The Sword Named No Way Out

Chapter 64


God Kitagaki soared.

Mirror Immortal's worries did not seem to come true, because although this god was killed, he was extremely disgusted with war and bloodshed. So after his ascension, he immediately did a big thing, which can be called unprecedented—

He convened the world's weapons, sold and melted the front and dysprosium, turned it into golden water, and cast a huge bronze statue that stood above the sky.

At the same time, he also sent down an oracle that as long as any commoner in this world was killed by swords and soldiers, or any house was destroyed by war, he would fall into a thunderstorm with the dignity of a god, and make the monarch who started the war shattered.

No god has ever given such a will, because the amount of divine power to be paid is too great, and it is equivalent to bringing the entire human world into its own constraints. But the God of Kitagaki insisted on his own way. He devoted all his energy to this matter, and soon achieved remarkable results: the world had no soldiers, the flames of the beacon were suddenly extinguished, and the two countries that had been hostile for many years were forced to disband their armies. The people have ushered in a long-lost peace.

The bones of the Wuding River were restrained, and the general returned to his hometown after a hundred battles. Men ploughing and women weaving, recuperating and recuperating, the withered peasant households gradually returned to the smoke of cooking, and the beacon-fired earth finally returned to Heqing Haiyan.

In the beginning, people sang the merits and praised them endlessly, and the incense believers spread all over the world.

But after decades of hurried time, different voices began to appear in the grand scene of the Great Harmony in the world.

"Why are people from neighboring countries able to occupy a land with abundant water and grass, good weather, and good weather, while we are ravaged by wind and sand, and have migrated many times, but we can only feed ourselves after working hard?"

"Why is it that neighboring countries can buy our spices, goat milk and salt for a small sum of money, while our cattle and sheep are dying in droves of drought, and selling us rice and grains is so expensive?"

"Why does the monarch levy violently, and levy taxes and levies, so that the people are exhausted, but we have to swallow our voices, the emperor and the general will have something to do with each other?"

Whether it is between the two countries or within the ruling and opposition parties of the two countries, there are more and more anger and injustice, and conflicts and frictions are becoming more and more acute, but everything has been forcibly suppressed under the absolute oracle.

Finally, one year, a severe drought in the upper reaches burned thousands of miles. A tribe with dead cattle and sheep rushed into the border market, looted rice, flour and grain, and killed more than a dozen merchants who came to stop it when they escaped. The merchant group, which had been complaining for a long time, immediately organized a group of people, picked up iron rafts and hatchets, and went back and hacked to death the women and children in the rear of the tribe.

When the first drop of blood splattered, no one could have imagined that it would be the prelude to the subsequent battle to destroy millions of corpses.

Soon, this dispute on the border was like a spark falling on the grassland in the dry season, quickly igniting continuous fires. The tribe whose eyes were reddened by hatred quickly sharpened machetes and spears, and slaughtered several villages on the border with iron hooves; When the raging fire burned the night sky, the heads of the tribal leaders were planted on the flagpoles, and the eagles also spread the mourning cry all over the land; the iron hoofs of vengeance gathered like a torrent, completely breaking the precarious frontier.

Mountain after mountain, city after city. The land fell steadily, and the beacon smoke was lit again. When the monarch hurriedly ordered the prohibition of fighting and the destruction of weapons, the people who were already incensed rose up from all over the country.

The flames of war finally alarmed Kamito Kitagaki.

The God of Beiyuan was very angry. He was extremely disgusted with war, and sent nine thunder tribulations in a row to show the world the severe consequences of violating the oracle.

But this time the people did not appreciate him.

Everyone feels injustice, and everyone wants to resist. People in both countries are outraged, eager to avenge their bloodshed compatriots, and to take up arms for survival and justice.

Either side believed that the oracle of Kitagaki was only to protect their enemies, otherwise this unfair status quo would not have happened from the beginning.

"What's the use of worshipping God? The gods have blessed the neighboring country with good weather, but we can only curl up on the barren land!"

"If the flood really happened back then, the neighboring country would have been defeated by us long ago. If it is unified today, it will definitely be a prosperous world!"

"Those who cultivated immortals and became gods, how could they care about our lives!" The voice became more and more sharp, and the complaints became more and more extreme: "The grace of water control? Where does the grace of water control come from? Do you still remember that tens of thousands of people cried Kneeling for him for seven days?"

"—Seven days! Just looking at how many people begged him to get his head smashed!"

"The original intention is not pure, just to soar for yourself!"

Word of mouth and pen, straight to the sky.

Lord Beiyuan was alone, sitting quietly in the empty hall, until a smiling ghostly voice came from Huangquan Difu:

"Have you seen it, this is a man."

"The tiger's poison still does not eat its offspring, but man does it by changing his offspring; the crow knows how to feed back, but man retaliates for his revenge; all things in the world hunt only to fill their stomachs, and only man kills and hunts indiscriminately for the pursuit of pleasure."

"The flowers and plants in this world are worth it, the birds and beasts are worth it, and the mayflies and ants are worth it. Only people are worth it, and people are not worth it."

"..." Lord Kitagaki finally made a hoarse voice: "Who are you?"

The smile in that voice deepened, and he said, "I am Prince Guigaki."

The peach blossoms in the heavens all bloomed overnight.

The God of Beiyuan completely fell into the obstacle of killing, and summoned the soldier from the four directions hidden in the heart of the extreme north, endowed it with powerful divine power, and made it his incarnation to destroy the greatest scourge between heaven and earth - human.

This is where the war of annihilation broke out.

Everything that follows is consistent with the legend of the ghost prince welcoming his teacher:

Jingxian fulfilled the blood oath to kill Beiyuan, and the ghost prince took action to intercept it;

The two gods, Dongtian and Beiyuan, had no choice but to gamble on the throne;

The soldiers from the four sides slaughtered almost all the monks, and only the Xuanjing River of Juzong was left alone in the world.

The three major battlefields in the sky and underground finally returned to one place, which is Tianmenguan.

On this cold and vast plain, Xuanjing River and the soldiers who destroyed the world perished together, helping Dongtian win the bet on the throne, and the soldiers from the ground Xie Feisheng replaced Beiyuan.

Beiyuan was demoted and reincarnated as a human being. The God of East Heaven stored his evil thoughts with the remains of the soldiers who destroyed the world, and sealed them into the heart of the earth with his own hands.

The North Wall rose up in torrential rains and floods, and fell in scorching, burning, and drought.

He became a god in order to quell all wars and bloodshed, but in the end he brought the greatest catastrophe and death in history.

This perverted fate was only repeated in one thing - he became a god for saving the lives of thousands of mortals, and the man who replaced him became a god for saving the lives of thousands of mortals.

Xu Shuangce's eyes fell on the last line of ink on the silk book, and he finally understood why the third person who was present when Beiyuan was ascending did not appear in the narrative, because he recognized the signature.

It was the Eastern God himself who wrote down this passage.

The whole story has finally come to light.

When they were mortals thousands of years ago, Dongtian and Beiyuan were friends. They suffered disasters to control the water together, died together, welcomed the mirror fairy together, and finally ascended to gods at the same time - however, only Beiyuan was born in the process of flood control, so their fates after ascension were diametrically opposite.

Lord Kitagaki was tempted by the ghost prince and fell into a killing block, determined to eradicate the mortals he thought were scourges.

The God of the East was assisted by Jingxian to protect the human world, and in the battle to destroy the world, he defeated Beiyuan with a bet on the throne.

Maybe it’s because of years of close friendship, maybe it’s because of sympathy, maybe it’s because I don’t want to forget the real reason why my friend rose and fell... After the Eastern God left this written record for himself, he went down with Beiyuan, and was reincarnated as this Ying Kai, the leader of the Xianmeng in the first generation, and Xu Shuangce, the suzerain of Cangyang.

His original intention should be to supervise friends to prevent killing obstacles from recurring. But no one thought that Xu Shuangce's killing obstacles would be so heavy, even to this day, they were not polished.

This paper and ink seemed to have some kind of magic power, releasing Beiyuan's pain, struggle, resentment, and blood and tears thousands of years ago with each stroke, grabbing Xu Shuangce's mind.

"Natural disasters are coming, how can you see that if you die, you are not as good as pigs and dogs!"

- That is clearly not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster who steals the river.

"What do you mean by water control, from the very beginning, we ordinary people went to kneel and begged him to come out!"

-Everything in the world must have a cause and effect, and the evil of war should not be forcibly attributed to one person.

"He just soared for himself!"

- "Have you seen it, Lord Beiyuan?" The smiling voice resounded from the void again, low and treacherous: "If there were no people in this world, how prosperous everything would be, Haiyan Heqing?"

"… "

Xu Shuangce closed his eyes and pinched his fingertips deeply into his hair.

Just at this moment, a deliberately light footstep came from outside the hall, passed through layers of banning circles, and sounded from Xu Shuangce's consciousness, followed by Wen Xiuyang's respectful and cautious voice: "Sect Master, in response to the visit of the Alliance Master, people are already in Xuanji Hall. already."

Xu Shuangce's movements froze.

"Ying the leader said... I have been contacting you in Daishan these days, but I have never heard back from you, so I had no choice but to come to visit in person. The disciples who guarded the mountain did not dare to stop it, but I saw that the leader of the alliance did not wait for the notification, so I went to the Xuanji hall with one sword..."

Xu Shuangce exhaled the hot air in his throat, opened his eyes and said calmly, "Got it."

He put away the silk scroll, restored the bronze lock box, put it back into the sleeve of his robe after hesitating for a moment, then got up and went back to the inner room. Gong Wei still slept soundly in the soft pillow of the high bed, and slept carefree and his cheeks were slightly red.

His breath seemed to have the fragrance of the first peach when the ice and snow melted, miraculously washing away the last trace of anger and pain that remained thousands of years ago. Xu Shuangce stared at him, as if he wanted to seize every minute and second to imprint that face into his soul.

After a long time, he leaned down, kissed Gong Wei's eyebrows silently, and then rubbed his forehead for a while before putting down the bed and walking out of the room without looking back.

The gate of the forbidden hall was finally opened, Wen Xiuyang bowed his head and waited outside, only to see the Cangyang Sect Master, who had not appeared for many days, ascended the stairs. Xu Shuangce, who has always been neatly dressed, is now wearing only his inner robe, and the buttons on his neckline are also loose, and said lightly, "Let's go."

Wen Xiuyang didn't dare to think about it, he lowered his head and followed Xu Shuangce forward. Suddenly, he heard a sound from the entire forbidden hall behind him: Om—

He looked back.

I saw countless forbidden spells on the eaves, walls, and stone pillars automatically lit up as Xu Shuangce left, as if a layer of golden light was plated on the entire hall, and then melted between the bricks, tiles, gold and stones, from the magnificent and beautiful appearance of the building. Can't see the slightest clue. lock people up to such a degree!

A chill rose from Wen Xiuyang's heart, but he didn't dare to show any strangeness, he turned back and stepped up a few steps and followed Xu Shuangce down the mountain without saying a word.

In the Asura courtyard of Xuanji Hall, little peach blossoms drifted down the stream, and there was a jug and a sapphire wine cup on the stone table. Ying Kai sat in the courtyard and drank a glass of wine alone, with the mighty "Dingshanhai" divine sword beside him, until Xu Shuangce's footsteps moved from far to near, he turned his head to the courtyard door, and said with a smile: " Shuangce, you are here."

Seeing Ying Kai now, even Xu Shuangce's heart, which has always had few mood swings, could not help but feel a little more complicated. Just as he was about to lift his foot, he paused in mid-air.

Then he crossed the threshold, frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ying Kai's complexion has never been so haggard before. Ordinary people are afraid of not sleeping for a few days and nights. There is even a faint blue shadow at the moment.

"I don't know why recently, I've been worrying and dreaming a lot, and I've dreamed of absurd things that I've never experienced before, so I can't help but think more."

Ying Kai didn't say what he was thinking about, and Xu Shuangce didn't ask, and stood silently.

"That day you said that Liu Xuzhi had been sent back to Yanchun Terrace," Ying Kai said suddenly.

Xu Shuangce said, "Yes."

"But when I woke up, he was on the golden boat."

Xu Shuangce said lightly, "I changed my mind and it would be better for him to see Brother Mu directly."

Ying Kai nodded and didn't care: "Xuzhi was seriously injured, so it should be."

"… "

The courtyard is open and quiet, only listening to the murmur of the stream and the green moss. Ying Kai stared at the two or three o'clock in the stream, until he drank the glass of wine, put the empty glass on the table, and filled two more glasses.

He smiled and waved: "Our brothers haven't drank each other for many years, Shuangce, sit down."

Xu Shuangce's eyes flickered slightly, and after a while, he lifted his robe and sat down.

Ying Kai said: "The murder of Juzong has been sent back to Julu Zhangsun's family, and the Xianmeng has caused an uproar. Everyone is talking in secret, and I'm afraid it won't stop for a year and a half."

Xu Shuangce said: "This matter is strange, and discussions are inevitable."

"I have sent people to Tianmenguan to look for more traces left by Du Kaixun, and see if I can find any clues about the identity of the ghost cultivator."

"The road is long and difficult, and we need to think about it in the long run."

The conversation went back and forth several times, and the two fell into silence at the same time. Ying Kai held the cup in one hand, seemed to think for a long time, finally sighed and said, "Shuangce."


Xu Shuangce raised his eyes and met Ying Kai's tired, bloodshot, but still clear and bright gaze.

"Before you set off for Tianmenguan, you once told me that dreams are all fake, and dreams are just dreams. But during this time, everything I saw in my dreams was like my own experience, and it was very bizarre and twisted, as if it was in another world. As it happened."

Ying Kai paused and said softly: "Liu Xuzhi told me after he woke up that he heard a few words under the glacier at Tianmen Pass, as if he was talking about 'illusion', 'this world', and ' Sheng Sendai'…”

Xu Shuangce said nothing.

"There were only you and Du Kaixun in the sound barrier that day, and Du Kaixun had already died in the abyss." Ying Kai's voice was still very gentle: "Shuangce, can you tell me that Du Kaixun is dying. What did I tell you before?"

The air seemed to be sinking a little bit, turning into icy stagnant pressure, stacked between the two of them.

"The trapped beasts are still fighting, nonsense, and it can't be taken seriously." After a long time, Xu Shuangce turned his eyes away and said calmly, "Don't worry too much."

Ying Kai sighed silently, and then suddenly changed the subject: "In that case, can I see your disciple face Xiaoyuan and ask him a few questions in person?"

Xu Shuangce refused for the second time: "The serious injury has not healed, and he is still recuperating, so he cannot come to see the leader."

"—Still recuperating."

Ying Kai repeated word for word, then turned to look at Xu Shuangce's hand holding the cup, and said gently, "Then can you tell me what's going on in your hand?"

Following his line of sight, he saw that under the knuckle of Xu Shuangce's right middle phalanx, a strand of jet-black hair was thinly twisted and tied in a delicate knot.

"… "

It seems that an invisible barrier has isolated this square inch of land, and the surrounding atmosphere is tense and terribly quiet.

Xu Shuangce finally raised his eyes to meet Yingkai, and asked calmly, "There is more joy in the room than thrush, do you really want me to talk about it?"