichen pulled Su Qingyi and said hoarsely: "Go and take your brothers and sisters... home."

As he spoke, he swung his sleeves wide, and the mountain protection array was opened with a bang. The disciples walked out nervously, first cautiously, then faster and faster, and finally rushed, and began to call the names of familiar people among the corpses, and then turned over the corpses .

The Seventh Peak, which is used as logistics, is the best-preserved one. They shuttled through the crowd with their medicine boxes in their arms, listening to the cries one after another. Qin Zichen stood numbly in front of the Heavenly Sword Sect's gate, watching the disciples carry the corpses back one by one according to the roster.

Starting from the elders to the masters of each peak, place them one by one.

Qin Zichen held the roster and nodded hoarsely to their names.

"Elder Transcending Tribulation Period, Patriarch Xuanhua."

"The elder of the fusion stage, Yun Xuzi."

"The master of the second peak, Xue Ziyu."

"The master of the third peak, Lei Xuzi."

"The master of the fourth peak, Lu Qingyi."

"The Lord of the Fifth Peak, Feng Ning."

"The master of the sixth peak, Xing Yun."

"Ask a disciple of Sword Peak..."

Qin Zichen let out a hoarse voice. He should be in an ascending body now, but he stubbornly stayed here, like a mortal, chanting the names of his disciples.

Dan Hui was beside him, and Dan Hui and Dan Ran were kneeling on the ground, already weeping badly. Su Qingyi cried earlier, but now looking at the corpses of these disciples, she felt very calm.

In the middle of the night, the corpses of the disciples were finally neatly laid out on the ground. Qin Zichen wrote the last person's name on the back of the roster and slowly raised his head.

It was supposed to be a dark night, but the souls of these people floated in the air, turning into small clusters of light, stubbornly refusing to leave, illuminating the dark night.

Qin Zichen stared blankly at these light clusters, as if he recognized who they were.

He walked towards the ball of light, stretched out his hand, and the ball of light rubbed against his palm intimately.

Qin Zichen lowered his head and realized that it was Fengning's soul.

Although he is older, he has always been the closest to him. Feng Ning was the first person in the Heavenly Sword Sect to call Qin Zichen Senior Brother. When he was alive, he always stood by Qin Zichen's side without hesitation. After he died, he also wanted to stay in Tianjianzong, beside his elder brother whom he admired the most.

This slight rub seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back. Standing among the corpses all over the floor, Qin Zichen finally couldn't help it, squatted down slowly, and cried bitterly.

He hugged his sword, pressing it tightly against his heart, sobbing loudly and crying loudly.

He grabbed his blue robe with his hands and pulled out the folds. The whole wilderness was filled with the sound of his crying, as if it was the greatest despair in life.

Su Qingyi walked up to him and held him in her arms. Qin Zichen leaned on her chest, crying like a child.

Su Qingyi supported him, looked up at the sky full of lights, and asked the system hoarsely: "Is everything over?"


The system's voice was faint, Su Qingyi smiled lowly and closed her eyes: "That's good."

"But, there is one more thing."

The system spoke again: "The way of heaven emphasizes justice, evil is punished, and good deeds are rewarded. This time you sacrificed your lives to the way of heaven, and your points have reached the full mark, so I gave you a special reward."

"What?!" Su Qingyi cried out excitedly, and the system continued: "You have two choices, either you and Qin Zichen ascend to god together, or Qin Zichen suffers from the burning pain and resurrects everyone. Then, according to their own merits and demerits, decide their fate."

"What is the calculation standard for merit and demerit?" Su Qingyi quickly grasped the key words: "For example, Feng Ning, what is his fate?"

"Cultivate with human veins to reach the out-of-body stage, and you should dissipate your cultivation and become a mortal. However, your heart is simple and pure, and you have done countless good deeds in your life. Even if you don't practice with spiritual veins, you will still cultivate the Dao, and eventually blew yourself up to protect the righteous way. It is a great merit that the soul does not enter reincarnation, and after being resurrected, it will return to the out-of-body stage, and there will be one thunder calamity missing."

Hearing the system's words, Su Qingyi quickly understood that the so-called merit and demerit calculation standard of Tiandao is the result of the necrosis that has been done - the good deed that has been done. Her causal formation can only be pure cause and effect, what you take away, you will return. However, the calculation rules of the Dao of Heaven are more complicated. What you take and what you give are ultimately your ending.

"Then," Su Qingyi couldn't help sneering: "This should be their cause and effect, why should Zi Chen sacrifice his life!"

"Because their fate has already been forged," the system sighed, "Even if I am the Dao of Heaven, I still need energy. Changing things that are already destined is not something I can change just because I think about it."

"Just like the energy of a demon god comes from evil, my energy comes from good. I couldn't do so many things before, but I could only bring you to the world of cultivation, because the good thoughts here are no longer enough to support me. There are too few things that can be done. In this battle, many people have accumulated great merit, and I have enough power to change them, but now there is still an introduction."

"And Qin Zichen, who is a protoss, is willing to give up the immortal journey to save people. Such kind thoughts are the introduction."

"You can choose to ascend, or you can choose to save people, this is your choice."

Su Qingyi didn't speak, she looked down at Qin Zichen who was tired of crying and closed his eyes and leaned against her, and slowly hugged him tightly.

If it was many years ago, she would probably hide this in her heart and never tell the other party. Because she was unwilling to sacrifice her lover for the sake of others. But now, she is magnanimous.

All good love is chosen by the other party. What he wants, what she gives him. The so-called love without choice, the so-called "I love him, I do everything for his own good", but they are all to cover up their own selfishness.

Because he was afraid of the pain of losing him, and because he was unwilling to accept the grief of his departure, he would not give the other party a chance to choose.

But now she loves this person deeply, and she doesn't want him to suffer, let alone being wronged, so she gave him a chance and said in a low voice: "Zi Chen," she said gently, "Let's save these people, shall we? "

Qin Zichen was stunned for a moment. He opened his eyes and stared blankly at Su Qingyi. Su Qingyi stared at him and said slowly: "If you are willing to endure the pain of being burned to the ground, you can save them. This is voluntary. You can choose to be with them." I will ascend together, and I can also choose to save them."

Qin Zichen didn't speak, he opened his mouth, and after a long time, he asked, "What about you?"

"I'm dead..." He stretched out his hand, held her, and said in a trembling voice, "What should you do?"

"I hope you have a good life." Su Qingyi held him back and said in a hoarse voice, "Although, I will be very sad when you leave. But, I hope you have a good life, you are happy, and you are worthy of yourself."

"Your life should be decided by you, not by me giving you what I think is good."

"If you save them, then I will wait for your reincarnation. If you want to ascend, I will accompany you to ascend."

"Zi Chen," she smiled bitterly: "My love should not be your burden."

"But," Qin Zichen held her hand, trembling slightly: "I'm leaving..."

"I'm alone," Su Qingyi smiled, and said lightly, "I can live well."

"Qin Zichen," she stared at him: "There is always someone who will leave early. Being loved by you is enough. After you leave, I may start a sect, or I may guard the Heavenly Sword Sect. The world. I have a lot of things to do, as I am doing, walking, maybe I will meet you again, maybe?"

Qin Zichen didn't speak, he turned his head, saw the ball of light floating in the sky, and slowly closed his eyes.


He said hoarsely: "Qingyi, if I see you again in the next life, I will definitely bear the whole world, and I will never let you down."

"But in that case," Su Qingyi couldn't help chuckling, "You're not Qin Zichen anymore."

"Have you decided?"

The system interrupted the conversation between the two, and said lightly: "The longer it is delayed, the more difficult it will be to revive a person. If you have made a decision, then hurry up."

"Okay." Su Qingyi hugged Qin Zichen, sobbing.

Qin Zichen was at a loss: "Qingyi, who are you talking to?"

As soon as the words fell, a soft light fell in front of the two of them, and a vague human-shaped light group stood in front of them.

"Qin Zichen," said an indistinguishable voice, "Are you really willing to sacrifice and endure the pain of burning in order to resurrect everyone?"

"Yes." Seeing the ball of light, Qin Zichen vaguely had an idea in his heart, and said seriously, "Senior, please."

The ball of light nodded, raised its hand, and the ground shook violently. A high platform rose from the ground, and the light fell on the high platform. The red carpet rolled down from the top, and then stopped at Qin Zichen's feet.


The man stood by the steps, Qin Zichen turned his head and glanced at Su Qingyi, Su Qingyi forced herself to laugh, and said softly, "Go."

Qin Zichen saw her forcing himself to laugh, hugged her into his arms, and said hoarsely, "Wait a while, don't cry and call me Xie Hantan."

"I'm afraid I'll turn back."

"Okay," Su Qingyi said hoarsely, "Then I'll call you now."

"Don't call me now either."

"Then when?"

"In the next life, in the next life. When I grow old with you, grow old together, and die together."

"This time," Qin Zichen chuckled hoarsely, "don't keep me."

After speaking, he let her go, turned around, and stepped up the steps calmly and without hesitation.

The moment he stepped on the steps, the bell rang throughout the realm of self-cultivation, Huaguang fell gently on his body, and the voices of people from nowhere came together, singing ancient spells together.

And the group of light standing on the edge of the steps sang his life in a strange tone.

"Qin Zichen, the son of fire and phoenix, was born with dragon marrow and dragon pill, and also possessed the supreme sword body. He was raised by his uncle when he was young, and he was the first disciple of Yun Xuzi when he was four years old. He is intelligent, intelligent, and beautiful. At the age of 15, Jindan, 21 Yuanying, 32 years old, 44 years old, 56 years old, Mahayana, is the master of Tianjianzong, the first person in the way of swords, and is respected as a sword fairy .”

That voice spread throughout the entire cultivation world. For some reason, no matter how far away it was, the high platform could be seen. No matter the mortal cultivator, the moment he looked over, he could clearly see that person stepping forward on the steps calmly.

As the chanting voice said, this genius monk has a beautiful appearance, blue robe and white shirt, holding a jade sword in his hand, his face is as if carved from Kunlun ice and snow, indifferent and beautiful.

When he walked, orchids bloomed under his feet. This is the virtue of a gentleman, and only when he lands orchids can he grow.

The chanting voice slowly told of every battle he has fought since he became famous, every good deed he has done, and everyone he has protected.

More and more people looked at him, feeling that the man seemed to have a gaze that people couldn't move away from.

What he walked under his feet seemed to be not the red carpet, but the years.

And it seems that it is not an altar, but a altar.

"The book of heaven and earth is 479,000 years old. Qin Zichen has already ascended to the ascension. He pities the monks whose karma is not constant. He is willing to die in martyrdom, bear the pain of burning bones, sacrifice to the way of heaven, change his fate against the sky, and exchange more than 100,000 monks." Return to the world and measure the cycle of karma."

The moment Qin Zichen stepped onto the altar, the sound of singing just stopped.

Hearing these words, the people watching Qin Zichen suddenly felt their hearts tugging for some reason.

This is a man who died calmly for others, unlike those who were forced to sacrifice. He has already soared, and he obviously has a better way, but he is still willing to give up everything in exchange for the rebirth of more than a hundred thousand people.

Everyone stared at him, watching him turn around calmly, with a calm and clear expression, not surprised by favor or insult.

His gaze seemed to fall on a certain place, and then he saw that there was finally a crack in that indifferent look, he stared at that direction, his expression was full of tenderness, and he slowly smiled.

That smile was like a cloud breaking through the fog. Even though it was such a dark night, it still made people feel that the whole world was lit up.

The flames shot up from the altar, and the person in the flames sat cross-legged without even evading it.

"Daoist Jingyan..."

Someone called out his Taoist name, and he couldn't help himself anymore, and suddenly knelt down.

All over the world of comprehension, mortal monks couldn't help but knelt down and shouted Qin Zichen's Taoist name. Those who had received his favor couldn't help but cry out, so all of a sudden, the whole cultivation world was filled with crying one after another.

Maybe even he doesn't remember that he has done so many good things over the years.

He once single-handedly built a refuge for the refugees, accepting refugees who have nowhere to go in the cultivation world for so many years; he has upheld justice for the weak countless times, so his name has become the word "justice" in the hearts of many people; In the year of famine, he provided food for disaster relief, and he used to exorcise evil spirits and defend the way in times of turmoil.

What he thought was a little effort, but unintentionally, helped so many people.

Su Qingyi looked at the person in the flames, feeling tears blur her vision.

One by one, the light balls fell into the rows of corpses, and slowly woke up, and then when they saw the high platform, they couldn't help trembling and knelt down.

There were voices calling his name and crying all around, Su Qingyi stared at him, afraid of missing a moment.

This is someone she loves, someone she is so proud of.

She didn't dare to tie his life down with tears. His life, as it should be, has been left in history and sung by thousands of people.

Life benefits the Quartet, and death is more important than Mount Tai.

His life is so glorious, splendid, and bright. Like that raging fire, it burns people's hearts agitated.

This is her lover...

She has been loved by him, watched by him with his unique eyes, and she is proud enough to die.

Even though tears were pouring down one after another at this moment, she still felt that this was a very good and beautiful ending.

There may be some regrets and desolation, but letting her hero die like this is probably the best thing in his life.

Just don't know why, she can't help but think.

If he is alive, then she can live with him in the small courtyard at the foot of the mountain for a while, the two of them cook together in the kitchen, wash the dishes, and read books under the grape arbor in the yard, and then she will count the stars while pregnant with his child years.

If he is alive, she can take him all over the world, and one day they may become gods, and then break the void and return to their original place.

If he lives.

The human figure in the fire shattered piece by piece, Su Qingyi didn't dare to cry out, didn't dare to call out his name.

Because he said, he will turn back.

She loves him, so she can't be his bondage.

She can only wait, or say goodbye.

The fire burned until dawn, and the rising sun was rising inch by inch behind him, and the side of the altar was already full of people kneeling.

The light of the fire gradually dimmed, and the rising sun was like blood, hanging high behind the altar. Seeing the altar with no one in sight, Su Qingyi staggered, was supported by several disciples, and screamed: "Ran Yan Taoist!"

Su Qingyi didn't speak, she raised her head with difficulty, looked at the altar, and said hoarsely: "He... is gone?"

No one dared to answer, the disciples knelt on the ground, Su Qingyi stared blankly at the altar, and after a long time, said slowly: "He is gone."

As soon as the words fell, Su Qingyi cried out violently. It was the cry she had suppressed all night. Now that he was gone and she couldn't hear him, she dared to cry unscrupulously.

Feng Ning and Xing Yun walked over, a little confused: "Sister-in-law..."

"Don't talk..." Su Qingyi choked, not daring to raise her head, and said in a trembling voice, "I'll cry for a while... I'll just cry this time..."

"I dare not let him see me cry... I'm afraid he'll be sad, I'm afraid he won't let go. I won't be anymore, I will live a good life..."

"But this time..." Su Qingyi cried louder and louder: "This time... let me cry. I have cried, and in this life, I will never cry for him again."

"A man like him...I can't find a better person in my life..."

"Qin Zichen..."

She raised her hand, covered her eyes, and called out one by one: "Qin Zichen..."

"Sister-in-law..." Fengning said hoarsely, "I'm sorry..."

Su Qingyi ignored him, Lei Xuzi raised his head, and asked with some doubts: "You guys... did you hear anything?"

Feng Ning frowned, and at that moment, a phoenix cry rose into the sky, Su Qingyi suddenly raised her head, and saw a huge phoenix roaring towards the sky in the middle of the fire. The blood-red morning sun was behind him, and his body seemed to be coated with a layer of blood-red golden light, which was so beautiful that it was hard to see directly.

He is five feet tall, his feathers are shining brightly, and his colorful feathers are shining in the sun. He is dressed in flames and roars from the high platform.

Everyone retreated knowingly, Su Qingyi raised her head, staring blankly at the phoenix flying towards her. Fenghuang's eyes were full of smiles, and after circling around her, he stopped in front of her.

Su Qingyi stared blankly at him, not daring to speak, Fenghuang tilted his head and said with a smile: "Since you don't want me to go so much, why don't you keep me?"

"you you… "

Su Qingyi was speechless, and the human-shaped ball of light drifted towards him, and said indifferently, "Congratulations on becoming a god."

As soon as the words fell, a ray of light fell on Qin Zichen. Qin Zichen turned into a human body, and a flame pattern slowly appeared between his brows. The light group stood beside the two of them, and slowly explained: "Ascend to become a fairy, but you have to become a god. But it takes a lot of merit to get it.”

"To be a god, one has the ability to destroy the heavens and destroy the earth, and the duty to protect yin and yang, so those who are not great-hearted cannot obtain it. Only with a heart of great kindness, accumulating merit and virtue, being admired by all people, and being incensed for a hundred years can one become a god. Su Qingyi," Na Guang said. The group's voice seemed to finally relax: "After a hundred years, your mission will be completed."

Su Qingyi was speechless, she stared blankly at Qin Zichen, the ball of light seemed to curl her lips, and she said dissatisfiedly, "I'm leaving, won't you see me off?"

"System..." Su Qingyi couldn't speak for a while, the system sighed, and said helplessly: "Forget it, you are not a good talker. You will ascend to the upper realm in the future, and we will see you again."

"System!" Seeing the ball of light turn around and leave, Su Qingyi couldn't help but stop it: "Are you the way of heaven?"

Guang Tuan thought for a while, and after a long time, said slowly: "Probably so."

After speaking, it slowly disappeared into the glow. Qin Zichen turned his head and looked down at Su Qingyi.

The disciples gathered around one after another, looking at them with joy.

"Brother..." Song Xu was pushed out by everyone, coughed, and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, should we do something..."

"What are you going to do?" Qin Zichen raised his head and smiled slowly: "Next, our sect will have a big event," he said, before Su Qingyi could react, he hugged her violently, Lang laughed out loud, "I'm getting married!"

"Qin Zichen!" Su Qingyi was a little embarrassed for a moment, everyone was slightly taken aback, and then burst into laughter.

Under the rising sun, Qin Zichen held Su Qingyi in his arms and looked at Qin Shuwen, who was standing with a little phoenix on his shoulders. Everyone gave way out of the way. Qin Zichen walked over quickly with Su Qingyi in his arms, and brought Su Qingyi to kneel in front of Qin Shuwen. He raised his head and said excitedly, "Father!" , mother, the boy wants to marry Su Qingyi in the future, what do the parents think?"

"This..." Qin Shuwen coughed and wanted to say something, but seeing Qin Zichen's expectant expression, he was a little helpless, and couldn't help but think of the time when he brought Qin Feng to kneel in front of the mountain gate and begged his master for permission.