The Sword Named No Way Out

Chapter 2


It turned out to be Xu Shuangce's sect, it turned out to be... Cangyang Mountain!

Why is it here

There are so many immortal alliances, two venerables standing side by side, three sects and four saints, six great masters and eight sects, and the worst of them are the twelve Guiyuan palaces and the Xuanmen with more than 100 schools—why is it Cangyang Mountain

Gong Wei's ears were buzzing, and he couldn't hear what Yuchixiao answered, nor how everyone spoke. The heavy wounds left by the Divine Sword reluctantly were directly engraved on the soul of the deceased, which would last forever, and the severe pain almost drowned all his senses.

It seemed that there was only a short period of time for a few breaths, and it seemed like a long period of time. Xu Shuangce's robe inlaid with gold patterns finally passed by his side and walked into the distance.

Gong Wei's violently convulsed heart finally eased a little, and he let out a long breath while trembling, only to hear Yuchixiao's tense voice coming from not far away:

"... The junior passed through Linjiang Capital, and it happened that Master Meng sent a letter asking for help. Hearing about such a tragic incident, naturally he couldn't ignore it..."

After Yuchixiao resigned from the court, his mother pulled his ear and left Cangyang Mountain. He originally wanted to go back to Jinmen to open an ancestral hall. Strange thing happened.

Linjiang is a famous Jianghuai city with a long history. Because of the strong king's spirit, it is known as the city's peace for 80 years. I have never heard of any evil and haunted things. However, in the past half month, tragic disasters have occurred frequently, and 28 people have died one after another.

Twenty-eight stunning beauties.

The first deceased was the number one oiran in Linjiang City, twenty-nine years old, beautiful and beautiful, a piece of neon clothes was worth a thousand gold, and the grandson of the king bowed his waist. Half a month ago, the palace called her to play the qin, and the banquet was staggered and elegant. The lord sent people to look around, only to find that she had committed suicide by hiding in the inner room. The tears were not dry on her face. Before she died, she had chewed and swallowed the bark and leaves, but the jewelry and hairpin on her head were thrown on the ground.

The night the oiran died, the rich man in the city married a daughter. Jinbao Mingzhu is wearing red makeup for ten miles, the groom is still banqueting in the front hall, but the beautiful bride suddenly screams and rushes out of the bridal chamber, holding a sharp pair of scissors. It's crazy and rushes to kill. The terrified groom was rescued by the crowd, but before he could restrain the bride, she looked up to the sky and screamed in grief and indignation, and a scissors stabbed into her throat.

The two murders did not end the bloody night. When it was just dawn, a handsome young cultivator from a local cultivator sect in Linjiang City suddenly ran out of the house like a madman, losing his demeanor and demeanor. Hearing the sound, no one from the same door could approach the master, and he witnessed that after he exhausted his spiritual power, he jumped into the cold pool, cut himself with a sword in the water, and the blood poured like a waterfall.

The three strange dead are just the beginning of the chaos in Linjiang. For the next half month, there were one or more massacres every day in the city. There were those who were dying, those who were mourning, those who were terrified, and those who were broken-hearted. There was even a very beautiful servant who was kowtowing to the air. , smashed his own heavenly cover alive and died.

After Yuchixiao received a letter from his friend Meng Yunfei asking for help, he immediately took people to Linjiang. Yin, so the real culprit behind the scenes must not be random, but purposefully and selectively kill. The evil spirit who killed 20 people in half a month has already become demonic. If he does not kill them all immediately, there will be disasters for a hundred years, but the strange thing is that Yuchixiao has exhausted his magic weapon, and he can't find it in Linjiang capital at all. Half a trace of yin qi, no evil qi, demon qi, devil qi, ghost qi.

Just when the cultivators suspected that the evil spirit had fled, late last night, it suddenly showed its hideous face again. As if deliberately provoking these immortal cultivators, eight people died overnight, and even a female cultivator who was born in a famous family and well-known died in the house next to Yuchixiao. She buried her face in the washbasin and drowned herself alive. From the beginning to the end, no one from the same school found clues, and even Yuchixiao himself, who was only separated by a wall, did not notice any shadow of evil approaching!

Any evil that harms people will inevitably leave behind yin qi, just like people have vitality, ghosts have ghost qi, and corpses have corpse qi. If there is no anger at all, it only means that there is no harm at all, and the twenty-eight dead people suddenly went crazy and committed suicide. But how is this possible

The whole world of immortal cultivation knew that he had encountered a rare and powerful opponent in his life. When everyone was at a loss, Yuchixiao suddenly thought of a way to definitely catch this evil spirit out of the water.

- Four pillars, eight characters and one color are all overcast, and the fate is so overcast that it can no longer be overcast, and Xiang Xiaoyuan has an incoherent appearance.

"To this day, there are eight men and twenty women who died, most of them from Xuanmen, and even four Jindan cultivators. I have ordered all the cultivators in Linjiang Capital to be transferred out of the city, but the situation has become urgent. There is no delay for a moment." Yuchixiao knelt down on one knee and said sincerely: "The world says 'one sect, two respects and three sects', and the Cangyang sect is known as the number one sect in the world. The younger generation urges Sect Master Xu to help and save Linjiang from water and fire. Among them, I would be very grateful!"

Xu Shuangce didn't seem to hear anything.

Everyone knelt down and bowed their heads, not even daring to breathe. The peach blossom forest was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling to the ground. Only Xu Shuangce's unhurried footsteps walked among the rows of drooping heads, as if searching for something, and suddenly stopped in front of a disciple and said lightly, "Look up."

The disciple raised his head tremblingly, Xu Shuangce put one hand on the hilt of the sword, looked at it for a moment without emotion, and turned to another disciple:

"look up."

There was an air of doubt and fear in the air, and only Gong Wei could hear another hidden vibrato - Jianming.

Unfortunately, he sensed the scars it had branded on a nearby soul.

Gong Wei pressed his hands firmly on the ground, and even every breath caused severe pain. After an unknown amount of time, Yu Guang finally saw Xu Shuangce's clothes stopped in front of him.

He said, "Look up."

"..." Gong Wei Yiyi slowly raised his eyes, and in the piercing pain, he finally saw Xu Shuangce's familiar face sixteen years later.

Xu Shuangce's eyes were terrifyingly black, like two lifeless ancient wells, which was shocking. That icy face seems to have been frozen by time, especially when he stares at something, it seems to be standing on the ice peak and snowfield, looking down at all beings from a distant angle.

Gong Wei looked up at Xiang Xiaoyuan's innocent face in doubt and fear, but he didn't see any difference.

After a long time, Xu Shuangce finally turned around and said in a cold and steady tone, "Those who make noise in this forest in the future will be severely punished."

He walked towards where he came from, Yuchixiao was full of mistakes, and suddenly raised his head: "Sect Master Xu! The junior asks you to help and save Linjiang from the fire! Many people's lives are at stake—"

Xu Shuangce passed by in front of him, his eyes glanced from top to bottom:

"Life and death have fate, and sometimes prosperity and decline, this method is natural."

Yuchixiao's pupils tightened.

Xu Shuangce walked with his hands behind his back, and without looking at everyone, he hid in the depths of the peach forest.