The Sword Named No Way Out

Chapter 77


Bai Taishou was like a thunder robbery, and the lightning drowned the entire Shengxiantai, and the ghost prince shouted: "Blood is too bad!"

The blood sword was unsheathed, and he held it in his palm. With a bang, he firmly supported Bai Taishou Jianfeng, the ground under his feet was torn apart, and countless boulders flew up!

"Repair the magic circle and build another avenue to the sky!" Prince Gui shouted to Ying Kai without turning his head, "Quick!!"

Gong Wei's eyes flickered coldly, and he looked over the ghost prince to the underground palace.

I saw that the cornerstone of Tongtian Avenue had not been destroyed at all. In the center of the underground palace was a huge and magnificent silver magic circle, and Ying Kai stood in the middle of the magic circle with a sword. Innumerable demonic talismans are engraved on every corner of the underground palace—that is a kind of ghostly mantra seal created by Qu Xie himself when he went down to Huangquan when he split with the Heavenly Dao tens of thousands of years ago.

At this moment, the dense yin and evil incantations seemed to have life, and they were rustling towards the formation from all directions, and then climbed onto Ying Kai's body, so fast that it was almost too late to stop them.

The powerful opening of the Heavenly Gate relies on the divine power of the Prince Guild. Once all the curse seals are integrated into the magic circle, the second avenue to the sky will immediately rise from the ground!

Gong Wei's face was burning with anger, he flew past the ghost prince, and swung a sword at Ying Kai with a violent anger - 锵!

The Ghost Prince blocked the sword stance head on, and suddenly waved his arms up.

The two swords rubbed sharply and spattered dazzling flames. Gong Wei and his sword were thrown into the sky, and then Qu Xie came towards him.

The high-altitude hurricane lifted Gong Wei's robes full of blood, and the two faced each other across the sword. The Prince Gui's smile was full of cold evil: "Don't deceive yourself, Gong Wei. In fact, you also know very well that as soon as you return to this world, , Beiyuan's ascension is inevitable, you have no time to stop it..."

Gong Wei's eyes were filled with cold light: "You will be cramped and skinned today, and you will die by my hands."

The ghost prince smiled and said: "Don't forget, 'death' is a concept that mortals have. You and I will only temporarily return to Heaven or Huangquan. And even if you kill me today, guess how long I can come back this time? A hundred years. ,ten years?"

With his deep and gorgeous tone, the slender blood sword gradually changed its shape, and thousands of dark red curse marks spread from the hilt, covering the entire sword body.

"The more dead people are, the faster I'll come back." Prince Gui smiled with a hint of pity: "It's like the kindness of people's hearts will fade away, but the viciousness of human nature will last forever."

Gong Wei suddenly exerted his strength and pushed the ghost prince out several dozen feet: "Shut up your eloquent mouth!"

The ghost prince's figure stopped in mid-air for a moment, he shook his head and sighed helplessly, and his two fingers slid across the sword body, and the ending of the word made the sound of heaven and earth: "Mortals die—"

The moment the four-character sword art came out, countless layers of gorgeous cold light erupted from the blood sword, illuminating the treacherous sky.

The next moment, the two Heavenly Dao Divine Swords with the same root and origin collided heavily, like a thousand hectares of thunder and lightning falling down the sky, dazzling and dazzling from top to bottom, piercing the Shengxiantai with a bang!

- The entire underground palace was forced to shake, and the sword light was like lightning from nine days, smashing the cornerstone of this huge silver magic circle.

Ying Kai's complexion changed, and he rushed forward to complete the formation, but at this moment, the magic weapon of Bai Taishou descended!

The clanging sound of the sword was deafening, forcing Ying Kaishengsheng to take a few steps back, followed by the ghost prince who followed and killed, Gong Wei turned around like a whirlwind and held the blood sword tightly. He fought one against two, but he did not lose in the slightest. Prefect Bai's brilliant sword light exploded in the underground palace in succession. During the melee, Ying Kai tried to make up for the missing cornerstone of the magic circle several times, but every time he was defeated by Gong Wei. He waved his sword mercilessly and slashed back, and a bloody arc of more than ten feet burst out from his chest.

"Go and repair the magic circle!" The ghost prince flew up to the wall to avoid the sword's edge. The pressure of the thunder sword made his pupils shriveled, and the expression that had always been at ease has completely disappeared: "The Mirror Immortal's divine power is limited, he can't take that long!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Kai once again hurried towards the missing corner of the magic circle, but Gong Wei didn't even look at it, and struck out a majestic, crimson-colored sword light like lightning.

- The divine might of that sword was overwhelming. Seeing that Ying Kai was about to be chopped into blood and mud, the ghost prince flew over in an instant. He didn't even want to stop it, and directly blocked the sword edge with his body.


The ghost prince was stabbed by Bai Taishou in front and back, and the bloody sword tip came out of his back!

Blood poured down from the palm of his hand, and it was Prince Ghost who grabbed the body of the White Prefect's sword that ran through his abdomen with one hand, and his whole arm was bruised.

"Ying Chenyuan," Bai Taishou Jianfeng swayed in circles of cold light in the struggle of life and death, as cold as Gong Wei's tone at the moment: "I'll give you one last chance, it's too late to turn back now."

The cold wind is wrapped in gunpowder smoke, and the blood is entangled with the breath of cold iron. Yingkai closed his eyes for a long time and asked in a low voice, "Did you hear the cry in the wind?"

The distant sky is intermittent, like a prolonged whistle, and like an eternal mournful cry.

"That cry haunts me like gangrene to the bones, and haunts me for thousands of years. It doesn't matter if I've died in a flood to protect them, or if I've sacked the world to give them peace , no matter how many good deeds I have done before and after my life, how much effort I have spent..."

"The greed of the world will never end. As long as one thing does not meet their expectations in the end, all previous gratitude will turn into dissatisfaction, all beliefs will become doubts, and all praise will become proof of hypocrisy. If you become a Buddha on the ground, your reputation will be ruined if a good person loses his head. Everyone speaks with confidence, and everyone regards himself as a god who can criticize everything.”

"I don't want to hear this cry anymore." Ying Kai clenched the hilt of Shanhai's sword and said calmly: "The world is not weak and helpless. There is only one thing that human nature can never abandon, and that is malice."

Dingshanhai suddenly unsheathed, Gong Wei's face changed.

Ying Kai swept his whole body towards the break in the cornerstone of the magic circle, and it was too late to react. Gong Wei pulled out Bai Taishou from the abdomen of the ghost prince, and carried a bloody arrow on his sword. !

Ying Kai smashed the stone pillar with his back, and half of the underground palace shook and collapsed; Gong Wei swung his sword in one hand among the falling boulders, and the divine power burst into the sky.

At this moment, Ying Kai closed his eyes and chopped off his left hand with a sword.

The blood shone into the sky, and the severed hand flew up, drawing an arc in Gong Wei's widened pupils, landing precisely on the gap of the magic circle in the distance.

Time seemed to freeze in an instant, and the next moment, the cornerstone of the circle was filled by Ying Kai's blood and bones.

The last paragraph of the incantation frantically poured into the formation, and the formation radiated a terrifying glare from the inside out; the second sky-reaching long steps rose from the ground during the earthquake, vigorous and vigorous, and went straight to the sky!

The strange cloud surging, began to rotate slowly, and then became faster and faster, like a huge vortex on the sea. A clear light leaked out of the clouds, followed by a rapid expansion, which was the gate of ascension that was forcibly opened again.

Shengxiantai, Daishan, Yejinmen, Julu City, Yanchuntai... The cultivators all over the world looked at the sky with fearful eyes, only to see a blood-drenched figure in the dazzling light of Tongtian Avenue, as if being supported by divine power, straight towards the sky. Go to heaven.

It's Ying Kai!

"Ying Chenyuan..." Three words burst out from Gong Wei's teeth, and the sleeves of the robe fluttered in the wind: "Ying Chenyuan!"

The giant thunder burst out from the long steps of the sky again, Gong Wei bathed in the thunder and went up, and a sword slashed out a shocking crimson light. Ying Kai took the sword hard, and suddenly spewed out a large mouthful of blood, but did not stop the speed of soaring; the second sword of Bai Taishou came one after another, hitting the blood-colored sword edge of Prince Gui, bursting out with enough electricity to burn his sight. flower!

Prince Ghost didn't seem to care about the terrifying penetrating wound in his abdomen. His face became paler and more bewitching amid the thunder and lightning, and he said with a loud laugh, "He is the god you were most optimistic about. Shouldn't you congratulate him on his return to his original position?"

"... Qu Xie," Gong Weiyi said coldly, his pupils turned into a rich blood red, and an icy, bone-piercing, powerful and intimidating aura erupted from his body, as if condensed into a rolling entity, covering most of the sky.

The ghost prince opened his eyes wide, and he recognized what it was—

Heavenly Dao objects are not always benevolent and extremely kind, this is Gong Wei's extremely evil appearance.

"I want to make you feel a way of death that is ten thousand times more painful than Xu Bai, and let you remember it firmly under Huangquan..."

Bai Taishou's sword overwhelmed the thunder and lightning, and he pressed the blood sword to the eyebrows of the prince, and the blood sword let out a trembling scream.

On Sen Liangjian's body, Gong Wei's blood-red eyes were reflected: "... Let you never forget the slightest bit."

The blood sword was finally overwhelmed, suddenly let go, and disappeared far into the depths of the Thousand Hectares of Thunder Waterfall.

Gong Wei threw the White Prefect in the air, and the crimson sword turned into a meteor, which pierced the Tongtian Avenue with heavy nails. Numerous cracks flashed electric light and spread to the sky, instantly turning the long steps into a huge electric column that runs through the sky and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Wei held the Prince Gui's throat with his palm, and pressed the other hand into the Prince Gui's chest, tearing off a piece of dripping flesh!

Prince Gui's divine body remains in Guiyuan, but this physical body will also feel pain. He wanted to struggle, but the five fingers that grabbed his neck were like iron pincers, and he could only watch the blood continuously spurting out of his chest, and the flesh, blood, bones, and internal organs were torn into bones from chest to abdomen.

Then Gong Wei broke through the bone, pulled out his beating heart, and squeezed his fingers mercilessly—


Flesh and blood burst out, and the heart burst into a mass of blood mud in the palm of your hand!

"..." Prince Ghost stared straight at Gong Wei's extremely evil appearance, his gray lips moved, and it turned out to be a faint smile: "Look... how similar you are to me."

Gong Wei's face was indifferent like a god of death. With one hand, he lifted the ghost prince's body, which was more than half-turned into bones, and slammed into the sky-high steps!


Boom! !


As if even the heaven and the earth were shaking, the ghost prince's head was smashed, his limbs were smashed, and his torso was smashed into a mist of flesh and blood; in the end, the broken skeleton was caught by Gong Wei between the bloody fingers, and the thunder and lightning reflected his icy face:

"No, you're just a devil with a corpse in pieces."

The loud noise shook the sky and the long steps, and the incomplete skeleton was smashed into several pieces by Gong Wei, and then burned to ashes in the Thunder Falls!

- Heavenly Gate casts a thousand feet of clear light, that is, the God of Beiyuan has returned to his original position.

In the sky above the highest heaven beyond the reach of the world, Ying Kai was dressed in a black brocade robe, embroidered with dark silver lines, and his majestic divine power rose from the soles of his feet, finally restoring his legendary appearance. Dingshanhai became wider and longer, trembling violently in the scabbard, and a long howl resounded in all directions.

That Jian Xiao seemed to have gathered together the heart-piercing wailing of countless people, and when he listened carefully, it seemed that there was only one voice, full of anger, pain and injustice that had been suppressed for thousands of years.

is its owner himself.

With a clanging sound, Ying Kai calmly drew out the divine sword, and the sharp sword whistling subsided abruptly.

Then he slashed into the world with a sword, and the sword light smashed the mountains and swallowed the sea, across the sixteen cities of Kyushu, and brazenly split the land of the extreme north!

The vast ice sheet cracked in the strong earthquake, and the land slate collapsed, exposing the black permafrost. The resentment that had been sealed for nine thousand years from the abyss of the earth spewed out like a giant dragon.

The World Destroyer Soldiers finally broke out.

Its body is decomposed into millions of mechanical parts, like a meteor shower that covers the sky and the sun, piercing the sky under the fearful gaze of the world, and converging in the sky above Mount Dai; countless parts are assembled, rotated and combined into a whole, showing an indomitable sky and earth. Brand new body.

Like a huge god of death shrouding the world, the giant arm of King Kong raised two flaming long knives and slashed horizontally to the continuous mountains and rivers!


The sky collapsed, the mountains and rivers changed color.

The Daishan Immortal League, which had stood in the world for thousands of years, collapsed under this blade and turned into a flat ground!

All the monks on Shengxiantai were forced to fly with their swords, and Yuchi Rui shouted, "Gong Wei!"

I saw Gong Wei kneeling on one knee on the ground under his feet, his entire robes dyed crimson with the blood of the Prince Gui, he clenched the reluctant sword in one hand, and hugged Xu Shuangce in the other, burying his head deep in the stiff, cold body that had no temperature in the morning. in the neck fossa.

Shengxiantai has long been fragmented, and only Gong Wei's body is the last complete piece of land. Yu Chi Rui rushed forward, grabbed Gong Wei's arm, and shouted, "Come on!"

But Gong Wei didn't move, his heavy hand dropped and landed on the cracked ground.

"I'm so sick," he whispered.

The boy's voice was muffled, but he didn't actually cry, but somehow it made people cry. Yu Chi Rui said in a trembling voice, "Gong Wei..."

"When I was in the upper realm, Dongtian often looked at me quietly from a distance, watching me run to Beiyuan to chat, and watching me play in the lower realm. Sometimes I would turn into a mirror and indulge in the world, traveling and watching the world. After more than ten years, I was tired and tired and returned to the sky, and when I met Dongtian again, I always felt that he was extremely taciturn, as if he was angry, but I don’t know why.”

"You said, if he never met me in this life, would he be happier?" Gong Wei tilted his head slightly, revealing half of his red eyes, with doubt in his voice: "If I never opened up to the world Gate, will they all be luckier?"

"..." As if being pierced by a hot steel needle, Yu Chi Rui didn't know what to say, and after a long time he muttered, "... Gong Wei."

At this time, over Mount Dai in the distance, the World Destruction Soldier put two knives on his shoulders, his whole body stopped, and his majestic eyes were burning with black fire. In the distance, hundreds of schools of Xuanmen were chaotic. Extreme fear made everyone lose their senses. Several monks couldn’t help but slashed at the giant with their swords. In the eye of a giant.

The black fire suddenly rose hundreds of feet, and the soldiers were caught off guard and provoked. The huge head slowly turned to the monks, and suddenly slashed down with the sword overwhelming!


The fire dragon spurted wildly from the blade, reflected in everyone's terrified eyes, but there was no time to avoid it at this time.

At the critical moment, Gong Wei drew his sword from the ground, and the fan-shaped light curtain was like a huge wave, swallowing the fire dragon instantly!

"Palace, palace dean!"

"Fahua Immortal Venerable!"

"It's the President of the Palace!!"

The cultivators who escaped from death, seeing the savior, shouted their most instinctive and familiar titles one after another. The World Destruction Soldier was completely irritated, and the two rounds of black sun-like eyes turned, and they shot straight from the sky to the tiny figure of Gong Wei on the ground under their feet. The body is thin and tall, and the face is calmly standing in the wind: "Changsheng, take Xu Bai away."

Yuchi Rui said angrily, "I'm not leaving! I..."

"Ying Kai has given orders when he created the world-destroying soldiers, only slaughtering mortals, not involving Xuanmen. As long as the world's cultivators do not take the initiative to fight, they will not attack any cultivator." Gong Wei tilted his head slightly, following Yuchi Rui's words. From the angle, half of his face can be seen, as firm as ice: "I want to confine it in Daishan, and after it is completely beheaded, I will go to heaven to kill Beiyuan Shangshen."

"But you're hurt! How could you—"

There were two clanging sounds at the same time, and Taishou Bai and Buhaohe unsheathed at the same time, Gong Wei's tired eyes faintly diffused irresistible divine power: "Go behind me, no matter what happens, don't shoot."

Yuchi Rui's pupils suddenly widened.

At this moment, the World Destruction Soldier roared and chopped down with two swords!

When the black fire stream hit the air, it was like thousands of volcanoes erupting at the same time, and the momentum was indescribable. The flames went against the flow and caused a sensation in the world. The soldiers were roasted into a dazzling golden color, and they spewed out a second, more violent flame, but Gong Wei was heavier, more ruthless, and more merciless. !

It was an indescribable spectacle. The black fire engulfed the sky and the earth. The flames of the soldiers became more and more furious and manic, and Gong Wei's counterattack was fiercer and more powerful. Every time the world-destroying torrent erupts, it will be firmly blocked in front of Gong Wei, like an invincible patron saint.


The soldiers finally couldn't hold back any longer, no longer swung their knives at each other, and rushed towards Gong Wei in the middle of the earthquake.

The huge Vajra body covered the sky and the sun, and the shadow shrouded Gong Wei's whole body, but the young man's beautiful side face did not move at all, and the two swords crossed and slashed—

Taishou Bai and Buhaohe broke through the weather at the same time, advancing along the ground in a staggered arc of light, severing the soldiers' arms in the air in an earth-shattering way!



The two steel arms landed one after another, smashing out of the deep valley in an instant, and instantly submerged by 10,000 tons of soil!

That blow was more than a miracle, everyone was dazzled by this magnificent and gorgeous scene, and even the head of the aristocratic family was shocked and fell to his knees unconsciously.

The giant soldier was burned to the top by hatred, and jumped up and rushed towards Gong Wei. This is simply the trend of perishing together, black stars flashing from the huge mouth of the blood basin, and an unprecedented flame is about to erupt!

At this moment, the void under its feet suddenly cracked open, and a dazzling pale golden light curtain rose from all sides.

With a bang, the soldier slammed into the head, but the light curtain was not damaged at all in the strong earthquake. It was like an unbreakable copper wall and an iron wall.


Yu Chi Rui lost his voice: "The Mahayana Seal?!"

Before he could react, another void crack opened from the bottom of his feet, and the flames of hell erupted.

Yu Chi Rui didn't even have time to reach out and pull Gong Wei, and the two of them fell down together with Xu Shuangce's body!

This time, he really fell from the world into the underworld, and the billowing fire roared past his ears, all the way to the Huangquan ghost wall. The feeling of weightlessness lasted for less than a moment, and twelve blood-painted palace gates with a height of ninety-nine feet appeared under the feet.

Yu Chi Rui had no choice but to fall in, bang!

His feet finally landed on the ground, and the Rakshasa Pagoda stabbed into the ground. Yu Chi Rui took advantage of his strength to stabilize his body and raised his head while panting.

The surrounding is no longer the Daishan Mountain in the world, but a vast and dark deep temple. When you look up, you can't see the top, and you can't see the walls of the temple. The bright and smooth black jade floor tiles extend from the soles of the feet to all directions, disappearing into the shadows in the distance, like an endless sea.

Suddenly Yuchi Rui glanced at something out of the corner of his eyes, and his expression changed.

I saw the nine-story stairs rising upwards, and at the top was a luxurious black jade throne, which was high enough to overlook the whole hall. At this moment, a slender figure is standing high above it, with a pale and handsome face, wearing a gorgeous black robe, with his eyes closed and motionless, with one hand supporting his side cheek.

It's the ghost prince!

Rakshasa suddenly unsheathed, but then came a quiet and soft voice behind him: "It's useless, that's his divine body."

Yu Chi Rui turned his head like lightning: "Who?!"

A hundred paces away behind him, there is a huge circular altar in the hall, with a diameter of a thousand feet, engraved with exquisite and enchanting patterns, but upon closer inspection, it is full of dense forbidden spells.

The altar was filled with a bright red liquid like blood, and one person sat in the middle of the blood pool. He seemed to be very young, and his face was white and beautiful, like a water lily protruding from the boundless blood.

His figure is thin and tall, but the black satin robe on his body is slightly larger. The front and sleeves of the robe are embroidered with large and coquettish flowers on the other side. It is the clothes of the ghost prince!

Yuchi Rui faintly felt that this person was familiar, so he could not help frowning: "You are—"

The young man said calmly: "God in the West, Xuanjing River."

It turned out to be the ghost prince master Xuan Jinghe who killed soldiers nine thousand years ago and ascended to the underworld!

With a bang behind him, Yu Chi Rui turned his head in surprise, only to see Gong Wei and Xu Shuangce also appearing in this strange hall one after another.

Xu Shuangce seemed to just fall into a deep sleep, and his body floated quietly in mid-air; Gong Wei stood up with his sword, looked around, and turned to the altar, his face faintly solemn: "What's going on?"

Xuan Jinghe replied: "I accidentally made a mistake and was countered, and I can no longer go out."

His voice was soft but low, as if his throat had been hurt.

Compared with the scarred and awe-inspiring posture of the World Destruction War, Xuan Jinghe seems to be more depleted now, but he did not explain the reason, only leaned down in Gong Wei's direction: "I have failed the heavy responsibility entrusted by the heavens, I was able to pacify Guiyuan, but instead I was imprisoned and imprisoned here for many years without seeing the light of day. Until you dispersed the ghost of Prince Gui, and he temporarily lost control of this dormitory, I could barely open the door to do it. Issues."

Gong Wei seemed to have a hunch and asked, "What did you do?"

Xuan Jinghe didn't answer, raised his finger and pointed forward, and countless bright rays of light suddenly gathered from the void, condensed into a hazy figure, and appeared above Xu Shuangce's corpse.

It is Xu Shuangce's soul!

"Prince Gui's spirit won't dissipate for too long. Only when the gods in the East Heaven return to their original positions will you have enough strength to suppress Prince Gui and Bei Yuan at the same time." Xuan Jinghe paused and said, "But Bei Yuan is still there. The heavens are in chaos, and it is almost impossible to reset by ascension at this time, so Sect Master Xu needs... a godhead."

Godheads can alternate with each other, but Godhead is the source of a unique and non-renewable life!

"I am ashamed of the trust, and my life is not long now." Xuan Jinghe bent down deeply and said in a low voice: "There is no need to save any more."

Gong Wei suddenly changed color: "Xuanjinghe?!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Shuangce's tragic heart-breaking wound on his chest gradually healed, and his fingers moved suddenly.

The author has something to say:

Xu Shuangce: Uncover the coffin and rise! ! !