The Sword Named No Way Out

Chapter 73


Xu Shuangce didn't know what to say, so he raised the corner of his mouth heavily for a long time: "...So I'm such a selfless person?"

"The only people who have tried to save me in this life are you and Gong Wei." Ying Kai smiled bitterly and said, "After the war of annihilation, Gong Wei couldn't bear to immediately fulfill the blood oath to kill me, and tried his best to get rid of me. Killing obstacles, exhausted but unable to do anything. It just happened that after you met Gong Wei when you ascended, you stayed in the heaven and became more and more crazy..."

Xu Shuangce asked suspiciously, "Am I going crazy?"

Ying Kai hesitated before speaking, and seemed to be at a loss for words. In the end, he only sighed and waved his hand without explaining: "So you simply said to Gong Wei in public, petition to come down to earth to take responsibility for killing obstacles, and return to the heavenly realm after all the murders. It's something that has never happened since the beginning of the world, and the hardships in it can be imagined, but you still insist on doing it."

"You have never been judged by simple selflessness or selfishness. Instead, you only do what you think is right, don't care about other people's evaluations, let alone know what the world thinks. In the true sense, you have no worries." Kai shook his head, his eyes full of exhaustion: "But I am the exact opposite of you, so I live very painfully, whether I become a god or a human being."

"… "

Ying Kai was probably not accustomed to showing this attitude, and turned from the door to face Xu Shuangce: "It's pointless to say this now. But I want to ask one more thing - where did you start to realize that something was wrong with me? ? Just because the butterfly dies and dreams of life?"

There seems to be something intangible between the two that has been quietly changed, and can never go back to the past.

Xu Shuangce said slowly: "No, from Shengxiantai."


"It's not me but you who want to ascend in this world. Remember when Yu Chi Rui scolded Gong Wei for his nonsense on the Ascension Platform?" Xu Shuangce paused and said, "That's because no one believes that you are Bei Yuan, and they all think Gong Wei is just a nonsense. It's just a demon who wants to kill the leader of the Immortal Alliance. On the contrary, if Gong Wei predicted that the person who will destroy the world after ascension is replaced by me, I am afraid that everyone will be suspicious and think that I look more like I will do this kind of thing. people."

Ying Kai stood stiffly for a while, before laughing at himself: "I didn't expect the flaw to be exposed here... I should have known you shouldn't have seen the passage on the Ascension Stage."

Xu Shuangce snorted and asked, "In reality, you want to build the Great Road to Heaven because you remembered that you were Beiyuan?"

Unexpectedly, Ying Kai shook his head and said, "No. The matter of forcibly opening the Heaven's Gate was just a matter of conforming to the general trend of the Xuanmen's hundred schools of thought."

No one has ascended for thousands of years, and the anxiety of the monks in the world has reached its peak. Therefore, a hundred schools of Xuanmen worked together to build a sky-reaching long step, and then Ying Kai, who had the most hope of soaring, would try it. If he could successfully ascend to the sky, it would be a great hope for all cultivators.

Xu Shuangce had a vague suspicion in his heart: "Then how do you remember your identity now?"

Ying Kai said: "I have been dreaming that I was being roasted by the fire of karma during this period of time. I have vague memories of it, but I don't know why." He raised his chin toward the round table, "I didn't really remember everything until I saw it."

Xu Shuangce looked down and saw that it was the bronze wedge box.

After all the threads came together, Xu Shuangce's expression suddenly changed.

It wasn't until now that he finally understood why the ghost repairer told Du Kaixun that "the key to the return to the world is buried in the brains of the soldiers who destroyed the world" - this bronze wedge box is sealed with Beiyuan's evil thoughts, and only Ying Kai can personally touch it. , can restore the memories of these thousands of years, and want to break the illusion and return to the world.

If you think more deeply and move the time to an earlier time: Ghost Xiu used Bai Hao's desire for revenge to get the soldier silk, and used the soldier silk to control the corpse of the Fahua Xianzun, and used this corpse to evoke the corpse. Ying Kai's part of the memory of the World Destruction Battle; then it led Du Kaixun, Bai Hao, Xu Shuangce, Gong Wei, Ying Kai and others to the abyss of Tianmen Pass, collected three drops of blood, and successfully awakened the World Destruction Soldiers , and finally got the bronze box.

Every step is carefully calculated and every step is immediate.

From the very beginning, Ghost Xiu's goal has been aimed at Ying Kai, and only with the help of Ying Kai's power can it break this dream!

The identity of the ghost repairer has been revealed by now, and the coldness rose spontaneously from the bottom of Xu Shuangce's heart.

"...I won't let you guys break the dream of death." He said softly, word by word.

"Do you really know what you're talking about?" Ying Kai seemed to have a hint of mockery in his eyes, "Only by completely destroying the formation, can this dream end safely, and all the monks in the world, including Gong Wei, can return to reality alive. Completely collapsed, and everyone will be blown away - do you want me to remind me again who this 'everyone' includes?"

"… "

"Including Liu Xuzhi, including Wen Xiuyang, including Yuchixiao, including the longevity you watched grow up, and including yourself." Ying Kai paused and said, "It also includes those who are waiting for you to go back in the forbidden hall... Gong Wei ."

Xu Shuangce's face has never been so ugly before, Ying Kai raised his eyebrows: "Is it really worth it to have tens of thousands of monks in the world be buried with me alone?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, Xu Shuangce finally closed his eyes, and said, "There is always another way, Ying Kai. I will go to Gong Wei and persuade him to solve the butterfly death and dream life technique by himself, so that everyone can return alive. In the present world. As long as you are willing to explain the situation to the Xuanmen hundred schools, there is still room for change, at least the Avenue of Heaven has been completely destroyed…”

"Not destroyed."

Xu Shuangce's expression froze.

Ying Kai said regretfully: "You ascended to Sendai to kill Gong Wei at the right time. He hasn't had time to completely destroy the foundation of the magic circle. Therefore, after returning to the world, I can still try to create another sky-high step."

Xu Shuangce clenched his five fingers in his robe sleeves, and opened his gloomy and sharp eyes in a short while: "The realm master will not really die in the dream. Do you think it's as simple as stabbing the palace's only sword?"

Ying Kai said calmly, "It's just that you didn't find the right way to destroy the formation's eyes."


Xu Shuangce suddenly remembered something, and realized something like lightning in his mind: Gong Wei's eyes!

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky outside the hall without warning.


The whole ground shook violently, the tables and chairs shifted one after another, and the porcelain fell and shattered. Xu Shuangce hurriedly came to the window to look outside, an unprecedented huge gap was revealed in the sky, and a violent overcast wind swept toward the world.

"The demon wind is coming, the demon wind is coming!"


"Mother, mother!"

The running people turned into peach petals in their cries, flashing crimson aura, flying up to the sky and disappearing behind the deep cave. But this little bit of spiritual power is useless to the whole world, and the sky is still collapsing one after another in the distance, and the terrifying black hole has been extending to the horizon!

With a bang, Ying Kai fluttered his sleeves and closed the window, and the cry for help suddenly disappeared.

"Forgot to tell you," he said lightly, "actually I've always hated hearing people cry, and now I can finally close the window."

Xu Shuangce clenched his teeth, turned and ran to the door, but was stopped by Ying Kai's hand: "Want to pour spiritual power into Gong Wei? It's useless, it's about to collapse completely."

"Step aside!"

Ying Kai smiled: "How many people do you think will recover their memories of this world?"

Xu Shuangce's brows tightened, and she instantly reached out to the helpless in Ying Kai's palm. But Ying Kai reacted faster, and the two fought dozens of strikes like lightning. With the loud bang, Xu Shuangce slammed on the screen with his back, and the heavy jade screen instantly turned to dust.

"I'm afraid your spiritual power is not even 30% of normal." The smoke and dust dispersed, and Ying Kai stepped forward: "If you continue like this, I'm afraid you will lose your soul before the illusion collapses."

Xu Shuangce wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his index finger, his pupils were cold, and Ying Kai suddenly felt bad when they looked at each other.

But before he had time to turn around, a gust of wind was already coming behind him, and it rushed straight towards the reluctant sword in his palm—it was Xu Shuangce again!

The "Xu Shuangce" in front of him who wiped blood with his finger disappeared with a bang. It was actually a substitute technique!

Ying Kai's pupils shrank, saying that it was too late, and Xu Shuangce's fingertips had already touched the hilt of the reluctant sword behind him, and he was about to unlock the sword when he saw it.

But at the moment when the two of them strayed, Feng raised Ying Kai's sleeve, revealing a broken lens embedded in the flesh and blood of his arm, which was instantly reflected in Xu Shuangce's eyes, with half the word "Qu" engraved in blood.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Shuangce recognized it.

In the deep winter of the 28th year of Taiyi in the fantasy world, more than half a year after Gong Wei's "death", a giant mirror coffin was found abandoned in the pine forest deep in Mount Dai. The mirror coffin is half a zhang high and weighs more than a thousand miles. The lid of the coffin is engraved with an ancient seal in blood. Only half of the mottled coffin owner's surname is left, "Qu"!

A smoky sharp finger claw rose from the mirror, grabbed Xu Shuangce's helpless hand, and then clicked!

The severe pain spread upward, Xu Shuangce suddenly broke free, took a few steps back, and his elbow was already bent in the opposite direction. He gritted his teeth without changing his face, and took his arm back with a click. At this time, he saw a large plume of cold and evil black smoke rising from the mirror. If there was life, it rolled to the ground, and it transformed into a not unfamiliar. figure.

The gray robe is hooded, has no head and no face, and there are countless scarlet light spots flashing in the place where the face should have been. Holding a demon blood sword in the sleeve of the robe, it is the ghost repair!

"..." Xu Shuangce turned to Ying Kai, every word was cold: "You opened the mirror coffin in Dingxian Mausoleum?"

Ying Kai looked back calmly: "It's not over yet."

I saw that Ghost Xiu's body was still gradually changing, the smoke condensed into a solid body, his white hands stretched out under the gray robe, and his body was elongated, tall and thin; facial features and a face appeared in the hood, and it turned out to be an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy. face.

His skin was pale, his face was handsome, the strange scarlet light was hidden in the depths of his eyes, and the corner of his mouth contained a somewhat casual smile. This appearance is at least five points similar to Gong Wei, but he is taller, with broad shoulders and long legs, and there is a cold and powerful sense of oppression in his laziness.

The gray robe fell down in the air, turning into a black robe, and the corners of the belt and robe were embroidered with gorgeous other shore flowers.

At the same time, the sword in his palm finally faded from the unnatural red film, and a real blood-colored cold light flashed.

"It's not easy to finally be released." His voice was lazily, but he had a deep and gorgeous tone: "The moment Die Dead Dream Life was launched, even I thought it was over."

Xu Shuangce's face was as ice-cold as he said softly, "I thought you had already been driven into the deepest part of Huangquan by Xuanjinghe... Ghost Prince."

The boy flicked his sleeves with his fingertips. Hearing the sound, he moved for a while, looked up at him, and then suddenly rolled his eyes.

"My master's bones are rare in the world. It really took a lot of effort to invite him into the cage I carefully built. But now he can't survive, and he can't die, so I can finally rest assured."

The Ghost Prince raised his hands. He clearly has an extremely aggressive appearance, but his smile is very pleasant and friendly. This strong contrast makes people even more horrified: "I haven't seen you for many years, stay safe, God of the East?"

Xu Shuangce's thoughts turned around, and the ring finger in his sleeve dipped in blood and quickly wrote a word in the palm of his hand, but his face remained calm: "In this world, the Immortal League is so eager to build the Great Way to the Heavens, are you secretly manipulating it?"

Prince Gui's eyes squinted: "What do you think?"

"What's your relationship with Gong Wei?"

The prince's expression remained unchanged: "Guess what?"

At this time, the thunderous quake pierced through the heavens and the earth, but it came from the northern sky—in a matter of seconds, the heavens and the earth collapsed again, and it was in the direction of the Cangyang Sect!

Xu Shuangce made the last stroke and rushed forward. The speed of Ying Kai's machine transformation was unparalleled, and he pulled his hand to hide behind him, but Xu Shuangce feinted a shot and pressed his bloody palm on his chest, it was a "ban"!

Ying Kai's movements stopped abruptly, and his whole body froze in place.

It was too late and the time was too fast, the Prince Gui slashed with a sword, Xu Shuangce rubbed the sword sharply and dodged to avoid it, and the Cangyang Sect Master's robe was silently shaved off a corner.

It was only a thousandth of a second away, and at this moment it was absolutely impossible to retake it. Xu Shuangce retreated to the temple gate like lightning, and at the same time pressed the ghost prince Tianling cover with a palm, the palm of the palm was covered with red light, but the next moment, the palm passed directly through his head and pressed empty!

"Ah, I'm sorry." The Prince Gui said apologetically as if he remembered something, "I'm worried that the Master will not take care of me, and my body has been left under Huang Quan to accompany him."

His sword stance is ruthless and his expression is completely opposite, the blood sword slashes towards Xu Shuangce's throat from bottom to top, and his head is about to be separated when he sees it!


The blood sword was heavily blocked, and the sound was deafening, it was Dingshanhai!

The scene was still for a moment, and the two staggered swords showed Xu Shuangce's unexpected eyes.

I saw that Ying Kai actually broke free from the bloody forbidden curse, even though his muscles and bones were cracked, blood bleeds from the corners of his mouth, and the hand gripping the hilt of the sword was cracked.

"Xu Shuangce is my only brother," Ying Kai stared at the ghost prince, his eyes cold like a sword: "Have you forgotten, Qu Xie?"

The Prince Gui's expression, which had always been very happy, had only changed slightly at this moment, but he immediately returned to his normal state, and politely made a gesture of invitation: "Oh, I'm sorry."

As soon as Prince Gui's voice fell, Xu Shuangce stepped back, but the forbidden spell in blood on Ying Kai's body had been completely broken. The two immediately fought, Ding Shanhai swiped close to Xu Shuang's ear several times, and the sword energy exploded the surrounding wall decorations!

The Ghost Prince Qu Xie stood with his hands behind his back and watched the battle leisurely, and suddenly said, "To be honest, God of the East, I haven't thanked you yet."

Xu Shuangce knew that he was just speaking to disturb him, but he did not reply, dodged away from the swords of Dingshanhai, and the stone pillar behind him immediately drew a deep sword arc that was more than ten feet long.

"Gong Wei and I have been fighting for tens of thousands of years without being defeated, and the meticulous mind is rare in the world. He sealed me in the mirror coffin before he opened the butterfly death dream, which prevented me from appearing in the illusion for the first 28 years. , until you stabbed him to death cleanly on Shengxiantai."

Dingshanhai sword qi drew a long mark on Xu Shuangce's left arm, and blood spurted out in an arc!

"In the sixteen years of his 'dead', he lost control of the illusion, and I was able to force the mirror coffin to appear in Mount Dai. However, before I could find a way to get out of the coffin and find the leader of the alliance, I was sealed in the Dingxian Mausoleum."

The ghost prince himself probably felt ill-fated, he sighed with a smile, and the conversation changed abruptly: "—Speaking of which, I have been sealed in the mirror coffin, guess why I suddenly appeared in Linjiang again a few months ago. already?"

In fact, Xu Shuangce already had a vague answer in his heart, and he did not say a word during Ying Kai's storm-like pursuit.

"Ah, yes." Prince Gui smiled, "Because after being stabbed to death by you in the dream, Gong Wei in reality finally ran out of oil and dried up, and his control over the dream has been reduced to a minimum, even on the mirror coffin. The seal can no longer be maintained. All this is thanks to your decisive action on Shengxiantai... "

Xu Shuangce sternly said, "Shut up!"

He abruptly hit Dingshanhai Jianfeng, pointed a finger at the Prince Gui, and his spiritual power shot out!

The ghost prince tilted his head and easily avoided the spiritual power: "Do you know why Gong Wei is so anxious to expel you from the dream?"

Xu Shuangce forcibly blocked Ying Kai's sword with one hand, while the other hand pointed out the fierceness to Prince Gui, but Prince Gui avoided them calmly, and his smiling voice remained unchanged: "Because only you have returned to this world, and the sword is still on him. The reluctance in his heart can be unlocked, he pierced his chest in an instant, the dream collapsed in an instant, and he was finally free from the long agony that supported the death of the butterfly. Who knows that not only did you not die, but you also gave him ruthlessly. Killed, causing him to continue to run the dream for another sixteen years. In the past sixteen years, his body has been in extreme pain, and every minute and every moment is suffering from the pain of mental exhaustion... "

Xu Shuangce suddenly raised his sleeves: "I told you to shut up!"

The violent spiritual current rushed towards the Prince Gui, pushing the latter heavily towards the stone pillar; at the same time, Ding Shanhai beheaded him, and Xu Shuangce was about to pick it up, but Ying Kai threw an object with the other hand, as if a narrow slit was cut in the air. Deep crack.

Xu Shuangce finally had no time to dodge, and in an instant he recognized the magic weapon.

- Mustard Pot!

The crack came from his head and covered his face, and Xu Shuangce was covered in an instant, and the left, right, and back sides instantly turned into a dark and empty airtight space. Only the side in front of him was still connected to the normal scene in the hall, but Xu Shuangce stretched out his hand and pushed it, and he didn't move at all, and was already tightly shut by the transparent barrier.

Xu Shuangce roared sharply: "Open it!"

Ying Kai took a half step back.

The ghost prince stood up from the mess, patted the dust of his clothes with ease, and smiled: "You are still the same, God of the East. I can't help but ask about all the news about Jingxian, even if it's not good at all. All of them may stimulate you to the point where you can't help but go crazy."

Xu Shuangce clenched his teeth, closed his eyes for a moment, his face gradually calmed down, and when he opened his eyes again, he had changed back to the calm and ice-like Sect Master Cangyang.

When Ying Kai broke free from the forbidden spell, all the joints of Ying Kai's body were injured, and the right arm holding the sword was the most severely injured. Xu Shuangce looked away from the pool of blood on the ground, no longer looked at the ghost prince, and said solemnly: "Ying Kai, you are obviously not such a person."

Ying Kai said, "I am."

There was a kind of calmness and calmness in his voice, and he asked: "Do you know why you and I worked together to control the water, but I was the only one who created a killing obstacle? Because you didn't come to control the water from the beginning, you came to save me. of."

Xu Shuangce was startled.

"Tens of thousands of people kneel and beg Xianmen, I can't bear the pressure and want to control the water, but you say that this is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster, even if you want to save it, you shouldn't do it like this. After the fierce dispute, you walked away, but it really arrived. At the moment when I was about to be drowned by the flood, you suddenly appeared again, and in the end, we both died in the surging Taihu Lake together, and we welcomed Gong Wei who opened the gate of heaven together." Ying Kai smiled sadly: "You have all been Tried to save me more than once, you just forgot now."

Xu Shuangce seemed to be immersed in ice water all over his body, and said in a low voice for a long time, "But it has never been successful from beginning to end."

"Yes, because my killing obstacles have a long history and are deeply ingrained..." Ying Kai's eyes showed a slight self-mockery: "The first cry from the people kneeling in front of the mountain gate, 'If you see death, do not save, pigs and dogs are better'. That moment begins."


Xu Shuangce suddenly pressed heavily on the transparent barrier, but before he could say anything, Ying Kai flicked his sleeves and pushed Xu Shuangce into the darkness behind him with invisible energy, and the mustard seed pot suddenly closed!

"I'm sorry, Shuangce." Ying Kai's voice seemed to come from a far away place, calm and tired: "This time neither of you need to come to save me."

The author has something to say:

This, the original text of this chapter has already stated that the ghost cultivator has always been the ghost prince Qu Xie, why are you still guessing who the ghost cultivator is? ?

Xuan Jinghe is the Juzong who perished with the world-destroying soldiers and soared, and then went to Huangquan to become the ghost prince division. Chapters 42 and 56 are his scenes.

Xu Shuangce scored a game for the Shizun team, and Xuan Jinghe took the game back

Ying Kai euphemistically: Since you met Jing Xian, you have become more and more crazy blablabla...

Xu Shuangce disdain: Am I crazy? how is this possible

Ying Kai: To tell the truth or to take care of his self-esteem is a fucking struggle.jpg

Ghost Prince: Hahaha! tell you! In fact, you are a thousand-year-old vinegar jar!

Xu Shuangce:…

Gong Wei, the only designated HR in the heavens, has been in a daze recently. The two new employees he recruited, one who seemed to be working overtime and a madman, actually killed the world at every turn, and the other looked noble and glamorous, but was actually drunk with jealousy.